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Topic subjectThe CW Arrowverse 2016 - 2017 Season
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=716294
716294, The CW Arrowverse 2016 - 2017 Season
Posted by bwood, Wed Oct-05-16 04:36 PM
I thought this could be one big post seeing as Arrow and Supergirl have bricked in terms of posts, but The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow get numbers on the boards Plus the big crossover between all shows is happening. Add to that The Flash is doing individual crossovers with all shows.
Also, John Barrowman has signed a deal to be a major villain on all four shows moreso Arrow and Legends.

The Flash kicked off Season 3 greatly last night. Let's see if we sustain that momentum.

Arrow Season 5, which aside from the crossovers. starts tonight and I'm skipping this season. Good news, this the last year that the show will flashback to Oliver's five years on the island. Bad news is future seasons will have flashbacks and flashfowards with other characters.

Legends Season 2 sees the team recruit Vixen and hook up with the Justice Society of America.

Supergirl will see the mysterious new arrival AND... Superman himself!!!
716306, Wow. Surprised by Flash.
Posted by SoulHonky, Thu Oct-06-16 12:16 AM
Should we make posts for each episode or maybe just each show to help differentiate the threads?

I heard the episode wasn't that good but I thought it was pretty great. I loved seeing the alternate versions of the cast although I would have liked to see at least a nod to what's up with Arrow. It was the typical Flash with some cheeseball stuff but I thought it worked and they didn't spent too much time on it. At first I was wishing they'd spent more time in this timeline but my guess is that the cheesy stuff would have been extended if they had. I'm 100% in for this season. (Even if it's yet another speedster villain for the first half of the season or so.)

Arrow... I don't know. It's definitely dropped down to my "When I have time..." list and it's not that high on that list. On the bright side, I don't think it's possible for the flashbacks to get any worse.

I tapped out of Legends of Tomorrow early on and only watched a couple eps of Supergirl. I might give Supergirl a shot but it's probably below Arrow on the WIHT list. Honestly, Vampire Diaries might be over both of them since it's the final season. (I can't believe I've stayed with that show this long. Great couple seasons and then a steady decline downward. I blame my continued viewership on Kat Graham.)
716314, Arrow 5x01 was my favorite episode in years
Posted by Nabs, Thu Oct-06-16 12:29 PM
He's shooting arrows again. Trick arrows are finally back.
He's fighting alone instead of 5v10 or whatever.
He's killing fools.
The Russian flashbacks are on point, and the callbacks to season 1 are also great.
The fights were dope. The special FX were a massive step up. I also loved the speed (slow mo/speed up) changes.

Basically, give James Bamford (stunt guy) more episodes to direct. I can't wait for Ep 2.

716353, ALLA this. best ep in a LONG time.
Posted by araQual, Sat Oct-08-16 03:40 AM
that felt like season 1 or 2 level. im actually gonna watch it again cos i thought i was maybe dreaming it or sumthn lol. shit just got infinitely better (do the showrunners read okp? lol). just...don't overpack the damn show again with vigilantes. keep the 'team' small as fuck. let Ollie KILL FOOLS HOLY SHIT HOW BADASS WAS HE KILLIN THOSE FOOLS. no more 'shipping with Felicity. minimise Felicity. go easy on the magic. this year's flashbacks are gonna rock, if ep1 is any indication.
those fight scenes, tho.
THATS what im talkn about.
Bamford is that dude.
give him the reigns already.

"how'd u ditch ur security detail?"
"...i used to ditch John Diggle".

more of this, plz.
callbacks are great when they go back to the glory years of s1 & 2.
for the first time in a few yrs, im actually excited for a new ep of Arrow, and dont have that sinking prepare-to-be-disappointed feeling instead.

716328, Arrow coming back with that heat
Posted by jrocc, Fri Oct-07-16 10:31 AM
they've clearly been seeing all the hate the show has been getting recently.
716329, One Big YES!
Posted by ThaAnthology, Fri Oct-07-16 12:30 PM
Arrow is back to the vibe I missed from last year. it just seems more physical, more grounded, at least so far. I am not mad at the "new team" motif. Hopefully it'll bring more fun and action with new heroes.

The Flash- very well done. We keep learning more and more about the speed force. I like where this is going

LOT- Ehh, bowed out of season one halfway through. I will give this season another try but not dedicating my life to it.

