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Topic subjectDollhouse Season 2
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477560, Dollhouse Season 2
Posted by Allah, Fri Sep-25-09 08:05 PM
resurrecting the careers of SyFy Battle Star Galactic actors and actresses, one person at a time. Now Lee Apollo is on there getting "murried" to Echo
477588, Dollhouse Season 2
Posted by bwood, Fri Sep-25-09 11:23 PM
Seems to me this season is gonna go in an interesting direction
477666, is it me or was the pacing strange throughout this episode?
Posted by Nopayne, Sat Sep-26-09 06:10 PM
I think they had way too much going on at once.

Good to have the show back though.
477673, the pacing was off and it showed...
Posted by SankofaII, Sat Sep-26-09 07:36 PM
barely 3 million viewers...

i love the fact that they have streamlined the show more but the pacing was weird...there was A LOT going on and it came off like a grey's anatomy episode with like 5-6 storylines and all of them miraculously being resolved in the last two minutes of the show...

im rooting for the show to stay on the air...but if the pacing continues like this..i don't know.

but i am liking where the characters are going...glad Dr. Saunders (Amy Acker) sought "freedom" in a sense...loving the potential love story between her and Agent Boyd (Harry Lennix)

Adele (Olivia Williams), as always, is killer...
477754, this show ain't gonna make it...
Posted by Calico, Sun Sep-27-09 01:24 PM
...it's too everywhere, and the sexualized parts of it basically make me me feel like i'm watching brainwashed slaves or something...i really wish they'd leave that part OUT....i like the show, but they've gotta get more focus and stop trying to throw everything at the audience hoping something will stick and make you wanna come back

...i'll enjoy it while it's on, but i don't expect it to be on long....
477817, hrrrm
Posted by lfresh, Sun Sep-27-09 09:14 PM

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
477870, nope...still stupid...
Posted by EmceeGrayMatter, Mon Sep-28-09 05:21 AM


477877, I feel like loving this show is like loving a girl with low self esteem...
Posted by CaptNish, Mon Sep-28-09 07:33 AM
Cause I'm constantly saying "Come on, DOLLHOUSE. You're better than that."

After the great finale and the great "Epitaph One," I thought this show finally had stable legs and was gonna hit the ground running. But no...

The only thing I liked (and I mean, liked A LOT) was the scene between Topher and Whiskey/Saunders. Other than that, I wasn't really feeling it. I feel like it was just an episode to set up Ballard being Echo's handler... which could've been done last season in the finale.
477987, Gave it a shot strictly for the Dushku but Amy Acker stole it
Posted by jigga, Mon Sep-28-09 12:56 PM
Assuming I'm home again on a Friday night I might give it another shot
478120, that's another funny thing about the show...
Posted by Calico, Mon Sep-28-09 06:50 PM
...it's Dushku's show, but she surrounded by actors who make her look really weak in comparison, and i like ole girl...there hasn't been an episode yet where the show was stolen by another actor...
478127, Jeah Harry Lenix was holdin it down too
Posted by jigga, Mon Sep-28-09 07:20 PM
>...it's Dushku's show, but she surrounded by actors who make
>her look really weak in comparison, and i like ole
>girl...there hasn't been an episode yet where the show was
>stolen by another actor...

479302, i'm in this for Whedon, but dammit, this show is creepy
Posted by Calico, Sun Oct-04-09 05:43 PM
i SWEAR this is one of the only shows i've ever seen that wants you to hate it...it's just a creepy, unsettling, bunch of scenes strwen together with no individual focus....
479304, eh, at least this week was better than last week
Posted by Nopayne, Sun Oct-04-09 06:25 PM
although you're right. seems like there are a bunch of random, unrelated storylines going on. They need to go ahead and tie them together if they hope to attract more casual viewers.
479627, Holy shit. I'm not even gonna try to defend this show anymore.
Posted by CaptNish, Tue Oct-06-09 12:11 AM
Goddamn, this episode was awful.
Posted by DawgEatah, Tue Oct-06-09 11:31 PM
Nice 'Super High Me' reference!

