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Topic subjectExpendables 2 (West, 2012)
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591819, Expendables 2 (West, 2012)
Posted by nipsey, Wed Dec-14-11 11:40 PM
Trailer: Now this is what I'm f*cking talking about

591822, Needs more Cobra flag at the White House.
Posted by Frank Longo, Wed Dec-14-11 11:57 PM
Fucking excited for this one too though.
591854, i still wish they could have gotten Westley Snipes
Posted by hardware, Thu Dec-15-11 08:26 AM
Terry Crews is so out of place
591865, Well they would need to bust him out of prison first
Posted by nipsey, Thu Dec-15-11 10:11 AM
But that should be the beginning of Expendables 2. They got a job to do, but first they need to break Wesley out of prison. But I agree, Wesley would've made this even hotter.
Tumblr: http://thisisonlyinnewyork.tumblr.com/
XBOX Live Gamertag: slballer

Last 3 things I watched:

Bridesmaids: C+
Dexter Season 5: B+
True Blood Season 3: B
596623, Westley Schmesly. They should've gotten Carl Weathers
Posted by BigWorm, Mon Jan-23-12 06:40 PM
Get Action Jackson up in there.

609254, ^^ I think Stallone and Weathers have some sort of beef though
Posted by rjc27, Fri May-04-12 08:49 AM
591867, my fucking masculinity is obsolete.
Posted by PlanetInfinite, Thu Dec-15-11 10:14 AM
i'ma go eat ice cream and give oprah hugs.

i'm such a bitch now that i know that this is a thing.
596587, Expendables 2... PG13?
Posted by phenompyrus, Mon Jan-23-12 03:27 PM


Taken from my locked post earlier.
609167, NEW TRAILER:
Posted by phenompyrus, Thu May-03-12 12:37 PM

I'm in.
609248, FUCK YES!
Posted by RobOne4, Fri May-04-12 04:20 AM
will not make the mistake of missing this in theaters
609192, "I now pronounce you man and KNIFE." Greatest. Movie. Ever.
Posted by nipsey, Thu May-03-12 04:23 PM

Tumblr: http://thisisonlyinnewyork.tumblr.com/
XBOX Live Gamertag: slballer

Last 3 things I watched:

X Men: First Class: C
Colombiana: C-
The Descendants: B+
609241, oh shit! van damme jumping spin kick!!!!
Posted by xangeluvr, Fri May-04-12 12:28 AM
all you could ask for and more!!!
609388, This will be the most manly movie in history
Posted by spenzalii, Fri May-04-12 09:19 PM
You may as well just have 2 hours of greasy man balls on the screen. I don't care how corny the dialogue is, or how insanely stupid the plot is. I will be there.

The ONLY thing that could possibly make this any better is a cameo from Clint. Screw Segal....
609477, i feel bad for stallone...this shit looks embarassing
Posted by Hellyeah, Sat May-05-12 04:59 PM
613065, Man, get the hell out of here!
Posted by spades, Fri Jun-01-12 10:51 AM
612939, Stallone should make this fan-made trailer the official one
Posted by Melanism, Wed May-30-12 11:16 PM
613073, fuck. yes.
Posted by SoWhat, Fri Jun-01-12 11:38 AM
i'm in.
613094, these movies are not manly.
Posted by Rjcc, Fri Jun-01-12 02:47 PM
pretend supergroup team ups are pretty much the definition of anti-manly.


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
613164, What's "These Movies"?
Posted by jorge123, Sat Jun-02-12 08:48 PM
There was Expendables 1, which was a very good action movie...and that's about it.
613166, now there's two of them
Posted by Rjcc, Sat Jun-02-12 09:35 PM


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
613214, Ok Captain Contrarian ...I need u to go that way (>-_-)->
Posted by mtbatol, Sun Jun-03-12 07:44 PM
622529, Seeing this shit tonight. I'm hyped.
Posted by bwood, Mon Aug-13-12 08:27 AM
622729, HOLE...LEE...SHIT!!!!
Posted by bwood, Tue Aug-14-12 12:54 PM
Everything that annoyed me with 1 is gone. This is nothing but wall to wall violence with a very simple revenge plot. Chuck Norris and Dolph Lungdren is absolutely ridiculous in this shit. It's all about the team this time and everyone gets a chance to shine. And the dialogue will have you rolling. Enjoy!!!
622872, can u speak on Van Damme as the bad guy?
Posted by araQual, Wed Aug-15-12 02:57 PM
how'd he do as the villain of the piece? (spoiler-free, of course).

622878, Hammy
Posted by bwood, Wed Aug-15-12 03:35 PM
He was having fun, and was a decent villain.
622926, Out of curiosity what annoyed you about the first one
Posted by crow, Thu Aug-16-12 03:22 AM
becuase I pretty much hated it.
622941, My problems with the first one
Posted by bwood, Thu Aug-16-12 08:51 AM
1. It was pretty much the Stallone/Statham/Li show. The others were barely in it

2. The action was pretty underwhelming. As a matter of fact until the climax there wasn't that much action. Terry Crews' magic exploding shotgun almost made up for it. Almost.
623063, pretty much as ridiculous as it seems
Posted by shygurl, Fri Aug-17-12 12:29 PM
Just over the top explosions, bullets, anadrol abuse, cheesy dialogue, plot holes, hair plug dye, beard dye, and plastic surgery nightmares.

