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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectRE: pretty good overall and very engaging towards the end of the season
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=705728&mesg_id=709389
709389, RE: pretty good overall and very engaging towards the end of the season
Posted by rdhull, Thu Mar-10-16 05:03 PM
>i didn't like the banter between conway and frank. it felt
>forced. this could have been because of the actor playing
>conway. it seemed like the writers were going for what frank
>may have been if he was in his 30s in 2016 (ruthless,
>pragmatic, manipulative, savvy) but conway just came off as
>unlikable. maybe that was the point? idk

I thought it was to contrast how he was just like Frank('s early years..see what I did there?) in how he was introduced to us with him in the morning with his wife as loving dignified father and husband, virile, kids..but deep down he is scumbag like Frank

>speaking of forced, claire and yates. didn't buy it for even
>one second

agreed...I believe him sleeping with Frank instead

>the moments that resonated the most with me this season were
>frank "revealing" his true actions and intentions to kathy

that was some shit lol...and she knows he was telling the truth too..but that was even going too far with the letter opener, closing in on her etc..Im like come the fuck on yall lol

I do have to state that after last year and this season, Kathy is my fave (then comes that Neve Campbell, lawd)

>the hammerschmidt and frank confrontation
>cliffhangers suck. this seems like a sopranos/breaking bad
>style cleaved in twain final "season"