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Topic subjectChuck Season Three (sponsored by Subway)
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496320, Chuck Season Three (sponsored by Subway)
Posted by Melanism, Fri Sep-14-12 12:26 PM
Good opener. I'm glad the Intersect 2.0 isn't reliable so Chuch is still a liability but hopefully he gets some sort of control of it by midseason otherwise him pulling it together to save the day every episode will be boring.

496399, wait...it's on sunday...*DOH*
Posted by lfresh, Mon Jan-11-10 02:07 PM
argh i hope my dvr recorded
smart dumb niggas i see is the theme of the week on okp (c)esb
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
496403, Just for the premiere. It's on tonight and will air Mondays regularly
Posted by Melanism, Mon Jan-11-10 02:16 PM

496569, and my dvr STILL didn't record for tonight
Posted by lfresh, Mon Jan-11-10 08:47 PM
but i'm catching it now
and they are advertising for the permiere online so i'll watch that after
smart dumb niggas i see is the theme of the week on okp (c)esb
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
496406, I wasn't disappointed, well they didn't show enough Eliie
Posted by Ray_Snill, Mon Jan-11-10 02:30 PM
but it was a cool premier

daddy's girl ... coolest kid ever!

496583, Tonight's episode reinforces my only complaint with this show.
Posted by CaptNish, Mon Jan-11-10 10:13 PM
Get rid of the Buy More subplot. And replace it with more Awesome. Looks like next week's might follow the same path.
496755, RE: Tonight's episode reinforces my only complaint with this show.
Posted by Calico, Tue Jan-12-10 03:14 PM
>Get rid of the Buy More subplot. And replace it with more
>Awesome. Looks like next week's might follow the same path.

^^^crazytalk...buy more is DOPE...
496814, RE: Tonight's episode reinforces my only complaint with this show.
Posted by Beamer6178, Tue Jan-12-10 05:17 PM
>>Get rid of the Buy More subplot. And replace it with more
>>Awesome. Looks like next week's might follow the same path.
>^^^crazytalk...buy more is DOPE...
um FUCK and YES...the buy more is HUGELY integral to the show's success. those employees are pure gold. and i haven't even peeped season three yet, i'm rewatching season one and two to refresh, but any talk of getting rid of the buy more is blasphemous.
496624, I'm on board; each ep's been better than the previous
Posted by emeng, Tue Jan-12-10 12:38 AM
1 was awkward with all the flashbacks and catching new viewers up, but episode 2 was solid and 3 was really well done.

Superman episodes coming next, with Brandon Routh next week, and Kristin Kreuk the week after that... let's see if the guest stars help bsustain the momentum and keep people tuned in.
496660, anyone else notice that Chuck looks different this season?
Posted by Wordman, Tue Jan-12-10 08:42 AM
My roommates, who don't watch the show regularly, made the comment that he looks different in the past two eps (Sunday and Monday) than in previous eps they've seen. Anyone else catch this?

"Your current frequencies of understanding outweigh that which has been given for you to understand." Saul Williams
496919, RE: anyone else notice that Chuck looks different this season?
Posted by funklectic, Wed Jan-13-10 02:07 AM
>My roommates, who don't watch the show regularly, made the
>comment that he looks different in the past two eps (Sunday
>and Monday) than in previous eps they've seen. Anyone else
>catch this?
>"Your current frequencies of understanding outweigh that which
>has been given for you to understand." Saul Williams

his hair's a little longer and he's put on weight
496861, man, the season premiere and last night were great!
Posted by stankpalmer, Tue Jan-12-10 08:19 PM
and yes, the Buy More is INTEGRAL to the show. I kinda like his real life better than his spy life.
499565, just so it continues.....
Posted by Beamer6178, Tue Jan-26-10 03:34 PM
i was rewatching the whole series to prep for season 3, i had never seen some eps of season 1 and even though i saw all of season 2 still wanted to refresh, almost there, season 3 should be cracked into by this weekend....

