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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectRE: everyone was getting beat by WS tho
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=627938&mesg_id=700855
700855, RE: everyone was getting beat by WS tho
Posted by Nick Has a Problem...Seriously, Thu Jul-23-15 08:37 AM
>>>so, again, you're reaching.
>>How is Nick Fury not weak? Who on that Avengers squad can he
>>I know he's great at hand to hand combat but he's not strong
>>enough to go head up with any of the Avengers outside of the
>>only lower tier members.
>what? so if nick fury was white like in the comics but still
>weak this wouldn't be a problem? coulson ain't beating none of
>the avengers either. hawkeye? weak. also white. black widow,
>white. not beating any of the avengers you mentioned either.
>i mean, i agree that they do minorities dirty in movies, but
>this particular argument i'm not seeing.

You can afford to have weaker white characters. The most powerful ones are white. Thor, Ironman, Cap, etc.