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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectFirst of these to go for the weirdness of the O.G. Godzilla sequels
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=740484&mesg_id=741085
741085, First of these to go for the weirdness of the O.G. Godzilla sequels
Posted by mrhood75, Sun Apr-04-21 02:01 PM

Those Toho Godzilla flicks had flying saucers, bizarre planets, massive underground laboratories, hidden islands, etc. And this was the first movie to embrace all of it without worrying about how realistic it was.

Great action. Great visuals. Might actually go and re-watch this in a drive-in just to get the scope.

Human characters were all but completely useless. Only Paperboi was given anything to do. Or did anything memorable. Though I guess Damian Bechir getting killed was kind of interesting.