i've heard good things thus far, can't wait to see
499662, do they show this online?
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Wed Jan-27-10 02:17 AM
499699, RE: do they show this online?
Posted by Beamer6178, Wed Jan-27-10 11:20 AM
yeah nbc.com
499805, still enjoying the show
Posted by emeng, Wed Jan-27-10 10:37 PM
i think the pseudo-drama created from sometimes-flashing-and-sometimes-not is some gimmickry that will get old pretty fast. i'd sooner they continue to make him a competent and eventually good spy then strip him of his intersect powers than have him continue to jump into and out of ineptitude.

that said, the story arc is pretty good, the new characters introduced are great, casey battling insurgency in the Buy More and captain awesome getting play spy were both well done.

i hope kristen kreuk stays around as serious love interest, and not a rachel bilson-like pretender. getting tired of the googly-eyes chuck and sarah give each other all day.
499813, Chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu'ch
Posted by duD, Thu Jan-28-10 12:03 AM
500600, Deleted message
Posted by Beamer6178, Mon Feb-01-10 03:11 PM
No message
500674, this season has been great
Posted by bleekgilliam_420, Mon Feb-01-10 09:18 PM
but i have to say that tonight was the best of the season so far and one of the best in the series so far. so many stories we're moved forward. i love that they are dealing with why he is disappearing all the time like its nothing (btw that whole going to paris without the cia at lets making a up a fake client so it really wouldnt be suspect....very sloppy)
500820, RE: this season has been great
Posted by Beamer6178, Tue Feb-02-10 11:18 AM
>but i have to say that tonight was the best of the season so
>far and one of the best in the series so far.
definitely, had as many funny moments and some weighty ones

>so many stories
>we're moved forward. i love that they are dealing with why he
>is disappearing all the time like its nothing
reasoning along the lines of the show, think about the buy more, i mean everyone's always bullshitting and having turf battles and whatever, they're a bunch of humanoids! hell big mike just ate donuts for two years, and since he's always been the unofficial leader of them, him saying he's doing an install would have no reason to be questioned. also, because he had a hot girlfriend, they probably figured half the time he was ditching work to be with her (which was more often than not the case).

(btw that whole
>going to paris without the cia at lets making a up a fake
>client so it really wouldnt be suspect....very sloppy)
in fairness, chuck didn't really expect to ever see her again and he's used lame excuses before. by the time she got to the buy more he had put her to "daydream" status, not oh shit i need a cover.

i like how it's showing that as awesome as devin is, he's no spy and makes you respect what the hell chuck has to do.

and i like how his becoming a better spy is freaking sarah the fuck out. its part of what drew her to him, being a regular real person, and what broke down her defenses, and now that he's lying straight up to people, she's afraid that she's going to lose him. i think that will be the conflict that will run for the remainder of the show's existence. good shit all around though.
502491, I wish they could get Dean Cain and Margot Kidder for an episode
Posted by Gemini_Two_One, Tue Feb-09-10 12:53 PM


"You want the truth? You can't handle the truth. No truth-handler, you. Bah! I deride your truth-handling abilities!"
502501, Kristen Kreuk could get it! And by it, I mean my penis...
Posted by CaptNish, Tue Feb-09-10 01:26 PM
...in her vagina.
502517, another great EP last night
Posted by Beamer6178, Tue Feb-09-10 02:22 PM
he didn't have to bumble his way through an intersect rescue but still managed to do a lot...plus now that he and sarah have other love interests, that will give enough momentum for them to deal with other people even though we all know they're still number one with each other....great fucking teaser to end the show, and now we gotta wait for some sorry ass winter olympics till it comes back. it should get some good promo though.
502565, well it appears that a lot of people are pissed at last nights eps
Posted by bleekgilliam_420, Tue Feb-09-10 05:31 PM
mostly are around chuck and sarah being off again. i dont have a problem with that. i love that they are moving the story forward with chuck and the intersect. at some point he is going to be able to lead and do solo missions.
502695, I agree with people being pissed though
Posted by Ray_Snill, Wed Feb-10-10 01:47 AM
Sarah's whole point of not getting with Chuck was because he was a spy, then she wants to get with Shaw? it would be different if she was getting with a civilian

daddy's girl ... coolest kid ever!

