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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectEhh, I liked it better than the first one, which wasn't terrible. Geez.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=651363&mesg_id=677841
677841, Ehh, I liked it better than the first one, which wasn't terrible. Geez.
Posted by ZooTown74, Fri May-02-14 06:05 PM
And I'm sorry, but I thought Foxx was fine. His performance wasn't the problem, imo it's the fact that it felt like some of his story got cut, and so when he bugs out on Spider-Man in Times Square it feels a little weird. And if anything, the role was written like he was the most simple motherfucker in the world. In current slang terms, he was a "Basic Bitch." His whole "You said you needed me!"/"You need me?" was a little too simple, and since it's being played by Foxx, a bit too Simple Minded Brute Negro™ for my tastes. Don't know if the character is drawn that way in the comics, but it would have been nice if Foxx had asked if the 4 credited writers could have given a little more to the guy than that. But otherwise, I thought his performance was fine.

Also, if we gonna talk about how allegedly bad Foxx was, are we gonna talk about how Dane DeHaan BLATANTLY STYLE JACKED ALL OF LEO DICAPRIO'S CAREER for his performance, or nah? I was practically hoping for Leo to just interrupt Dane's scene chewing at any point and tell him to send him at least 2 residual checks. I mean, cmon.

Look, the first AMS was for the ladies, this one is for the ladies and mainly your little bro. Eh.

Also, they could have kept that X-Men "teaser," complete with Fox logos and all.

Only losers and herbs believe that OKP = Fun with Words + People's Emotions