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Topic subjectLet's Do This: Avengers v. The Dark Knight Rises
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=620637
620637, Let's Do This: Avengers v. The Dark Knight Rises
Posted by bshelly, Wed Dec-31-69 07:00 PM
Yes, I just made this poll to provide a forum for me, OE, and Longo to gloat, but it could be some of you still want to cling to your delusions. Let's find out how many.

Poll question: Let's Do This: Avengers v. The Dark Knight Rises

Poll result (97 votes)
Avengers (55 votes)Vote
The Dark Knight Rises (42 votes)Vote


620639, since I only saw Avengers, not TDKR, does that count as a vote?
Posted by celery77, Fri Jul-27-12 04:07 PM
cuz I was at least hype enough to see Avengers opening weekend, even if it didn't exactly leave me satisfied...
620646, I didn't see the Avengers, but I voted safely for the Avengers
Posted by Deebot, Fri Jul-27-12 04:44 PM
620656, Both have nonsensical stories and are overrated by fans
Posted by SoulHonky, Fri Jul-27-12 05:54 PM
Avengers has the unfair advantage of having characters we've never really seen together before on film whereas we'd already seen two Dark Knight movies. Still, I'd take Avengers over The Dark Knight Rises in a heartbeat.
620657, yeah...let's not
Posted by will_5198, Fri Jul-27-12 06:00 PM
both can be picked apart quite easily, so preference depends on which characters you like more. Nolanites are crazier now, but wait until The Avengers III -- the Whedon people will be just as fucking crazy.

Prometheus is the same deal. I enjoyed it a lot more than the other two, but it's certainly got its own issues that you ignore or hate based on characters / imagery preference.
620661, Is this a Marvel vs. DC thing with you?
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Fri Jul-27-12 06:19 PM
because otherwise I don't get it.

620663, nope, i'd prefer DC to be better
Posted by bshelly, Fri Jul-27-12 07:01 PM
620736, well then you're in luck, because it is better.
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Sat Jul-28-12 10:49 AM
620743, : )
Posted by Orbit_Established, Sat Jul-28-12 11:58 AM

You know you don't believe that

Nigga you read Dune 4 times a year

You hated TDKR worse than I did


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O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
620662, some yall more annoying than Nolan fanboys Marvelites combined
Posted by rdhull, Fri Jul-27-12 06:47 PM
btw I voted TDKR....

Its simply a better vision set on celluloid. While Avengers was fun, TDKR made it look silly.

Im reminded how it was quoted that in a test screening of Watchemen, a studio head said "This makes Superman etc look silly" or something to that nature. That's how I feel after watching each refurbished Bat flick. They make all others seem kind of childish/silly.

There’s a storm coming. You and your friends better batten down the hatches cause when it hits you’re all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us"-Selina Kyle
620666, I voted for The Dark Knight Rises bcuz I dont care about the other one
Posted by Bombastic, Fri Jul-27-12 07:39 PM
620670, there is NO contest here....
Posted by Voodoochilde, Fri Jul-27-12 08:01 PM
Avengers wins this with ease folks...

Wayyy more entertaining on EVERY level. period.
Waayyyy more re-watch value on EVERY level. period.
Better dialogue, more nuanced character interactions & relationships, more astonishing visuals...

Avengers UNDERSTOOD what it was ...and quite remarkably (and surprisingly IMO) knocked it out of the park...excEEded my expectations on every level. After first viewing i immediately wanted to see it again. I couldn't believe how it turned me into a kid again, yelling at the screen with exuberance at some of the most exciting points in the film....