Supergirl- first half of last season was wack imo but they revved it up and kicked it into another gear in the second half. I look forward to seeing what's next.
716332, RE: The CW Arrowverse 2016 - 2017 Season
Posted by xangeluvr, Fri Oct-07-16 02:11 PM
First episode of The Flash was good. I'm all in despite losing some excitement at the end of last season.

Didn't see Arrow yet, but you guys ate making me excited.

I gave LOT a few episodes, but just did not like it so I don't care about this season.

Supergirl. Not much to say except I say a clip of Superman and I feel like the actor doesn't look right,haha.
716333, The LoT trailer is pretty fucking LIT!
Posted by CaptNish, Fri Oct-07-16 02:11 PM
716359, I hope Arrow maintains this pace/focus
Posted by SoulHonky, Sat Oct-08-16 11:25 AM
Oliver sans love interest is the best Oliver.

I'm not sure if they blew their budget on this or used a different DP but I felt like this episode just looked better than usual. Still had the same Arrow feel but just a step above.

Chad L. Coleman eating the scenery is pretty great.

Honestly, I could have done without the last two scenes. Do not care about Felicity dating someone and I didn't feel like they needed to bring up a new archer at this point. For a show that often lags throughout the season, I get nervous that they could have amped up their pacing a little too much. Let Chad and Co. have some fun first.

But I feel like the recruits should add something to the show so I'm looking forward to that. EDIT: And yeah, keep up the trick arrows!

Just when I thought I was out, Arrow pulls me back in!
716378, that fucking parachute arrow, tho lol.
Posted by araQual, Sun Oct-09-16 04:03 AM
did NOT see that comin.

716484, I loved that.
Posted by SoulHonky, Tue Oct-11-16 04:57 PM
More shit like that!
716436, agreed on those last two scenes
Posted by Calico, Mon Oct-10-16 08:44 PM
Flash has a similar problem to me... ANOTHER ________? it's really old at this point.... no one cares who Felicity is dating, even if it is John Ritter's son
716461, Supergirl much better so far
Posted by jrocc, Tue Oct-11-16 02:13 PM
I didn't pay that much attention to the show last season but I had DVR'd all the episodes. so I sat and binged it one weekend and it wasn't that bad. they almost lost me till Martian Manhunter came along. so far it's only been 1 episode this season but it was pretty good. a lot of references to the old Christopher Reeve Superman. looks like it's going to be decent this season.
716482, Agreed. This episode was just fun, and that's what I need out of SG.
Posted by Nabs, Tue Oct-11-16 04:32 PM
I hope they can keep Superman around a bit.
716542, Jimmy Olsen, the Guardian.... wait, wha-!?
Posted by CaptNish, Thu Oct-13-16 09:36 AM
716634, Flash episode 2
Posted by go mack, Tue Oct-18-16 01:17 PM
was fantastic! I'm liking this season so far. I'm not familiar with Dr Alchemy, maybe DC version of Dr Doom? I like tho, something different. The changes made to the timeline are interesting. I wish the seasons were shorter as afraid it will hit a dry spell but so far they are 2/2 this season.

716635, First two episodes of Supergirl have been really good.
Posted by bwood, Tue Oct-18-16 01:18 PM
I hope they can keep this momentum up all season long.
716636, Also, Supergirl's Superman is great. They allow him to be him.
Posted by bwood, Tue Oct-18-16 01:22 PM
and not "dark", brooding, & mopey.

Tyler Hoechlin's Superman is almost as good as Christopher Reeves'. Much better than Brandon Routh and of course Henry Cavill.

Supergirl's Superman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DCEU's Superman.
716813, Here to agree with you!
Posted by upUPNorth, Mon Oct-24-16 11:58 AM
Superman really worked showing up here, I think it was handled well considering it's still supposed to be Supergirl's show, maybe that even helped them come at it this way. The scene where him and Martian man were about to fight (lol) felt right, all things considered I'm surprised how well this show nails the intense scenes.

That second episode was really well paces considering how much they fit in, I was surprised they brought back the cadmus guy right away, it was almost more like the second part of a two part episode.
716656, Arrow 3 for 3
Posted by Nabs, Thu Oct-20-16 12:26 AM
716659, Even I can't front. Last night's Arrow was poppin'.
Posted by bwood, Thu Oct-20-16 08:26 AM
New team is starting to come together nicely.