502707, No offense, but people are stupid
Posted by Beamer6178, Wed Feb-10-10 03:50 AM
>Sarah's whole point of not getting with Chuck was because he
>was a spy,
i'm confused, what do you mean her whole point of not getting with him, she was willing to run away with him.

>then she wants to get with Shaw? it would be
>different if she was getting with a civilian
she can't get with a civilian, her life doesn't allow her to have such interactions, plus it would be way too complicated. chuck can do it because he's a real person, sarah is like 5 aliases deep by this point
also, sarah fell for chuck for his unspylike traits, its those in shaw (mainly, that he shared a deep personal loss but also he's not fond of guns or violence) that drew her to him.

>daddy's girl ... coolest kid ever!
502715, yup
Posted by bleekgilliam_420, Wed Feb-10-10 06:26 AM
>>then she wants to get with Shaw? it would be
>>different if she was getting with a civilian
>she can't get with a civilian, her life doesn't allow her to
>have such interactions, plus it would be way too complicated.
>chuck can do it because he's a real person, sarah is like 5
>aliases deep by this point
>also, sarah fell for chuck for his unspylike traits, its those
>in shaw (mainly, that he shared a deep personal loss but also
>he's not fond of guns or violence) that drew her to him.

and add on that she was really hurt by the whole prague thing too.
personally i think they are setting this up because she really doesnt trust shaw...
505601, Winter Olympics ending....GOOD
Posted by Beamer6178, Thu Feb-25-10 12:32 PM
I'm ready to get back into this now. The late night fiasco, and the return of 10pm dramas should attract more heads hopefully here Monday nights. Have they been promoting it well? I haven't been keeping up with the Olympics much.
506343, Carmichael went ice cold on 'em
Posted by Beamer6178, Tue Mar-02-10 11:10 AM
I think he might have broke it off with Hannah too soon, but if he rocks solo and just gets involved with random broads along the way I can dig it. That seems to be the path he's chosen for himself.

the guests were great last night, especially the scene where edgar and paulie were talking to chuck about his relationship woes.

507950, *crickets chirping*
Posted by Beamer6178, Tue Mar-09-10 03:47 PM
has y'all stopped watching?

last night's episode was spectacular. i liked how despite awesome being awesome, he couldn't stand the heat of keeping things from ellie and being involved in chuck's world even though he thought it was so "awesome" when he first found out. morgan will be much better equipped to keep it in tow although he will have his moments, but because he's chuck's roommate he won't have a particular person to conceal things from AND he is so fiercely loyal to chuck he'd never leave him hanging on the phone like devin did.

gonna be interesting to see how the Ring is tied to casey next week....
508086, im still in
Posted by bleekgilliam_420, Tue Mar-09-10 11:26 PM
i also liked how awesome isnt really awesome. im kind of up in the air about the whole morgan thing though. morgan will be able to handle the secrets a lot better even though he will prob be annoying with it.

>gonna be interesting to see how the Ring is tied to casey next
yeah, i cant wait to see what they have in store for casey. im still interested in what exactly casey had to hide in the last episode.
508146, RE: im still in
Posted by Beamer6178, Wed Mar-10-10 10:35 AM
>i also liked how awesome isnt really awesome. im kind of up
>in the air about the whole morgan thing though. morgan will be
>able to handle the secrets a lot better even though he will
>prob be annoying with it.
me and my wife HOLLERED when morgan did that "wha CHAAA!!" and knocked out dude with the stick. fricking hilarious!

>>gonna be interesting to see how the Ring is tied to casey
>yeah, i cant wait to see what they have in store for casey. im
>still interested in what exactly casey had to hide in the last
508159, I actually like Morgan knowing more than Awesome
Posted by Ray_Snill, Wed Mar-10-10 11:02 AM
just how Awesome found out it's not as awesome as he thought mostly because of Ellie (who was looking **bites fist**) Morgan doesn't have anyone to really protect but Chuck, plus I just find dude hilarious

daddy's girl ... coolest kid ever!

