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Topic subjectWhat have you watched? (December edition, 2012)
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633738, What have you watched? (December edition, 2012)
Posted by lfresh, Sat Dec-08-12 10:50 PM
i cant find the one for this dec
so point it out to me and i'll dive right in
if not

The Town (2010), Affleck
great movie and i knew it would be but i just never got around to seeing it
or any of his and i really wanted to see argo...maybe before the year ends

Red Hook Summer (2012) Lee
certainly not Spikes best but not the complete disaster i was hearing from folks
worth seeing if only to complete the repertoire

Central Park 5 (2012) Burns
Burns does what he does best. I'm so glad it was on demand i didn't manage to see it in the theatre...its still at the IFC btw folks.

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
633743, I'm actually watching movies again
Posted by Deebot, Sun Dec-09-12 12:30 AM
It's pretty cray.

-Shotgun Stories: 5/5 stars

The best movie I've seen since Dekalog 1 months ago.

-Wrong Turn 5: 3/5

Pointless nudity, creative deaths using real animal guts...what else are you looking for in a smut film?

-Winter Light: 5/5

Rewatched this....definitely in my top 2-3 Bergmans.

-Survivor (great season)
-Top Chef
-Next Iron Chef
-Always Sunny
-Jersey Shore

633783, Missed this: Arbitrage
Posted by calminvasion, Sun Dec-09-12 07:59 PM
Arbitrage 3.5/5

I really like this joint. Felt like a Michael Clayton knock off in some ways, or a Mike C/Margin Call mashup. But its not really either one. Definitely a character piece like the former, and gets at Wall St. shenanigans, but only tangentially and not too deep like the former.

It's really all about Gere, and he pulls it off. And he really pulls off the I'm in my 60's but I can still carry a movie with my looks better than some of the young up and coming hot shots. He puts in work.

The story itself is OK, and overall pretty good except for some major dialogue failing in key moments, specifically the climax between him and his daughter when she catches him red-handed. But I think its also due to that particular actress being so underwhelming. Also his relationship with the black kid who has to take the heat could have been handled better.

But yeah, I still recommend it.
633804, The Big Picture: L'homme qui voulait vivre sa vie (2010)
Posted by loki2stunt, Mon Dec-10-12 03:32 AM
Paul Exben is a success story - partner in one of Paris's most exclusive law firms, big salary, big house, glamorous wife and two sons straight out of a Gap catalog. But when he finds out that Sarah, his wife, is cheating on him with Greg Kremer, a local photographer, a rush of blood provokes Paul into a fatal error. Paul knows that his perfect life has gone for good.

3/5 It starts off a little choppy and the subtitles were kinda too fast or off, also the sound had too much background noise or it coulda been the theater. The editing was good and the cinematography was ok but as soon as the film hit it's stride it was suddenly over. Felt incomplete......my french is improving tho at least,it's worth a watch.
633818, RE: What have you watched? (December edition, 2012)
Posted by jehiza, Mon Dec-10-12 10:10 AM
Lincoln- loved it, tommy lee jones was great

anna karininininina- was good, very good.

sex lies and videotape- i liked it, dialogue wasnt great tho

shameless season 1- im hooked

ive also been rewatching party down s1, which i love.
633823, Middle of Nowhere gets a hearty recommendation from me.
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon Dec-10-12 11:30 AM
It's got its own post but I wanted to mention it here as well.
634165, dude where fuck did you watch it
Posted by astralblak, Wed Dec-12-12 04:55 AM
634048, RE: The Color of Money (1986)
Posted by maternalbliss, Tue Dec-11-12 02:01 PM
this is one Scorcese film that does not get mentioned much here and i can kinda understand why.

Although The Hustler(1961) is not one of my favorites it is still miles ahead of this poorly written sequel. I loved everything about TCOM except the script. This time around the game is all about pooling the money in order to make higher bets. Eddie Felson (Newman)sure must have had some friends in the stock game because he calculates his moves like a wallstreet shark. Vince (Cruise), is the hotshot who just loves the game. By the end Vince becomes more like Eddie and the two eventually have a showdown. There is also some sappy melodrama involving the girlfriends of Eddie and Vince. Just Boring. Bland by the numbers syorytelling.

