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Topic subjectNo Handmaid's Tale Post?
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721690, No Handmaid's Tale Post?
Posted by BigReg, Fri May-05-17 04:34 PM
First episode was extremely filmed(beautiful even) , well acted, very atmospheric. Only nitpick was it as a bit heavy with the exposition but alas its the first episode of a sci-fi show and that comes with the territory.

Interested to see where it goes; right now its a mix of Children of Men and an artsier version of Oz...its an interesting but not a fun watch outside of the visuals because of all the abuse scenes, LOL.
721704, Watched that first episode
Posted by Nappy Soul, Sat May-06-17 07:02 PM
That was brutal and yet I couldn't look away. Probably what happens when conservatives get their way. Surprisingly great cast. The lead is an actress has that face we remember from other projects without really knowing who she is. Joseph Fiennes been giving me weirdo vibes since that Urban Myths episode and this is not helping.
Yvonne Strahovski is awesome in most of her roles.

Gonna rewatch the first episode with the Mrs and definitely will continue watching. How is this not the Golden Age of TV? I watched it just before American Gods and Dear White People and realized how many good shows are out there.
721727, Love the book, starting this tonight I think.
Posted by TheAlbionist, Mon May-08-17 05:15 AM
>First episode was extremely filmed(beautiful even) , well
>acted, very atmospheric. Only nitpick was it as a bit heavy
>with the exposition but alas its the first episode of a sci-fi
>show and that comes with the territory.
>Interested to see where it goes; right now its a mix of
>Children of Men and an artsier version of Oz...its an
>interesting but not a fun watch outside of the visuals because
>of all the abuse scenes, LOL.
721733, any people of color in this dystopia
Posted by madwriter, Mon May-08-17 08:45 AM
somehow they seem to not exist in tv and film dystopias
721740, Quite a few n/m
Posted by seandammit, Mon May-08-17 12:24 PM
721820, oddly enough a good number compared to the book
Posted by JiggysMyDayJob, Wed May-10-17 03:19 PM
The book seemed to have less people of color, kinda hinted at them being "put away"
722299, more than there should be, actually.
Posted by ternary_star, Mon May-29-17 08:43 AM
I mean, do we really think these rich white people would want brown surrogates? seriously doubt it. we'd all be workers and cooks.
722369, I agree
Posted by 13Rose, Wed May-31-17 09:35 AM
That only shows how desperate these times are.
722412, good point
Posted by ternary_star, Thu Jun-01-17 10:28 AM
721826, I think I'm all in at this point
Posted by seandammit, Wed May-10-17 04:38 PM
I'm a big fan of dystopian fiction, so I was sort of all-aboard from the jump.

That first episode was definitely heavy...maybe because it had so much to establish, or maybe because I wasn't ready for the overall tone of the show going in. I definitely finished watching it and said I was probably good on continuing with the series because I'm not trying to feel so depressed for several hours...but I was told it got a little more rewarding with subsequent episodes.

I'm three episodes in now and am hooked. Aside from the fascinating (and eerily relevant) story/writing, cinematography is top-notch. Acting is great. Not the biggest fan of some of the music cues, but all in all, this show is extremely well-done.
722309, yep
Posted by lfresh, Mon May-29-17 02:22 PM
4 episodes in
It's good
Need to watch the rest
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
722365, Blessed be the fruit.
Posted by TheAlbionist, Wed May-31-17 09:03 AM
Loved the book and really enjoying this adaptation so far. We're 4 episodes in.
722366, Under his eye
Posted by 13Rose, Wed May-31-17 09:09 AM
I LOVE this show. Absolutely love it and fiend for the next episode every week.
722604, Last night's episode was great. (The Bridge)
Posted by 13Rose, Thu Jun-08-17 09:58 AM
I think this ep did a great job of highlighting just how warped and abusive this world is for the handmaidens and really all women ( but mostly the handmaidens). I completely felt the resolution at the end. It's crazy that now we are starting to see that there are degrees of cruelty to the women who run the households. It's all bad for sure, I mean these women are essentially being raped monthly, but some wives in blue are worst than others.

