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Topic subjectBeverly Hills Cop 4 (El Arbi & Fallah)
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=713189
713189, Beverly Hills Cop 4 (El Arbi & Fallah)
Posted by SoulHonky, Tue Jun-14-16 04:52 PM
Eddie was the best part of the Beverly Hills Cop pilot that they did a couple of years ago so this COULD be good. Foley in Detroit could be cool. Not sure about TMNT but I know people here liked MI: Ghost Protocol which the two writers worked on, if they are even still going with that script.


Paramount has signed Belgian directors Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah to direct Eddie Murphy’s “Beverly Hills Cop 4” — more than two decades after the third film was released.

Jerry Bruckheimer is producing as he did on the first two “Beverly Hills Cop” films, which were released in 1984 and 1987. “Beverly Hills Cop III” was released in 1994. The three films grossed a combined $735 million worldwide.

The hiring of El Arbi and Fallah — directors of the award-winning drama “Black” — comes more than a year after Paramount had pulled the fourth installment of the franchise out of its March 25, 2016, release date. At that point, Brett Ratner had been attached to direct from a script by Josh Appelbaum and Andre Nemec (“Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”) with a story centering around Murphy’s Axel Foley character returning to his native Detroit.

“Black” won the Discovery Award at the Toronto Film Festival last year. It centers on a 15-year-old girl in a gang in Brussels who must choose between loyalty and love when she falls for a Moroccan boy from a rival gang. Martha Canga Antonio and Aboubakr Bensaihi starred.

Variety‘s Peter Debruge called “Black” a “powerhouse” and said in his review: “The first of its kind in Belgian cinema, this easily exportable, minority-driven drama has the potential to launch the careers of its young directors and cast, driving its star-crossed ‘West Side Story’ formula into the 21st century.”

El Arbi and Fallah are both of Moroccan heritage who directed the short film “Broeders” and the feature “Image.” They are repped by CAA, Management 360 and Belgian agent Ken Lambrechts. The news was first reported by Deadline Hollywood.
713191, I'll believe it when I see a trailer.
Posted by bwood, Tue Jun-14-16 04:58 PM
BHC has been at such a stop and go pace it's hard to believe that'll go into production.
713193, as long as this scene is recreated but with skinny jeans
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Tue Jun-14-16 05:15 PM
713194, sorry, but Eddie is over...no matter who writes or directs what
Posted by rdhull, Tue Jun-14-16 05:37 PM
His Tower Heist window is closed. Not that TH was all that but it got folks talking and hyped after his dramatic/comedy turn in Dreamgirls.

Sorry, nobody is feeling a Cop 4 either. Are yall? Be honest. You want to go back to Cop?

>Eddie was the best part of the Beverly Hills Cop pilot that
>they did a couple of years ago so this COULD be good. Foley in
>Detroit could be cool. Not sure about TMNT but I know people
>here liked MI: Ghost Protocol which the two writers worked on,
>if they are even still going with that script.
>Paramount has signed Belgian directors Adil El Arbi and Bilall
>Fallah to direct Eddie Murphy’s “Beverly Hills Cop 4”
>— more than two decades after the third film was released.
>Jerry Bruckheimer is producing as he did on the first two
>“Beverly Hills Cop” films, which were released in 1984 and
>1987. “Beverly Hills Cop III” was released in 1994. The
>three films grossed a combined $735 million worldwide.
>The hiring of El Arbi and Fallah — directors of the
>award-winning drama “Black” — comes more than a year
>after Paramount had pulled the fourth installment of the
>franchise out of its March 25, 2016, release date. At that
>point, Brett Ratner had been attached to direct from a script
>by Josh Appelbaum and Andre Nemec (“Teenage Mutant Ninja
>Turtles”) with a story centering around Murphy’s Axel
>Foley character returning to his native Detroit.
>“Black” won the Discovery Award at the Toronto Film
>Festival last year. It centers on a 15-year-old girl in a gang
>in Brussels who must choose between loyalty and love when she
>falls for a Moroccan boy from a rival gang. Martha Canga
>Antonio and Aboubakr Bensaihi starred.
>Variety‘s Peter Debruge called “Black” a
>“powerhouse” and said in his review: “The first of its
>kind in Belgian cinema, this easily exportable,
>minority-driven drama has the potential to launch the careers
>of its young directors and cast, driving its star-crossed
>‘West Side Story’ formula into the 21st century.”
>El Arbi and Fallah are both of Moroccan heritage who directed
>the short film “Broeders” and the feature “Image.”
>They are repped by CAA, Management 360 and Belgian agent Ken
>Lambrechts. The news was first reported by Deadline
713197, I think it's always about the material.
Posted by SoulHonky, Tue Jun-14-16 08:57 PM
I was really disappointed by Tower Heist (went in hearing too many raves) but I think if he was given the right material, Eddie is still gifted enough that he could kill it. And I think an Axel Foley type role instead of a Tower Heist type caricature would be a better fit for him.