I really enjoyed the second episode.
Seems to be back on track after a somewhat mediocre season opener.
Weird to see "Wesley" speak in his normal American accent.

Anyway, I liked it.
Interesting to see the plan evolve on taking down the Dollhouse.

480894, Fox: We will air all 13 'Dollhouse' episodes (swipe)
Posted by Melanism, Mon Oct-12-09 08:26 PM

October 12, 2009
Fox: We will air all 13 'Dollhouse' episodes

"Dollhouse" fans can breathe easier: Fox will air all 13 episodes.

On the heels of impressive DVR data for last month's "Dollhouse" premiere, network executives say they will run each produced hour of the show's current order despite the Friday drama's modest overall ratings.

"We're going to run all the episodes," Fox scheduling chief Preston Beckman said. "We're not saying we're happy with those numbers, or accept them, but we don't have to overreact. During sweeps we might have to jack up the numbers a little , but we plan on completing the order for this show."

As for ordering additional episodes, or a third season, Fox says they will make that decision after the current run.

The news represents a relief to "Dollhouse" fans that the current season won't be cut short, yet also suggests a full-season order is unlikely. Waiting until all 13 episodes have aired before making a decision generally means allowing production on the show to shut down for the season.

Reached by phone, Joss Whedon (who has a terrible-sounding cold -- feel better!) said he's writing the 13th hour to give fans a degree of closure.

"We'll definitely have closure, but will leave some doors open," said Whedon, who's currently shooting the eighth episode. "When we got our first numbers, which were bad, the first thing Kevin Reilly said was, 'You'll have all 13,' which was great. They're not going to pull the rug out from under us."

Beckman said DVR results have played a role in the show's fate, though wasn't surprised by today's results.

"It's one of the reasons that we brought it back; we knew it was DVR friendly," Beckman said. "We expected to see this, and hopefully we'll see increase from week to week ... with some shows, you have to look at the bigger picture."

Beckman also humorously characterized deciding the show's fate as a bit of no-win situation when it comes to dealing with Whedon's passionate fans.

"If you cancel it, you're an asshole; if you renew it and then don't put it back on, you're an asshole," he said. "I'm still paying for 'Terminator.' 'Dollhouse' has a small rabid fan base that in the world of social media seems bigger than it is. We gave them another season knowing full well we were going to burn in hell if we pulled it."
<--- Not like this!

483190, i appreciate it
Posted by lfresh, Sun Oct-25-09 09:27 AM

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
480905, so last week was creepy as fuck
Posted by rob, Mon Oct-12-09 10:15 PM
on several levels.

and so obvious.

and the most interesting thing plot-movement-wise was the best actress on the show was elsewhere.

why do i watch this again?
483119, Personally, the so called "creepiness" of the show is what I enjoy.
Posted by DawgEatah, Sat Oct-24-09 03:19 PM
I guess I'm a creep.

483139, why is creepiness in quotes?
Posted by rob, Sat Oct-24-09 06:22 PM
the main plot was messed up but i understood why they would go there...adding in the college prof and the twist was extra and it bothers me cause i know there were folks watching who thought it was sexy.

this week was a better example for me, because though it stayed creepy, it stayed focused. and it had more topher + better actress than dookie.
483143, I agree. I like it. I don't need to be babied by television. n/m
Posted by Nopayne, Sat Oct-24-09 07:27 PM
483076, wow
Posted by Odyssee, Sat Oct-24-09 12:23 AM
that was all sorts of wrong

anyhoo, why is the show on haitus til dec 4? the season just started
483174, best ep of the whole series...
Posted by Calico, Sun Oct-25-09 01:57 AM
i actually liked eryone this ep....everything was great, EXCEPT the fact that Topher didn't put some self defense skills in there when he set Sierra loose....the fact they ALL seemed to really care about her welfare was great....
483300, i liked everyone too
Posted by Odyssee, Sun Oct-25-09 10:07 PM
well not the creep but the idea that the company was okay with sending her away was just wrong.

when the fight started i just knew she was going to come back with something but nope. i guess he just wanted her to be herself without anything in her head.

feel bad that topher and other dude have to live with killing dude and she gets to forget about it
483309, that last part is gonna resurface
Posted by Calico, Sun Oct-25-09 11:35 PM
..neither one of them is the kind of person to just sweep that under the rug and KIM....they'll try tho...
483184, Fox pulled it for sweeps
Posted by Melanism, Sun Oct-25-09 06:52 AM
It will run two episodes a night starting in December
<--- Not like this!