Oliver and Thea CLOWNED that reporter
716662, im literally cheering and fist pumping during every ep.
Posted by araQual, Thu Oct-20-16 09:12 AM
so glad they're back to being the shit.
Oliver's leap from the railing and onto the Stardust dude? awesome.
the new team is dope.
even Felicity, who has been one of the worst written characters for the last 2 seasons on any television program, is back to being cool.
loving everything about this season so far. i HOPE it's gonna go down next to season 1 and 2 as one of their best.

716689, Same here
Posted by Nabs, Thu Oct-20-16 03:33 PM
I have a lot of fun watching Arrow/Flash/Legends, so seeing Arrow back just makes me so happy. They basically fixed every problem I had with S3-4. I just need them to keep doing what they're doing, and it'll be up there with the first two seasons.

Season 3-4 Felicity would have kept that Ragman secret until the mid-season break at least. They knocked that shit out in 40 minutes.

716820, Yeah. They definitely fixed things.
Posted by SoulHonky, Mon Oct-24-16 12:41 PM
I'm a little nervous about working Lance into things because the entire Lance family brought the show down IMO but this season has been great. Glad to see Rick Gonzalez getting a legit role. Always liked him.
716663, did Flash and Arrow swap their corniness?
Posted by araQual, Thu Oct-20-16 09:17 AM
cos Arrow is kicking all kindsa ass and course corrected like a muthafucker, but that last episode of Flash almost had my eyes rolling way back into my head and falling down into my neck and rolling on out of my buttcrack. yeesh. im happy Tom Cavanagh's back in the mix, but the cheese factor got dialed up to 9000 for ep3 with the whole Jessie and Wally melodrama. then the Jessie and Welles father daughter shit. and will Barry bang Iris this lifetime? the show seems to shy away from sex altogether outside of Eddie's brief comedic mention of him and Iris' lack of sex in season 1.
get ur shit together, B(e)ar.

716678, Nah. I loved that last episode of The Flash.
Posted by bwood, Thu Oct-20-16 11:39 AM
I was glad to see Wells back and Jesse Quick!
716817, Wells was a lot more manic in this episode
Posted by SoulHonky, Mon Oct-24-16 12:36 PM
But I like having Jesse there and they didn't give Wally enough to do besides look like a sad puppy for a few scenes so that story hasn't worked out as well.

I think Flash has done a solid enough job with how much they've bitten off and it's at least more fun than last season which dragged on. The Iris/Barry stuff sucks but I pretty much assume it's going to be lame so I'm happy that it's been a little quicker than usual. (Also, how'd she get back from that different city? Dude runs her over there and then ditches her. I kind of wish she'd had that revelation to add some humor.)

Tom Felton has been great. Where'd Reverse Flash go though?
716835, RE: Wells was a lot more manic in this episode
Posted by CaptNish, Mon Oct-24-16 04:06 PM
>Where'd Reverse Flash go though?

Legends of Tomorrow.
716665, curious what y'all thought of Legends s2 debut?
Posted by araQual, Thu Oct-20-16 09:21 AM
they really do a shitload of stuff in every ep lol.
im still enjoying the fuck out of it.
it's totally a romp.
i think Mick's still my fav Legend, next to Sara.
Dahrk AND Eobard tho?
shit's gonna get all kinds of fucked up.

716833, I like Legends.... even though it stinks
Posted by handle, Mon Oct-24-16 03:11 PM
it's a stilted show where our heroes fuck up in a new stupid way each week.

But it's on the Tivo and I watch every week.
716821, It's so nice to have the flashbacks on Arrow be good again
Posted by Marauder21, Mon Oct-24-16 12:42 PM
I gave up on caring about them a few episodes into S4, but the Bratva stuff feels like it actually matters.
716878, Supergirl is fucking good so far this season.
Posted by bwood, Tue Oct-25-16 04:43 PM
Last night was pretty much a commentary on Trump. I was so surprised how much they leaned into that theme last night.
716887, flash is in such a weird spot rn
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Tue Oct-25-16 10:04 PM
it's just weird watching these establish characters act slightly different.