Dark Knight Rises seemed to me to come across as trying to often to be something other than what it was, and in doing that, in THAT regard at least, it kinda stumbled over itself (IMO)... which then made it more difficult to fully appreciate what good elements it did have going for it....i genuinely enjoyed some parts of it, but.....

oh, and...dont EVEN get me started on the Avengers heroine vs Dark Knight Rises heroine debate...
Black Widows tush vs Catwomans tush?
pffffffhht, please...let me just say this...that ONE scene where Black Widows butt is facing the camera as she's talking to Loki behind the glass....that scene was WORTH the 3D Imax ticket right there baby....

yeah, sorry, Avengers wins folks....period
620694, i thoroughly enjoyed both, but DKR was far better
Posted by justin_scott, Fri Jul-27-12 11:31 PM
620700, I loved both
Posted by Paps_Smear, Fri Jul-27-12 11:54 PM
as a fan of both in the comic world its just awesome to see them brought to life.

I think TDKR was an all around better movie
Avengers had that action
TDKR was just a little bit more

both will be copped day one on blu-ray though
I can't wait
620701, dividing by zero.
Posted by Jesse Badgreen, Fri Jul-27-12 11:55 PM
i can't really think of any reasons to like the new batman. he was basically a middle manager/delegator and an out-sourcer and over the course of the trilogy barely batmanned at all. but i walked out of the theater knowing that i'd just enjoyed myself.

i walked out of the avengers feeling empty, trying to convince myself to like it.
620703, I didn't really like avengers at all
Posted by Rjcc, Sat Jul-28-12 12:03 AM
but since tdkr was such shit, avengers is the answer.

tdkr was a terrible, terrible movie and I'm starting to wish I hadn't seen it.


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
620715, liked both, but tdkr get my vote because...
Posted by xangeluvr, Sat Jul-28-12 05:01 AM
i just felt like the pacing was better. there were parts of avengers that after 2 viewings i feel slows down way too much. after 2 viewing of the tdkr i feel that it just keeps moving.
620730, Avengers, but I voted TDKR
Posted by topaz, Sat Jul-28-12 10:17 AM
Just because.
620753, LOFL, i really didn't expect TDKR to be winning
Posted by astralblak, Sat Jul-28-12 12:48 PM

they both good in my book, but Avengers
620780, I didn't even see Batman and I know these fools are wrong
Posted by cereffusion, Sat Jul-28-12 06:58 PM
it's weird to me.
620781, then u dont know
Posted by justin_scott, Sat Jul-28-12 07:00 PM
620817, wanted to like dkr but uhhh
Posted by Riot, Sun Jul-29-12 02:49 AM
u cant go all in based on gritty realism
then throw curveball after curveball of wtf

ie the hulk showing up in midtown made way more sense than bruce badback-n-penniless wayne making it back inside a nat'l guard-surrounded gotham

thats just one of many
620820, i don't understand this point
Posted by xangeluvr, Sun Jul-29-12 07:37 AM
he spends 3 movies being a stealth as fuck ninja in a batsuit and people suddenly have an issue with him sneaking into the city. on my second viewing i'm pretty sure that in one scene prior to his prison escape they said the bomb was supposed to go off in 13 days or some shit. bruce then gets out of the prison. cut to the scene where he shows up in gotham where they have less than a day before the explosion. dude had 12 days to figure out where he was and to sneak on enough planes to get back into the states. i don't see why that doesn't make sense in that world. he's batman, remember?

>ie the hulk showing up in midtown made way more sense than
>bruce badback-n-penniless wayne making it back inside a nat'l
>guard-surrounded gotham
>thats just one of many
620821, Powerful copping of pleas, would read again.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Sun Jul-29-12 09:11 AM
>he spends 3 movies being a stealth as fuck ninja in a batsuit
>and people suddenly have an issue with him sneaking into the

So Batman can do anything and they don't need to explain

Gotta love DKR fanboys

on my second viewing i'm pretty sure that in one scene
>prior to his prison escape they said the bomb was supposed to
>go off in 13 days or some shit. bruce then gets out of the
>prison. cut to the scene where he shows up in gotham where
>they have less than a day before the explosion. dude had 12
>days to figure out where he was and to sneak on enough planes
>to get back into the states. i don't see why that doesn't make
>sense in that world. he's batman, remember?

