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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectwhatever itch movies used to scratch, they don't scratch anymore
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=659555&mesg_id=659566
659566, whatever itch movies used to scratch, they don't scratch anymore
Posted by bearfield, Sun Sep-01-13 11:34 PM
i can't tell if the itch is gone or it if somehow changed but my interest in movies these days is near zero, with the exception of documentaries, especially those focused on nature or science

i think this is partially due to tv having become the superior storytelling medium (at least long-form) and partially due to the fact that video games are getting to the point where they give me what movies used to give me (well-designed/carefully considered visual and audio stimulation, mostly, with the occasional good/interesting story) and video games have the added effect of being interactive and therefore scratching a larger, more pleasing-to-scratch itch (there is science behind this: http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/129948/the_chemistry_of_game_design.php?page=2)

currently i see movies as short stories or novellas and i see tv series as novels. i've never really liked short stories. i'd much rather get more in depth with a novel. maybe in a few years my opinion will change