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Topic subjectdrag me to hell...interested?
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453616, drag me to hell...interested?
Posted by Binlahab, Tue May-26-09 08:42 PM
im a horror/gore fan from way back

this has defn piqued my interest...and its directed by sam raimi?...thats almost @ must see status


bins super soulful record of the week (5/13 update): http://tinyurl.com/p4abjb
453619, I'm sort of excited....
Posted by hilfger21, Tue May-26-09 08:57 PM
but the PG-13 has me kinda upset.....

453623, I'm not into horror/gore at all, but it's Sam Raimi
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Tue May-26-09 09:20 PM
I'm hoping for the psychological weirdness of the Evil Dead movies.

I'ma be playing "Where's Bruce and the car?".
453656, Very
Posted by spades, Wed May-27-09 09:09 AM
Looks right in line w/Raimi's other work. I'm going opening day.
453662, it looks like a comedy.
Posted by V3rb, Wed May-27-09 10:21 AM
453668, That wouldn't be a suprise coming from Raimi.
Posted by DawgEatah, Wed May-27-09 10:35 AM

http://fuck-your.blogspot.com (MUSIC)
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453680, that's what I've been thinking when i see the some of the previews
Posted by earthseed, Wed May-27-09 11:21 AM
and i so don't want it to be.

453862, Well, Raimi's horror films generally have strong comedic elements....
Posted by DawgEatah, Thu May-28-09 10:26 AM
Bruce Campbell dubbed it Splat Stick.

http://fuck-your.blogspot.com (MUSIC)
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453663, I'll likely check for it
Posted by Marauder21, Wed May-27-09 10:23 AM
Looks interesting/bad ass enough.
453666, chud.com dude said it's Evil Dead 4. that's all i needed to hear.
Posted by DawgEatah, Wed May-27-09 10:33 AM
i'm there.

http://fuck-your.blogspot.com (MUSIC)
http://eatmybigfat.blogspot.com (FOOD)
453667, Blasphemy
Posted by spades, Wed May-27-09 10:34 AM
There is no Evil Dead w/out Bruce Campbell!
453669, i think they meant it's Raimi's triumphant return to that type of...
Posted by DawgEatah, Wed May-27-09 10:36 AM
... film-making.

http://fuck-your.blogspot.com (MUSIC)
http://eatmybigfat.blogspot.com (FOOD)
453681, I know, I'm just being 'extra'
Posted by spades, Wed May-27-09 11:25 AM
don't mind me.
453670, RE: drag me to hell...interested?
Posted by StabMastaArson, Wed May-27-09 10:40 AM
it has rave reviews and a 95% on Rotten Tomatoes


453682, Whoa 95%?
Posted by spades, Wed May-27-09 11:26 AM
Eventhough I don't trust them anymore, I'm pretty surprised at that high a rating for this kind of flick.
453860, yeah, it's odd. the critics usually don't like the horror genre....
Posted by DawgEatah, Thu May-28-09 10:25 AM
... especially the likes of Raimi's specific brand of horror.

453678, Probably will wait for rental, but the reviews have me excited.
Posted by stylez dainty, Wed May-27-09 11:17 AM
453686, This looks horrible IMO
Posted by icecold21, Wed May-27-09 11:49 AM
453687, It does.
Posted by stylez dainty, Wed May-27-09 11:51 AM
But it most likely isn't.

I think that comedy horrors have such a bad reputation for bombing in the past couple of years, that they decided they needed to cut a trailer that made it look like your average generic horror flick.
453811, Sam Raimi Stans have me curious
Posted by Lil Rabies, Thu May-28-09 02:13 AM
Haven't checked for Evil Dead series, but the critics are loving it also. I so want to see a decent witch/curse horror movie. Maybe this is one?
453856, You haven't seen Evil Dead?
Posted by spades, Thu May-28-09 10:16 AM
Do me a favor, light one up/buy a fifth/ shoot up (whatever you do) and go rent that movie.

It's WAY better than Drag Me... is going to be.
453818, muthafuckin' hell yes, i'm interested.
Posted by shockzilla, Thu May-28-09 05:17 AM
453839, I wanna see it and i don't like the horror genre
Posted by EvenflowDDT, Thu May-28-09 08:47 AM
Maybe that's why its gonna suck
453842, when I saw the trailer in the theatre I was all about it, not sure anymore
Posted by rjc27, Thu May-28-09 08:51 AM
i was like this looks kinda dope, then I saw the title... "Drag Me To Hell" really?

