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Forum namePass The Popcorn
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Posted by JRennolds, Wed Dec-31-69 07:00 PM
IRON MAN, in (SPOILERS!!!!) cahoots with, HANDSOME DOOM 8 months later?
All-New All-Different Marvel coming out of the gate like a monster hurricane named, EL CHAPO!!!!
And THE FORCE AWAKENS across all forms of media! Meanwhile, DC has BATMAN, the cash-grabbing DKR3 and, the still-living OMEGA MEN. Everything else? Likely garbage.
AND IMAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vincy REBOOT on the come-up.

Discuss anything/everything comics here.


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Posted by JRennolds, Thu Oct-08-15 12:29 PM

BENDIS' IRON MAN, was fucking fire! HANDSOME DOOM, might be sparking that CIVIL WAR 2. And damn, MARQUEZ killed it!

THING, is the wall. THANOS, told him to rise up. SMASH-MODE coming at cha!

BROOT, going in on some treasure-holding rock. FUCK WAS, DC THINKING THREATENING TO CANCEL ONE OF THEIR TWO GOOD BOOKS? This comic is straight lava!
Posted by Calico, Wed Oct-14-15 01:56 PM
...and what are the names and issues of these 3 books?
703315, I'm really enjoying Secret Wars
Posted by Paps_Smear, Fri Oct-09-15 06:24 AM
Took a break a bit so when I hit the local shop up I hit it hard with all the back issues I've missed for a few months.

All caught up on Secret Wars, which I feel is honestly the best event comic they've done in quite awhile. Copped all the New Marvel releases last week with their hip hop variants.

Anyone read Paper Girls by BKV? Got really good reviews, I have it just haven't read it yet.
703340, SECRET WARS is very cerebral.
Posted by JRennolds, Fri Oct-09-15 08:51 PM
I love how it seems to be the climax of, HICKALLAH's massive MARVEL tapestry.
Thanos, amping up, BEN is def one of the iller scenes of the year.
703362, My current pull list
Posted by Scarface_7, Sun Oct-11-15 07:39 PM
Bitch Planet
The Wicked and the Devine
Southern Bastards
The Walking Dead
Dr Strange
Amazing Spiderman
They're Not Like Us
Secret Wars
The Infinity Gauntlet
The Manhattan Projects
The Fuse
Codename Baboushka

Trade Paperbacks or Omnibuses I just finished: I Kill giants, Pilgrim, ExMachina
703380, We have a lot of the same taste
Posted by Paps_Smear, Mon Oct-12-15 11:03 AM
Never really was a big fan of Dr. Strange but man that new issue 1 was fire i gotta say. With Jason Aaron on him I'll be picking up way more of that. Was one of the better all new all different marvel releases so far.

Iron Man wasn't bad either. I feel them putting Bendis on him cause while he's popular in the movie universe I don't know too many people that read his comic.
Posted by JRennolds, Mon Oct-12-15 01:10 PM

I dug the foreshadowed sense of doom coming toward, Strange. I also thoroughly enjoy, AARON's writing. He manages to create and maintain and epic tone without creating and maintaining an epic tone.

SPIDER-MAN was fresh, fun and, exciting. I dug the little twist at the end. HE'S BACK???!!! I love how, SLOTT sticks with a core cast but adds secondary players every so often. PROWLER SPIDER-MAN, is brilliant!

IRON-MAN, was wonderful and classy. Bends, killed it and that last page was EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
703459, doc strange and spidey were perfect
Posted by Scarface_7, Wed Oct-14-15 09:36 AM
I have iron man but havent read it yet. Have you guys read all these retreads of civil war, e is for extinction, et al.? Was just going to wait for the trades as i cant imagine why i need to read retconned storylines from a couple of years back...

