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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectRE: And I respected the shit out of her for doing this.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=735623&mesg_id=743077
743077, RE: And I respected the shit out of her for doing this.
Posted by bwood, Fri Dec-24-21 03:38 PM
>here's a 30 minute stretch where this shit gets meta as fuck
>>and starts making fun of itself. At that point, I knew the
>>"fans" are gonna hate this.
>>There's a lot here with certain characters that are going to
>>infuriate people.
>The first act is essentially a comedy about her internal
>debate whether making yet another sequel to a film whose
>selling point was its originality has any merit, if it's
>possible to make something that extends a story in a fresh
>manner or if all an audience wants is the same safe nostalgia
>trip so many movies offer.

Agreed. One of the things I loved dearly was the fact that this wasn't afraid to do the exact opposite of what's expected. I wish more franchise films did this.

>At a time when nostalgia is at peak popularity, I wouldn't be
>surprised at all if such meta commentary and self-reflexive
>dialogue tanks with the same fans who love "redpilled" and


>Also, the very end, which I won't spoil... it of course makes
>perfect sense textually for the film, but it of course
>contains an element tailor made to piss off a certain subset
>of moviegoers. I actually really loved the choice, not because
>it's "woke" or whatever, but because it's built to and fits
>thematically to a T. But... yeah, lmao. Folks will be mad.

The stuff they do with Trinity is gonna make a certain subset of fans shit themselves, especially the final shot. I loved it as not only are the toxic people gonna be mad, but it opens up a whole new set of possibilities.

>I *do* think that people are right to be miffed about the
>exclusion of Fishburne and, to some extent, Weaving. I think
>you could've found a way to make them both work pretty easily.
>That said, if one of the central fucking themes is "we're not
>giving you what you expect, we're changing it up to keep it
>fresh, that's more important than the safety and the comfort
>of nostalgia"... then I also get why they made some of the
>timeline choices they did and casting decisions they did.

Apparently, The Matrix Online is canon. And she desperately needed to put in another 4 to 5 minutes, to sum up what happened there better. Niobe was right there.

But yeah... I loved this movie.