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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectTook him long enough
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=704147&mesg_id=704197
704197, Took him long enough
Posted by Wordman, Mon Nov-02-15 05:45 PM
After seeing the movie, I thought there was no way Ice Cube et al get out of this without litigation.
His ground for suit are solid. If what he's said is true, it appears he was not "conferred with" regarding the film. But considering these are based on, ahem, "the unwritten memoirs," Heller is going to have a hard time proving his case.
It's quite obvious he was waiting to see if the movie made any money, then pitched a fit, threatened to sue, and is hoping Universal will pay him off (since that would be cheaper than going to court).
If Universal's smart, that's what they'll do - probably for an undisclosed sum.
Heller should then have to donate that money to Paul Giamatti, who gave an amazing performance as Heller.

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