Kirkman says Invincible may get a video game (!!!!) And BKV's Paper Girls was pretty awesome. Are we the last ones left in COTW?? WE Are the Illuminati in this mafucka!!
703465, I tried Old Man Logan & Future Imperfect
Posted by Boogiedwn, Wed Oct-14-15 10:37 AM
cool first issue then downhill after that (Old Man Logan)

I liked Future Imperfect though
703469, stuff i just bought
Posted by Scarface_7, Wed Oct-14-15 12:45 PM
Wicked and Devine
Strange Fruit
The Walking Dead
Spidey 2099
The Fuse
The Twilight Children
East of West

Highly recommend Codename Baboushka dope read
703487, I skipped Spidey 2099
Posted by Paps_Smear, Wed Oct-14-15 04:35 PM
Too many spider comics. I did pick up Spider Gwen though for that ill ass slick rick variant.

Paper Girls was great and really felt like the 80s. Very interested in where that one is going. BKV can do no wrong in my book.
704259, loving this 2099 angle. second ish
Posted by Scarface_7, Wed Nov-04-15 11:28 AM
Dropped last week, its dope as hell.
BKV need never stop making comics. Paper girls, We Stand Guard, SAGA and all his older stuff, dude's the bestest!

Just got caught up on They_re_Not_Like_Us_v01 i enjoyed. Was pretty cool, very retro early xmen feel, i digs.

Ufology is another book I'm loving. It's a disjointed mess at times but thats part of the appeal.

Elephentmen is the best book no one reads.

Today i copped Nova 1, Amazing Spidey 3,uncanny xmen 600, Ufology 6, and invincible iron man 2, and doc strange 2
703493, ARCHIE and JUGHEAD
Posted by JRennolds, Wed Oct-14-15 10:15 PM
Brilliant first issue. Pretty fucking funny, smart and, cool. JUGHEAD JONES, is the man. I loved the one and done vibe. This shit had me rolling at numerous pages. This dude loves them burgers.

Three issues deep and feeling this shit something hard!!! Very JOHN HUGHES-vibey goodness BUT MODERN. Good, clean and, simple fun.

Both are excellent reads.
703571, Confused about the end of Old Man Logan.
Posted by JFrost1117, Fri Oct-16-15 10:55 PM
Did the 616 X-Men get fucked out of Secret Wars and left on a sliver of 616 to themselves?

I hate that Secret Wars is so off schedule, since the new stuff has come out before the end of it. Does everything just revert back to 616 like nothing ever happened?
704133, Really dig I HATE FAIRYLAND
Posted by buckshot defunct, Sat Oct-31-15 01:04 PM
The new Skottie Young book from Image

It's Alice in Wonderland but with more machine guns and Gang Starr references
704262, didn't love it
Posted by lonesome_d, Wed Nov-04-15 11:40 AM
then again I kind of bought it thinking maybe my 19 year old would dig it.

I saw a couple of 'fluff yous' and thought, eh, not too bad

then she called the mushroom cops 'dickheads' and ehhhh
704448, that stuff was ok, but there was a deeper darkness to it
Posted by buckshot defunct, Mon Nov-09-15 01:01 PM
Like the fact that the girl was still a little girl but had been stuck there for what, like 27 years? To me that went deeper than just "fairy tale with swears" and actually tapped into some Brothers Grimm, "whoa that's actually really and truly fucked up" stuff. That's a more gratifying type of subversion for me as a reader.

But I can enjoy the shallow stuff, too. I mean, SLUG LIFE, c'mon.

But mainly I was in it for the art. I've been reading old Mad comics collections lately so my brain was primed (warped?) for exactly this type of thing.
704271, This week's haul was heftier than usual:
Posted by phenompyrus, Wed Nov-04-15 01:37 PM
Uncanny X-Men #600 & Extraordinary X-Men #1... I always at least check to see what Marvel has up their sleeve with each iteration of X-Men before pulling the plug or continuing forward.

Klaus #1... Grant Morrison writing Santa's origin with Viking lore? Sounds good to me.

James Bond #1... Seems like such a simple idea to have an ongoing for this property.

Star Wars #11... One of the most consistently entertaining books each and every month. If only Marvel's superhero books were as good.

Deadpool #1... To stock in the collection since there's a new movie coming up and this could prove to be worthy at that point.