508212, i laughed hard when he knocked dude out too.
Posted by bleekgilliam_420, Wed Mar-10-10 02:42 PM
>me and my wife HOLLERED when morgan did that "wha CHAAA!!" and
>knocked out dude with the stick. fricking hilarious!

i gotta admit, that whole sequence of morgan finding out (him crawling on the floor, him talking chuck into going down into the bunker, him pissing his pants when they had the gun in his face) was effing hilarious.
510138, good shit once again
Posted by Beamer6178, Tue Mar-23-10 09:59 AM
casey and big mike together were hilarious. slick how he kept chuck "pure" but wonder when chuck will tell sarah he didn't kill perry.

that was a dope bathroom fight scene. i still think he'll eventually kill someone, but to save sarah or casey.
510212, Shaw is still annoying
Posted by Ray_Snill, Tue Mar-23-10 02:13 PM
but somehow I think that Sarah's red test was killing Shaw's wife. it was just kinda weird how they stuck that in there. this is maybe the 3rd episode with no Morgan, Awesome, or Ellie.

daddy's girl ... coolest kid ever!

510231, RE: Shaw is still annoying
Posted by Beamer6178, Tue Mar-23-10 04:03 PM
>but somehow I think that Sarah's red test was killing Shaw's
YUP, i think that's who it is too. the question is why did they have her killed? did she go dirty or was she double double under? in which case chuck might have to kill shaw for real this time to save sarah.

>it was just kinda weird how they stuck that in there.
>this is maybe the 3rd episode with no Morgan, Awesome, or
>daddy's girl ... coolest kid ever!
511306, I KNEW IT!!!!
Posted by Ray_Snill, Tue Mar-30-10 12:09 AM
good thing is next week they kill Shaw off. I actually cringe when dude pops on screen, he was a very wasted character in his own story arc. now we gotta see how they gonna get Casey back onto the team


512480, i think the national title game ruined me for the night
Posted by Beamer6178, Tue Apr-06-10 11:27 AM
that was so hype that chuck and 24 both seemed anti-climactic. also i had predicted once it showed sarah in her red test that it would be shaw's wife, that he'd be out for blood and that chuck would have to finally kill someone.

the elevator scene seemed to be a bit much, but i gotta admit, when shaw was fighting those dudes up top, i'm like why the fuck don't they make the sound like they got hit LOL...

casey and morgan were good together though. also, now that chuck and sarah finally busted, that tension will be broken and they can move on.
512495, I like the direction the show is going in
Posted by Ray_Snill, Tue Apr-06-10 01:19 PM
Morgan being in the know kinda ups the ante and I like that he agravates the General. plus it was REALLY funny to me that they called her at home. seems like it's gonna be a brand new show then with Chuck's dad and Anna Wu coming back ... I think they'll go out again with a bang for the season finale


513019, the season 3.1 previews got me so hyped
Posted by bleekgilliam_420, Fri Apr-09-10 04:45 PM
i cant wait for it to pick back up in a couple of weeks.
515055, Sarah should be forced to speak with that Texas twang for the rest...
Posted by CaptNish, Mon Apr-26-10 07:41 PM
...of the series.
515088, RE: Sarah should be forced to speak with that Texas twang for the rest...
Posted by Beamer6178, Tue Apr-27-10 08:19 AM
>...of the series.
while wearing those "pajamas"
515157, I admit that was oddly arousing
Posted by Ray_Snill, Tue Apr-27-10 06:19 PM


515099, btw morgan is commander clutch
Posted by Beamer6178, Tue Apr-27-10 10:09 AM
a lifetime of video game and innane facts serves the young jedi well. i knew he was going to catch those fake interpol agents with all his blabber.

when you think about all the information needed to be processed in intelligence, morgan is a hidden gem.

the show may need to end though, or perhaps ONE more season max, since the tension that drove it for almost three seasons finally "busted" so to speak.

perhaps they have a storyline that involves ellie and awesome in africa and team bartowski needing to save them. hopefully with his dad back in the mix they'll have more to work with.

