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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectKenan as Tyler Perry: once again, Kenan is the best part of SNL.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=552434
552434, Kenan as Tyler Perry: once again, Kenan is the best part of SNL.
Posted by Frank Longo, Sun Jan-30-11 12:04 AM
Link coming tomorrow if you missed it.
552435, being the best part of SNL is like being
Posted by cereffusion, Sun Jan-30-11 12:05 AM
552436, "The Creep"....was fucking amazing.
Posted by JFrost1117, Sun Jan-30-11 12:08 AM
The fuckin baby with the suit and the trimmed mustache, holy shit.
552440, ^^^^^^^^^
Posted by magilla vanilla, Sun Jan-30-11 12:19 AM
Posted by Frank Longo, Sun Jan-30-11 12:12 AM
552438, And where did you get the mouth?
Posted by JFrost1117, Sun Jan-30-11 12:14 AM
Lol @ the womp-womp on Kristin's lower back.
552439, The Mr. Wizard sketch was pretty damn funny too
Posted by magilla vanilla, Sun Jan-30-11 12:17 AM
552447, if Kenan is the best of SNL then i want no part of it.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sun Jan-30-11 03:15 AM
552450, Agendas aside, I think Hader's been good this season as well
Posted by ZooTown74, Sun Jan-30-11 03:51 AM
And anyone who's annoyed by him losing his shit during sketches can FUCK OFF; it makes the shit funnier

Wish they would have given Eisenberg more to do than play The College Dude in all but 2 of the sketches he was in; him playing the hunchback in the Bride of Blackenstein sketch showed promise.


Yeah... about that Bride of Blackenstein sketch...

I can't get mad at it, I'm going to assume that Kenan and/or the new cat wrote it and will therefore take it in the same "playful sendup" spirit that I took Black Dynamite...

That's just me, though

Me != http://bit.ly/cJCSFJ

The New Shit


also on Facebook

552454, simply stating an opinion is an agenda now?
Posted by Basaglia, Sun Jan-30-11 04:14 AM
if kenan ain't the funniest, i don't know who is
552470, cmon
Posted by ZooTown74, Sun Jan-30-11 12:33 PM
The New Shit


also on Facebook

552818, you must have loved Fallon then
Posted by RobOne4, Tue Feb-01-11 09:21 AM
because someone CONSTANTLY breaking does not make anything funnier.
552833, That's a nice looking strawman
Posted by ZooTown74, Tue Feb-01-11 10:21 AM
Unfortunately for you, it's not the sole reason I think he's funny. But thanks for adding your .02, though, it was totally not worth the 15 seconds of my life wasted reading that shit.

The New Shit


also on Facebook

552849, FUCK U PAL!
Posted by RobOne4, Tue Feb-01-11 12:34 PM
552458, I was surprised at how game (and GOOD) Nicki was.
Posted by AFKAP_of_Darkness, Sun Jan-30-11 09:51 AM
And sadly, she also made me acutely aware that SNL seriously needs a black woman on the cast.

552471, Same here, and I agree
Posted by ZooTown74, Sun Jan-30-11 12:34 PM
>And sadly, she also made me acutely aware that SNL seriously
>needs a black woman on the cast.

The New Shit


also on Facebook

553412, yeah that is pretty sad that there isn't one on the cast...
Posted by basslinewonder, Fri Feb-04-11 12:15 PM
>And sadly, she also made me acutely aware that SNL seriously
>needs a black woman on the cast.


552459, Best SNL ep ive seen in a while
Posted by ChuckNeal, Sun Jan-30-11 10:09 AM
552467, yeah...he's waaaaaay better than Kristen Wiig
Posted by ternary_star, Sun Jan-30-11 12:03 PM
no he isn't.
552473, he was actually good in that segment for the first time ever
Posted by Rjcc, Sun Jan-30-11 12:35 PM
he is never the best part.

just not being the anchor dragging it down is nothing to be proud of. also, the other black guy sucking in skits seems to have taken most of the pressure off of him.

I don't care how dead on his impressions are, he's not eddie murphy


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
552495, I'd like to congratulate Franke on his consistent support
Posted by cereffusion, Sun Jan-30-11 02:41 PM
of other people's agendas. It's cute.
552498, co-sign
Posted by Ceej, Sun Jan-30-11 03:05 PM
552512, Bitch please. Heavyweights and Goodburger are my two fav 90s PG flicks.
Posted by Frank Longo, Sun Jan-30-11 04:08 PM
I grew up on Kenan. I was posting about Kenan before anyone else, since he first pulled out the giant mug as Gary Coleman.

But you wouldn't know that.
552527, bitch please
Posted by cereffusion, Sun Jan-30-11 05:59 PM
552513, At least Kevin Smith is fat AND funny.
Posted by ZooTown74, Sun Jan-30-11 04:12 PM
Nothing you post makes me chuckle. Or grin.