483185, this show is retarded and jossites should kill themselves
Posted by Rjcc, Sun Oct-25-09 07:52 AM

foh retard ass parables about hollywood


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
483266, good for you. n/m
Posted by Calico, Sun Oct-25-09 06:12 PM
483191, it was
Posted by lfresh, Sun Oct-25-09 09:28 AM

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
490119, That double header was pretty good
Posted by Nopayne, Sat Dec-05-09 09:05 PM
The Topher vs. Topher scenes were great.

Summer did that geek shit perfectly too. Although, I didn't really get what her beef with Caroline was. They explained it too quickly.
490161, both hours were pretty good...
Posted by Calico, Sun Dec-06-09 07:40 AM
....the creepyness was sorta gone, altho i didn't get why dewitt and crew were actinag AGAINST Rossum

....Caroline left ole girl for dead when they raided that lab (they hinted in a previous ep that Caroline did somethin on the campus she was on and it all went wrong) ....that's why she hates her, but we just really saw how ole girl remembers it, not how it really happens....she seemed to have a truly warped sense of reality anyway.....
492668, talk about gettin 10x better....
Posted by Calico, Sun Dec-20-09 04:01 AM
show is moving along WAY better now....and, i like all the characters now...
492678, Yeah, it's a shame really...
Posted by CaptNish, Sun Dec-20-09 10:54 AM
I'd rather it suck at the end so I don't miss it. But man has it stepped it's game up.
492732, yup. now there's actually a story arc.
Posted by Nopayne, Sun Dec-20-09 04:46 PM
492736, they jsut waited 1 & 3/4 of a season to get around to it
Posted by Rjcc, Sun Dec-20-09 05:15 PM


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
492830, yeah, it's really the dumbest thing Whedon coulda done...
Posted by Calico, Mon Dec-21-09 12:41 AM
he should know better than to tread water like that...
492921, but he has always done this
Posted by lfresh, Mon Dec-21-09 01:56 PM
his arcs build upon themselves
smaller linked into larger ones

i guess he thought it would work again

smart dumb niggas i see is the theme of the week on okp (c)esb
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
492997, with shows like Buffy, Angel and even Firefly, YES...
Posted by Calico, Mon Dec-21-09 08:57 PM
he had really great characters as leads and if you have that you can build slow...BUT, here he has Dusku who while attractive, hasn't really been interesting on screen since she was Faith...i get that he wanted to build, but to wait a season and a half later to really get the ball rolling is idiocy...
Posted by hardware, Mon Dec-28-09 02:55 AM
496206, spoilers
Posted by lfresh, Sun Jan-10-10 02:27 PM
OMG boyd!?!?

garsh darn it whiskey did you have to kill bennett

poor topher


smart dumb niggas i see is the theme of the week on okp (c)esb
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
496207, I just laughed my ass off that Dushku got....
Posted by CaptNish, Sun Jan-10-10 02:28 PM
...Rick Fox up in this bitch.
496270, im mean....
Posted by lfresh, Sun Jan-10-10 10:20 PM

smart dumb niggas i see is the theme of the week on okp (c)esb
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
496209, I'm so mad at Joss
Posted by CaptNish, Sun Jan-10-10 02:45 PM
Two episodes left. And one of them is "Epitaph Two," another future episode. So like... the penultimate next week is kinda the end of the line. I want at least 5 more episodes of the high quality caliber the post-sweeps episodes have been to make up for making me watch Doll of the Week bullshit.
496246, me too...but this is what he shoulda be doing from the third episode
Posted by Calico, Sun Jan-10-10 08:27 PM
...slow build ups DO NOT work on new tv shows
496296, Slow build works. This was not a slow build.
Posted by CaptNish, Mon Jan-11-10 02:11 AM
Slow build would be getting to the point by last years finale. He fucked around.... got cut... and then made a show out of it. Joss fucked up. This would be like two seasons of Buffy before realizing she's the slayer. Or two seasons of Angel without getting into Wolfram-Hart. Or two seasons of Firefly without the Alliance. He fucked up. Plain and simple.
496326, Basically, this show sucked because Fox wanted a procedural
Posted by Melanism, Mon Jan-11-10 10:05 AM