453857, The previews look horrible dont they?
Posted by Ceej, Thu May-28-09 10:17 AM
454157, Yes. And I like Alison Lohman but I cant get excited for this at all.
Posted by jigga, Fri May-29-09 03:07 PM
454110, No sneak peaks, not 'long' lunches?
Posted by spades, Fri May-29-09 12:34 PM
Come on East Coast, SOMEBODY saw this shit.

Post up!
454125, I might go see it, and I usually don't dig on horror.
Posted by Frank Longo, Fri May-29-09 01:40 PM
454130, yea i want to see it too its sam raimi
Posted by SankofaII, Fri May-29-09 01:52 PM
and that shits going to be some subversive fucked up comedy..the kind i like!
Posted by God Loves Ugly, Fri May-29-09 08:54 PM
I caught the cheap show this afternoon and holy shit, I haven't enjoyed a movie this much in a long time.

If you're even partially a fan of Sam Raimi/Evil Dead, it is a MUST MUST MUST see.

If you enjoy horror/suspense even just a tad, it is a MUST MUST MUST see.

If you want to see a movie where you're terrified one second and balls out laughing the next (intentionally by Mr. Raimi) and then terrified again, and then laughing hysterically at something you would normally think you shouldn't be laughing at, it is a MUST MUST MUST see.

I know there will be people who don't enjoy this movie, but damn... I will be seeing it again.

I've never encountered another director so perfect at such a specific form of horror than Raimi. It really pisses me off that he even bothered making other types of films when he could have been pumping out movies like this all this time.

The music is great.

His use of sounds is top notch as always.

Oh and if you enjoy this, you will definitely appreciate Evil Dead.
454211, PG-13....PASS...lol
Posted by DJ007, Fri May-29-09 09:32 PM

454213, Yes, because... Nudity + Gore + Endless Swearing = GREAT HORROR!
Posted by God Loves Ugly, Fri May-29-09 09:43 PM
Clearly that formula has pumped out a TON of classic horror lately.
458931, FAIL.
Posted by DawgEatah, Wed Jun-24-09 03:44 PM

454215, I should really go opening weekend and see it with my people.
Posted by DawgEatah, Fri May-29-09 09:48 PM
Nothing like seeing a good gore/comedy with a lot of other fans of the genre.

Feels like home.

http://fuck-your.blogspot.com (MUSIC)
http://eatmybigfat.blogspot.com (FOOD)
Posted by Russel Simmons Day Job, Sat May-30-09 02:21 AM
minus the scar marks my girl left on my arms and my eye lid from when she jumped and accidentlely hit me this movie is GREAT!! visually AWESOME!!! the soundtrack was very intense and will have you jumping out yo seat!!! The story is excellent and the movie has plenty of comic relief but then in a split second you'll be horrifically jolted out yo chair!!!

1 of the best well crafted horror/thriller films ive seen in a while!!!
454243, it was good
Posted by Torez the Judge, Sat May-30-09 08:05 AM
if you are a horror movie fan, check it out.

dope direction, doesn't take itself seriously like say, an eli roth movie, decent plot and 'fun' twist at the end.
454248, RE: drag me to hell...interested?
Posted by ILL FLOW, Sat May-30-09 12:53 PM
still pondering... maybe tonight.
454283, it was good
Posted by atrackbrown, Sat May-30-09 07:31 PM
as people have mentioned, horror and comedy

plus, the pg-13 rating doesn't take away from the picture

and raimi references the hell out of himself

really enjoyable
454284, It was just an alright flick...
Posted by avillago, Sat May-30-09 07:47 PM
a fun and mindless horror/comedy hybrid that could only come from a Sam Raimi, Peter Jackson, or G. Del Toro.

It had a few plot holes, which is expected in this type of film...It really bothered me in the scene when she first gets thrown around her house and cuts/busts her lip and looks a hot mess, than cut to the next scene that evening and she is chillin' in bed with no cut, hair and make up on point...just made me cringe like...ya'll could not see that when ya'll was editing or something?

Also, the CGI was horrible in some key parts...one example being the attack in the tool shed/garage when her eyes come out. Come on Raimi, you would not allow that wackness in an early Evil Dead flick...it felt like it was his Spiderman-side saying..."no we can't use too much make-up effects". It could not have been that hard for the KNB boys to make that scene look great with make-up and still get a PG-13.