515105, I almost wanted the show to end three weeks ago
Posted by Gemini_Two_One, Tue Apr-27-10 11:52 AM
Because I thought it peaked and should go out on top....but I was wrong! Last night's episode was really good and I like the direction it is heading in.

"I suck when it comes to Internet forums"
515129, question for all chuckle heads
Posted by Beamer6178, Tue Apr-27-10 02:46 PM
several have said "i like the direction the show is going in"

enlighten me? cause while i'm enjoying it, i'm not really sure WHAT direction the show is going in, may not be a bad thing but it doesn't seem like there's a clear build up to anything anymore. the ring and fulcrum been knocked, sarah and chuck finally smashed, what specific new threat do they have to tangle with and what does it all lead up to?
515141, Dr. Sam Beckett is still missing.
Posted by CaptNish, Tue Apr-27-10 04:48 PM
Also, the Ring isn't defeated.
515156, that got at least another season
Posted by Ray_Snill, Tue Apr-27-10 06:18 PM
the avenues they got to explore along with Chuck & Sarah finally being spies together

Morgan training as a spy
Morgan going on missions
Casey getting back with his wife & daughter
Ellie & Awesome in Africa

as good as their writers are they should be able to get 22 more shows.


516045, Great Ep last night
Posted by Beamer6178, Tue May-04-10 09:04 AM
with all that tension gone, nice to see how a relationship can ruin being "in love" like none other lol

morgan and casey are gold

i knew that doctor was up to something, either trying to get at ellie or something else. would have been cool if they got into some mess IN africa and team bartowski had to head there to save them, but next week's episode is looking REAL good.
516184, yep Morgan & Casey be killing it
Posted by Ray_Snill, Wed May-05-10 12:27 AM
I just think it's nice to see Sarah having fun. I don't even think she smiled much this season. I can't wait to see what they gonna do with Anna Wu


516050, i thought this season was over?
Posted by HighVoltage, Tue May-04-10 09:44 AM
516137, miike snow - sans soleil (song at the end of last night's show)
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Tue May-04-10 06:44 PM

do yourself a favor and check out the album
517044, shit was fire tonight
Posted by Beamer6178, Tue May-11-10 12:49 AM
i definitely didn't see them going with chuck's mind being damaged but it makes sense when you think about what's been going on with his brain.

morgan blowing off a GOOD looking anna wu: 100% gangster

its kind of ill how he's becoming kind of clairvoyant, with his mental issues and steven bartowski coming back into the fold, and ellie getting pulled in, they'll have more than enough to run another season with, if they survive.

great show tonight though, they keep getting better and better.
517216, it's ill how they pulled off this season
Posted by Ray_Snill, Tue May-11-10 10:19 PM
taking the show in yet another direction and it's working. they had only been picked up for 13 shows and had to throw together the remaining shows to complete the season. they should at least get one more season and close it out in style.

BTW I be wanting to see more Ellie, and Anna Wu was looking real good. Freddie "boom Boom" Wahington was seriously underused last night too.


517129, FTW?
Posted by Beamer6178, Tue May-11-10 02:43 PM
517132, !
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Tue May-11-10 02:50 PM
518448, another banger
Posted by Beamer6178, Tue May-18-10 11:24 AM
jeffster big mike = platinum

chuck hearing about sarah and shaw and banging his head on that table while casey twisting the knife = double plat

this shit is going to come to a head VERY nicely. for some reason i have the feeling that someone GOOD is going to get smoked in the next few.

although now that they've been locked up for another season, they might not murk someone out anymore. time will tell...
518557, I don't think anyone needs to get murked just yet.
Posted by stankpalmer, Wed May-19-10 01:48 AM
Although I wouldn't be surprised if Chuck's Dad gets offed by Shaw trying to protect Chuck somehow.

