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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectRE: dope...until (spoilers)
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=707162&mesg_id=710006
710006, RE: dope...until (spoilers)
Posted by Voodoochilde, Sat Mar-26-16 01:17 AM
>really liked the psychological thriller part of the movie,
>and ideally for me it would've ended when she climbs on the
>roof of that truck and sees the big spaceship.>

thats EXACTLY what i said to my wife after this one. If it would have ended right there ...as she climbs on the roof and realizes...'oh. ohhh. ohhhh shit'..and credits? BAM! that would have been a nice 'punch in the gut' ending that would have MADE you want more! and probably would have bumped the movie into the 'GREAT' status for me. (right now its in the 'really good' status, which is still in the 'definitely worth seeing' realm, but damn...if they'd have gone for the gut punch ending instead, THAT would have pushed this one into a MUST see for me.

i also wish they would have named the movie something else, ANYthing else OTHER than something with 'Cloverfield' in the title. Having Cloverfield in the title kinda spoils it for me. if they hadn't forced that Cloverfield association up front, had i NOT known that this was loosey linked to that....man, that would have made the gut punch ending above even MORE gut punchier. and heck, NOT linking the two via "clover field' reference up front MIGHT have even made the actual EXISTING ending a bit more powerful as well you know?
i get the feeling that that (using 'Cloverfield' in the title to this one) was a 'suit' decision....i don't know for sure, but i'd lay my money on it...guessing it was some suit who said...'how we gonna market it f we don't use 'Cloverfield'?' or something. Maybe, maybe not....but i swear, it kinda pisses me off the more that i think about it....

all this needed to be COMPLETELY great was a non-Cloverfield title and to roll credits RIGHT at that top of the car "oh shit!' moment. then BLAM this one would have easily gone to my instant unexpected classics list.

> Everything after that felt disjointed, like a short movie tacked on to
>the main event.

>Goodman did his thing, he needs to be in more stuff

yeah i agree. Goodman was really really great in this....fantastic performance.

and just so i'm clear i DID REALLy like the REST of the movie...EVERYTHING up to 'on the car' had me completely invested and interested and intrigued....so its definitely worth seeing for sure because all of that is very very well done and taught.

but ahhhhh...what coulda' been...