I'd rather see Eddie play a villain because I think he could do a great job with that but I'll take another round of Axel Foley if they can nail down a great script.
713228, some of it but youre still feelin anything Murphy?
Posted by rdhull, Thu Jun-16-16 10:12 AM
Even with decent material..I realize Im done with him regardless. Its been decades..decades since he has been anything of relevant to me in anything he has done

and that's not to say that old timers cant catch brilliance in their twilight etc..but Im saying I don't even care with him.

if he tried stand up. It would be wack. His whole vibe is dated.

>I was really disappointed by Tower Heist (went in hearing too
>many raves) but I think if he was given the right material,
>Eddie is still gifted enough that he could kill it. And I
>think an Axel Foley type role instead of a Tower Heist type
>caricature would be a better fit for him.
>I'd rather see Eddie play a villain because I think he could
>do a great job with that but I'll take another round of Axel
>Foley if they can nail down a great script.
713256, No way I'm done with Eddie.
Posted by ThaAnthology, Fri Jun-17-16 09:40 AM
at all. I don't really even understand the notion of being "over" a person but we all have our opinions. I enjoyed his acting in Dreamgirls as well as his mini-stand up at the awards show a few months back. My wife swears by Norbit (though I'm not a fan of it). My point is he still has an affect on people. If the script is well-written and funny, why can't he pull it off?
713260, Can we be over THIS Eddie?
Posted by handle, Fri Jun-17-16 12:02 PM
I haven't really enjoyed anything he's done live action since Bowfinger, which has 1999. I didn't see Dreamgirls.

713369, I still don't get what you mean "This Eddie"
Posted by ThaAnthology, Tue Jun-21-16 09:37 AM
But it seems that you have given up on him and so that's your bag. I, however, still dig the man and will enjoy this as long as its written well. Eddie is fine.
713266, Your ability to dismiss Eddie is disturbing
Posted by KingMonte, Fri Jun-17-16 08:27 PM
713406, 20 years of Ed's back (but isn't) has jaded me, yes
Posted by rdhull, Tue Jun-21-16 04:50 PM
and I don't want Bev Hills Cop part 9 either.

You want that? THAT'S disturbing.

Let's see the growth etc. instead.
713443, unless its good
Posted by ThaAnthology, Wed Jun-22-16 11:36 AM
than not disturbing at all.
713444, even if it is (which it wont be), I dont care anymore
Posted by rdhull, Wed Jun-22-16 11:51 AM
>than not disturbing at all.
750615, Guess this had been in the works a while
Posted by go mack, Sun Jul-07-24 08:54 AM
Don't know who directed but I enjoyed this one. It's not ground breaking and relies on a lot of nostalgia but hearing neutron dance in a chase scene still feels good. Nice seeing all the old guys back and Eddie genuinely seems to be having fun more like his old self in a long time. Worth a Netflix stream for sure
750820, I enjoyed the heck out of this…
Posted by soulfunk, Thu Aug-29-24 07:31 PM
Really well directed - this movie is exactly what it should be. Matches the vibe of the 80’s with the action scenes, music, timing, etc. Doesn’t try to modernize it in some kind of weird way. Somehow avoids being cheesy while having a full-on nostalgic feel.

Overall I had just had fun watching it and I don’t get that feeling from most movies these days.