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Topic subjectThe Hobbit 2: The Desolation of DAT SMAUG! (Trailer)
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653111, The Hobbit 2: The Desolation of DAT SMAUG! (Trailer)
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue Jun-11-13 02:38 PM


Seeing as how I really dug the first one, I can't wait for this.
653116, I've fallen asleep about 3 times watching the 1st one.
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Tue Jun-11-13 03:01 PM
Its worth it?
653121, How far did you make it?
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue Jun-11-13 03:36 PM
The beginning was admittedly slow (same with the first LOTR, just so much to do), but I was so blown away by the 48 fps that maybe I would've been less enthralled without the technological incentive.

But shit like the troll scene? The stone giants? The Goblin King? Sheeeeeit.
653126, I've stopped as there journey just begun.
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Tue Jun-11-13 03:41 PM
653130, I mean, all the effects and action and what not are after.
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue Jun-11-13 03:55 PM
If you liked the first three, I think it's worth continuing. If not, it's whatever, I reckon.
653137, This trailer is better than the entire last film.
Posted by bwood, Tue Jun-11-13 04:03 PM
Please God,

Don't let this shit suck.
653141, the first movie was dull as fuck
Posted by SankofaII, Tue Jun-11-13 04:21 PM

this trailer isn't inspiring me to want to see the second either.
653144, Dat SMAUG: Smoking up the quality of life since 221 B.B.
Posted by Castro, Tue Jun-11-13 04:46 PM
(Before Bilbo)

First installment was good- definitely going to see this with the fam.

Kudos to Peter Jackson- this sets up the third installment as ALL SMAUG ALL THE TIME...
653153, *Rawse grunt*
Posted by JFrost1117, Tue Jun-11-13 07:31 PM
653145, Looking forward to the extended campfire banter scene. n/m
Posted by Nopayne, Tue Jun-11-13 04:48 PM
653151, More dwarves singing!
Posted by mrhood75, Tue Jun-11-13 05:08 PM
653150, i hope they clean up that CGI
Posted by xangeluvr, Tue Jun-11-13 05:05 PM
i thought the CGI was pretty terrible in the first movie and the effects in the preview look worse.
653152, I'll give it a whirl.
Posted by phenompyrus, Tue Jun-11-13 05:51 PM
653159, looks awesome
Posted by gumz, Tue Jun-11-13 08:28 PM
653416, Looks good
Posted by tapedeck, Fri Jun-14-13 03:31 PM
Ive watched pt.1 five times on Dvd.

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653449, I loved LOTR but cant be bothered with the Hobbit series
Posted by RobOne4, Fri Jun-14-13 08:26 PM
not excited at all about it. Still havent watched the first new one.
653455, I had to sit down and made myself watch it
Posted by Biggamal, Fri Jun-14-13 08:54 PM
Glad I did though
653585, I went in wanting to hate it, and the first 20 minutes are a struggle
Posted by will_5198, Mon Jun-17-13 01:10 PM
but after that, it's surprisingly entertaining. much more whimsy fantasy than the sequels.

I can only vouch for the theater experience, however -- I thought the CGI looked great at a higher frame rate (the actors, not so much).
653618, ^^^ on the money
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon Jun-17-13 02:53 PM
653617, ^^^
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Mon Jun-17-13 02:38 PM
663245, probably not that bad at home. it's more than the first 20 minutes that suck
Posted by Rjcc, Sun Oct-06-13 03:01 PM
the dwarves don't leave for a fucking hour


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670778, You're crazy!
Posted by Bruce Belafonte, Tue Jan-21-14 07:33 AM
The Hobbit is FUN!
663226, Smaug Talkin:
Posted by Castro, Sun Oct-06-13 11:20 AM
667568, Better than An Unexpected Journey by miles, but it's still a chore.
Posted by bwood, Mon Dec-02-13 02:32 PM
I feel like the epic scope of the LOTR trilogy returned in this one. This one is action packed with action. The opening with Thorin and Gandalf was dope.

However, I wanted this shit to be over half way through cause a lot shit that was put in this just felt like padding to the runtime. All that shit with Evangeline Lily is unnecessary. Don't get me wrong it's cool and all and I like her character a lot it just felt unneeded. Same with Leogolas was get to do plenty of cool Leogolas shit, but then it gets tired after a while. I do like the shit they added with Gandalf and the White Council in Dol Guldur. The eye tripped me out. You'll know it when you see it.

And Smaug. Sweet baby Jesus Smaug. So much detail and attention. And props to Benedict Cumberbatch for that performance.