Powerful copping of pleas

You're such a fucking lemming

People like you are why bad movies exist

You literally refuse to think for yourself


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O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
620842, batman with no suit and no money != batman
Posted by Rjcc, Sun Jul-29-12 03:17 PM


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
620959, yet nobody wonders how he got from Gotham to remote mountaintop in Asia
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Mon Jul-30-12 11:44 AM
in Batman Begins, with no money, ID, or resources at his disposal, BEFORE he was Batman.
620996, He had money and ID in the Begins. It's not too hard to get to Tibet.
Posted by AnonymousCoward, Mon Jul-30-12 03:31 PM
620998, No, he got rid of his money and ID before he left Gotham
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Mon Jul-30-12 04:03 PM
remember the scene with the homeless guy when Bruce gives him his cash and his coat and throws his wallet in the trash fire? then he runs off and the next you see him he's in Asia. and that's before he became Batman and had any League of Shadows training.
621027, Doesn't he have long hair and a beard when he pops up in Asia?
Posted by SoulHonky, Mon Jul-30-12 06:47 PM
I thought he'd been traveling for some time in Batman Begins.

The trip in TDKR could be done but it would be tough. There was 23 days left on the timer when he had his last fall. Let's say that he can recover in a week. That gives him two weeks to get back to Gotham (and, if I recall, there's a town behind him so the prison isn't necessarily THAT cut off from civilization.) And the soldiers that came in and were then double-crossed and killed showed that it wasn't impossible to sneak people into Gotham.

It was definitely jarring but things like that and the complete ridiculousness of the faked plane crash were the things that I could overlook.
621102, He did. But he was wandering around, not trying to get from point A to B
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Tue Jul-31-12 11:42 AM
point is he was able to get from Gotham to a remote corner of Asia with no money, ID or resources at his disposal. So if he could do that before he had any training and became Batman, why would it be so hard to believe he could make the trip in TDKR? I guess at first it seemed like he popped up in Gotham the next day, but it was actually about 2 weeks later, so with that in mind I don't really see why it would be such a point of contention with people.
621112, You have to admit that it was still jarring.
Posted by SoulHonky, Tue Jul-31-12 12:44 PM
In Batman Begins, it was "Guy in perfect health running away from it all pops up after no defined period of time in Asia."

In Dark Knight Rises, it was "Man who had been stuck in prison for months with a broken back and who went through two back breaking falls gets back to an isolated Gotham in two weeks AND gets his Batsuit and took time to light up one of the guarded bridges with a fire art project AND picks up the Fresh Start program to give to Catwoman."

I mean, in an undisclosed period of time, he could have hopped on a cargo boat as a stoaway or worked on a ship as a hired hand. With just two weeks, he pretty much has to fly. Still, I agree it's not a huge issue and can be guessed away but really all Nolan would have to do is add a little prop plane flying overhead when Wayne climbs out. (Or have him see a plane of some sort flying overhead one of the time he looks up the hole while still in prison.)

But it did have a "Woah, that didn't take long" feel to it while I was watching.
621130, Not really.
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Tue Jul-31-12 03:25 PM
Just that it's like the next scene and he's back in Gotham so your initial reaction might be whoa that was quick, but when you realize that a couple of weeks have elapsed it's a non-issue really. Out of all the seemingly superhuman feats Batman pulls off that seems pretty low on the unbelievability list.

621000, .
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Mon Jul-30-12 04:07 PM
621160, nevermind the fact that
Posted by Beamer6178, Tue Jul-31-12 06:23 PM
>in Batman Begins, with no money, ID, or resources at his
>disposal, BEFORE he was Batman.