Anyway, dumb little things here and there (too many expected jump scenes cued to loud noises, corny scenes-the dancing possession scene, etc.) still did not take away from this fun movie.

Worth seeing, but not the greatness it could have been.
454285, loved it!
Posted by Binlahab, Sat May-30-09 07:47 PM
will go see it again

2 thumbs up

bins super soulful record of the week (5/28 update): http://tinyurl.com/cq63ok
454286, RE: loved it!
Posted by avillago, Sat May-30-09 07:52 PM
I got stuck into seeing it again with the kids today and I liked it even less.

It had it's fun elements...but, "loved it"?

I admit, it is cool compared to all the garbage in the cinema these days...minus "Star Trek", which was surprisingly good. However, do you agree that "Drag Me To Hell" had the potential of being great? To me, the CGI killed this from being that ish!!! It was that bad.

454290, it was good...but
Posted by SankofaII, Sat May-30-09 08:09 PM
the ending was too predictable even for raimi's standards and it became obvious at the beginning of the third act...

some of the CGI was lame...

but, it was the perfect mix of horror and comedy, which Raimi does WELL.

I'm hoping that Diablo Cody's Jennifer's Body (September 09) and Joss Whedon's The Cabin In The Woods (February 2010) can also bring the horror-comedy goodness like this....
454291, I agree
Posted by BigWorm, Sat May-30-09 08:18 PM
I will say that this movie was like Sam Raimi's atonement for making Spiderman 3.

But the ending. Yeah, the way it played out was predictable. Then again I almost feel like a dummy for putting that against the movie, considering the title is DRAG ME TO HELL.

454308, yea agreed
Posted by SankofaII, Sun May-31-09 12:26 AM
like it would have been less predictable if, let's say, they got to the cabin in santa barbara and just when dude proposed to her, she gets snatched and taken to hell...

or, it would have been surprising and a shock if, after she shoved the envelope in Mrs. Ganush's mouth and crawled out the grave and the sun came out, she thought she got away...

and BOOM..that wasn't sun but the depths of fiery hell engulfed her..fade to black...

but it was a good movie..but yea, raimi could have NOT made the predictable ending that predictable evil dead wasn't like that was it???

463424, It's not nice to spoil movie endings.
Posted by The A to the Z, Mon Jul-20-09 05:24 PM
454319, I was very happy with it. But no Bruce Campbell cameo?
Posted by DawgEatah, Sun May-31-09 03:05 AM
I felt like she was channeling Ash a few times in the movie though.

Oh, and that was the most bad-ass handkerchief ever.

http://fuck-your.blogspot.com (MUSIC)
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454332, apparently Sam Raimi wanted to give Campbell a part
Posted by BigWorm, Sun May-31-09 09:47 AM
But Bruce Campbell was working on some show...Burn Notice? He couldn't do Drag Me To Hell.

I wonder what part he would have gotten. Maybe Justin Long's Dad?
454418, now THAT was freakin FUN!
Posted by Voodoochilde, Sun May-31-09 06:59 PM
that was simply a blast. we had great fun... it had

("Generic" SPOILER descriptions to follow...)

...some creepy stuff, some jumpy stuff, some gross stuff and of course, some funny stuff...

My wife and i are fans of the other stuff Rami did back when..."Army of Darkness", "Evil Dead" etc...the horror/comedy mix that he's played with...

well, i think in this one he's pretty much mastered it...for me, "Drag Me To Hell" has the perfect ratio of both elements...

like i said... a fun ride...

been a while since my wife and had I left a movie, gone to dinner and after that were STILL chuckling to ourselves with enjoyment remembering certain scenes...

well done i say... we'll probably see it again

454562, Great movie, a tad predictable, *spoilers*
Posted by spades, Mon Jun-01-09 10:15 AM
I didn't really find it all that funny, which I'm VERY greatful for.

2ndly, did anyone else think that HE was gonna get dragged to hell in her stead?

The minute she lost the envelope I was thinking....Aw shit! She's going to have to watch her BF dragged to hell and know that it was all her fault.