what they do with harrison wells is genius tho. tom cavanagh is hilarious.
716889, RE: flash is in such a weird spot rn
Posted by xangeluvr, Wed Oct-26-16 03:36 AM
>it's just weird watching these establish characters act
>slightly different.
>what they do with harrison wells is genius tho. tom cavanagh
>is hilarious.

honestly, cavanagh's voice and delivery bug the shit out of me.

i know what you are saying with watching them act a little off though. so far i'm definitely not as excited this season for flash, but it's still entertaining.

supergirl? man, i just can't get into it.
716902, I'm glad they brought in Mirror Master, but was kinda disappointed by
Posted by Marauder21, Wed Oct-26-16 12:46 PM
how they used him.

Hopefully this isn't the last we see of him (or the Earth 2 version.)
716968, arrow has a problem
Posted by xangeluvr, Sun Oct-30-16 05:47 PM
and that is that they introduced Ragman into the squad. see all i can think about now is how Ragman should be able to handle most situations all on his own. i mean that hallway scene in the prison with church was just stupid. suddenly rags just disappeared when church comes, but shows up again seconds later to carry the other guy out.

they need to learn to use him in better ways instead of just having him block bullets.
716970, Legends is creeping up to my top spot
Posted by Nabs, Sun Oct-30-16 08:37 PM
it's so much fun right now.
716984, i missed the beginning...*spoilers*
Posted by Calico, Mon Oct-31-16 09:44 AM
how did Ray lose his armor in the first place? Can't wait to see what he does without it.... very fun episodes though
717165, they've really hit their stride. enjoying it a lot.
Posted by araQual, Fri Nov-04-16 08:54 AM
716977, Tom Cavanagh's alternate Wells' were.effing.hilarious.
Posted by araQual, Mon Oct-31-16 07:29 AM
bout time they utilised that man's comedic skills.

717193, It was
Posted by lfresh, Sat Nov-05-16 10:32 AM
Which makes me curious about casting in general for the show
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
717102, Arrow 5x05: How Arrow got its groove back
Posted by Nabs, Thu Nov-03-16 01:54 AM
I hope ratings can tick up after the playoffs and election season. It hurts seeing it as low as it's ever been, when the show is as good as it's been in years.
717167, it's their own fault for subpar seasons 3 and 4.
Posted by araQual, Fri Nov-04-16 09:00 AM
they probs lost a lot of fans along the way. i just hope it doesn't hurt the shows chance of getting a season 6 and beyond. cos Arrow's back to being one of THE best cbtv series' out there.
they did NOT waste time escalating from Church to Prometheus.
actually the motto this season seems to be not wasting time, not dragging shit out that would've taken half a season (ie. everyone keeping secrets from each other).
i'm really diggin the new team, btw.
only 5 eps in and everyone's settling in nicely.

717188, Can we call it TV DCU?
Posted by lfresh, Sat Nov-05-16 01:33 AM
I really never wanted to and still have no intention to watch arrow that even the association is just

Never even came in here until I realized you might be talking about more than arrow
And still
Or just call this the arrow post
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
717190, CW & the creators all call it the Arrowverse as well as fans.
Posted by bwood, Sat Nov-05-16 06:14 AM
That's why it's designated as so.
717192, Argh
Posted by lfresh, Sat Nov-05-16 10:30 AM
Didn't know thanks
They really are insisting
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
717876, Crossover sucks so far.
Posted by bwood, Thu Dec-01-16 10:20 AM
Supergirl can't even be counted as part of it to be honest.
717880, Supergirl is more "realistic" here
Posted by handle, Thu Dec-01-16 02:42 PM
>Supergirl can't even be counted as part of it to be honest.

She's completely invincible on this Earth. On hers it seems like almost any one can nearly kill her every episode. Makes sense for the other Kryptonians to be able to do it, but not some chump in an eco suit.

Here she just puts her fist on her hips and destroys all the Legends - as she should be able to do.

The problem with this crossover so far is that i don't feel any real danger from The Dominators.

They put the team in a shared reality and then didn't assign any guards to them??

Also shared reality episodes usually stink- this one was no exception.

