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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectPost movie theater complaints in here
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=730797
730797, Post movie theater complaints in here
Posted by handle, Wed Jul-25-18 12:03 PM
My recent one:
There are too many trailers before films now.

Why? I went to see a "Sorry to Bother You" showing at 10:00PM Tuesday before last. It is 1:45 minutes long - 1:40 if you leave when the credits role.

Issue: They had 23 minutes of trailers on before the film! That's a cool 22% of the length of the film to see trailers for other films.

(It din't help that all the trailers were in the exact same lane - someone in Oakland or Chicago who started/brother started/friend was killed by some who started the big time drug game in their hood.)

And if you see a Pixar film you gotta sit through at least 10 minutes of a film that isn't even the film you wanted to see!
730798, There's a theater 10 minutes from my house.
Posted by JFrost1117, Wed Jul-25-18 12:11 PM
BUT, I go to the one 30 minutes away, because the closer one uses old bleach to clean the theaters, so the shit smells like feet and popcorn butter/oil for 2-3 hours. I do every survey they give me, and write that same shit every time.

I really wish they would close for a month or 2 and update the theater. They were state of the art when "stadium seating" was new and rare, but now they're super out of date. Why wait in line for 20 minutes for popcorn and tortilla chips & cheese when you can get shit delivered to your seat?
730799, in Canada they show us car commercials...
Posted by wrecknoble, Wed Jul-25-18 02:44 PM
so many stupid car commercials.. before the trailers even begin!!

so this whole launch sequence Cineplex count down happens, so you think 'ok we are gonna get into trailers now'

nope, you get to see a bunch of car commercials for cars whose names I don't even remember. I don't know which marketing asshole thought that was a good idea because I doubt anyone who is there to watch the movie gives a damn about the cars. I can't even remember what the make/models of the cars was. Just cinematic-as-fuck cars on screen for what seems like 15 minutes before we even get to see trailers for the movies

this has been my biggest gripe with my last year of movie-going experiences. show me less car commercials. I know Cineplex doesn't care, they are getting PAID. but give me a break.

I miss the days when the lights would dim, you'd get to see some cool trailers, then the movie would start on time...
730812, I just started showing up 10-15 minutes late to avoid them.
Posted by soulfunk, Thu Jul-26-18 07:50 AM
The theaters I go to have assigned seating anyways, so there's no reason to get there early/on time to sit through 15-20 minutes of trailers and commercials. Any trailer I'd be interested I've either already seen online or I am specifically trying to avoid it due to spoilers.