496330, Bing!
Posted by okaycomputer, Mon Jan-11-10 10:19 AM
procedurals are all the rage, the show probably would have been a huge hit if they focused it on Topher and called it 'The Dollmaker'

Anyway, I think you're right, Fox (as usual) is to blame. It isn't any coincidence that once Fox stopped caring, the show got better. Epitaph One would not have happened if cancellation hadn't been looming last year.
496332, That's actually not the case this time.
Posted by CaptNish, Mon Jan-11-10 10:28 AM
Joss was more into doing those awful Doll of the Week storylines. Here's part of an interview swiped where he talks about it.

Whedon: "midway through Season 1 "OK, here is the show." We got the espionage that the network wants, but it’s the questions about identity that we want. There are other things about the show that never came back and I didn’t really realize it until the second season, things that we were ultimately sort of dancing around.

The idea of sexuality was a big part of the show when it started and when that fell out, when the show turned into a thriller every week, it took something out of it that was kind of basic to what we were trying to do. And then also the fact that it was a thriller every week meant that we couldn’t go from genre to genre, which is really what I wanted to do. But we did manage to keep the questions about who we are and the interpersonal stuff and the amazing ensemble and everybody shining and doing cool stuff.

But there was… We always found ourselves sort of moving away from what had been part of the original spark of the show and that ultimately just makes it really hard to write these stories. It makes it twice as hard as usual. you have that sort of kernel that you’re building on that’s completely solid. You know, "She is a little girl with super powers." "He is a cranky doctor who always gets it right." Whatever it is you sort of can build off that. When you’re trying to back away from your central premise at the same time as you’re making that it gets complicated."
496695, don't blame that shit on fox
Posted by Rjcc, Tue Jan-12-10 11:26 AM


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
496699, Agreed. The only thing I'd get mad at them about...
Posted by CaptNish, Tue Jan-12-10 11:37 AM
...is putting them on a Friday night. Other than that, man... I feel like they did more to try and make DOLLHOUSE work than Joss did.
496694, All I know is that in 1 episode I saw 2 pink mists
Posted by Dae021, Tue Jan-12-10 11:21 AM
This shit has turned fantastic!
497583, This show fucking rules now. lol
Posted by DawgEatah, Fri Jan-15-10 09:26 PM
I hope Joss learns that he needs to cut to the chase from now on.
This was a failed experiment in the slow build trend.
Joss needs to just do Joss.


I hope he comes out with a new show fast.

TV needs this.

497639, WOW
Posted by funklectic, Sat Jan-16-10 10:35 AM
497642, one problem
Posted by Rjcc, Sat Jan-16-10 10:38 AM
the boyd flip makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

the only thing going for it is that despite two seasons of constantly being onscreen, boyd has never made sense anyway, so why should he start now?


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
497688, they could have handled it a lot better.
Posted by Nopayne, Sat Jan-16-10 04:36 PM
There could have been a Real Boyd and Founder Boyd. They could have written it so that Founder Boyd has inhabited Real Boyd's body at strategic times during the series.

That way they can write around all the awkwardness.
497750, so...
Posted by lfresh, Sat Jan-16-10 11:21 PM
where's alpha?
smart dumb niggas i see is the theme of the week on okp (c)esb
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
500241, I guess the finale would have been better if I'd seen the bonus ep.
Posted by DawgEatah, Fri Jan-29-10 08:59 PM
... from the Season 1 DVD.

They rushed through a lot.
Would have been interesting to have seen it if they had just one more season to wrap it up and it wouldn't have been so crammed towards the very end.

Ok, Joss.
What's next?
