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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectIt really does vary
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=654453&mesg_id=654639
654639, It really does vary
Posted by Wordman, Sat Jun-29-13 12:36 AM
But generally between 5 and 6 figures.
A lot of the big name acts in those red boxers keep those figures under heavy wraps, a few of them even do NDAs to ensure it.
Most of those straight-to-dvd releases are either foreign movies with no theatrical release, films made YEARS ago - before the star in question was a star, some of them are indies that never made it to the big screen.
What the STD producers used to do, and this in my opinion is the shadiest of shady, is "overshoot" for one of these films, then use the excess in a separate film. Sorta like the last Pink Panther movie. These were "time" contracts and not "film" contracts per se. So, say you're an aging action star, you're spending 3 months in France on vacation. You'll take a gig shooting for 4-6 weeks, thinking you're shooting one movie, only to later discover they squeezed 3 films out of every take. Not only did you get paid for 1 movie when they made 3, but they prolonged the release of the other 2, underselling your big comeback or just reminding cats you made shitty foreign STDs. That type of thing doesn't happen that often anymore though.

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