This better end with them using Project Medusa on the Dominators - if it's simply punching then it will be a let down.
717881, I was more or less talking about the episode of Supergirl that kicked it off
Posted by bwood, Thu Dec-01-16 03:06 PM
Barry and Cisco showing up at the end doesn't really count sense they showed that shit in The Flash anyways.
717887, Oh, yeah
Posted by handle, Thu Dec-01-16 07:27 PM
>Barry and Cisco showing up at the end doesn't really count
>sense they showed that shit in The Flash anyways.

That's true.

At least this was an episode of Supergirl that didn't end with her being fucked with by a bad guy. Seems like 85% of the episodes wrap up the main story line and then in the last minute have something fuck with her at the end.

I hope she's more involved in the Legends Episode than she was in this one.
717894, RE: Supergirl is more "realistic" here
Posted by Innocent Criminal, Fri Dec-02-16 07:53 AM
Firestorm could just transmute everything around her into kryptonite, I don't think the TV firestorm is that smart or powerful yet.

>Here she just puts her fist on her hips and destroys all the
>Legends - as she should be able to do.
717955, Firestorm doesn't about kryptonite
Posted by handle, Sun Dec-04-16 11:30 PM
>Firestorm could just transmute everything around her into
>kryptonite, I don't think the TV firestorm is that smart or
>powerful yet.

But yeah, when they learn about it they could definitely be a threat.

But doesn't Superman have some pills that will stop Kryptonite form having an effect on him?
717889, writers fucking Cisco up this season
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu Dec-01-16 09:36 PM
got him being a whiny drag on the shows like Felicity was a few seasons ago.
717895, at least they didn't have it drag on too long
Posted by jrocc, Fri Dec-02-16 09:59 AM
717897, all in all the crossover was good fun
Posted by jrocc, Fri Dec-02-16 10:04 AM
which is all I wanted from it. cool team moments. even got some brainwashed hero on hero action. some cool easter eggs. even a shot at the Avengers. I get the feeling that the Supergirl being from another Earth is why she wasn't totally involved in her episode, though interestingly she was familiar with the Dominators. I also get the feeling that they're going to merge her world with the main Earth-1 in the future. which means we'll possibly get Superman and Martian Manhunter in on the action. I wonder if the Hall of Justice is just a nod or will they be using it again?
717936, That shot of the building was straight out of Superfriends
Posted by KingMonte, Sun Dec-04-16 09:57 AM
717934, yo, they pulled that 4-way crossover off nicely.
Posted by araQual, Sun Dec-04-16 08:53 AM
i had a blast watchin it.
production values were top effing notch too.
epic, even.
was surprised at how emotionally caught up i got when Ollie was huggin his parents goodbye on the "Arrow" portion of things. Amell played that so well. havin those season 1 callbacks was awesome too.
they spent a lot of time on Barry fucking up, but it had to be done considering it was him who kicked so much of this shit off. and Cisco being on Barry's ass was justified, so i didn't mind it too much.
kinda hoping this means they can evolve Barry as a character and have him not be fucking up SO much.

"i'm gonna call you 'SKIRT'".
Mick stays the king of the Arrowverse lol.

the Dominators weren't actually all that bad tbh. i feel like their physical appearance is a trick, considering their mostly altruistic reasons for even being there. they're almost like the Legends in that respect, tracking and preventing superpowered beings from creating aberrations in the timeline. for some freaky telepathic scary lookin aliens, i couldn't really fault their logic.

lotsa LOL moments in there too.
n caught that cute reference to Routh's past as Supes by claiming Kara "looked like her cousin".

that was hella fun.
and funny.
and action-packed.
and kinda on-point with the emo parts.

717959, yeah they did
Posted by xangeluvr, Mon Dec-05-16 12:39 AM
couple kinda eye roll moments but overall very entertaining. i gotta say it was really weird seeing all the aliens and stuff on the arrow episode.
718156, Arrow Midseason.... AHHHH
Posted by Nabs, Thu Dec-08-16 02:23 AM
This show is killing it right now. Literally.

718246, Flash and Arrow were 💯 this week.
Posted by bwood, Sun Dec-11-16 07:09 PM
For once I'm actually anticipating Arrow's return.

