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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectyes and no
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=731531&mesg_id=735946
735946, yes and no
Posted by araQual, Tue Sep-10-19 05:05 AM
Rian snarking n shitting on SW fans on twitter didn't really help things. even fans woulda been more forgiving of the director if he didn't come across like a shitberg online.

but tell me, which SW fans DIDN'T want to see a continuation of the Skywalker story? that story IS Star Wars. somehow making it all about these newbies who no one really gives a shit about, two movies deep, was the mistake. they had tons of story to use for the legacy characters, but cos George's hand is still in the pot so to speak, and Disney wanna save money anywhere they can, they killed off the two male leads and turned Leia into a woke Mary Poppins.

pretty sure the fans were quite vocal about THAT part of it, and the horrible handling of the OG characters. they really chopped down the leading men of this franchise: killing Han unceremoniously and turning Luke into a salty old curmudgeon who drinks booby milk and tries to kill his nephew cos of a bad fucking dream. take that, toxic male patriarchy!
but everything else u said is spot-on.
Jar Jar Abrams had zero plan on rolling out a full trilogy.
he basically went and remade Ep4, made it a boring-ass soft reboot and hoped no one would notice. then he left Rian holding a shit-covered bag of pretzels and convinced him the fans would think it was chocolate.

Rian's films are generally dope, but this whole directors getting into it with fans on twitter thing is a big mistake and a BAD trend. dude put himself in the firing line with that shit. but he's also attached to this piece of shit movie called TLJ. so whatever fan backlash he gets, is well deserved.

can we mention real quick how much Mark Hamill detests TLJ? i feel like that gets glossed over in these discussions. what do the above posters, who call SW fans 'man-babies' and use other SJW buzzwords, think about that? is Mark, a veteran of the franchise, and not to mention the fucking STAR, a man-baby too?