Grade C+
634083, RE:The King's Speech, The Big Sleep(1946), Humoresque(1946)
Posted by maternalbliss, Tue Dec-11-12 04:01 PM
The King's Speech (2010)
I am certainly no big fan of those crazy British royals. However, I must admit the KS is a great film and it does tell a great story about the human condition. King George the 6th must come to grips with his traumatic childhood which is the root cause of his stutter. A great film and it deserved the Oscar wins.
Having faith in the power of one's voice is a message i am in total agreement with.
Grade A+

The Big Sleep(1946)
Bogart has made many great films and this is no exception. Great murder mystery with lots of twists.
Grade A

Joan Crawford and John Garfield

Despite the low consensus ratiing on rotten tomatoes imo this is still a solid flick.
Grade B
634088, You watch a fucking ton of movies. Props for that. n/m
Posted by The Analyst, Tue Dec-11-12 04:22 PM
I love THE BIG SLEEP, by the way.
635873, RE: thanx, and i got a pretty good memory too
Posted by maternalbliss, Fri Dec-28-12 08:15 PM
i am watching a lot more classics because every year my no watch list gets longer,lmao.

The 2012 no watch list

Red tails
Step up 4
Zero Dark Thirty
The Watch
Red Dawn
2016 Obama America
Journey to mystery island
Rock of Ages
Wrath of the titans
Twillight Breaking Bad Part 2
Guilt trip
Joyful Noise
The Man with the iron fists
Magic Mike
John Carter, i have not made a decision on this one. What's your opinion?


634871, Hayley Atwell in Part 1 of that Sundance series Restless
Posted by jigga, Wed Dec-19-12 11:11 AM
Finally got around to checking this out on the DVR but it's not that great so far. If it weren't for Hayley & Rufus Sewell I'd probably pass on Part 2. Hopefully it gets better because it's been pretty boring.
634895, RE: What have you watched? (December edition, 2012)
Posted by zero, Wed Dec-19-12 01:47 PM
Holy Motors (Carax, 2012) - Easily one of my favorite movies of the year. I went in knowing next to nothing about it and watching it unfurl was my favorite moviegoing experience of the year.

Bernie (Linklater, 2012) - Pleasantly surprised by this. I was skeptical about the real townspeople talking heads and was afraid it might come off too Office-style mockumentary, but it worked. Some of those people were fucking hysterical and their soundbites were so good that I started to doubt their authenticity. Jack Black and McConaughey both kill it, too. One of my favorites of 2012.

Ted (McFarlane, 2012) - This was OK. Some bits felt like a live-action Family Guy (not necessarily in a good way) but I still got a few laughs. I usually find Marky Mark to be fucking hilarious (I laugh at basically every line in "Boogie Nights") and he's mostly the straight guy here. Probably 15-20 minutes too long.

Klown (Norgaard, 2010) - Really fucking funny. The two main guys have great chemistry. Recommended for any fans of Curb Your Enthusiasm and dick jokes.

How Much Does Your Building Weigh, Mr Foster? (Carcas & Amado, 2010) - Caught this documentary on Netflix Instant. It's about British architect Norman Foster and has interviews from an amazing cast of artists. This falls into the category of the Gary Hustwit documentaries for me, where I love the subject matter but the actual content isn't especially revelatory. It's gorgeously shot and if you have even a passing interest in architecture, its worth 80 minutes of your time.

A Matter of Taste: Serving Up Paul Liebrandt (Rowe, 2011) - Another Netflix Instant doc, this one about chef Paul Liebrandt that tracks his progress from a young, ambitious cook at neighborhood bistros to becoming the chef owner of two Michelin star restaurant Corton in NY. I believe this was a student project and it shows. Some good footage of him being a dick to his cooks, but otherwise, not very good.
635519, RE: What have you watched? (December edition, 2012)
Posted by maternalbliss, Mon Dec-24-12 11:44 PM
Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)
Grade B+

