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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectdef as good as the original, i actually liked this one BETTER
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=718496&mesg_id=725341
725341, def as good as the original, i actually liked this one BETTER
Posted by Voodoochilde, Sun Oct-15-17 10:01 PM
LOVE the world building....showing logical evolutions from the original.
(i always think most of ridley films do a GREAT job of judiciously/appropriately using special effects. they use JUST enough thats needed to tell the story, and make you believe the environment. And the KIND of effects is on point as well...minimizing CG overuse, blurring the lines between practical props, model use, and computer graphics so well that everything just seems SO grounded...love it)

LOVE the sound and score...

The story pulled me in and kept me, and (thankfully) surprised me. liked how they let it tell itself for the most part, keeping the 'lets explain whats happening here' dialogue to a minimum...

it may not be everyones cup of tea (prob too much of a slow-burner for those with shorter attention spans) but personally i tend to enjoy movies that 'take their time', so its right up my alley...

(props to Bautista too. dude has presence on screen, and i've dug him in everything I've seen him in.)