Excellent show.
722605, Its really good, I just wish we saw a little more of the world before
Posted by cantball, Thu Jun-08-17 10:04 AM
Its hard to imagine that every powerful woman, in Boston, was willing to give away their agency

<================== Learn the name now before everyone gets dunked on
722607, Well they didn't have much of a choice.
Posted by 13Rose, Thu Jun-08-17 11:14 AM
You saw the ep when they were protesting right?
725474, RE: Well they didn't have much of a choice.
Posted by MME, Mon Oct-23-17 08:07 PM
>You saw the ep when they were protesting right?

That scene was disturbing.
722620, not doing it.
Posted by SoWhat, Fri Jun-09-17 09:47 AM
Real life news is depressing enough.
723054, This show is like a Pence presidency.
Posted by isaaaa, Tue Jun-27-17 12:08 PM

Anti-gentrification, cheap alcohol & trying to look pretty in our twilight posting years (c) Big Reg

Just trying to share the world - www.JySbr.net
725473, You ain't lying.
Posted by MME, Mon Oct-23-17 08:04 PM
This show is scary AF because it's so possible IRL.
722745, Praise Be
Posted by 13Rose, Wed Jun-14-17 03:47 PM
Let tonight's ep be a great one.
722824, Masterful expansion of the written material.
Posted by Numba_33, Sun Jun-18-17 12:59 PM
Great job of expanding on the other characters. Should be interesting to see what the second season will look like since that'll be completely uncharted area for the show runners.
723071, I thought the show was fine.
Posted by The Analyst, Wed Jun-28-17 09:14 AM
Political relevance notwithstanding, I thought the filmmaking itself was just OK. Mediocre cinematography, uneven performances (Joseph Fiennes was bland as hell IMO), clunky structure. Last episode was strangely anti-climactic, especially the last 10 minutes.

I have a few Atwood novels on my bookshelf but haven't read this one yet. I want to. I assumed while watching this that the potency of the book was watered down a bit, almost as if they wanted to make Atwood more accessible/relevant for the Divergent/Hunger Games YA dystopia crowd.

Definitely not bad, just left a little something to be desired...
723074, You really thought it was anti-climatic?
Posted by 13Rose, Wed Jun-28-17 10:58 AM
I had straight up tears in my eyes. I can feel your Fiennes comment but otherwise I think they do a great job with setting up the world and characters. It's not perfect but it's damn good IMO.
723075, The cinematography? That critique I don't get. Imho its the best on TV
Posted by BigReg, Wed Jun-28-17 11:18 AM
Games of Throne's withstanding (and that's more because of scope).

Every scene in the show was a painting, enough where id say that at times it felt like they were more concerned about setting shots then plotting* :P

But scenes like the hanging from the perspective of the open door of the moving van in the middle of the season? Stunning.



My issue is that the first half of the season is basically well filmed psychological torture porn where any bit of hope is immediately stamped out. Which is great for the atmosphere, and great depressing tv watching, but feels manipulative and makes Finnes and his wife like you said, cardboard cutouts of evil.
744890, Curious if folks here still watch this.
Posted by Numba_33, Mon Jun-13-22 12:51 PM
I stopped watching after the end of the second season because I was getting to feeling Hulu was stretching this show out and the quality would suffer in future seasons.

I just saw something online that the fifth season for this got renewed. Is the show worthy of a binge to catch up?
744896, The insane level of paranoia I got from the 2nd season.
Posted by JFrost1117, Mon Jun-13-22 07:16 PM
I blasted through the whole series at the beginning of the pandemic, and got to the 2nd season shortly after Jan. 6th. How quickly they got womens’ rights taken away and their own version of taking over the capital, even before any of that happened, had me super paranoid one Sunday I was driving with my mom. Seasons 3 & 4 didn’t hit me like that.

I do wanna see a new/final season, just to see the story resolve.