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Topic subjectSaw Goodfellas for the first time last night (late pass post)
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737001, Saw Goodfellas for the first time last night (late pass post)
Posted by Beamer6178, Mon Dec-02-19 11:44 AM
Good flick. A bit dated, but still very well done. Didn't realize all the folks who were in it but can see how influential it was for everything that came after. Makes a difference seeing Pesci as Tommy before as a bumbling burglar in Home Alone, even though both movies came out two months apart!

What have you FINALLY gotten around to seeing that every other member of the human race already has?

737003, RE: Saw Goodfellas for the first time last night (late pass post)
Posted by howisya, Mon Dec-02-19 12:20 PM
>What have you FINALLY gotten around to seeing that every other
>member of the human race already has?

i wouldn't put these at the level of Goodfellas, but for me recently it was:

-Boyhood - this moved at a much faster pace than i expected; i may have watched sooner if i'd known it wouldn't feel like nearly 3 hours and was funny

-A Serious Man - i used to keep up with dem coen boys, but for some reason this one didn't appeal much to me when it came out. i think i benefited from having the 10 extra years of life experience to appreciate what it was saying, and watching it reminded me how much i enjoy their filmmaking.

-Flight of the Conchords Season 2 - i watched the first season long ago and lost track of finishing up the series until recently. it was still funny.

-The Fall - one of the earliest netflix "original" series that was really just a license and is now off this service but on others. i <3 gillian anderson on the x-files and appreciated her in other roles since that original run, but it's another i just lost track of until i made myself watch. i found the first series to be just ok, but it got much better to me in the second and was still good in the last. she was great in it, jamie dornan was, too, and the show really got under my skin. i'm good on another intimate psychological profile of a serial killer for a long time, thanks.
737026, A Serious Man is great, underrated imo
Posted by makaveli, Tue Dec-03-19 08:48 AM
The Fall was pretty good but some of the unrealistic stuff drove me crazy.
737030, this line from A Serious Man cracks me up every time:
Posted by BigWorm, Tue Dec-03-19 09:45 AM

I don't know why but that line had me laughing. I just love the randomness in Coen Brothers movies.

That's one of the great things about re-watching Coen Brothers movies. Even with the dramatic ones, they throw in little random details that you know are only there because they thought it was funny.
737006, saw matrix for the first time this year
Posted by mista k5, Mon Dec-02-19 01:05 PM
finally got around to seeing all three john wicks too.

still havent seen avatar and countless others lol
737009, RE: Saw Goodfellas for the first time last night (late pass post)
Posted by go mack, Mon Dec-02-19 03:30 PM
I finally watched The Good, the Bad and the Ugly this year. Good movie and could see a lot of stuff its influenced thru the years. Funny I used to dismiss Westerns completely and said Im good with Tombstone and Young Guns. lol

737014, Zombieland...just recently started (and finished) The Office
Posted by tully_blanchard, Mon Dec-02-19 10:40 PM
Zombieland was really, really good. Funny as hell

The Office had some really good seasons...and some not so good ones. Tried to start Parks and Rec but I think I'm good.


Fuck aliens




737037, parks and rec gets so good
Posted by mista k5, Tue Dec-03-19 10:22 AM
the first season was not great but it definitely is worth to keep watching. one of my fav all time series. i think i watched 2/3 episodes and didnt come back to it for like a year. when i continued i couldnt stop watching.
737038, Skip the first season of Parks and Rec
Posted by navajo joe, Tue Dec-03-19 10:29 AM
I think you could watch the second half of 1 because it does start getting a bit better.