The New Shit


also on Facebook

552526, ok big daddy.
Posted by cereffusion, Sun Jan-30-11 05:58 PM
isnt the rumble tonight? you should beat getting ready!!!
552530, ... Nope, still not laughing.
Posted by ZooTown74, Sun Jan-30-11 06:03 PM
This isn't your forte, so you should probably stop.

The New Shit


also on Facebook

552531, my forte is making you mad
Posted by cereffusion, Sun Jan-30-11 06:05 PM
and obsessed apparently.

552750, You're giving notes on other people being obsessed?
Posted by B9, Mon Jan-31-11 08:41 PM
552874, are we okp enemies?
Posted by cereffusion, Tue Feb-01-11 02:36 PM
i can't remember.
552937, ^^^ Funny because it's true
Posted by ZooTown74, Tue Feb-01-11 07:44 PM
See how that works, Cere?

The New Shit


also on Facebook

552545, When agendas go wild
Posted by Tek4mula, Sun Jan-30-11 08:13 PM
The Creep shits on anything Kenan Thompson has done in his entire life.
552551, the novelty of white guys rapping no longer qualifies as "funny" to me
Posted by Basaglia, Sun Jan-30-11 08:48 PM
i fully expect to see samberg and his boys rappity rapping a digital short every other week. yeah, so awesome. it's no difference from ronnie or blizzard man. it's the same fuckin joke...a white guy is rappin.

that's why i don't think ansari's entire "hip-hop" persona is funny.

he's an indian-amercan who's knowledgeable about rap music and its more well-known performers. that shit don't give him extra comedy points with me.

non-black comics mine the shit outta black culture for jokes, but when wayne brady plays it straight like a regular ass white comic and makes sharp insightful jokes, he gets called bland...silly.
552553, And the Agenda Defenda arrives
Posted by Tek4mula, Sun Jan-30-11 08:59 PM
So it's more funny when Kenan Thompson mines black culture for shitty jokes? He lacks substance and hilarity, that's worse than a white comedian who lacks substance.
552559, agree to disagree on "funny"...but i don't think kenan's "mines"
Posted by Basaglia, Sun Jan-30-11 09:24 PM
>So it's more funny when Kenan Thompson mines black culture
>for shitty jokes? He lacks substance and hilarity, that's
>worse than a white comedian who lacks substance.

kenan doesn't have to peep in on what's going on in blackland. he's kinda already there.

his skits have actual jokes, set-ups and punchlines, whether you think they're funny or not, while samberg gets away making faces in the mirror for two minutes in one digital short..."poppin cherries" with gabby sidibe in another...aaaaaaaand making faces again....and then gettin upset because his male friend is fuckin his dad. like, he actually gets away with this agressively unfunny shit until timberlake shows up one or twice a year or save him.

what up with that? is funnier
jean k jean is WAAAAY funnier
DJ dynasty handbag. is funnier
552560, I'm just talking about this weeks show
Posted by Tek4mula, Sun Jan-30-11 09:37 PM
This post is biggin' up Kenan for doing a Tyler Perry impression and being there for black bride of Frankenstein. He just doesn't have much going for him other than being the black guy on SNL. Kenan doesn't bring much to the table other than having the right amount of melanin for some of the skits SNL wants to do.
552561, yeah, and those two things were funnier than that creep shit
Posted by Basaglia, Sun Jan-30-11 09:41 PM
>He just doesn't have much going for him other than being the
>black guy on SNL.


Kenan doesn't bring much to the table other
>than having the right amount of melanin for some of the skits
>SNL wants to do.

552565, Nah, I'm not feeling that
Posted by Tek4mula, Sun Jan-30-11 10:28 PM
I've never seen any charisma or timing from Kenan. I just don't see any personality in what he does, I could imagine anybody filling his role.
552655, exactly
Posted by southphillyman, Mon Jan-31-11 11:54 AM

>He just doesn't have much going for him other than being the
>black guy on SNL. Kenan doesn't bring much to the table other
>than having the right amount of melanin for some of the skits
>SNL wants to do.
552825, BS. SNL History is littered with the bodies of black comedians...
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Feb-01-11 09:44 AM
for the sake of having black comedians (Finesse Mitchell anyone). Dude is genuinely funny and can carry a joke.

a licky boom boom down
553350, We hired a guy named Finesse? © Lorne Michaels
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Fri Feb-04-11 02:21 AM
>for the sake of having black comedians (Finesse Mitchell
552566, if they were doing this
Posted by pretentious username, Sun Jan-30-11 10:29 PM
it's the same fuckin
>joke...a white guy is rappin.

then they'd be dressed like rappers and making fun of their lack of rapping skills, but that's not the case. There's literally a different concept every song, with sort of an exception for "I Just Had Sex" after "Jizz in my Pants" but it was still funny.
552754, you make little sense
Posted by Basaglia, Mon Jan-31-11 08:56 PM
552824, Naw dude. the joke isn't just white guys rapping.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Feb-01-11 09:41 AM
There's nothing new or novel about that. In fact, Chris Parnell was rapping on SNL long before Sandberg. If the rhymes they did weren't funny, they're bits wouldn't be popular. In fact, the ones they do that aren't funny, aren't that popular.

