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Topic subjectMovies that are written off before they're seen
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476535, Movies that are written off before they're seen
Posted by zuma1986, Sun Sep-20-09 07:39 PM
I'm not talking about new movies that you write off b/c you lost faith in the filmmaker or hate the actor or even just didn't like the trailer. Rather older films (at least 3 years) you like or love that you think people should watch but don't because it was panned or not well received at the time.

For example:

Elia Kazan's The Last Tycoon. Although not his best work, it's by no means a terrible movie and I loved it. And any chance to see Jack Nicholson and Robert De Niro (at their peaks by the way) in an intense scene together is well worth it.

I'm not talking about hidden gems. I'm talking films that got a decent release but audiences never went for it (either critics or bad timing for subject/actor(s)/filmmaker) and have stayed away ever since.
476540, The Jackie Brown post?
Posted by Wrongthink, Sun Sep-20-09 08:04 PM
i guess Solaris deserves a mention too, and The Fountain and The Ladykillers
476547, Jackie Brown was decently received at the time
Posted by zuma1986, Sun Sep-20-09 08:52 PM
by no means at the level of his previous films but not hated on like Grindhouse.

The Fountain is a tough one, one I never thought of but probably falls into this category. I mean mainstream audiences probably thought it was a futuristic love story (by the looks of the trailer) and film fans were expecting requiem for a dream x 1000. Once the film was booed by critics at Venice and the early reviews weren't great, film fans didn't run out to watch it and the mainstream didn't care. I really liked this film and think that it was a great follow-up to Requiem, defiantly a lot better msg.

The Ladykillers on the other hand I think is written off justifiably. I wanted to like this film so much, but just couldn't. It wasn't terrible but it was one of those films where the credits run and you're left with a half-smile on your face trying to convince yourself that it was at least interesting... I was defiantly a lot happier with their next film.
476639, The Fountain for sure
Posted by IceburgSmurf, Mon Sep-21-09 09:35 AM
Im an aaronovsky fan but didnt bother seeing in the cinema. I've got it on DVD and think its great. If it had been sold as a drama/thriller or just anything but sci-fi film it would have been better received because in reality most of the Sci-Fi stuff is peripheral to the film.
476846, I agree
Posted by zuma1986, Mon Sep-21-09 08:29 PM
I mean I think last minute they tried selling it as a romance film, b/c I remember seeing Hugh Jackson and Rachel Weisz on The View but I think it was too complicated to sell in 1 minute as a romance to the mainstream audience. It's a shame b/c it's a deep film that even the casual moviegoer could "get".
476563, *this space reserved for Tarantino*
Posted by disco dj, Sun Sep-20-09 09:57 PM

476576, Besides Grindhouse, what did ppl write off?
Posted by zuma1986, Sun Sep-20-09 11:02 PM
I mean Reseviour Dogs was hated by some but the love for it was huge. Pulp fiction was way too much love. Jackie brown was liked but not written off, and defiantly almost everyone watched. Kill Bill a lot more liked than Jackie Brown and again seen but most ppl. Inglorious Basterds was very much loved by ppl and I'm sure even more once dvd/cable has their turn. Grindhouse was the only thing ppl hated and some ppl stayed away from.
476660, I must be the only person in the world who liked Girl 6.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Sep-21-09 10:39 AM
I also wrote of ATL because I thought it was another hood movie but it really is one of the best movies about young black people growing up.

"Play Your Game" (c) Stan Van Gundy
476844, I haven't seen either
Posted by zuma1986, Mon Sep-21-09 08:20 PM
I was going to watch girl 6 b/c it's a spike lee film and I like all of his that I've seen (I even enjoyed shehateme). I wrote off ATL for the same reason but I guess I'll give it a shot.
476666, around these parts, anything by Tyler Perry
Posted by Ray_Snill, Mon Sep-21-09 10:47 AM

daddy's girl ... coolest kid ever!