Seasons 2-4 are some of the best television and I would watch before anything seasons of the Office
737053, I think watching it so soon after The Office has me like "meh" right now
Posted by tully_blanchard, Tue Dec-03-19 05:09 PM


Fuck aliens




737119, Ha! This was me!
Posted by LeroyBumpkin, Fri Dec-06-19 11:18 AM
737141, The firs season was a Office Knockoff. Later seasons are damn near a
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Sat Dec-07-19 05:58 PM
reboot. They changed Amy Poehler's character from an awkward Michael Scott type loser to a Tracy Flix overachiever it became a much better show.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
737165, Thanks for this...
Posted by tully_blanchard, Mon Dec-09-19 09:00 AM


Fuck aliens




737054, Parks and Rec after Season 1 easily surpasses The Office
Posted by Sofian_Hadi, Tue Dec-03-19 05:43 PM
They switched it up after Season 1 and it becomes one of the funniest shows of all time
737057, the quality ramp up of parks and rec is so steep
Posted by Rjcc, Tue Dec-03-19 06:43 PM
you should really just go to S2 and try again

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
737064, yeah it picks up fast in the 2nd half of season 2 and never slows down
Posted by RobOne4, Wed Dec-04-19 12:54 AM
737069, To this day, I have never seen season one....
Posted by CaptNish, Wed Dec-04-19 01:29 PM
...due to everyone's suggestions.
737070, I started to skip it cause of yall, but it's only 6 episodes
Posted by tully_blanchard, Wed Dec-04-19 01:32 PM
I can do that


Fuck aliens




737071, it's a different show that wouldn't be worth recommending
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Dec-04-19 01:41 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
737072, I've only ever watched the Season 1 finale
Posted by mrhood75, Wed Dec-04-19 02:34 PM
And I only watched it after I'd watched the rest of the series. And only then because I kept on hearing how the show came together starting with that finale. And, compared to the other seasons, it's still kinda lame.

But yeah, I jumped in with Season 2 no problem.
737121, I actually enjoyed Season 1. Found it quietly funny.
Posted by Monkey Genius, Fri Dec-06-19 11:47 AM
Like they tried to keep it grounded and subtle. Some would say boring.

From Season 2, they said fuck it and really put their foot on the gas.
737015, I watched godfather and godfather 2 like a month ago
Posted by Rjcc, Tue Dec-03-19 12:31 AM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
737052, My #1 and #2 fave movies ever...what did you think?
Posted by tully_blanchard, Tue Dec-03-19 05:08 PM


Fuck aliens




737056, I was surprised that stuff rips them off
Posted by Rjcc, Tue Dec-03-19 06:14 PM
in every conceivable way

even more than I'd already known/expected

I tried to watch godfather once before, on vhs, in my dorm room, on a 13-inch vhs/tv combo and I fell asleep ten minutes in.

they're both really great movies and their influence is clear, I don't think I'd watch them again though

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
737061, RE: I was surprised that stuff rips them off
Posted by tully_blanchard, Tue Dec-03-19 09:58 PM
Part II was in theaters a few weeks ago and I went and checked it out (first time seeing it on the big screen) and I forgot the influence it's had. I think now I put II ahead of I slightly.

I get what you mean about not seeing them again..dont have to watch good shit over and over to acknowledge that it was good shit.


Fuck aliens




737065, like EVERY SCENE has been copied
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Dec-04-19 05:03 AM
and I don't mean just direct spoofs, I mean, like in everyday tv shows and shit

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
737073, I made sure my wife watched Godfather 1 a few nights before we got...
Posted by mrhood75, Wed Dec-04-19 02:37 PM
...married, because I didn't want to marry anyone who hadn't seen the Godfather (or Goodfellas, which we'd watched a few months before).

Got her to watch Godfather 2 not too long after the wedding. She prefers that.

All three of those films I can watch anytime, anyplace, from any point, and never get sick of them.
737106, ^^^ Steve Guttenberg/Diner
Posted by rdhull, Thu Dec-05-19 09:50 PM
>...married, because I didn't want to marry anyone who hadn't
>seen the Godfather (or Goodfellas, which we'd watched a few
>months before).
>Got her to watch Godfather 2 not too long after the wedding.
>She prefers that.
>All three of those films I can watch anytime, anyplace, from
>any point, and never get sick of them.