Alfred was waiting on a fucking isolated runway with a plane a few days after he burn Rha's house down...
620972, to add to this
Posted by pretentious username, Mon Jul-30-12 12:29 PM
had they shown bruce getting back to gotham i'm sure people would've complained "this movie's long enough already! who cares how he got there??? i wanna see this tense nuclear bomb situation."

i like avengers better, but be honest nolan haters, you would've.
621053, no nolan hate
Posted by Riot, Mon Jul-30-12 11:31 PM
and ill give him credit that the almost 3 hrs did move really well

better than the 1st half of avengers

but the fact i do like nolan and the bar he set in the 1st two flicks,
makes the 'wrap it up, b' style of concluding the series look even more half arsed

621051, nolans batman wasnt that bright
Posted by Riot, Mon Jul-30-12 11:18 PM
everyone saw he was routinely outsmarted by the joker
but when u think abt it, he was outsmarted by pretty much everybody

dude cldnt even figure out ol girl wit the league of shadows brand on her back, might be... in the league of shadows

so the 'w/ prep time' argument dont convince me much.

then factor in no contact w fox, alfred, any gadgets or resources

but ok sure lets give the benefit of the doubt.
luckily for the 3000 cops doin pushups in the sewer for 4 months -living off nothing but a noble desire for their chance to billyclub those machine-gun toting mercenaries, as well as gordon and the other 4 dudes walking on ice that cracks under the weight of one person -sometimes, bruce knew just how much time was left to get back in the city and do some cool pyrotechnic street art on the bridge...

because his prison cell had cable.

the 100ft underground rope-access only uzbeki-bekistan prison


so yea, insteada asking how bruce made it into gotham, better question is probably- who is bane's cable guy
620979, Or how he recovered from a dislocated VERTEBRA in 4 months...
Posted by wallysmith, Mon Jul-30-12 12:53 PM
with a rope and some good ol' get-after-it attitude.

Or why the dudes with AUTOMATIC WEAPONS couldn't stop the malnourished, sun-deprived police force with a lack of weapons. (How the fuck did all those dudes stay fed, anyways?)

Or how, despite the apparently embiggening presence of Fear, an 8 year old girl could make a jump that grown men twice her height and ten times her physical prowess could not make (even after what looks like decades of imprisonment).

I was entertained by TDKR, but I'd rather keep my suspension of belief focused on the comic elements. Avengers all the way.
621034, You must be a PUSSY who never did PUSHUPS
Posted by Orbit_Established, Mon Jul-30-12 08:27 PM



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O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
621111, How people start questioning the plausibility about costumed
Posted by muzuabo, Tue Jul-31-12 12:41 PM
crusaders is baffling to me? Just watch the fucking movie and stop being a killjoy. The very concept of these movies requires a suspension of disbelief from the jump. You know what happens to people like this in real life? We lock them the fuck up.
621113, "art flick" and "epic superhero flick" should be mutually exclusive
Posted by Tiger Woods, Tue Jul-31-12 01:00 PM
Nolan tries to prove otherwise, and has had a bumpy outing twice in a row. It's fair to criticize plotholes and question the likelihood of events occurring when the DK brass has championed their reality-based Bat universe so proudly.
621194, http://tinyurl.com/d3s78z4
Posted by Orbit_Established, Tue Jul-31-12 09:40 PM



Young Broadway Star Urgently Needs a Bone Marrow Donor. Is it you? http://MatchShannon.com/

O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
620823, Avengers was only cool because of the "all star team" setting
Posted by BennyTenStack, Sun Jul-29-12 09:18 AM
The stories and plots of all the Batman movies were 50x better.
620825, wat
Posted by Orbit_Established, Sun Jul-29-12 09:59 AM
>The stories and plots of all the Batman movies were 50x



Young Broadway Star Urgently Needs a Bone Marrow Donor. Is it you? http://MatchShannon.com/

O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
620870, scripts matter you simps.
Posted by Tiger Woods, Sun Jul-29-12 09:19 PM
and they especially matter when you prop yourself up as something so much more than a superhero flick.

Nolan is a master of visuals and an inept screenwriter. That, to me at least, seems pretty obvious.