Them shits is genuinely hilarious.

a licky boom boom down
552842, self-deprecating nerds isn't the same as this:
Posted by pretentious username, Tue Feb-01-11 11:21 AM

in fact, lonely island isn't even really making fun of rap, just themselves... and it's usually funny (if you don't watch TV with an agenda).
552857, I enjoy the Lonely Island songs... but I rarely laugh.
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue Feb-01-11 12:52 PM
Like, I think they're really good at it, and it's a pitch-perfect accurate parody of various genres of music.

But I didn't laugh watching The Creep. I thought, "This is awesome, I want to hear this at a club."

I didn't really laugh watching I Just Had Sex. I thought, "This is awesome, I want to hear this on the radio."

I don't think I've uttered a HA since Space Olympics. But I've smiled the whole way through, and I think they do great work.
552872, I actually wasn't a fan of the creep
Posted by pretentious username, Tue Feb-01-11 02:23 PM
but I've laughed at every other one that I've heard.

also, laughing at it is besides the point as far as what Basaglia was saying. It's not the same white guy rapping joke that we've seen before. The fact that you enjoy the music is actually a testament to that. If anything the songs are more tributes to the genres they use than they are parodies. And they don't take any cheap shots, they generally get the artists involved to poke fun at themselves. And with the exception of Nicki, they all add something to the song, it never really comes across as "Artist/Celebrity X is on this funny song just so it will sell."
552744, ^^cotdaym chuuch
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Mon Jan-31-11 07:32 PM
552846, lol @ no longer, it never has been "funny" to me
Posted by jigga, Tue Feb-01-11 12:27 PM
552589, *looks for video that was promised to me*
Posted by MISTA MONOTONE, Mon Jan-31-11 12:31 AM
YOU LIE! (c) Mad Senator
553417, ^^^^
Posted by luvlee2003, Fri Feb-04-11 12:37 PM
553746, still no link? Lyin' Longo!!
Posted by MISTA MONOTONE, Mon Feb-07-11 06:37 PM
553780, Haha, damn. I'll find it.
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue Feb-08-11 07:20 AM
552647, Kenan has become a reliable player on the show
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Jan-31-11 10:30 AM
Kenan has finally found his grove on the show and it seems like SNL has finally found out how to use him. He went from a dude shoe horned into sketches to the dude who is one of your go to guys to strengthen what might otherwise be a weak bit.

The Tyler Perry Weekend update was great because its the first time in my opinion that Kenan nailed a weekend update bit. French Def Comedy Jam was a germ of a good idea, but never seemed to be fully executed. In the Tyler Perry bit it seems like Kenan found his own voice (and the jokes didn't come off as white writers projecting their inner black comedian).

It makes me wonder if Kenan were to be featured in a movie, what would that movie look like (can't see 90 minutes of what's up with that).

a licky boom boom down
552875, He doesn't look "present" to me
Posted by handle, Tue Feb-01-11 02:38 PM
His eyelines are always WAY off the mark of who he is talking to.

And when he goes directly to camera he seems to be staring a little further to the middle distance then he should be.

he never seems to connect to the audience.

Actually about 90% of the SNL has had this problem in the last few seasons.

Is it the blocking - or what is it??
553017, In the words of Lorne Michaels, they don't go on because they're ready
Posted by magilla vanilla, Wed Feb-02-11 10:50 AM
they go on because it's 11:30.

There have been a lot of repeat "ad sketches" this season, which suggests to me that they're having a lot of trouble getting live sketches ready or cut to time, or deciding on what the final lineup looks like. And if the sketches aren't written, they can't be rehearsed. Which leads to lack of direction and nailing presence.

So in other words, just another thing that's Seth's fault.
553041, reading cue cards
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed Feb-02-11 12:45 PM
552656, The Adventureland line was killer.
Posted by Lardlad95, Mon Jan-31-11 11:55 AM

"Jack of all trades, master of none, though ofttimes better than master of one"-Anonymous

552658, Lisa P was sexy as shit
Posted by southphillyman, Mon Jan-31-11 12:01 PM
552847, ^^^Non-fiction
Posted by jigga, Tue Feb-01-11 12:30 PM
552751, yea that was actually funny
Posted by Ceej, Mon Jan-31-11 08:48 PM
553036, Uh nah, really he isn't...it's hit or miss with most of his skits
Posted by vee-lover, Wed Feb-02-11 12:23 PM
553364, yeah, because with everyone else's skits it's ALL hits
Posted by Basaglia, Fri Feb-04-11 07:44 AM
553353, "Like all my movies, it makes wild swings from broad comedy to dismal...
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Fri Feb-04-11 02:26 AM