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Topic subjectBob Iger says they're slowing down on Star Wars.
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731812, Bob Iger says they're slowing down on Star Wars.
Posted by bwood, Mon Sep-24-18 09:04 AM
Hopefully, this means that the Yoda, Jabba the Hutt, and Boba Fett movies are canned. Really excited to see what the GOT people do and what Rian's trilogy will be.


'Too much, too fast': Disney to scale back production of Star Wars movies
After the disappointing box office performance of Solo: A Star Wars Story, Disney CEO Bob Iger says fans ‘can expect some slowdown’

Andrew Pulver

After months of rumour and speculation, Disney CEO Bob Iger has confirmed that its production and release of Star Wars movies will be scaled back.

Iger admitted that he had made a mistake, and that there had been “too much, too fast” in an interview with the Hollywood Reporter, after it put him at the top of its list of the most powerful people in the entertainment industry.

He added: “You can expect some slowdown … we’re going to be a little bit more careful about volume and timing.”

Disney had received considerable criticism after the disappointing box-office performance of Solo: A Star Wars Story, the second of the “anthology” spinoffs designed to run alongside the core main “Episode” narratives and to alternate with them in the release schedules. Solo had a troubled production history, during which the directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller were replaced by Ron Howard, and was released in May 2018, only six months after Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Solo’s box office figures were considerably poorer than those of Rogue One, the previous Star Wars “anthology” spinoff from 2016, and is on course to become the first film in the franchise to lose money. The suggestion is that Disney failed to anticipate “franchise fatigue”.

Iger did not elaborate on the future of the two spinoffs believed to be in development – a Boba Fett film to be directed by James Mangold and an Obi-Wan Kenobi film with Stephen Daldry rumoured to direct – but did confirm that Game of Thrones creators David Benioff and DB Weiss “are developing sagas of their own”.

However, Iger’s comments appear to back up the supposition that Disney and Lucasfilm will be concentrating on the main episodes, and he confirmed that JJ Abrams “is busy making IX”. Abrams’ as yet untitled film is due for release in December 2019.
731813, one every December was about the right speed for me
Posted by BigWorm, Mon Sep-24-18 09:22 AM
I'd be all right if they even stretched it to every other December.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one that saw the early release date for Solo as a HUGE red flag.

But really it just looks like Disney thought they could do with Star Wars the same process that's making them billions with the MCU. But despite this superhero fatigue everyone's talking about, the bottom line seems to be that people will see several superhero movies a year. Nobody really wants more than one Star Wars movie a year.

731834, we went from six in thirty years
Posted by Rjcc, Mon Sep-24-18 09:47 PM
to four in four years with more on the way.

it was a lot.

every other year for a whole ass movie is fine

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
731839, Feel free to debate this
Posted by obsidianchrysalis, Tue Sep-25-18 12:00 AM
But is the reason Marvel is able to get away with the multiple releases in a calendar year is because we, the audience, don't know anything different?

I haven't seen Solo, but from the reviews I've seen it wasn't a bad movie. It just wasn't an event movie like the Episodic movies were.

Like rjcc was getting at, a Star Wars movie was an Event movie like no other. Whether good or bad, audiences just aren't conditioned to get it up every six months to see a Star Wars universe movie.

Whereas, with the exception of The Avengers movies and Civil War to a lesser degree, (I wouldn't put Black Panther in the same category as the other two because it was an Event movie because of reasons beyond the actual story) those movies aren't Event movies in the way the Star Wars Episodic movies were. We know the Marvel movies are more like episodes in a miniseries.
731841, Yeah but if people werent in fits about stupid shit in the movies
Posted by Heinz, Tue Sep-25-18 12:18 AM
Then they wouldve gotten used to it. But the fact that plot lines not going the way fans wanted got in the way of going out to see the movie even tho they were all good movies is why numbers were bad.


IG @h_n_z
731842, There is no question - Solo should have came out in December.
Posted by soulfunk, Tue Sep-25-18 07:55 AM
Solo was a good movie. Just watched it again last week and REALLY enjoyed it. I liked it in the theater also, but it felt so weird that it wasn't an event, that a SW movie felt "normal". Part of that was the film itself because the stakes weren't nearly as high as an episodic SW film or even Rogue One which was connected directly to A New Hope. But a much bigger part of it was how soon it was out after The Last Jedi, which I enjoyed, but I really didn't have time to fully digest everything. With SW films, you have a year's worth of anticipation, then you see the movie in theaters, then you see it on home release and really know how you feel about it. That's a good 18 month of a crescendo and decrescendo of energy invested in a franchise.

Over time, I think the SW universe could have sustained multiple films in a year, but it takes time to accelerate to that pace. We'd JUST gotten used to annual releases with TFA in 2015, RO in 2016, and TLJ in 2017. They had nothing on the slate for Dec of 2018 and Episode 9 in 2019. They should have rolled with a release every December through the sequel trilogy in 2019, and then maybe work in a May release here and there.

>I haven't seen Solo, but from the reviews I've seen it wasn't
>a bad movie. It just wasn't an event movie like the Episodic
>movies were.
731845, Audiences have learned that prequels aren’t really events.
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue Sep-25-18 09:22 AM
After being fed several shitty prequels in the late-90s/early 2000s, we get it now. Knowing who a character becomes and where he/she ends up fucks with a movie’s suspense, creativity, etc.

If it’s some tangential prequel about characters we don’t know, like Rogue One or those Apes movies, that’s different. We don’t really know those characters’ journeys, so we can still be surprised. But those anthology movies about young Boba Fett, young Obi Wan, etc? Yeah, you’d have a hard time convincing me to be super excited. Maybe with the right filmmaker... but it’d be tough.
731836, Give me the main series and whatever RJ does. The side stories can kick rocks
Posted by Cold Truth, Mon Sep-24-18 09:59 PM