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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectDiane Rehms Retiring today :(
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=718625
718625, Diane Rehms Retiring today :(
Posted by Voodoochilde, Fri Dec-23-16 10:13 AM
one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE interviewers is retiring from her longtime NPR show today...

i'm bummed. a TRULY great interviewer, which in my opinion is RARER and rarer these days....always focused on the specific issue at hand (never distracted by bright shiny objects that might be thrown out there by some interviewees in an attempt to evade her probing querys). Always driving and driving to get to the CORE of the subject (no soundbite news here). Curious, straightforward, and persistent...and all the while civil & fair. And, just as importantly, a great LISTENER. Another treasure of American Broadcasting. I will genuinely miss listening to her on a daily basis (though i think i heard that she may start doing some Podcasting, fingers crossed)



I guess Charlie Rose and Tavis Smiley and Conan Obrien (<-yeah i said it :) gotta carry that interviewing torch from here on out....

have you listened to
her stuff?

RIP David Williams:
718626, RE: Diane Rehms Retiring today :(
Posted by howisya, Fri Dec-23-16 12:29 PM
i couldn't get past the voice and speech pattern, sorry to say, but any loss for civil discourse or for radio is a major loss indeed.
718628, Sorry, I didn't like her
Posted by handle, Fri Dec-23-16 01:18 PM
They don't carry her on my NPR station but when I travel I've heard her interviews I didn't care for them.

But you have my sympathies - I hate when my radio show lineups change.