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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectRE: *daps*
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=700243&mesg_id=728897
728897, RE: *daps*
Posted by JtothaI, Wed Apr-11-18 04:45 PM
>And to your points on why backstory has to be explained, your
>right. Fanboy culture is huge right now and I think a big part
>of that is that TV is in its golden age right now. We get show
>explaining every facet of events that occur over the course of
>years, it's kinda bled over into movies (this and Marvel being
>prime examples).

Exactly. If we didn't have all these backstorys being told these days I think it would let everyone's imaginations run even wilder instead of people not sweating what the backstorys are because they know they're gonna get it in a year or two.

We're right on the same too as to your other post. I never got into the EU stuff that dropped prior to TFA. I think i read one book and maybe a couple comics that were given to me by a friend to check out but I never really thought any of that was canon nor ever would be.

And I'm SOOOO glad I didn't because now that everything is canon, I would have wasted years of my life reading that shit, and thousands of dollars on books I imagine, all for it to be thrown out the window.

Now...since TFA I have started copping all the marvel comics, still haven't got into the novels though, but it is a little more interesting to me now that it is all considered cannon and characters and events from from them may show up in TV/movies in the future. I've been digging the Vader and SW comics, but I'm about to stop reading all the others I think. A little too much info I don't really need.