He makes the most simplest concept in storytelling - good versus bad - so difficult to wade through that he almost makes his gorgeous visuals for naught. So I'll play:

1. Gordon, a master gumshoe, never knew Batman was Bruce? Really?
2. Bruce didn't feel like trying a robot knee for 8 years?
3. The doctor that Bane kidnaps makes the story better how?
4. "Oh by the way, there's bombs in the cement. Just go with it"
5. The guy on the Wayne board that reams Bane out was...?
6. Scarecrow's makeshift courtroom was important to the story because?
7. The point of the snide pussy blonde cop is?
8. They're just driving around the town with the bomb in a truck?
9. Bane gives a speech to the prisoners, but he's outside and they're inside still going apeshit?
10. Talia Al Ghul was essential in what way?
11. Aerial news cameras hovering over a city in crisis for months and Wayne, this supposed genius, is straight with just leaving the Bat Plane under a tarp?

this movie is so bloated that I actually can't believe the script got greenlit. If I'm anyone of significance at Warners I'm like "bro we can't trim SOME of this shit?"

and no one checks him on it. No one. Not Warners, certainly not the unintelligent movie going public who will prop this swollen affair up as if it is some masterpiece.

Whedon > Nolan
Stark > Wayne
Avengers > Dark Knight Rises by a country mile

620883, ^The RGIII inspired resurgence continues.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Sun Jul-29-12 10:15 PM

Literally you been a fantastic poster ever since
the Redsk*ns got that #2 pick.

In all my time on OKP, I've never seen resurgence
like yours.

You stay spot on and dropping 5% wisdom

Most of the time at least


Young Broadway Star Urgently Needs a Bone Marrow Donor. Is it you? http://MatchShannon.com/

O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
620964, Daps. I aim to stay as accurate and intelligent as my QB.
Posted by Tiger Woods, Mon Jul-30-12 11:53 AM
Unlike, say, Vick.
620894, Trim any of that shit for just one minute of film showing how Bruce
Posted by Mgmt, Sun Jul-29-12 11:17 PM
Made it back to Gotham and all is forgiven
620914, Post #27: Batman is a "stealth as fuck ninja in a batsuit ."
Posted by Orbit_Established, Mon Jul-30-12 02:30 AM

Apparently that's all we need to know.

I must admit, though: "stealth as fuck" is my
new favorite shit


Young Broadway Star Urgently Needs a Bone Marrow Donor. Is it you? http://MatchShannon.com/

O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "
620930, Excellent
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Mon Jul-30-12 08:24 AM
620982, outside of #6 this shit is berry good
Posted by astralblak, Mon Jul-30-12 01:04 PM
620932, Avengers by a light year TDKR = smart dumb n***a classic
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Mon Jul-30-12 08:47 AM
Might even one day knock off the matrix trilogy as the official
Face of SDN

Nolan is fast becoming the face of the SDNFA( smart dumb n*** film assiciation)

TDK was great
and sadly I love most of his movies

But ever since the dark knight was released
It's like this new breed of
Nolan Stan/maniacal/batman apologist Superstan
mustache twirler who takes them self wayy too seriously

Has emerged

They come out full force for any non nolan batman
Movie that might challenge the fabric of their fandom

Most recently for the avengers

They all told us:

"wait till tdkr comes out "
"tdkr is DARK and its REAL"
"avengers has too many plot holes"
"Nolan will never do this that etc etc"

But it dropped
And guess what avengers better

I know it
And you know it

620938, Avengers was better written, TDR has a better world
Posted by Torez the Judge, Mon Jul-30-12 09:30 AM
Whedon is a better plotter and dialogue writer and that's not really even close.

Nolan builds better, more captivating worlds. His movies look better and his action is more captivating.

I prefer Nolan's films over Whedon's, because they always have more 'oh wow!' moments, executive concepts that are cooler and more thought provoking and I tend to agree with the Nolan WorldView more than Whedon's.

620978, Avengers.
Posted by pretentious username, Mon Jul-30-12 12:40 PM
I enjoyed TDKR quite a bit actually, but Avengers is just better, more fun, and has way less plotholes.
621028, Agreed
Posted by Marauder21, Mon Jul-30-12 07:04 PM
Avengers is still the top flick of the summer (after Moonrise Kingdom)