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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectRE: Questions For Those Who Saw It (spoilers)
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=613072&mesg_id=617932
617932, RE: Questions For Those Who Saw It (spoilers)
Posted by Riot, Thu Jul-12-12 07:51 AM
>1. why bother with the giant beasts at all? purely symbolism
>of the character of a "tough animal" (like she was turning
>into) or something else?

adds the fantasy element of seeing things thru a 6 yr olds eyes, and yea the symbolism/metaphor that drives the movie

mythical beasts vs the real human beasts and how much the real life characters fall into similar behavior

ie the way the teacher explains the legend of the aurochs
and bosslady says 'one day ppl gonna know abt a girl named hushpuppy, that lived in the bathtub'

or instead of killing the parents she tells them no, she gonna take care of hers

>2. was that *REALLY* her mother (yes, the voice was the same.
>yes, she cooked up some "magic" gator. but it was never
>specifically said, and how would she have known her mom was
>actually there?)

didnt really like the boat, old captain, skankboat scenes
if they met another way then maybe

>- I tried explaining this movie afterward to someone. it kind
>of defied description. i liked it though
>- there were a WHOLE lot of "don't think about it too hard"
>elements (e.g. NONE of those other kids had parents? how
>exactly did they get back to the bathtub from the shelter?
>were they REALLY gonna take her to Iowa? would the flooding
>not happen pretty much EVERY hurricane season - or at least
>with enough frequency that many of the adults would have lived
>through it before?)