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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectno argument, just perspective...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=657625&mesg_id=668884
668884, no argument, just perspective...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Mon Dec-23-13 12:18 AM
>We don't know why Morton was replaced but I'm fairly certain
>that it wasn't because Spike just wanted to go with a bigger
>name. Scarlett obviously brought something to the performance
>that Samantha Morton didn't, aside from her alleged name

without question, jojo brought her A-game in this performance. however, I think it would be a bit much to say that her star power had nothing to do with the ultimate decision to add her to this cast.

>I also doubt very highly that Scarlett listened to Samantha's
>performance then decided to replicate it in the exact same
>manner, as if Samantha laid down a cinematic guide vocal for
>Scarlett to come in and coo over.

never suggested that at all.

> The argument that I'm
>reading seems to be that Scarlett simply followed somebody
>else's template as opposed to putting her own spin on the

that would be a horrible assumption. I merely pointed out the subtle (yet, significant) difference in improving on a reference vs having to start from scratch.

again, I found no fault with this film. I simply don't believe it's strong enough to win out with such a crowded field of competition.

that said, I hope i'm wrong.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*


..and miles to go before i sleep...