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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectNostalgia Critic - Top 11 Naughtiest Moments in Animaniacs (link)
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=455670
455670, Nostalgia Critic - Top 11 Naughtiest Moments in Animaniacs (link)
Posted by jswerve386, Sat Jun-06-09 12:37 AM
How some of this got by the censors i have no clue..lol

455678, haha
Posted by geekdown, Sat Jun-06-09 01:45 AM
i found prince
no, no finger prints
i don't think so

455690, no that bad...
Posted by xbenzive, Sat Jun-06-09 06:11 AM
but the last one, WOW.
455692, Nostalga critic is hillarious
Posted by Adwhizz, Sat Jun-06-09 08:09 AM
especially whenever he and the Angry Video Game Nerd start fighting
455697, i forgot why i loved that show
Posted by thoughtprocess, Sat Jun-06-09 09:06 AM
my favorite part was good idea bad idea:


i've never forgotten the "catch with your grandfather" one.
455699, Hellooooooooo nurse!
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Sat Jun-06-09 09:28 AM
455705, they missed the one from the Animaniacs Betty Boop parody
Posted by Nukkapedia, Sat Jun-06-09 09:49 AM
where the big Bad Wolf dresses up as Will Hayes the movie censor and tells "Googy Goop" that her cartoons are too risque.

Wolf as Hayes: "...like that dress, for instance! It's too suggestive! Take it off right now!"

Googy: "OOOH!"

Yakko: "G'night everybody!"


There's also another ep with the same joke I recall where Yakko is playing psychologist, and he's got a patient laid out on the couch talking about his childhood.

Patient: "I had a dog, his name was Max. He used to go to bed with me every night."

Yakko: "G'night everybody!"
455718, lol and they stole #4 from a 1942 Tweety cartoon:
Posted by Nukkapedia, Sat Jun-06-09 11:03 AM
455955, dude, that's one of my all time faves
Posted by architectonic, Sun Jun-07-09 11:02 PM
thanks for that link.
455743, Best cartoon series ever.
Posted by Danny, Sat Jun-06-09 01:27 PM
Even when I was younger I wondered how they let some of that stuff slip past censors.
455981, I felt the same way, man.
Posted by El_Pistolero, Mon Jun-08-09 03:05 AM
As a matter of fact I remember feeling a little mature simply because I actually got some of those jokes, especially the ones that broke the fourth wall and referenced censors and studio executives.

Been waiting for the DVD to go on sale for a minute but after watching this I might just cop it at full price.
455771, One of the best "Not talking down to kids" kids show
Posted by Wordman, Sat Jun-06-09 04:20 PM
Wish there was more shows like 'em.

"Your current frequencies of understanding outweigh that which has been given for you to understand." Saul Williams
455984, Definitely never got these back in my day.
Posted by The A to the Z, Mon Jun-08-09 05:06 AM
I thought Pokemon was bad ass for featuring the word 'Kass' (in substitution for the A-word).
456023, I vaguely remember some "Pianist" joke that seemed risque.
Posted by stylez dainty, Mon Jun-08-09 10:33 AM