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Topic subjectCarrie (Peirce, 2013)
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646359, Carrie (Peirce, 2013)
Posted by no_i_cant_dance, Sun Apr-07-13 10:26 AM
Trailer: http://movies.yahoo.com/video/carrie-trailer-2-231012436.html

*WELP* At least this looks better than the 2002 remake, LoL.

Although I love her & she got next, I think the casting of Chloe Grace is off, she's too angelic/pretty for this role.
Saoirse Ronan (the chick who played Hanna), Abigail Breslin, Elle Fanning, or India Ennenga (plays Melissa Leo's daughter on Treme)would've been better choices. Great casting choice of Julianne tho, she looks certifiable.
Peirce is a solid filmmaker tho & can pull out strong performances from her actors, so I may just give this a shot.

646370, It won't impress oldheads who saw the original
Posted by Torez the Judge, Sun Apr-07-13 02:22 PM
but the story is good for young kids. Hopefully it will be a grittier counterpoint to the Bella model of female in science fiction. Carrie does not require a Cinderella framework to kicks ass and get her bloody revenge.
646569, ...young kids?
Posted by b.Touch, Tue Apr-09-13 02:47 AM
Are they going for PG-13 this time?
646382, I agree about Chloe.
Posted by Taye DiggumSmacks, Sun Apr-07-13 07:26 PM
>Although I love her & she got next, I think the casting of
>Chloe Grace is off, she's too angelic/pretty for this role.
>Saoirse Ronan (the chick who played Hanna), Abigail Breslin,
>Elle Fanning, or India Ennenga (plays Melissa Leo's daughter
>on Treme)would've been better choices. Great casting choice of
>Julianne tho, she looks certifiable.
>Peirce is a solid filmmaker tho & can pull out strong
>performances from her actors, so I may just give this a shot.

I could see her more so in the Chris/antagonist role rather than Carrie. Part of what made Sissie Spacek's Carrie so believable was that she already had such an oddball face, she LOOKED like she could have gotten picked on in high school.

Chloe, not so much. She looks like wears trucker hats and hoop earrings, and she dates suburban black dudes named Dante who are also inspiring rappers/producers. Ain't NOBODY dissing her...

And Julianne Moore is my mortal film enemy, but since the mother was annoying as hell in the original, this role seems perfect for her...
688537, this description
Posted by John Forte, Thu Nov-13-14 04:13 PM
She looks like wears trucker hats and hoop
>earrings, and she dates suburban black dudes named Dante who
>are also inspiring rappers/producers. Ain't NOBODY dissing

646385, Teenagers are more likely to torment you for being weird...
Posted by Monkey Genius, Sun Apr-07-13 07:58 PM
...than embrace you for being pretty.
646395, actually Chloe is perfect casting
Posted by SankofaII, Sun Apr-07-13 11:06 PM
it's against type which is great..

Moretz and Julianne will bring that heat and I think this will be great...
646458, Seeing the trailer, the fears about Chloe are overblown.
Posted by spades, Mon Apr-08-13 12:25 PM
She looked perfect in the role. If the trailer is any indication this movie will be awesome. I'm not a huge fan of remakes but this shit gave me an INSTANT boner in the theatres.

I can't wait.
646499, Nope. Shit looked like Dawson's Creek. n/m
Posted by Nopayne, Mon Apr-08-13 03:20 PM
646600, *PAUSE*
Posted by Cold Truth, Tue Apr-09-13 12:42 PM
>this shit gave me an INSTANT boner in the
646626, RE: Seeing the trailer, the fears about Chloe are overblown.
Posted by SankofaII, Tue Apr-09-13 04:56 PM
>She looked perfect in the role. If the trailer is any
>indication this movie will be awesome. I'm not a huge fan of
>remakes but this shit gave me an INSTANT boner in the
>I can't wait.

this right here though:

but this shit gave me an INSTANT boner in the


you on that interracial Sandusky pop off?!

664410, damn. yall pedos turn everthing into kiddie porn, huh?
Posted by Fructose Soda, Mon Oct-21-13 11:44 AM
Seriously tho......
This shitty remake looks that good to you?
I wish I enjoyed most of mainstream cinema like yall.
664430, RE: damn. yall pedos turn everthing into kiddie porn, huh?
Posted by SankofaII, Mon Oct-21-13 03:35 PM
>Seriously tho......
>This shitty remake looks that good to you?
>I wish I enjoyed most of mainstream cinema like yall.

YES THEY DO. Especially if it's a white chick too?

NIGGA!!!!!!!!!! LOLOL

646599, Too angelic? She looks like a tomboy.
Posted by Cold Truth, Tue Apr-09-13 12:40 PM
No disrespect to her but she looks like she'd be out climbing trees and catching frogs if she wasn't making movies. She's not ugly, but saying she's too pretty and angelic seems to be an inaccurate description IMO.
646627, Had no desire to see this until now. Can't complain over the casting.
Posted by jigga, Tue Apr-09-13 05:22 PM
It's spot on

Or is that too on the nose?

Either way this trailer might've convinced me to check this out
646967, X-Men Origins: Jean Grey
Posted by JFrost1117, Sun Apr-14-13 03:17 PM
664383, Chick was basically a female Magneto
Posted by Nick Has a Problem...Seriously, Sun Oct-20-13 07:43 PM
flyng around and shit. Side note, not familiar with the chick who played Chris but she should have played Carrie. I thought Chris was supposed to be cuter than Carrie? Not the case in this film.
664431, good movie but the remake was *SO* UNNECESSARY (SPOILER ALERT)
Posted by SankofaII, Mon Oct-21-13 03:46 PM
like really.

if you've read the book (which this remake hews way more closely too), you know how it ends.

if you've seen the original, you know how this ends.


the performances:

Chloe and Julianne WENT IN like they always do;

Portia Doubleday as Chris was good, albeit wildly all over the place from menacing to being an annoying ass teenage girl in way over her head

Gabriella Wilde as Sue: okay, but she was so inconsistent emotively speaking that I struggled to see why Carrie spared her ass when her reasons for "wanting to rectify" how she and her friends treated Carrie didn't hold up. I"m not sure if it was the writing of the character or her performance that irked me.

