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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectsome of it but youre still feelin anything Murphy?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=713189&mesg_id=713228
713228, some of it but youre still feelin anything Murphy?
Posted by rdhull, Thu Jun-16-16 10:12 AM
Even with decent material..I realize Im done with him regardless. Its been decades..decades since he has been anything of relevant to me in anything he has done

and that's not to say that old timers cant catch brilliance in their twilight etc..but Im saying I don't even care with him.

if he tried stand up. It would be wack. His whole vibe is dated.

>I was really disappointed by Tower Heist (went in hearing too
>many raves) but I think if he was given the right material,
>Eddie is still gifted enough that he could kill it. And I
>think an Axel Foley type role instead of a Tower Heist type
>caricature would be a better fit for him.
>I'd rather see Eddie play a villain because I think he could
>do a great job with that but I'll take another round of Axel
>Foley if they can nail down a great script.