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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectPTP Podcast: Episode 0.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=527899
527899, PTP Podcast: Episode 0.
Posted by Frank Longo, Wed Jul-21-10 12:59 PM
Hosted by KingMonte, guest starring BrillRic and Frank Longo.

Topics: the podcast itself, Inception, Emmy Award comedy nominations.

This was a very rough trial run, just figuring out tech issues, chemistry issues, format issues, etc. It's not perfect, but this is a very rough sketch of what you'd be hearing, but in the future tightened up with more subjects covered and a 4th guest.

Thoughts? Feedback? Criticism? Etc.? Would you listen regularly once this thing gets fully under way?

527904, Thumbs up
Posted by jigga, Wed Jul-21-10 01:22 PM
I'll keep tunin in if this is going to be a weekly thing & would like to contribute in the future once I get a mic.

527910, Thanks
Posted by BrillRick, Wed Jul-21-10 01:46 PM
I was nervous initially doing it, but once you start talking you get a little more comfortable. You can tell Longo has been doing theater because he has a great speaking voice. Also, Monte's podcasting experience really showed with his great hosting skills.
527915, Honestly, all three of you seemed like naturals. It kept my interest.
Posted by jigga, Wed Jul-21-10 02:09 PM
>I was nervous initially doing it, but once you start talking
>you get a little more comfortable. You can tell Longo has
>been doing theater because he has a great speaking voice.
>Also, Monte's podcasting experience really showed with his
>great hosting skills.
527907, Cool I'll check this out tonight when I get offa work
Posted by mrhood75, Wed Jul-21-10 01:37 PM
527930, great
Posted by Mageddon, Wed Jul-21-10 02:55 PM
Brillrick needs a better mic, but other than that, it was all good.

looking forward to more episodes and perhaps contributing depending on the subject being discussed.
527935, agree with the alec baldwin comments
Posted by Mageddon, Wed Jul-21-10 03:05 PM
and I think the past oscar awards exposed him as someone who's really benefiting from the writers on 30 Rock.

the writing on the oscars was lame, but steve martin kind of made it work because...well, he's steve martin, and dude is just naturally funny.

baldwin on the other hand was a mess.
527967, I resent the following
Posted by KingMonte, Wed Jul-21-10 05:10 PM
- my stutter-filled opening
- my lack of grasp of technology
- all of the points that I thought of listening back that were far superior than what spewed out of my mouth-hole.

However, I am grateful for
- it not being a total embarrassment
- BrillRick & FrankLongo for being great co-casters
- the fact that this went from concept to reality within two weeks

I sense potential here.
There's still work to be done, but a pretty solid foundation has been laid.

Apologies for the sound quality and thanks for listening and the kind words and suggestions.

FrankLongo, BrillRick: same time next week?
Any takers for that first guest slot?
528050, Same time works for me.
Posted by BrillRick, Wed Jul-21-10 10:02 PM
I would be nice if you could send a topic list a day or two before so that we all could prepare a little. you can even use this post to get suggestions from everyone.
528056, If y'all have time before next Tues, I could do a Episode 0.5
Posted by Frank Longo, Wed Jul-21-10 11:01 PM
Just to continue to work bugs out.

Plus I have a friend in town next Tuesday, so I gotta make sure I clear my schedule for that hour.
528088, RE: If y'all have time before next Tues, I could do a Episode 0.5
Posted by BrillRick, Thu Jul-22-10 06:15 AM
I could do tonight (Thursday) though that would be pretty short notice, Saturday between 6 and 9, and I have all Sunday free. I plan on seeing Inception again on Friday.
528090, If yall want to do another this weekend, that'd be cool
Posted by KingMonte, Thu Jul-22-10 06:42 AM
I'm about to do what I was avoiding the most - spending money.
I can't get the free audio program Soundflower to install, so I'm buying another cheap one.
I'm hoping it's going to work with ease.

I'm also going to get an mp3 mic. Hopefully that will un-TPain me.
My computer isn't the newest latest.
Also, my skype settings aren't optimal due to compatibility with the latest version.

Anyway, I'm going to upgrade a bit and hope for the best.