With that said Legends has been a bore this season so far.
718265, Legends might retcon itself
Posted by handle, Mon Dec-12-16 12:40 PM
>With that said Legends has been a bore this season so far.
Maybe Rip and Snart will actually come back?
719456, so we're back to this shit? (Arrow)
Posted by xangeluvr, Wed Feb-01-17 04:42 PM
geez i thought we got away from this sappy bullshit. i swear any episode centered on laurel always seems to suck.
719462, why doesn't Mr Terrific use his T-spheres?
Posted by jrocc, Thu Feb-02-17 08:56 AM
why they keep showing him getting his butt kicked when he can fight with the T-spheres?
719470, RE: why doesn't Mr Terrific use his T-spheres?
Posted by xangeluvr, Thu Feb-02-17 08:39 PM
>why they keep showing him getting his butt kicked when he can
>fight with the T-spheres?

Same reason Ragman doesn't go in and just mark walk the bad guys. Previous episodes show him stopping bullets and explosions and basically doing whatever he wants with the suit, but now he's always MIA when the going gets tough.
719471, Arrow has once again become the weakest out of
Posted by bwood, Thu Feb-02-17 09:13 PM
all these shows.

Legends just had it's best episode. Real talk.
719474, The popularity of these shows over the movies among fans...
Posted by phenompyrus, Fri Feb-03-17 08:41 AM
Is just truly impressive.

I really enjoy Legends, just a dumb, turn-your-brain-off, shitty Avengers-ish team-up show where anything can happen and anyone can pop up.

I catch the others if a story or character I like pop up... Flash (King Shark), Arrow (Suicide Squad), etc.

I love that ppl love these shows so much more than the DCeU.
719489, RE: The popularity of these shows over the movies among fans...
Posted by xangeluvr, Sat Feb-04-17 06:07 AM
>Is just truly impressive.
>I really enjoy Legends, just a dumb, turn-your-brain-off,
>shitty Avengers-ish team-up show where anything can happen and
>anyone can pop up.
>I catch the others if a story or character I like pop up...
>Flash (King Shark), Arrow (Suicide Squad), etc.
>I love that ppl love these shows so much more than the DCeU.

Not like its a hard thing to do, the movies are so bad.
719584, they made a huge mistake separating the films from TV
Posted by jrocc, Wed Feb-08-17 11:33 AM
i know there's debate about it, but the popularity of the TV shows cannot be ignored. the minute they said they were going with a different Flash i knew the movies would struggle.
719501, This last episode of Arrow fixed it for me
Posted by Nappy Soul, Sat Feb-04-17 09:37 PM
The reveal of Talia Al Ghul and her role in Oliver's decision to become the Green Arrow. I like the actress playing Talia too.

The Black Canary make over. Getting rid of the Lances ( Yes her dad too).They were both annoying.Replacing Laurel Lance with Dinah Drake ( With her motorcycle) made me very happy.

Some of the members of Arrow Inc need to evolve or get out. They are underused or stagnating into being miserable. The same goes to Spartan/John Diggle. It's like they don't know what to do with that character.
719564, With Diggle, they really need to...
Posted by phenompyrus, Tue Feb-07-17 02:52 PM
Reveal that Diggle is just what he goes by, and that his real name is John Stewart. Then they can go straight Green Lantern, have a great actor and character doing it, and do yet another show.
720314, Flash just had it's best episode ever this week
Posted by bwood, Wed Mar-08-17 11:52 AM
Team Flash might be done for.

Savitar knows everyone's weaknesses and twisted the knife real good.

The back half of this season has been strong as fuck.
720388, RE: Flash just had it's best episode ever this week
Posted by xangeluvr, Sat Mar-11-17 09:16 AM
>Team Flash might be done for.
>Savitar knows everyone's weaknesses and twisted the knife real
>The back half of this season has been strong as fuck.

yeah, i really enjoying Flash right now, way more than Arrow, but not quite as much as AoS which is killing it this season. the scenes with malfoy in the chair and channeling savitar were really great.
720408, story wise, they're killin it.
Posted by araQual, Sun Mar-12-17 07:54 PM
character wise?
there is entirely TOO much of the same shit happening every episode:
-starts off with a group chat, someone announces something, everyone's sposed to be happy but one person in the group gets emotionally butthurt and leaves the room, another person notices and says: "i'll go talk to them/him/her", emo convo ensues where butthurt character explains their stupid reasons for being butthurt, rinse/repeat another couple of times every.episode. lol.
if it wasn't for my man Tom C bringing the levity i probably would stop paying attention to half the episode altogether and wait til some interesting plot-driven shit happens. i can't take how emotionally immature they've made nearly EVERY character. it's too much. completely detracts from the largely well-done relaxed vibe they've gone with this season in terms of group dynamics. there's more jokeiness b/w characters, and when they're not navel-gazing and just flat-out whining about something, the character interactions are fluid and natural and fun to watch.

they got that Arrow season 4 disease but everything else is tight.