I really like the way this show is going though. The Elle/Ring sideplot is the most interesting her character has EEEEEEVVVVVVER been. The question is, when does she finally learn about Chuck?

Also, this might be a dumb question, but since the Ring/"CIA" guy was the one w/Chuck on the rooftop, does that mean they know Chuck is in the CIA - possibly containing knowledge of the intersect? Because I thought they were just using Elle to get to her dad?
518606, RE: I don't think anyone needs to get murked just yet.
Posted by Beamer6178, Wed May-19-10 10:05 AM
>Although I wouldn't be surprised if Chuck's Dad gets offed by
>Shaw trying to protect Chuck somehow.
i don't think they NEED to but i just have that feeling that they will. with all the CIA will shit, I think they're getting at something deeper. i am curious though to figure out how and why they set up shaw's "death" in that manner. was he expecting chuck to come all the way to paris, he could have killed chuck but didn't, yet once chuck shot him how was he prepared for it? just some loose ends that need tying up.

>I really like the way this show is going though. The
>Elle/Ring sideplot is the most interesting her character has
>EEEEEEVVVVVVER been. The question is, when does she finally
>learn about Chuck?
still not sure she will. she's the last "innocent" of the core group. but we'll see

>Also, this might be a dumb question, but since the Ring/"CIA"
>guy was the one w/Chuck on the rooftop, does that mean they
>know Chuck is in the CIA - possibly containing knowledge of
>the intersect?
that dude justin was just running from chuck and sarah cause he went into shaw's apartment looking for something, the Ring certainly knows Chuck's in the CIA but probably doesn't figure him to be the intersect, although if Justin dealt with Shaw at all, then it's likely but not certain that Shaw would tell him that Chuck is the intersect.

>Because I thought they were just using Elle to
>get to her dad?
yeah i think they definitely were, they didn't know Chuck was the one, evne when they had them both bound up and tied.
519598, ahem
Posted by Beamer6178, Tue May-25-10 12:51 AM
>>Although I wouldn't be surprised if Chuck's Dad gets offed
>>Shaw trying to protect Chuck somehow.
>i don't think they NEED to but i just have that feeling that
>they will. with all the CIA will shit, I think they're getting
>at something deeper.

519613, lol *high five*
Posted by stankpalmer, Tue May-25-10 05:30 AM
519630, ^^^ psychic ^^^
Posted by bleekgilliam_420, Tue May-25-10 08:09 AM
518643, so true about Ellie
Posted by Ray_Snill, Wed May-19-10 01:09 PM
she's just a pretty girl on screen to me. It's gonna be hard to keep Ellie from finding out Chuck's a spy so they might as well get it over with. they'll find a way to make it work without taking anything from the show as usual


519552, this season finale is fuckin badass so far.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Mon May-24-10 07:52 PM
its completely redeemed this season. and the shaw character which i didnt really like before.
519592, dude, they effin' made this finale their bitch
Posted by Ray_Snill, Mon May-24-10 11:41 PM
and now I love the way Ellie knows now but he still gotta keep it under wraps cause now, they gotta find MOMS! they completely changed the direction of the show AGAIN in a way that totally works and it'll be intersting to see if they keep Casey's daughter in the loop.


519594, i'm glad i stuck with this show
Posted by emeng, Mon May-24-10 11:59 PM
action sequences were fresh, plot twists were great, and it really encapsulated everything great about the show. the show's got heart.

oh, and is it me or was the whole "if we are indeed going out of business, tell that to our customers" spiel, right after the blatantly obvious subway product placement, was a subtle nod to the Chuck fans who put up with all these concessions to keep the show on the air?

i think nbc markets this show very poorly. they should be trotting out yvonne strahovski's ass all over the late night circuit. this is a great show. i hope they let them get through 5 seasons.
519614, Definitely
Posted by stankpalmer, Tue May-25-10 05:39 AM
>oh, and is it me or was the whole "if we are indeed going out
>of business, tell that to our customers" spiel, right after
>the blatantly obvious subway product placement, was a subtle
>nod to the Chuck fans who put up with all these concessions to
>keep the show on the air?