Saying all that, it was pretty entertaining and everybody in the theater seemed to enjoy it.
623072, Lots of fun. Much better action. Van Damme stole the show.
Posted by Frank Longo, Fri Aug-17-12 02:35 PM
Totally empty of course, obviously no character work and just the thinnest of plots. But you're not seeing the film for that.

Might have verged on getting a little too ironic with the Chuck Norris shit and telling Arnold he'd be "terminated." Still, it's fast-paced and a good time.
623156, THIS: "Van Damme stole the show".
Posted by araQual, Sun Aug-19-12 05:08 AM
is what i was hopin for.
catchin it at the drive ins nxt wknd wen wifey is outta town (cos i get to smoke my balls off n yell n scream n cheer in the car lol).

623182, Horrible. Horrible, horrible, horrible.
Posted by jorge123, Sun Aug-19-12 08:54 PM
Wow I can't believe how shitty that was. This director obviously had no clue what the fuck he was doing. I'm pretty sure this director thought that The Expendables was supposed to be some kind of action movie spoof where they get a bunch of famous actors to suck each other's dicks on camera for 2 hours.


The Expendables was an amazing action movie. The violence was visceral. The hand-to-hand fighting was top notch. They got right into the action, and once they got to Vilena it was basically non-stop violence. That's how you shoot an action movie - you present a shitty situation, you give the main character a gun, and you get him to shoot the living shit out of people until he's out of the shitty situation.

The Expendables 2 was like watching the behind the scenes of The Expendables 1. It was cute, until you realized you just paid $12 to watch action stars say each others' famous lines. Wooopdie damn doo. The director didn't understand that you pay HOMAGE to their famous characters, and then you MOVE ON to make an actual movie. If I wanted to see whether Chuck Norris was aware that people make jokes about him, I would watch a Chuck Norris interview. If I wanted to see if Arnold Schwarzeneggar had seen the Die Hard movies, I would watch an interview.

Show me some fucking action.

This is one reason why the new Total Recall was so sick - they paid HOMAGE to the original, and then they said fuck it we have our own movie to film. Expendables 2 was stuck in the homage section for the entire fucking 2 hours. Expendables 1 they had the scene with Bruce Willis and Arnold where they all paid HOMAGE, and then they moved on and fucking destroyed Eric Roberts.

After the opening scene (which was comically bad - like an action movie spoof shot by somebody who doesn't even understand action movies), there is probably a solid 45 minutes where literally nothing happens. They go to one place, crack stupid jokes related to their old movies, then they go to another place and do the same. Horrible.

The only people pulling weight in this movie were Statham, Li, and maybe Van Damme. The rest of the cast was reduced to basically Gimli in Lord of the Rings status - say corny one-liners while you kill waves of dudes in completely unimpressive ways.
623246, I do agree about the handjobs to each other
Posted by crow, Mon Aug-20-12 02:24 AM
Enough of using each others lines fahk we get it.

Otherwise, I enjoyed it for what it was mostly. Statham and his knives were dope.
623336, I liked the movie, but I agree with this besides that, haha...
Posted by phenompyrus, Mon Aug-20-12 05:02 PM
Meaning, I think I like 1 better than 2, but I enjoyed them both for what they were.
623289, It was just sort of... there.
Posted by ZooTown74, Mon Aug-20-12 11:11 AM
And I know, "but they're not shooting to get Oscars GOD wtf you expecting film snobb"

But for all of the firepower and intentionally corny dialogue and one-liners and dumb awesome kills and Chuck Norris deux ex machina appearances, it was just lifeless. No, sorry, I actually didn't see any fun being had, with the exception of Terry Crews. Cats looked like they just showed up on their marks and delivered their lines, collected a check, then left.

And BOY, were there a lot of lines. Shit was way too talky. For a movie that ran about 1:45, when shit grinded to a halt, it GRINDED to a halt.

And was Jet Li only contracted for 3 days or something? Was he committed to another film? Did he hurt himself to the point of debilitation? Why have him in the first 10 minutes only to write him out for the rest of it?

The novelty and fun of the first movie felt like labor and rehash this time out.

We out here trying to function.
623300, ^^ Agreed
Posted by jorge123, Mon Aug-20-12 12:15 PM
Except about Crews, who I also felt like was kind of just "there" (even though his character has always been kind of unnecessary...but in the first he at least had a major use).

Movie was completely boring. My advice to anybody is to watch the first 10 minutes and the last 15 minutes, and that's basically all you needed to see. And nothing in those 2 sections was particularly awesome except Statham's knife scene, Jet Li's pan scene, and the Van Damme fight. Although if you skipped the boring middle part you would miss out on the awesome Van Damme knife-kick.

Anyway...as an aside, I am completely impressed by Statham in these movies. I've watched his movies for years, but mainly because he's really been the only guy churning out decent action movies. But watching him stand out from the crowd among these huge action stars really upped my respect for him.
623893, RE: Expendables 2 (West, 2012)
Posted by SsenepoD, Sat Aug-25-12 01:38 PM
i liked it....but i also know this is one of those movies where I'll completely ignore any kind of logical argument against it because i had a good time zoning out & watchin action for 2hours.

like folks said though, statham killed it. that scene in the church was awesome. same w/li in the kitchen. and the van damme scenes were great (spinning knife kick wtf???).