720420, The relationships don't feel too bad.
Posted by bwood, Mon Mar-13-17 11:57 AM
And it's nowhere near as bad as Arrow is. I mean it is CW, so they gotta appeal to the tweens.

My really only gripe was Cisco, but they fixed all that shit and Wally needs to stop being such a bitch too.
720422, RE: story wise, they're killin it.
Posted by xangeluvr, Mon Mar-13-17 02:17 PM
its only wally that bothers the crap out of me with his crying all season. jokester wells can be a little much sometimes for me, but overall is fine.

>character wise?
>there is entirely TOO much of the same shit happening every
>-starts off with a group chat, someone announces something,
>everyone's sposed to be happy but one person in the group gets
>emotionally butthurt and leaves the room, another person
>notices and says: "i'll go talk to them/him/her", emo convo
>ensues where butthurt character explains their stupid reasons
>for being butthurt, rinse/repeat another couple of times
>every.episode. lol.
>if it wasn't for my man Tom C bringing the levity i probably
>would stop paying attention to half the episode altogether and
>wait til some interesting plot-driven shit happens. i can't
>take how emotionally immature they've made nearly EVERY
>character. it's too much. completely detracts from the largely
>well-done relaxed vibe they've gone with this season in terms
>of group dynamics. there's more jokeiness b/w characters, and
>when they're not navel-gazing and just flat-out whining about
>something, the character interactions are fluid and natural
>and fun to watch.
>they got that Arrow season 4 disease but everything else is
720374, Anyone else see that Prometheus reveal coming from a mile away?
Posted by CaptNish, Fri Mar-10-17 05:56 PM
Arrow is a struggle and shouldn't be. Watching Wild Dog, Spartan and Vigilante fire ten thousand rounds at each other five feet away and miss was comical. At least Curtis got his T-Spheres. Now if they can just stop making him such a bitch...

New Canary is great. Felicity has outserved her purpose. I'd like them to thin the team to Ollie and Dinah, have Diggle leave the field and just run comms/operations and just have other people come in from time to time.
720387, RE: Anyone else see that Prometheus reveal coming from a mile away?
Posted by xangeluvr, Sat Mar-11-17 09:14 AM
>Arrow is a struggle and shouldn't be. Watching Wild Dog,
>Spartan and Vigilante fire ten thousand rounds at each other
>five feet away and miss was comical. At least Curtis got his
>T-Spheres. Now if they can just stop making him such a

this has always been my gripe whenever there's gunplay involved. at times characters will be sharpshooters, other times they just spray and pray.

720390, oh, and that prometheus reveal
Posted by xangeluvr, Sat Mar-11-17 10:42 AM
i knew that attorney guy was gonna be a villian basically from the first time he appeared. so obvious.
720407, why do i get the feeling Savitar = Eddie Thawn?
Posted by araQual, Sun Mar-12-17 07:46 PM
huge long shot fsure but...that mad familiarity he had conversating with Barry...

720459, I thought that too
Posted by CaptNish, Tue Mar-14-17 08:37 PM
721684, savatar reveal
Posted by xangeluvr, Fri May-05-17 02:15 PM
not much of a surprise.

i've been enjoying this season quite a bit right up until this ep. not because of the reveal, but because of the fight scenes with killer frost. just so sloppily done to me.
721685, Hated the reveal to be honest. A little too
Posted by bwood, Fri May-05-17 02:22 PM
on the nose of theme of the season.

Still Flash is the strongest out of all these shows.
721694, RE: Hated the reveal to be honest. A little too
Posted by xangeluvr, Fri May-05-17 08:07 PM
>on the nose of theme of the season.
>Still Flash is the strongest out of all these shows.