Also, as much as I loved all the action scenes, the shit got repetitive and ran on for little too long.

With all that said shit had one of the worst cliffhangers in history. Like the shit just literally stopped.

Also, this shit could've easily been wrapped up in this film and everyone agreed with me on that. Plus, I still can't get over the Star War prequel-itis where everything is CGI. I miss the minatures and more practical parts from LOTR.

Now I just wanna say I didn't hate this shit. I really enjoyed it. But, it just seemed like we could've ended the shit here to be honest.
668202, 3D Imax tix for Friday night. Whole family is going.
Posted by Castro, Wed Dec-11-13 09:17 AM
668204, o dis come out on de weekend? o I finna go
Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed Dec-11-13 09:51 AM


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
668485, Had a good time. (Spoilers)
Posted by Castro, Sat Dec-14-13 11:04 AM
Not going to spoil the film

but one thing that was evident was Peter Jackson did not want
folks coming down on him about not casting any Black folks and
then having the Orcs all be Black skinned. Most of the Orcs
on screen were 'White' orcs......

and then he made SURE that you saw the Black folks in Lake town LMAO
668497, Four words: Fat. Dwarf. In. Barrel.
Posted by Frank Longo, Sat Dec-14-13 07:08 PM
HOWLING. An absolutely blissful sequence.

This is mostly a transition into the final film, so it doesn't have the structure that Jackson films normally have. There's also not really as much action as one would expect.

And Smaug has a bit of the Talking Bond Villain thing going on, which... does go on a touch.

Still, some really nice character stuff here, and plenty of fun to be had, per usual. And God, that river barrel sequence. Stands up there with the best action of the year, easily.
668516, That IS the best action sequence of the year.
Posted by phenompyrus, Sun Dec-15-13 09:58 AM
668540, Legolas. Gatdamn.
Posted by Castro, Sun Dec-15-13 11:56 PM
He was more Smaug than Smaug at some points.
670694, thats was AWESOME and hilarious
Posted by lfresh, Sun Jan-19-14 04:33 PM
and again legolas
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
668508, works really well as a bridge
Posted by theprofessional, Sun Dec-15-13 12:44 AM
think of the five movies, this is the one with the least standalone value, if that makes sense. like, two towers is the middle film of the first trilogy, but it works so incredibly well as its own movie. DoS is more of a really well done bridge between the setup of the first hobbit and whatever conclusion we're gonna get in the next one.

first half was slow for me. i was trying mostly to remember what happened in the first one, which i regrettably only saw once (haven't read any of tolkein's books). won't make that mistake again next year. i actually loved the singing in the first one, and wish there was more of that. things really pick up once we get to elf land. like franklin said above, fat dwarf in a barrel was awesome. that whole sequence was great. jackson really gives the people what they want with tons of legolas ninja stuff. the new lady elf was good too, and i hope that one dwarf ends up getting the draws. i was all in once we got to lake town. everything with smaug was amazing. ends on a cliffhanger that was kind of perfect, but abrupt enough that people would've been really mad if we hadn't all already known what we signed up for-- the middle movie in a trilogy.

i have to say, i'm really glad peter jackson and team came back for these. would've loved to see what del toro was gonna do, but it really gives these hobbit movies a visual and tonal continuity with the LOTR series that is invaluable. i was just thinking, like, what if they had waited another ten years to do these, and orlando bloom was too old to play legolas and ian mckellen was too dead to play gandalf and peter jackson had moved on to something else. would've been a real shame. love the way these hobbit movies tie in so seamlessly with the first series.
668518, The age of Bloom is most noticeable.
Posted by Frank Longo, Sun Dec-15-13 01:02 PM
I rewatched the LOTR series right before... and man, Bloom looks nearly completely different. I guess there's only so much CGI de-aging (most noticeable on Weaving and Blanchett in the last Hobbit) one can do.

But yeah, it is the least standalone LOTR flick. For sure. Great bridge tho.
668541, yeah he looks way older.
Posted by Castro, Sun Dec-15-13 11:57 PM
669105, The CGI was so distracting
Posted by gumz, Sat Dec-28-13 11:07 PM
I'm surprised they couldn't do more with makeup for him...has he really aged that much?
668592, Better than the first one but still not good
Posted by jorge123, Mon Dec-16-13 04:24 PM
So let me get this straight...