Back to the Future #1... I missed it a week or 2 ago.
704344, i grabbed amazing spidey 3
Posted by Scarface_7, Thu Nov-05-15 05:58 PM
Invincible iron man 2 (was dope, "facial hair bros" the high five was Everything)
Dr strange (mind maggots, glowing rashes, talking snakes, sentient kidney stones- hope j.aaron writes this Forever )
We Stand Guard - cant believe there's only one ish left?? Really enjoy this title, bkv can do no wrong)
Paper girls 2 (yooo, BANG, Nuff said)
They_re_Not_Like_Us_v01 tpb excellent title
Also grabbed Monstress havent read it yet
Most seem to love Uncanny Xmen I Should've but it left me feeling empty. Where's Beast off to? Goldballs in spiderman, kitty to GotG, what about erybody else?

Great week though!
704367, My understanding of who's (X-Men) where in the new Marvel:
Posted by phenompyrus, Fri Nov-06-15 11:29 AM
Unaccounted for: Cyclops, Emma, Angel, Gambit, Jubilee, Bishop

Extraordinary X-Men: Storm, Iceman, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Magik, young Jean Grey, Old Man Logan, Forge

Uncanny X-Men: Magneto, Psylocke, Fantomex, Sabretooth, Mystique

All-New X-Men: young Cyclops, young Beast, young Iceman, young Angel, All-New Wolverine (X-23), Oya, Genesis

Beast is in Uncanny Inhumans.

Rogue is in Uncanny Avengers.

Professor X and Wolverine are still dead.

I think that's all the majors.
704496, Gambit
Posted by RS, Tue Nov-10-15 07:30 PM
Uncanny Avengers
704449, Picked up a bunch of random Star Wars books
Posted by buckshot defunct, Mon Nov-09-15 01:08 PM
I hadn't been in a comic shop in a while so I was shocked to see how many series there were, and how many of them were already 10 issues deep and shit.

Star Wars feels like the old movies, and was probably my favorite of the bunch.

Darth Vader kinda felt like if dude had his own Netflix series. I only read a random sampling but it was cool seeing him making House of Cards moves.

Sar Wars Kanan probably won't mean shit to anyone watching Star Wars Rebels, but I love that show so I dug this as well. Not great but enjoyable

Star Wars Chewbacca was... wait why does Chewbacca have his own comic book series.

Shattered Empire I couldn't make heads or tails of. The issue I read was a bunch of spaceship fights and random crowd background chatter and a bunch of military code language. Either this comic was a hot mess or my brain was fried from chain-reading like 9 Star Wars comics in one sitting

704497, I just scooped three trades. Haven't read them yet.
Posted by mrhood75, Tue Nov-10-15 07:45 PM
The main Star Wars series, because I've heard great things about it.

Vader, because it's Vader.

And Princess Leia, but Waid wrote it.

Haven't heard about the others. I'd read a Chewbacca series tho...
706604, Have only read Princess Leia
Posted by chrisP, Wed Dec-30-15 06:19 PM
Both me and the boy (8 y.o.) loved it. Waid writing/Dodson art brought me in, it had a great angle of trying to collect & protect the last survivors of Alderaan. That was a pretty huge moment in Ep IV that doesn't really get talked about again - seems like there are a lot of loose ends like that that can provide endless stories.
704551, What's on the other side of that wall? SECRET WARS 7
Posted by bshelly, Wed Nov-11-15 08:19 PM
704564, RE: What's on the other side of that wall? SECRET WARS 7
Posted by JFrost1117, Thu Nov-12-15 08:46 AM
Is Johnny Storm the sun while sitting inside Galactus' head? Lmao.