Flash is strongest of the DC Arrowverse for sure, but AoS is killin' all of them this season.
721686, Supergirl has become the Mon-El show.
Posted by bwood, Fri May-05-17 02:25 PM
A character I'm not too fond of either.
722246, Last year this time I posted what they should do to fix Arrow
Posted by CaptNish, Thu May-25-17 06:19 PM
This year I've come to post that they should just end the show.

That was trash.

So was Flash.

I could go into why I hated it, but then I will have spent more time than the writers did when penning those episodes.

Seriously, fuck them.
722251, please expound. because most arrow fans i know call it a return to form
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Fri May-26-17 08:05 AM
and are trying to get me back into it.
722252, when did you leave? I left after the Ra's Ah ghul season
Posted by Boogiedwn, Fri May-26-17 08:19 AM
Flash was too corny for me and I couldn't understand why it was getting a pass. I stopped watching that after season 1.

Never tried the other shows
722259, RE: please expound. because most arrow fans i know call it a return to form
Posted by xangeluvr, Fri May-26-17 04:21 PM
>and are trying to get me back into it.

Beginning of the season started out good, but it quickly went back to sucking imo.
722296, i thought Arrow was great, Flash was.....meh
Posted by araQual, Sun May-28-17 11:49 PM
im good with Arrow. the first half of this season was stunningly dope, and the 2nd half didnt suck either. i loved s5. loved the Bratva flashbacks. LOVED bringin Slade back into the mix. and blowing the fuck up out of Lian Yu was a nice touch (symbolically anyways, tho im sure most of the team will make it out sumhow).

Flash i think exemplifies what i, deep down, kinda hate about these shows: the writing. it could be...SO much better. i don't think having these shows be on the CW should preclude them from aiming higher, ykno? how bout some concept episodes? somethin out of the box? thats kinda how i saw season 1 of Arrow. it was taking it there, being gully. feels like s5, if not close, is at least back on the right track. but we once again kinda got bogged down in Olicity bullshit. wasnt as bad as before, but it always grinds shit to a halt.

FLASH however...Tom Cavanagh is pretty much the only thing keeping me tuning in. the writing ranges from so-so to flat out bad. season 1 is still its best (due to Tom's performance and the overall mystery of who he is). and poor Iris became this show's Felicity (circa season 3-4). Wally just faded into the background and had little to no lines or input, other than crying, bitching and/or whimpering (really, writers?).
i dunno. it could be so much more. i mean they're at least going for biggish storylines, but it's stuck in this...tween zone. too much pandering to some hypothetical 'oh chicks watch this too, we gotta cater to them' demographic. feels...condescending? i mean think about the intense shit that went on during Buffy and Angel's run (on the same damn network), and how tight the writing was, the drama, the craziness of what they did and got away with. even WITH their tween pandering, they more often than not knocked it outta the park. Buffy gets taught as a course at some universities, cos of its fucking writing.

why cant these DC tv shows do the same?
cos they got shit.fucking.writers.
which is kinda sad.
i think i've run out of liquid in my eyeballs due to how many times i rolled my fucking eyes this season of Flash. i still dig the lovey family vibe that Joe brings, i always thought of him as being a pretty stand-up character. but there's too many 'someone gets upset by a comment and walks out followed by a character saying "i'll talk to him/her" and then going for a mini D&M' moments. it's like the writers don't know how to naturally express emotion through conversation. it all gets placed into a box on their script like "the cliche'd repetitive D&M happens in this scene".

i think enjoyed LoT and Arrow the most this season, though LoT kinda tapered off and i haven't seen the backhalf of the season yet. im not sure WHY, but most of u folks in this post seem extremely forgiving when it comes to Flash. think its about time we acknowledge, at least, the shitty inconsistency of its writing. and mishandling of characters, and human EMOTION. and EXPRESSION of that emotion. feels like a goddamn teenager is writing these fucking things sometimes.

anyways, alla that said..............

.......cyas next season? lol.

722253, The Arrow (Stephen Amel) was on American Ninja Warrior
Posted by handle, Fri May-26-17 08:52 AM

He killed the course.
722260, RE: The Arrow (Stephen Amel) was on American Ninja Warrior
Posted by xangeluvr, Fri May-26-17 04:21 PM
Yah, pretty bad ass.
722295, didnt even look like he broke a sweat
Posted by araQual, Sun May-28-17 11:24 PM
dude must be a pro at that salmon ladder by now.