Smaug is so bad ass that one day long ago he just took a day trip up to the lonely mountain one Saturday morning, decided he wanted to kill an entire dwarf kingdom, and did so before lunchtime. Yet killing 13 measly dwarfs, a few of which appear to be either chronically obese, mentally handicapped, or both, takes him forever. He eventually gives up and flies away, cus killing an entire town full of people sounds much easier to him than killing 14 people.

How do dwarves even survive on their own in this world? I think the dwarves in Snow White were more badass than all but 2 of the dwarves in Thorin's company. In general, how do dwarf kingdoms not get their asses whipped by trolls, orcs, etc.? Since elves are so badass that 1 elf can kill like 30 orcs in the span of 2 minutes, and elves hate dwarves, why don't the elves send like 10-15 guys over to a dwarf kingdom to genocide the dwarves? Or enslave the dwarves.

I think my comment about Smaug was just a minor gripe, but the second comment is the fundamental reason why these Hobbit movies will never be as good as the original LOTR movies. One of the major flaws with the LOTR movies was that all of the physically diminuitive characters - the Hobbits and Gimli - were turned into comic relief. Gimli was a complete joke, yet apparently we were supposed to believe that he was capable of killing orcs by the hundred. So now you want to make 3 movies in which the main 14 characters are all little people? The way they wrote Gimli in the LOTR films backed them into a corner where now, dwarves have to be funny little midget people who kill by dumb luck instead of something much more believable.
668725, better to watch these type of movies w/ your brain on autopilot
Posted by Benedict the Moor, Wed Dec-18-13 06:07 PM
i learned that lesson after two towers
668598, Had A LOT of problems with this film...
Posted by HighVoltage, Mon Dec-16-13 05:16 PM
I'll start by saying that I really liked Unexpected Journey, more than most I think, but this one was a misstep.

The action scenes, while maybe a little repetitive, where great.... the barrel/river scene was incredible. and I didnt mind Legolas having a role in the film despite his character not being in the books.

Now on to the bad...

- When they first announced The Hobbit (a book shorter than any of the LOTR books) would be 3 films, I was very skeptical, but the pacing was handled well in Unexpected Journey. Now, however, that came into play in Desolation of Smaug.

- The Gandalf storyline was handled very poorly. Through the entire 2.5 hours of the movie, he meets with Radagast and goes to stir up shit with the Necromancer and gets pinned to the wall while seeing Sauron. Thats it... and that was incredibly thin. And the pacing back and forth between his "storyline" (its a stretch to even call it that) and the dwarves journey did not work well.

- The love story with Tauriel and Kili was horribly unconvincing and when she cured his poison, their exchange was cringeworthy.

- They really needed to go to the chopping block and edit a good 20-30 min out of the movie. Jackson needs to realize that not every film needs to be 2.5 to 3 hours to have substance. When the dwarves first arrive in Lake-town, the scenes went on far too long and the film really started to drag.

- All the build up to the finale with Smaug was very mixed. It felt like since Gollum wasn't in a LOTR/Hobbit film for the first time, Jackson "replaced" him with Smaug. Meaning, in The Hobbit, theres a very lengthy exchange with Bilbo and Gollum and I felt he tried to replicate that here (human interacting with a digital character). But it dragged on forever and kept going in circles.

- Also, Jackson made the mistake of "revealing" the black arrow way too early on. It was such clear foreshadowing that it was the only way to slay Smaug, so you KNEW the dwarves plan wouldnt work.... but we had to sit there and watch it play out for 30 min knowing it would all be for nothing. They took all the suspense out of it.

I still think theres a very good film in here, but the ball was dropped in the editing room.
669801, all this.
Posted by will_5198, Wed Jan-08-14 04:47 PM
it's disjointed and not as charmingly simple as the first. with one of the worst ending transitions into a third film ever.
671712, I agree with most of this.
Posted by BennyTenStack, Sat Feb-01-14 01:47 AM
The movie reaaallly dragged at points. I even started to fall asleep, which is rare. That movie did not have to be 2.5 hours at all. Also, I'm not a fan of the CG orcs. I miss the old ones.
668622, I loved it
Posted by BigWorm, Mon Dec-16-13 11:18 PM
I was lukewarm on the first one.

It was great to get another Middle Earth movie, but it dragged a bit, and it seemed like they were stretching the story thin to get a whole trilogy out of a one movie story.

This one was superb though. I thought it had the pacing of the first trilogy, and unlike most of what I read, I thought it ended on a good cliffhanger--actually a better one than both the last movie, Fellowship or Two Towers IMO, because, unlike those, it stops right at a 'shit just got real' moment.