I thought that would have been a little more terrifying on an emotional level, ya know?
455797, RE: Great movie, a tad predictable, *spoilers*
Posted by Voodoochilde, Sat Jun-06-09 08:23 PM
>I didn't really find it all that funny, which I'm VERY
>greatful for.
>2ndly, did anyone else think that HE was gonna get dragged to
>hell in her stead?
>The minute she lost the envelope I was thinking....Aw shit!
>She's going to have to watch her BF dragged to hell and know
>that it was all her fault.
>I thought that would have been a little more terrifying on an
>emotional level, ya know?

yeah, thats what i was thinking was going to happen as well...HIM gettin dragged...(and i also agree with you that HIM getting dragged while SHE watched in horror knowing it was HER fault would have actually been a much more emotionally powerful & more painful heartbreaking ending.)
454821, drag me to hell
Posted by bwood, Tue Jun-02-09 11:45 AM
Creepy on so many levels.
454840, Saw it Saturday ... it's Evil Dead light without Bruce
Posted by OldPro, Tue Jun-02-09 01:17 PM
It was ok but nothing more

Oh yeah ... and was anyone else disappointed they never got to the cabin? I just knew he was going to take it back to an Evil Dead type setting. He did use the exact same sound effects though.
Reunion Radio June Artist of the Month: Raphael Saadiq

454870, It was fine. Really though, Rotten Tomatoes? 95%? Really?
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue Jun-02-09 03:14 PM
I guess folks REALLY wanted to embrace that "Sam Raimi return to form." It wasn't very scary, wasn't all THAT funny except for a couple of moments. If Evil Dead is a stick of butter, this is a spoonful of margarine. Alison Lohman did a good job though... although did anyone else sit and think "This is exactly how Jenna Fischer would have played this part?" She even LOOKED a bit like Jenna Fischer...
454874, dude paid the psychic $10,060 and his girl still died....
Posted by da_illest_one, Tue Jun-02-09 03:47 PM
I would sue the shit out of dude or at least get a full refund...
also, was it too much of a coincidence that he put his lucky quarter in a similar envelope in the same location to get it confused with the cursed object?
besides that it was the best movie experience I've had this summer. Can't wait to see Inglorious Basterds later this year....
454895, LMAO!!! I didn't even think about it like that.
Posted by spades, Tue Jun-02-09 05:36 PM
He got gyped.
454912, that was my one problem with the movie.
Posted by BigWorm, Tue Jun-02-09 07:01 PM
>also, was it too much of a coincidence that he put his lucky
>quarter in a similar envelope in the same location to get it
>confused with the cursed object?

As soon as he sealed the coin in the envelope, I knew that somehow it was going to ruin everything.

455801, RE: It was fine. Really though, Rotten Tomatoes? 95%? Really?
Posted by Whiteout, Sat Jun-06-09 08:54 PM
>"This is
>exactly how Jenna Fischer would have played this part?" She
>even LOOKED a bit like Jenna Fischer...

I was thinking the same thing, but in an admiring sort of way.
454929, RE: drag me to hell...interested?
Posted by Agent of Chaos, Tue Jun-02-09 09:28 PM
i thinks its worth the price of a movie ticket, its everything a good horror movie should be.it doesnt take itself so serious, equal parts comedy and and gross out gags and it made me jump once or twice. what separated from being a classic was where were the boobies? i would have even taken that gypsy lady's knockas
455838, RE: drag me to hell...interested?
Posted by ILL FLOW, Sun Jun-07-09 03:16 AM

Wrinkled titties!
454950, i will see it because of sam
Posted by lfresh, Wed Jun-03-09 12:12 AM
evil dead was one of the few horror movies i could watch
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
Afro-American haiku: If Elvis Presley / is King / Who is James Brown, / God?(c) Baraka
455811, I didn't realize it was sposed to be so campy, I might check it
Posted by Grand_Royal, Sat Jun-06-09 09:45 PM

catch a swollen heart, from not rollin' smart
455837, RE: drag me to hell...interested?
Posted by ILL FLOW, Sun Jun-07-09 03:09 AM


I swear the funniest thing in the flick is...

GF: I used to have a cat.

BF: don't you mean you have a cat?

GF: you know, they come and they go.


I swear, i saw the movie 2hrs ago and i'm still busting out laughing!
456995, Very fun movie.
Posted by SoulHonky, Sat Jun-13-09 01:40 PM
And I'm not sure it would work as well seeing it at home. Having a crowd really helps. There are some scares but it's mostly a schlocky campfest that hits the mark.
458935, RE: Very fun movie.
Posted by jalen05, Wed Jun-24-09 03:48 PM
Not really sure about this, but since it's Raimi returning to horror/thriller, I'll watch it.