Grade B

Double Indemnity(1944)
Grade B

The next two films are the top grossing films of 1954,
White Christmas
Grade B

20,000 Leagues under the sea
You won't be disappointed in this fun sea adventure.
James Mason and Kirk Douglas
Grade A
635521, A Mans Story (2012)
Posted by lfresh, Tue Dec-25-12 12:37 AM
Badly shot, badly edited, no focus
It did him a disservice
I was left with the impression of a handsome but annoy man

Sparkle (2012)
I saw the original sparkle for the first time last year
I see the nostalgia but unfortunately it aged badly
This movie seems to be an improvement but still not so great

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
635579, Serenity (2005)
Posted by lfresh, Tue Dec-25-12 05:04 PM
I really didn't watch the tv series i figured i wasnt into westerns but since it was on syfy
i liked it, not bad atall


Trading Places
its been at least 10 years since i rewatched it, its definitely held up over time


Yelling at the Sky (2011)
Zoe did a wonderful job. Seems a bit aimless but in the end its a coming of age story...those times tend to feel a bit aimless.

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
635659, RE: Serenity (2005)
Posted by maternalbliss, Wed Dec-26-12 03:35 PM
>I really didn't watch the tv series i figured i wasnt into
>westerns but since it was on syfy
>i liked it, not bad atall

Folks really slept on that film. Chiwetel Ejofor has always been good in everythinng that i have seen him in.

>Trading Places
>its been at least 10 years since i rewatched it, its
>definitely held up over time
Bliss agrees. TP is a classic.
635700, That was an ESP pleasant surprise
Posted by lfresh, Thu Dec-27-12 01:52 AM
Didnt know he was in it
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
635600, Last couple: Turin Horse and Hobo With a Shotgun
Posted by Deebot, Tue Dec-25-12 11:05 PM
Turin Horse: B+

So hopeless that I was actually laughing at spots. You gotta love how the guy eats his potatoes. As always, nobody can fuck with the score, camera work, and B&W photography of Tarr's films. He can make absolutely nothing seem profound.

Hobo: C+

Meh, didn't move me or even entertain me really. A couple funny spots.
635602, Cleanskin (2012)
Posted by loki2stunt, Tue Dec-25-12 11:54 PM
A British secret service agent is faced with the task of pursuing and eliminating a British-born suicide bomber and his terrorist cell.

Really enjoyed.......Sean Bean (Lord of the rings) is the lead in this. Everybody's being double crossed ..... 4 out of 5

Prometheus (2012)

A team of explorers discover a clue to the origins of mankind on Earth, leading them on a journey to the darkest corners of the universe. There, they must fight a terrifying battle to save the future of the human race.

plot holes galore and covers no new ground but i'm a sucker for Charlize Theron so 3/5

Premium Rush (2012)

In Manhattan, a bike messenger picks up an envelope that attracts the interest of a dirty cop, who pursues the cyclist throughout the city.

Started off solid then fell apart but it was a feel good movie- Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Dark knight Rises) plays lead 2/5
635608, I just put premium rush back on my radar
Posted by lfresh, Wed Dec-26-12 01:41 AM
Hoping I have time to see it
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
635605, Last few weeks:
Posted by Ryan M, Wed Dec-26-12 12:53 AM
Zero Dark Thirty
This is 40
West of Memphis
Silver Linings Playbook

I hated This is 49 and Hitchcock. The others were either good or great.
635607, Brooklyn Boheme
Posted by lfresh, Wed Dec-26-12 01:40 AM
a bit of a self indulgent irony of watching Buppies discuss Ft Greene interesting to see what was going on under my nose during that period


2 days in new York
I enjoyed this and I'm not sure why
It was refreshing I'm happy to see Chris expand and make these stretches
Really wish I could have seen him on bdwy in man in the M&-$:);&/ hat
slitly slap sticky though


Adjustment Bureau

Scifi romance
I'm ok with it was missing something though

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
635661, So...
Posted by lfresh, Wed Dec-26-12 04:55 PM
I meanttocatch up on more movies but got caught up in Alex Hayleys Queen
Never saw any of them

Man it's benn 20 years
Raven Simone was so little lol
Good tv movie for its time

Oh and Time Bandits (1983)
Still love it
Haven't seen it since the 80s

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
635788, Django (2012) of course
Posted by lfresh, Fri Dec-28-12 02:33 AM
hrm still mulling it over