Although I definitely want to have a stable time for the weekly once we get going, does Sunday 5pm EST work for the 0.5?
Amend as needed, I'm flexible.
528128, Earlier than that would be preferable for me.
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Jul-22-10 10:13 AM
I too could do tonight... pretty much any time other than Friday is wide open at the moment for me. Sunday afternoon to evening may be tricky... but I can check.
528134, Here's me
Posted by KingMonte, Thu Jul-22-10 10:32 AM
Today: no good
Friday: day no; evening yes, but I'm betting I'm the only one there
Saturday & Sunday: open

BrillRick - Saturday's looking like the sweet spot. What say you?
528139, RE: Here's me
Posted by BrillRick, Thu Jul-22-10 10:42 AM
>Today: no good
>Friday: day no; evening yes, but I'm betting I'm the only one
>Saturday & Sunday: open
>BrillRick - Saturday's looking like the sweet spot. What say

Saturday afternoon works for me, i think i'll be back home by then. Let's say around 5:30pm-9:00pm.
528142, Saturday 7/24 6pm: Ryan this is for you...
Posted by KingMonte, Thu Jul-22-10 11:16 AM
Are we in agreeance?

EDIT: trying to be a smartass, I misspelled the non-word. Doh.
528160, 6 pm I can do.
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Jul-22-10 12:52 PM
528218, Then like they say in those hip hop songs: ONCE AGAIN IT'S ON!
Posted by KingMonte, Thu Jul-22-10 03:44 PM
Saturday at 6 it is.
We can hit the drama noms and I'll PM you guys some news headlines.
I'll get those out Fri night/Sat morning.
If there's anything in particular you want to discuss, let me know.

528049, I'm like 4 mins in and am surprised at how good this can be.
Posted by Ryan M, Wed Jul-21-10 09:58 PM
You guys have good chemistry, audio issues aside.

KingMonte obviously has done these before.

I'd love to be part of this if you guys were on PST, but for now I'll simply be a fan.
528053, "Monte...."disagreeance"?
Posted by Ryan M, Wed Jul-21-10 10:28 PM
C'mon man...you're better than that.
528091, If I give you the pattern, will you cut me some slack?
Posted by KingMonte, Thu Jul-22-10 06:53 AM
<Image of Damon Wayans in prison using the wrong words here.>
528055, Great job, y'all.
Posted by ZooTown74, Wed Jul-21-10 10:45 PM
And thanks to King Monte for the pitch and putting it all together...



also on Facebook
528062, Dope lil' first run y'all
Posted by mrhood75, Wed Jul-21-10 11:58 PM
You've mentioned the bugs that can stand to be worked out, but you've got a solid foundation here. I'll keep checking it out. Wouldn't mind contributing too, of course, though I think probably what would make the podcast sound the best is if the three of y'all work out your chemistry in the coming weeks. Seems like you're pretty ahead of the curve already.

So, yeah, keep on doing what your doing.
528079, I was very amused (c) Biz's girl Blah Blah Blah
Posted by Orfeo_Negro, Thu Jul-22-10 02:18 AM
Excellent work, guys! I'm really looking forward to following this!

(Btw I just saw Inception this morning and I agree 100% with Frank re: the absence of character development; I did not give a shit about anybody in that movie and it greatly hindered my enjoyment of it. That and the verbosity... I can't say I cared much for the flick)
528114, I don't need you to talk about the boards in reference to movies.
Posted by Duval Spit, Thu Jul-22-10 09:48 AM
Unless you use a specific quote.

Other than that,
I enjoyed it.

Keep it up
and give me a guest spot sometime.
528119, Also, RE: The kiss.
Posted by Duval Spit, Thu Jul-22-10 09:55 AM
It bothered me because it pointed out how little character development there was for the rest.

I mean,
JGL couldn't have shown a little interest in her BEFORE that scene?

Just came out of nowhere to me.
528175, He was practically showing her his oh face the whole time before
Posted by jigga, Thu Jul-22-10 01:36 PM
>It bothered me because it pointed out how little character
>development there was for the rest.
>I mean,
>JGL couldn't have shown a little interest in her BEFORE that
>Just came out of nowhere to me.

