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Topic subjectThe Conjuring 2 (James Wan. 2016)
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706831, The Conjuring 2 (James Wan. 2016)
Posted by bwood, Thu Jan-07-16 01:18 PM

Praying this is as good as the first yo.
706833, one of the few horror trailers that looked dope.
Posted by Reeq, Thu Jan-07-16 01:29 PM
706860, I thought this guy said he was done with horror movies?
Posted by Deebot, Fri Jan-08-16 01:00 PM
lol. I'll be there though.
712946, Just as scary as the first. Might be scarier.
Posted by bwood, Tue Jun-07-16 09:30 AM
My nigga James Wan once again put his foot into this shit.

The inevitable 3rd installment better be done by my nigga James.

More after I see this again Midnight Thursday/Friday.
712949, I'm excited for this one, kept forgetting it was coming out.
Posted by phenompyrus, Tue Jun-07-16 09:56 AM
712961, Already got my ticket.
Posted by Cold Truth, Tue Jun-07-16 03:26 PM
713053, I loved it until it went all Hollywood Summer Blockbuster
Posted by Cold Truth, Fri Jun-10-16 11:15 AM
The third act presents a considerable shift in tone that I simply didn't like. It’s dope until that third act where they get a little too cute. It’s a completely different movie at that point IMO.

We get some awful CGI with one particular entity. The way it was introduced made me roll my eyes. It was way too cartoonish and just plain didn’t belong in this particular movie. It would have felt right at home in Ghostbusters, which is a huge problem. The first was relatively grounded as far as horror movies go and this one just kind of went into MOAR territory on a dime.

Also, the entity that connected the Warrens to their subject seemed grossly out of place. Not the entity itself, but the way it fit into the story was just kind of…. Meh.

-The action movie, uh, cliffhanger toward the end. Pun intended. You’ll know it when you see it. Things like that simply aren’t needed in this franchise. They aren’t needed in any movie and need to go away forever unless it’s done like it was with Cap in Civil War, where it serves to showcase how truly badass Cap is.

Still, this sort of popcorn fluff is especially jarring in a movie like this. It stands out in a bad way. I know some might say “but this IS a summer blockbuster”, but the last entry proved it could be just that without mindlessly pandering to the cheap seats and it was a credit to that film. This one does the same until it doesn’t.

All in all I enjoyed it. It’s smartly played until the action pops off and at that point it’s a mixed bag. I may come in later to detail the things I enjoyed after others have seen it but the action movie stuff is what stands out too much right now. I loved the movie overall and the action stuff doesn’t kill it or anything, but it did leave me disappointed.
713204, Only 6 replies? Is this tanking?
Posted by Deebot, Wed Jun-15-16 10:15 AM
I'm planning to see it this week.
713206, Hardly. Opened at #1 with 40 million
Posted by bwood, Wed Jun-15-16 10:54 AM
Only a million less than the first b.
713207, PTP mad quiet
Posted by Deebot, Wed Jun-15-16 11:49 AM
I'll chime in after I see it.
713208, It's quiet for a lot of shit nm
Posted by bwood, Wed Jun-15-16 12:38 PM
713230, Liked it
Posted by Boogiedwn, Thu Jun-16-16 11:24 AM
I see what Cold Truth meant about the CGI and tone towards the end but other than that this was good.

Like the first one, it was cool seeing pics of the real people involved.

713244, I really liked this shit
Posted by Dae021, Thu Jun-16-16 03:45 PM
I thought it was really well done. Like James Wan is probably better with the scene sets, and camera angles in this one than the first one. Ed & Lorraine are (as my man scott pointed out) new horror icons.

The entity in this one just went harder, and i enjoyed it. The sliding through floors, the whole shit. Seeing Frances O'conner is good here. I didn't realize she was English, so that was surprise and i was happy with it.

There were some great scary moments in this, it helped that there was a dude behind us who was soooo scared he kept getting up and leaving and coming back. He was praying, and exhaling a lot. i was in tears by the end listening to that dude.

This is a really strong sequel, if Wan's technical ability stays at this level they aren't going to make a bad film. Between my girl Vera, and Patrick Wilson with Wan they've created a really strong brand that delivers all the way through.
713246, this was just ok to me b
Posted by Deebot, Thu Jun-16-16 10:25 PM
The scares seemed a bit emptier, the plot was less interesting. The beginning was pointless, the ending was too Hollywood as noted above. Crooked man was a swipe of Babadook. All the technical aspects were still high quality of course. The painting scene ranks up there...overall I still enjoyed it, just not as much as the first.