Hitchcock (2012)
despite the title oddly it seems to be more about his wife and his relationship with her
i appreciated that
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
635889, Doctor Who Christmas special
Posted by lfresh, Sat Dec-29-12 12:00 AM
awesome intro to the new companion

Looper 2012

i really liked this movie. Marketed as a shoot em up it threw me for a loop surprisingly deeper themes are explored and of course theres a nice soundtrack
again its bruce and JGL so i'm biased but i suspect a cult classic
only because i havent heard anyone else speak of it

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
635950, RE: What have you watched? (December edition, 2012)
Posted by maternalbliss, Sat Dec-29-12 08:13 PM
Howard's End(1992)
Great actors and great acting but the story is not interesting.
Grade B-

The Night of the Hunter(1955)
Robert Mitchum stars in this highly rated classic thriller about a devilish preacher.(Is there any other kind?,lol) The preacher is one mean dude and it is obvious from the moment Mitchum/Harry appears on screen. The movie has religious themes but is not preachy. Imo this is not a great movie but it is damn good. Highly entertaining.
Grade B+

Money Train(1995)
I just recently watched this and i could not believe how horrible it was. Apparently Wesley, Woody and the studio were in it for the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
Grade D

A magnificent epic and Kingsley's portrayal of Ghandi is perfection.
Grade A+

The Hunt for Red October(1990)
A great film. I have watched it several times. A very smart spy thriller which is very unusual for this genre. The sequels in the Jack Ryan saga have been very average tho.
Grade A

Billy Elliot(2000)
This was disappointing. They were trying to hard to show that real men like dance. Full of too much politics and cliches(cross dressing best friend). I was looking for something special...magical. Imo there is not much here for children to really enjoy.
Grade C

Back to the Future(1985)
I had not seen this in years and it is still a great film imo lots of fun. I actually like this more than some of Spielberg's other scifi flicks. BTTF>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Close encounters of the third kind. Anybody else feel the same way?
Grade A
635971, The Taking of Pelham One Two Three, Superfly, Sin Nombre
Posted by pretentious username, Sun Dec-30-12 11:07 AM
These are all just my netflix rating, btw.

The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (1974)

I actually saw the remake first. It was okay, but after seeing this I'm kinda mad they made a remake. In fairness I've always hated Travolta as a villain, but I still think this one was far superior. Could have had a stronger clue than a sneeze (and I knew that would come into play), but there's great tension throughout. 4/5

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989)

One of the better Christmas comedies I've seen. The dysfunctional family during the holidays has been done a bunch, but the actors are all great in their roles while not trying to hog the screen. 4/5

Superfly (1972)

Two Words: Curtis Mayfield. Spotty acting but the plot is decent, albeit simple. A good intro to the Blaxploitation genre. 3/5

The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

It's kinda tough to look at this without the retrospective "Alright, that's enough Tim Burton" feeling, but it's still a great Stop-Motion animation flick. Great story, I just wish it were a little longer and they covered the love story between Jack and Sally more. 4/5

Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954)

Any old horror movie is gonna come across as pretty corny, but it did get some things right. Decent acting, and it's more about suspense than actual violence. The gill man breathing on land looks unintentionally hilarious though. 3/5

Game 6 (2006)

Weird little indie movie. A little disappointed it wasn't more about the Red Sox, but they were just used as a parallel for the writer's life. It wasn't great, but Keaton and Downey do a good job and I enjoyed the ending. 3/5

The Terminator (1984)

Second time I've seen it as an adult, and outside of some special effects that look weird today the only thing I can fault it for is it's not T2. Still one of the best action movies of all-time. 5/5

Sin Nombre (2009)

Can't praise this movie enough. I really wanted to see each of the characters make it out alright even though I knew that was impossible. At the end I wanted to shake Smiley and say "You don't have to live this life!" 5/5
636021, Snow on the Bluff
Posted by JFrost1117, Sun Dec-30-12 10:59 PM
Shit was like hanging with my cousins over there.
636029, Alex Cross (2012)
Posted by loki2stunt, Mon Dec-31-12 02:24 AM
Alex Cross follows the young homicide detective/psychologist (Tyler Perry), from the worldwide best-selling novels by James Patterson, as he meets his match in a serial killer (Matthew Fox). The two face off in a high-stakes game of cat and mouse. 2 1/2 out of 5