476787, Punch Drunk Love
Posted by silentnoah, Mon Sep-21-09 04:23 PM
I know people who absolutely hate that movie for no understandable reason.
476793, he won Best Director at Cannes for Punch Drunk Love
Posted by celery77, Mon Sep-21-09 04:34 PM
if anything, that's a classic example of a shitty film that critics and snobs love, but the blue collar viewer sees straight through.

I've seen it and I hated it -- needlessly pretentious, empty, trite, over-wrought, just crap. Yeah, the cinematography is good, to the point that the DVD even came with a lecture about how to set the color on your TV (I'm not making this up), but in the end it's the pinnacle of crappy art Hollywood to me -- sound and fury signifying nothing and all that.

And of course I'll like a snobby film from time to time, but (1) I'm not confused when Joe Public hates pretentious crap, even if I like it, and (2) I still expect it to be good, and not just "different" with a Hollywood actor playing an "edgy" role wherein they just defy their type-cast a little bit instead of really acting.
476809, RE: he won Best Director at Cannes for Punch Drunk Love
Posted by Xibalba, Mon Sep-21-09 05:31 PM
I can definitely see why people would hate that film. You could say it's empty and pointless, but I really enjoyed it. There's some depth in there if you're in the right state of mind. Quite a bit I think
Like you mentioned the cinematography was perfect. I really enjoyed the characters like Seymour Hoffman and the sisters, and all the little weird shit like the pudding and him dancing all fucked up.
The scenes in Hawaii were terrific and the score was memorable. I can think of some of the melodies now and I haven't seen it in years
I don't know where I was going with this but just felt like talkig about the film. Not the best movie in the world or from the people involved, but not as bad as you put it.
476865, The blue collar doesn't like a film like that not b/c it's shitty
Posted by zuma1986, Mon Sep-21-09 11:04 PM
But b/c they don't understand that everything in the film is trying to tell them something between the lighting, the camera work and music. This isn't snobby but a filmmaker knowing how to use film as a language. Not everything should be laid out in front of you in plain English, otherwise you're asking you audience to turn off their brains. The average moviegoer doesn't want to have to watch a film 2 or 3 times to "get" everything and that's exactly what films like this require you to do.

Paul Thomas Anderson is one of the best filmmakers out today, everything he does (Even Hard eight despite it's shortfalls) is so well crafted (not perfect but extremely well thought out) so I really can't accept anyone saying it's a shitty film. You might not like it, b/c hey not every film is for everyone but to think or to say PTA is some how bad filmmaker is crazy.
476800, For me?
Posted by chief1284, Mon Sep-21-09 04:56 PM
Anything with Keanu Reeves in it.
476805, Him and Nicholas Cage
Posted by YaBoy...Holla@ME, Mon Sep-21-09 05:23 PM
476801, 'Starring Jennifer Aniston...'
Posted by Castro, Mon Sep-21-09 05:00 PM
476835, that new one with Aaron Eckhart looks like EVERY Rom-Com ever made
Posted by disco dj, Mon Sep-21-09 08:01 PM
476845, not the biggest fan but I enjoyed The Good Girl
Posted by zuma1986, Mon Sep-21-09 08:25 PM
476804, Kingdom of Heaven
Posted by jigga, Mon Sep-21-09 05:15 PM
476807, The Shawshank Redemption
Posted by will_5198, Mon Sep-21-09 05:26 PM
476813, Wah??
Posted by chief1284, Mon Sep-21-09 05:55 PM
That's like in every other person's top 10 movies. It's real overrated/not great but who has ever written it off without seeing it?
476836, man, you crazy (C) Detroit Red
Posted by disco dj, Mon Sep-21-09 08:02 PM
477122, One movie that I was surprised was as good as it was
Posted by zuma1986, Wed Sep-23-09 10:54 AM
was New York, New York. I was expecting one of the worst films ever, but it wasn't half as bad I thought. In fact it was great to see Scorsese change up his style again, something he doesn't do anymore (He either switches on and off he style by doing a studio style or a shadow of him former self style).