I was almost worried toward the end of the ep cause everything felt too neat, all the loose ends were tied, etc. I thought the writers were just covering their asses in case the show didn't get picked up. But they did play up the mom heavily during this ep, so you knew if there was a plot twist it was gonna be with her, especially w/Elle saying "I was so angry at her for leaving." during their heart to heart.

All in all, great ep. Set it up perfectly for next season, and I hope this shit gets picked up.

Prolly gonna be the most overlooked part of the ep: The Jeffster video. Heeeeeeelaaaaaaaaarious.
519633, no worries there
Posted by bleekgilliam_420, Tue May-25-10 08:17 AM
>All in all, great ep. Set it up perfectly for next season,
>and I hope this shit gets picked up.

they got picked up. they have another 13 eps season.

>Prolly gonna be the most overlooked part of the ep: The
>Jeffster video. Heeeeeeelaaaaaaaaarious.

the jeffster vid during the fight was such a fucking hilarious distraction. i wanted to watch the fight but i couldnt stop laughing at the video. i need to watch it over just so i can see that video.
519632, such a dope fucking season finale
Posted by bleekgilliam_420, Tue May-25-10 08:13 AM
i had planned on watching it on hulu so i could rewatch what ever parts i wanted, but after the 1st 5 mins or so, i just never turned. such a badass eps.

i dont know what i laughed harder at.
awesome being depressed and not awesome when he thought elle was cheating on him or when shaw did the faux muhahahah bit.
519655, that shit killed me.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Tue May-25-10 09:30 AM

>i dont know what i laughed harder at.
>awesome being depressed and not awesome when he thought elle
>was cheating on him or when shaw did the faux muhahahah bit.

i did a doubletake at that
519695, Great Finale
Posted by Beamer6178, Tue May-25-10 12:16 PM
I KNEW someone had to get got, they're playin for keeps.

Casey having a civilian to put before his interests at time will be interesting. Although he already did the same with the girl's mother and has gone against orders to help Chuck and Sarah so it's not like it's the most novel or revolutionary thing anymore.

I can already imagine how sick the new BuyMore will be with all the gadgetry and technological devices that are hidden.

So essentially it's like this:

Chuck and Ellie are the kids of spies who try to keep them insulated and away from that life, but inevitably they get pulled into it.

VERY interesting to see exactly what makes their mother such a person of interest.
519697, they should get Lynda Carter to play Mama Bartowski
Posted by Ray_Snill, Tue May-25-10 12:26 PM
they can get about 4 or 5 episodes alone off of the Morgan, Alex, Casey story. it's nice how they keep switching up the show but in ways that totally work so I'm not even worried about the new direction of finding out what their mom does, all I hope for is that they keep General Beckman in the loop. she was pure gold this season. to me Buy More has served its purpose, they can move on since Big Mike already dates Morgan's mom so he can still be used.


519724, yeah but how would you include jeffster
Posted by bleekgilliam_420, Tue May-25-10 02:28 PM
they just going to hang around the apartment from time to time?
519739, RE: yeah but how would you include jeffster
Posted by Beamer6178, Tue May-25-10 03:49 PM
>they just going to hang around the apartment from time to

jeffster will be cleared fairly soon, chuck won't let them take the heat for it (pun intended).

the 13 eps could become 19, and they will have PLENTY of work to do in locating mary bartowski and figuring out her role in all this. i don't see morgan, alex, and casey occupying such a significant chunk of time, even though it will carry on throughout. i can see casey getting back with alex's mom, no way she can keep the discovery from her.

still see buymore being rebuilt and the CIA/NSA remodeling it to have sick shit all through the place.

demi moore could play a good mrs. bartowski, as would lindsey wagner, but i'm not too worried about it, they'll find someone good.