This movie was widely panned for some reason, Tyler is not a bad serious actor. Sure this film had some plot holes but it was entertaining and a little predictable at times

Rambo: 1st blood (1982)

A Vietnam Veteran uses his combat skills against the lawman of a small town when he arrests and abuses him. 4/5

Hadn't seen this movie in 20 yrs, my 1st time watching it as an adult and it was great. This was Stallone at his best, this movie just sucks u in

Django unchained (2012)

With the help of his mentor, a slave-turned-bounty hunter sets out to rescue his wife from a brutal Mississippi plantation owner. 1/5

This movie was not good, it was trash, it was so bad that i walked out. It's an insult to Africans who let a white man call them nigger a 1000 times and claim it's artistic. Will Smith passed on this....i wonder why?
636046, RE:nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga,
Posted by maternalbliss, Mon Dec-31-12 11:03 AM
Here we go again.
If you don't like that word then you should not like black, negro, colored or African American because all these words denote someone else having jurisdiction over y you and the right to categorize you.

The black man has been named and renamed since he been in america.
nigger/negro/colored/black/african-american It's all a game.

I actually prefer none of these categorizations but i live in the matrix. I don't get mad about any of this because it's all contractual.

Django is about a black man rescuing his wife. It is interesting to me so many folks overlook this. No one has a problems with movies or videos that show niggas calling women bitches and hoes, black dyfunctional families, booty shake, drug selling and drug use. Nobody has a problem with some of the shit they have gotten from black filmakers. But you let a white boy say the word nigga one time and you all up in arms.

>Django unchained (2012)
>With the help of his mentor, a slave-turned-bounty hunter sets
>out to rescue his wife from a brutal Mississippi plantation
>owner. 1/5
>This movie was not good, it was trash, it was so bad that i
>walked out. It's an insult to Africans

African-American is a term that denotes a contrived social construct and was given to you by fake black leaders.

who let a white man
>call them nigger a 1000 times and claim it's artistic. Will
>Smith passed on this....i wonder why?
He turned down Django so he could make After Earth so that he could promote Scientology propaganda to gullible negroes like yourself.
636053, It was still a bad film
Posted by loki2stunt, Mon Dec-31-12 12:22 PM
aside from my personal rant, i guess we can still be brought and paid for.
636077, Catching up on 2012 stuff:
Posted by The Analyst, Mon Dec-31-12 03:38 PM
PREMIUM RUSH - Fun, well-executed B-movie. Enjoyed Michael Shannon hamming it up as the heavy.

MAGIC MIKE - Soderberg is extremely good at his craft and I don't mind that he keeps hammering out these solid, well-made, low-budget movies, even he doesn't seem to be aspiring to make anything more than solid, well-made, low-budget movies. This was a much subtler (and much better) critique of capitalism and the American economy than Killing Them Softly, for example.

KILLER JOE - I strongly disliked this. I'd be hard pressed to come up with characters I cared less about than the assholes in this movie. McConaughey brought an incredible presence and menace to the role, but I thought Friedkin (and some of the cast) was condescending in how he treated the characters misogynistic in how he dealt with the women, especially the relish he seemed to take in watching them be fucking brutalized. I wanted to shut it off after about 10 minutes but I stayed with it the whole way through. Probably should have just shut it off.

TED - Assholery, but there were a few funny parts.

BEASTS OF THE SOUTHERN WILD - First time watching it since I saw it in theaters over the summer. I liked it before but I liked it even better this time. The "ills of the world" symbolism that dominated the first time around took more of a backseat this time, I was better able to just dig the story of Hushpuppy and her daddy on it's face value. I still have some small issues with it, but overall I think it's pretty undeniably excellent

636078, Audrey Hepburn dbl feature:
Posted by b.Touch, Mon Dec-31-12 04:04 PM
My Fair Lady (1964)
The Children's Hour (1961)

Both for the first time. I really enjoyed the latter - but the MPAA at the time must have had a FIT.

The Hobbit and Hitchcock at the theater.