Alex Russell (the one from CHRONICLE that's not Michael B. Jordan or Dane Da Haan, AKA THE ONE THAT DIDN'T POP AS AN ACTOR POST MOVIE aka the weak link in the film) as Billy, Chris' man: yeesh. no wonder why he didn't have immediate success post CHRONICLE. Dude was bland as hell and so not good.

Judy Greer as Ms. Dejardin the gym teacher (Betty Buckley was the teacher in the original one): I thought she was fine, serviceable actually in an EXTREMELY thin and underwritten role. I think it's unfair of critics to say she's not in her wheelhouse because she's more of a comedic actress when she's done dramas in the past (The Descendants, etc.) but she was fine.


hmm...I know Chloe was supposed to play Carrie was being tortured and worthless and she was internally (shitty home life, physical, mental, spiritual and emotional abuse). But, I was so *NOT* buying that SHE was "ugly" enough to even warrant being assaulted. Because she really did look way better than MOST of the main mean girls crew (Chris and Sue included). so that didn't 100% work for me.

the final prom battle: UGH...damn. i guess we know where the ALLEGED $50 million dollar budget went. AND IT SHOWED. SMH


Since when did this become that good low budget ass, CHARMED SHIT on a movie screen?

Overall, this gets a LIBERAL ASS 7/10 for me. I don't think this should have been remade and kids today will seek out the book *AND* the original Carrie movie to see how it was done.

Oh yeah, shout out to director Kimberly Peirce. Glad you are back making movies again...I see you are firmly comfortable with doing both indie and studio projects. This maybe a *SLIGHT* blight on your resume. But, solid work overall.
664471, I thought it was pretty damn solid, but missing a major portion of the book.
Posted by Cold Truth, Mon Oct-21-13 09:39 PM
I liked the visual nod off the bat.

Chloe and Moore did an excellent job in their roles.

Spacek is so damn iconic as Carrie it's hard to see Chloe in the role, but she did a fine job making it her own. I loved Moore but felt she was a little too restrained at times.

It seemed like I wanted this iteration of Chris to die far more than I did in the original film, while Sue didn't really sell me as well on caring for Carrie. I reeeeally enjoyed seeing Chris get her just deserts in this one. Billy was much more charming than I recall him being in the book or the original film, which was a nice surprise.

That said, I hoped I would see pieces of "My Name Is Sue Snell" spliced throughout the movie the way it was done in the book and all I got was an epilogue. That, IMO, would have gone a long way toward elevating this one for me.

I still don't get the "unnecessary" complaints personally. It's a critique that's never made an ounce of sense to me.
664946, This movie didn't need to be remade
Posted by lovelyone80, Sun Oct-27-13 06:04 PM
This movie was cool for what it's worth but the original is so iconic, there was no point in even making this. he couldn't top nor even do a movie on the same level as the original.

I think the acting was just okay. Moore was pretty good. The girl who played Chris was a bitch so I guess she did her part some justice but let's face it, everyone was just waiting for the prom scene throughout this whole movie. Nothing leading up to the scene even mattered. I do appreciate them trying to modernize the movie with the online bullying aspect (posting the video) but really its like blah...

this was alright. better than the other remake.
688532, This movie pissed me off.
Posted by b.Touch, Thu Nov-13-14 03:10 PM
It was suggested that perhaps this remake pulled punches due to school-shooting parallels, but whatever the case, this remake took all of the impact out of the story.

It has maybe half the thrill and power of the original, despite the infamous climax being revised to give Carrie a more detailed final standoff with Chris.
688546, that's what was wrong with it
Posted by BigWorm, Thu Nov-13-14 07:38 PM
The original was kind of like a distant warning for the mass murders and stuff that happened later. But the remake just turned it into basically a revenge story. In the original, once Carrie snapped, EVERYBODY around came up short--it didn't matter if they were bullies or not. The whole movie you don't really know where she's coming from, but then at the climax when she completely loses her shit, the audience really isn't supposed to be rooting for her.

688606, That's not the tone I get at all from the original.
Posted by b.Touch, Sat Nov-15-14 01:51 PM
The original really seems to be sold on the idea that "everyone must suffer", because very single last character in the film except for Sue and her boyfriend are shown as two-faced or downright wretched to Carrie.

When she snaps and kills _everybody_, we don't really feel sorry for the victims because they've pretty much painted the entire school as a bunch of passively or actively hateful people.

The remake does a lot to reduce both the body count and the focus of Carrie's revenge. In 1976, I'm sure no one ever would have thought that a mass murder at a suburban (and by :suburban", I do mean "white") public high school could ever be a thing, but we knew that not to be the case in 2013.
688544, I thought it was alright.
Posted by JFrost1117, Thu Nov-13-14 07:06 PM
Definitely got some Dark Phoenix Saga vibes, lol. I just saw the OG on Netflix recently, and I missed the crazy nudity and student slapping.
688605, also, that new MGM Lion is doing too much.
Posted by b.Touch, Sat Nov-15-14 01:39 PM
All that stibbedy stoobedy stoobedy doo (© Cedric the Entertainer) ain't necessary. Just roar and move on with it!
