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Topic subjectSince Happy Ending is cancelled, Coach back on New Girl?
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650074, Since Happy Ending is cancelled, Coach back on New Girl?
Posted by Heinz, Tue May-14-13 03:34 AM
I wouldn't be mad at all although I do hope another network picks up Happy Endings but if that doesn't happen I would love to see Wayans Jr back on New Girl not replacing anyone just being added to the cast
650092, I wouldn't mind a Coach vs. Winston ep or two.
Posted by JFrost1117, Tue May-14-13 09:15 AM
650101, Like said in the other post....Please No.
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Tue May-14-13 09:51 AM
Lamorne is better than Wayans Jr. for that show.
650152, They can't even write for the ONE Black guy they got on the show
Posted by nipsey, Tue May-14-13 05:36 PM
They don't give Lamorne Morris *nearly* enough material. Imagine if they had another Black character on there.
650157, I was gonna say this earlier this morning
Posted by Nodima, Tue May-14-13 06:11 PM
But then I thought, no, I can just go to work and the post I wanted to make will be here waiting when I get back.

Winston hasn't had a single A-line story through two seasons, except for MAYBE one of his date night episodes with the ex-old-jumpoff-turned-ex-girlfriend.

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650164, They just don't know what to do with his character
Posted by nipsey, Tue May-14-13 08:51 PM
His characterization is so inconsistent. You just don't know what his personality is. Is he the prankster? The Cool Black Guy? The quirky roommate?

Jess = Adorkable, hopeless romantic
Nick = Manchild, who underachieves and is afraid of commitment
Schmidt = Reformed Fat Boy who can be a little too self aware douche but has a sensitive side
Wintons = ????

I've seen Lamorne Morris in some Funny or Die videos and dude is hilarious! He really needs better material to shine. "New Girl" is wasting him IMO.
650165, they could have at least let him have a date for the wedding
Posted by Ray_Snill, Tue May-14-13 09:07 PM
we've seen Daisy like once and a possible

650258, USA is in talks to acquire Happy Endings
Posted by ChampAreno, Wed May-15-13 08:53 PM
The cast clearly loves working with one another and have said on multiple occasions they'd love to stay together. Can't see why this wouldn't work, although I'd much rather see them on TBS or Comedy Central where people might actually check for them.
650267, USA is the most watched cable newtwork, though.
Posted by bignick, Wed May-15-13 09:59 PM
> I'd much rather see them on
>TBS or Comedy Central where people might actually check for
650342, Isn't a big part of that rasslin though?
Posted by stankpalmer, Thu May-16-13 01:31 PM
650356, A huge part of it. But...
Posted by bignick, Thu May-16-13 02:18 PM
...they also have an established history of putting out solid, good looking shows that find and hold their audience, and stay on the air for years 7 years.

I can see Happy Endings meshing well with all their lighter one hour stuff. Especially if this is USA signaling that they're gonna make a push into half-hours.
650357, Suits, Psych, Burn Notice, Covert Affairs, Royal Pains
Posted by Ray_Snill, Thu May-16-13 02:19 PM
Necessary Roughness & NCIS reruns

650301, Makes sense.
Posted by come on people, Thu May-16-13 10:43 AM
650360, Casey Wilson was on HIMYM and it felt wrong.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu May-16-13 02:30 PM
Like they perfectly nailed a character for her on HE and that magic just can't be recreated on another show.

For a long time I thought with the end of Arrested Development Tony Hale would never be able to create a character that exhibits his talents like Busta Bluth (although seems like he found it with Veep).

"naive as the dry leaves on the ground looking past the trees to the blue sky asking 'why me?'" -Blu

Why I still fuzz with the Lesson
650385, Sweet Jesus, did he ever.
Posted by bignick, Thu May-16-13 04:29 PM

>For a long time I thought with the end of Arrested Development
>Tony Hale would never be able to create a character that
>exhibits his talents like Busta Bluth (although seems like he
>found it with Veep).