I saw him settin up that subtle mack game from the start
529152, I've seen the movie approximately 20 times now
Posted by Duval Spit, Wed Jul-28-10 12:27 PM
and I still don't see it.
528116, Whoa!! This is actually happening?!
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Jul-22-10 09:51 AM
And quickly, too!

Dope. Will give it a listen tonight.
528224, Okay, I had to bounce when I heard 'Inception spoilers'
Posted by buckshot defunct, Thu Jul-22-10 04:21 PM
But from what I heard so far, GOOD JOB KEEP IT UP.

528176, obviously a work in progress, but excellent!
Posted by dgonsh, Thu Jul-22-10 01:38 PM
im just pop-culture and film/tv nerdy enough to enjoy the hell out of this.

plus, the only time id heard longo's voice before was in the gnarls barkley acapella cover. so that was interesting.

king monte did a great job of watching the pacing and direction of the discussion.

overall, i enjoyed the hell out of it.
i almost wish it were around when L O S T ended.

One day, should you be interested in a Canadian perspective with a dry sense of humour and a sharp tongue, im *SO* in!

cant wait for next week (will there be one?)
528182, We'll have another test run before next week.
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Jul-22-10 01:52 PM
Hopefully next week we can start the real deal.
528194, um...maybe keep it to 20 mins?
Posted by lfresh, Thu Jul-22-10 02:24 PM

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
528197, too short
Posted by Mageddon, Thu Jul-22-10 02:36 PM
over an hour is too much though.
528201, an hour is too much 45 mins is too much
Posted by lfresh, Thu Jul-22-10 02:47 PM
maybe 30
and that's pushing it
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
528216, An hour's cool, but with more than 2 topics
Posted by KingMonte, Thu Jul-22-10 03:39 PM
And with 2 topics, I thought it was alright.
There are some hour long podcasts that are audio Ambien.
This doesn't qualify...but I'm biased.

If we change it up a little and add some more features - make it more of a show than a conversation - you'll wish it was more than an hour.
...at least that's the goal.
528219, yes...
Posted by lfresh, Thu Jul-22-10 03:48 PM

>There are some hour long podcasts that are audio Ambien.
>This doesn't qualify...but I'm biased.

you are

>If we change it up a little and add some more features - make
>it more of a show than a conversation - you'll wish it was
>more than an hour.
>...at least that's the goal.

cut it down
edit edit edit
15 mins per topic
and again thats pushing it
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
528237, For what it's worth, here's my recommendation:
Posted by mrhood75, Thu Jul-22-10 05:45 PM
Keep it at an hour or 45 minutes; either are cool. However, keep the topics to 15 minutes, unless it's something REALLY big (I can understand Emmy nominations taking a while). A show with four 15 minute topics is perfectly fine. Lots of shows do that.
528269, i like this
Posted by lfresh, Thu Jul-22-10 09:07 PM

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
528198, Will check it out after work.
Posted by Castro, Thu Jul-22-10 02:40 PM
528264, great except for longo
Posted by cereffusion, Thu Jul-22-10 08:41 PM
528283, Thanks sweetie.
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Jul-22-10 10:59 PM
528286, nice. you're doing what i dreamed of doing.
Posted by hardware, Thu Jul-22-10 11:15 PM
i think you should cover movies, tv, dvd, classic films, short films, animation, etc

maybe even music

if you need another voice, i can audition
528301, Can we get some suggestions for topics ?
Posted by BrillRick, Fri Jul-23-10 05:16 AM
What are the big news items this week or in general in entertainment?

Salt could be something (i don't know if we will all have seen it by then)
528302, talk about comic con
Posted by Mageddon, Fri Jul-23-10 05:33 AM
Whedon is officially on for Avengers

Walking Dead.


Mel Gibson.

M. Dogg.

528350, If I can plug my daily shit right quick
Posted by KingMonte, Fri Jul-23-10 11:22 AM

I started this week with the goal of getting one podcast out daily.
Mission accomplished.
More entertainment news set to music.
Check it out!!