I really was hoping this was the finale.
706305, Happy Holidays, weirdos
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Dec-24-15 02:48 PM
706308, Why is Y: the Last Man vol. 9 so damn hard to find?
Posted by Castro, Thu Dec-24-15 07:16 PM
706541, will try to find a link later tonight
Posted by Scarface_7, Tue Dec-29-15 03:27 PM
Will hit the inbox if so, player
706552, inbox n/m
Posted by Scarface_7, Tue Dec-29-15 06:16 PM
706618, Good looks Fam!
Posted by Castro, Thu Dec-31-15 01:49 PM
706605, How do you like reading webcomics?
Posted by chrisP, Wed Dec-30-15 06:25 PM
I've started putting something together and trying to figure out the best platform for presenting a horizontal-paged webcomic? Wish I could say I'm well-versed in the world of webcomics but I've never really gotten into it - I spend most of my life staring at a screen so I hate reading on one too. Some day I may investigate printing it but, for now, it seems the best way to get it in the world.

So do you like seeing things on tumblr, on one of those webcomic sites, on a specific website, other stuff that I don't know about?
707310, I've never kept up with any except buck's
Posted by lonesome_d, Tue Jan-19-16 12:00 PM
SoaP and the FERRARI Boyz

I tried to read a few back in the day, I think Vertigo had some sort of webcomic page thingy but it didn't work for me.

That said I'd read one of yours, but I don't know boo about tumblr, instagram whatever, don't use 'em.
706622, pretty expensive haul
Posted by LES, Thu Dec-31-15 06:37 PM
Star Wars trade
TMNT #51
Totally Awesome Hulk #1
Bitch Planet trade
706628, I'm really digging Monstress
Posted by Scarface_7, Fri Jan-01-16 09:42 AM
This feels like a pretty big deal. Reminds me of a hardcore Princess Mononoke...but better. I just started reading Satellite Sam (a 50s look at the behind the scenes of a sci fi show right when networks were taking over) it's pretty damn good. Chaykin on art, Fraction's penned the weirdest story it works tho...
707274, Okay, so I'm back to back being into comics
Posted by mrhood75, Mon Jan-18-16 03:36 PM
And, like pretty much everything else in my life, it was Star Wars that did it.

I've decided that I really am doing trade only and sticking it to it. And I'm staying away from the main Marvel/DC superhero oritented stuff. All the Marvel and DC reboots seem too fucking weird and arbitrary to follow.

Anywho, the trades/series I've gotten into -

Most of the Star Wars stuff: the main series, both Vader trades, Princess Leia, and the Rucka-written post-ROTJ mini-series. Pre-ordered the Lando trade.
East of West
Manhattan Project
copped the first Black Science TPB
Multiversity (I'll make an exception for DC superhero stuff to support Da God).
Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye

Thinking about doing the trade thing with Mind MGMT. Also fell WAAAAY behind on "Unwritten." Anyone know if finishing the series is worth it?
707308, Unwritten ain't worth it after War of Words. Shoulda ended there.
Posted by lonesome_d, Tue Jan-19-16 11:56 AM
>East of West

still awesome


meh, I lost interest after a few issues

>Manhattan Project

hasn't come out in a long time... seems to have sort of fizzled

>copped the first Black Science TPB

first one should be good. I have it on my pull list so am still reading but have kinda lost interest.

>Multiversity (I'll make an exception for DC superhero stuff to
>support Da God).

it's... OK.

>Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye


That said I considered picking up the Power Rangers one yesterday (for the kids!)

>Thinking about doing the trade thing with Mind MGMT.

Strong through the end, but it might get sort of samey. Can get confusing at times.

>Also fell
>WAAAAY behind on "Unwritten." Anyone know if finishing the
>series is worth it?
707315, Okay, interesting...
Posted by mrhood75, Tue Jan-19-16 01:51 PM

>>East of West
>still awesome

Good to hear. I still can be kind of mixed mind on some of Hickman's stuff (great ideas, but can get caught up his own ass), but this has been really good so far. It's got a pretty grim worldview, but I'm hoping it's building towards something more.

>meh, I lost interest after a few issues

I like Rucka. And Maleev. And storylines like this.

>>Manhattan Project
>hasn't come out in a long time... seems to have sort of

That's a shame.

>>Multiversity (I'll make an exception for DC superhero stuff
>>support Da God).
>it's... OK.

:(. Well, that makes me sad.