Cumberbatch rocked it as the voice of Smaug.

My only complaints: 1) Like people were saying, Orlando Bloom looked noticeably older. Like he could have been Legalos' dad. I guess you can't blame time and age, but I pictured someone seeing all six movies in order and in that light it will probably stand out way more.

2) The dwarves are all kind of sucky. The last movie, and basically this one too, is just the dwarves getting captured over & over. Like someone else commented, for Gimli to be such a badass, putting the whoop on hundreds of orcs...12 dwarves specifically going on a adventure, and they get captured by 1. trolls, 2. goblins, 3. elves, 4. spiders, 5. elves, 6. men. Maybe this is true to the book (I don't remember), but it felt kind of awkward the Bilbo comes off as tougher in battle than all of them.

Still, this was really damn good. It changed my mind about the trilogy as a whole.
668695, The movie was good. But haters gone hate.
Posted by Case_One, Wed Dec-18-13 10:47 AM


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668860, I cared more about the orcs than any other character
Posted by Mau777, Sat Dec-21-13 07:49 PM
They've gotta be from 300 to 500 pounds of pure muscle speed and power, yet they couldn't kill anybody, not one person the entire movie (not counting the Elf guards at the river gate whom obviously had their woodland Elf senses turned off and couldn't sense these big clanky stank muthafuckaz coming)

If you release what is within u, what u release will save you. If you do not release what is within u, what u do not release will destroy u.

669069, dug it--
Posted by bloocollar, Sat Dec-28-13 12:16 AM
i can tell Jackson is just having fun with these films

these Hobbit films are nowhere near as captivating as LOTR but still good
669106, I really liked this movie but fuck that ending
Posted by gumz, Sat Dec-28-13 11:14 PM
That was a shitty way to leave us hanging
669112, was MUCH better than I thought it would be
Posted by mashpg89, Sun Dec-29-13 12:51 AM
I really didn't like the first film, thought it was too campy and hated the CGI orcs. Having heard bad things about Desolation of Swag, I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it.

I thought the pacing was fine, might have dragged a little bit, but I would have only cut around 10 minutes or so. The CGI still annoyed me a bit, but it wasn't as overused as the first one. However, that might have been because I saw this one in 2d and the first in 3d.

The side stories mostly worked for me, and I thought it ended at the right time although other people, including the majority of the audience at the theater, seemed annoyed at the abrupt ending. I don't know what they expected though, everybody knows there's a third movie, they've got to leave something for that.

Fun action scenes, Smaug was good even though I despise Benedict Cumberbatch, good performances around. This film reminded me of why I loved the LOTR trilogy so much. After a disappointing first film, I think Jackson hit his stride and was firing on all cylinders here. I'm surprised to say it, but Desolation of Smaug probably creeped into my top 5 of the year. Go see it.
669220, RE: was MUCH better than I thought it would be
Posted by xangeluvr, Tue Dec-31-13 06:19 AM

>The side stories mostly worked for me, and I thought it ended
>at the right time although other people, including the
>majority of the audience at the theater, seemed annoyed at the
>abrupt ending. I don't know what they expected though,
>everybody knows there's a third movie, they've got to leave
>something for that.

yeah, there were some people in my theater that were PISSED at the ending. seriously, what were people expecting?
670693, Tauriel and Kili
Posted by lfresh, Sun Jan-19-14 04:30 PM
it was great
loved it

and gave me mucho legolas
and damn for the next part
but it will explain legolas and who he became for the fellowship

it was a well done addition

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
670777, Really enjoyed it, other than the Tauriel and Kili storyline
Posted by LA2Philly, Tue Jan-21-14 07:00 AM
Could have edited out a good 10 mins without that lake-town storyline...the relationship wasn't really earned and when she cleared the poison, the exchange didn't feel natural at all...it really only served to disrupt the Bilbo and Gandalf storyline. I was honestly sitting there strumming my fingers on some c'mon, hurry this shit up already so we can get back to the good stuff.

Lastly, Jackson did an excellent job of bridging the Hobbit w LoTR. Since unlike Tolkien, he has the luxury of going backwards, he could include some connections such as the weight of the ring wearing on Bilbo and also Sauron as the necromancer. Very well done.

Not a fan of the ending but not sure where else you could end it without either making this film too long or making part 3 too long.
670779, I liked the first one a lot more but this one was good.
Posted by Bruce Belafonte, Tue Jan-21-14 07:34 AM
Can't wait to see how it wraps up and I'm glad it comes out at the end of this year.