>>Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye
>That said I considered picking up the Power Rangers one
>yesterday (for the kids!)
This Transformers series isn't really for the kids. Seriously. It's written for people, thirty/fortysomethings who grew up on the comics. It can be grim, "bloody," and complicated stuff. But very funny as well.

>>Thinking about doing the trade thing with Mind MGMT.
>Strong through the end, but it might get sort of samey. Can
>get confusing at times.

I'll try a trade and from there.

Oh, and I also did Copperhead. Liked the first trade, second wasn't as good. But I'll keep with it.
707428, Anybody else up on Warren Ellis' StormWatch and The Authority?
Posted by phenompyrus, Fri Jan-22-16 03:21 PM
I've been reading Ellis' entire run on StormWatch (Volume 1 #37-50, Volume 2 #1-11), the canon tie-in with xenomorphs called WildCATs/Aliens #1, Ellis' first volume of The Authority with Bryan Hitch (Volume 1 #1-12), and Mark Millar/Frank Quitley Authority (Volume 1 #12-29).

They are fantastic, with some of the most unique characters I've ever read. Anyone else?
707491, I read the Ellis/Stormwatch stuff when it first came out
Posted by mrhood75, Mon Jan-25-16 02:07 PM
At least the introduction of the characters that would eventually become The Authority. I didn't read o.g. Authority stuff until years later.

I'm a huge Ellis stan, but I didn't love his stuff on "The Authority" proper. I liked the first two of the Millar "Authoirty", but it was the beginning of the line-stepping/up-his-own-ass Millar that I've come to dread these days.
707788, Anyone else reading the new Vision series?| Miles Back
Posted by Boogiedwn, Thu Feb-04-16 10:10 AM
This is off to a great start (Vision)

Miles is back in his own series (Spider-Man)
707791, Yeah, Vision is definitely one of the better books right now
Posted by Marbles, Thu Feb-04-16 10:15 AM

Going in, I thought the set-up with him having a family would be dumb.

But this book has been really intriguing. And it's barely even a "super-hero" story.

I haven't peeped Miles' new title yet but I'm looking forward to it.
707793, I just read issue 1 over the weekend
Posted by Boogiedwn, Thu Feb-04-16 10:35 AM
then bought the others this week

>Going in, I thought the set-up with him having a family would be dumb.

I thought the same thing, these stories are good.
709200, new Miles is FRUSTRATING
Posted by Castro, Mon Mar-07-16 01:30 PM
the original storyline left off right where it was going to get really interesting. Didn't like the first issue of this reboot but I am sticking with it.

I am going to check out Vision.
709045, Coupla good things goin' on
Posted by lonesome_d, Thu Mar-03-16 04:13 PM
Wild's End v2 just ended on quite the bleak note. Very very good series, really hoping for a v3. Anthropomorphism for the win, at least in real life. THe comics, we're not so sure.

Four Eyes is kinda intriguing. Not sure I love it, but it's definitely got my curiosity up. And my 11 y.o. (!) can't keep his hands off it even though he knows he's not supposed to read it.

Little disappointed with the open endedness of Twilight Children finale. Not sure I got it, or what there might have been to get. Still, can't be mad at Darwyn Cooke art.

Wayward remains a lot of fun for the Japanophile in me. I'm seeing a recent uptick in yookai-themed kid stuff recently (driven in part by Yokai Watch's sudden popularity, no doubt). Wonder how these guys feel about that.

COuple more on my nightstand etc., will try to add a few more titles to the list...
709198, oh yeah - that DKU GL#1 insert
Posted by lonesome_d, Mon Mar-07-16 12:40 PM
dark shit

I had to laugh when she did that to him
709150, Assault on Pleasant Hill, Sam Wilson Captain America...
Posted by JRennolds, Sun Mar-06-16 11:43 AM
Spencer, is quickly becoming one of MARVEL's strongest writers. Tongue-in-cheek humor, very meta/self aware characters, on point character development and, tons of fun. I love how old school ASSAULT ON PLEASANT HILL is shaping up to be. THUNDERBOLTS (the REAL ONES), are back and, Bucky is coming for SHIELD's necks. OOOOOOOH!