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Topic subjectThe Office: Broke
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447914, The Office: Broke
Posted by Oakley, Fri Apr-24-09 06:56 AM
while i'm a little disappointed that the Micheal Scott Paper company ended so soon, I thought it was a pretty good episode.
447922, I thought it was one of the best of the seasons.
Posted by Innocent Criminal, Fri Apr-24-09 07:49 AM
I enjoyed watching Michael come out on top instead of screwing things up like normal.

Line of the night for me:
"No, no, you're done."
447923, Jim finally getting dwight back(sort of)
Posted by Oakley, Fri Apr-24-09 08:20 AM
the look on Charles face when he starts to realize how crazy Dwight is....talking bout Bee's ROFL.

that scene where charles is talking to the camera in his office and the camera pans out, and Dwight was sitting there behind him like he used to do with Micheal.
447942, Jim hooked Michael up ... big time!
Posted by Ray_Snill, Fri Apr-24-09 10:03 AM
and it was good to see Michael show some intelligence cause he had David Wallace cornered

daddy's girl ... coolest kid ever!

447956, Dude. that was mad funny
Posted by El_Pistolero, Fri Apr-24-09 10:55 AM
>the look on Charles face when he starts to realize how crazy
>Dwight is....talking bout Bee's ROFL.

447972, and the look on David Wallace's face when Charles said he'd
Posted by Oakley, Fri Apr-24-09 11:39 AM
rather have Dwight in the Conferance room than Jim.
448035, that was Charles' downfall...
Posted by disco dj, Fri Apr-24-09 04:51 PM
he made snap judgements, and knew NOTHING about his staff.

and LOL @ charles telling Dwight and Jim:

"you're both morons"

448047, right, and Jim almost had his job
Posted by Ray_Snill, Fri Apr-24-09 05:59 PM

daddy's girl ... coolest kid ever!

448146, after this is done, Jim will be FIRMLY planted back as the #2.
Posted by disco dj, Sat Apr-25-09 05:58 PM
and Dwight will have even lost his Assistant ( to the ) Regional Manager title.

447931, it wasn't a hilarious episode
Posted by will_5198, Fri Apr-24-09 08:52 AM
but it was a needed transitional episode
447936, am i wrong in thinking this was a top 5 all time?
Posted by dgonsh, Fri Apr-24-09 09:23 AM
details to come later. in a rush *jumps in shower*
447944, not at all, it was vey well written.
Posted by quakka1, Fri Apr-24-09 10:05 AM
447996, yes, very smart
Posted by Dove, Fri Apr-24-09 01:14 PM
I agree that it was a necessary episode, and so lovely to Michael get a little of his confidence back. I'll be he's going to be a BEAST in the next episodes. lol
447954, Nah, I agree with you dude
Posted by El_Pistolero, Fri Apr-24-09 10:54 AM
I love seeing Michael come out on top (That's what she said) or when they make him a believable character as opposed to a mere charactature (did I spell that right?).
447955, Nah, I agree with you dude
Posted by El_Pistolero, Fri Apr-24-09 10:54 AM
I love seeing Michael come out on top (That's what she said) or when they make him a believable character as opposed to a mere charactature (did I spell that right?).
447969, Can somebody spoil the end of the episode for me?
Posted by cskncream, Fri Apr-24-09 11:35 AM
I had to deal with a lost pizza delivery person and missed everything after Michael told David that all he had to do was wait him out.
447971, d.v.r.
Posted by cereffusion, Fri Apr-24-09 11:38 AM
447974, Usually do, but couldn't last night.
Posted by cskncream, Fri Apr-24-09 11:41 AM
448009, hardy fucking har har.
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Fri Apr-24-09 02:10 PM


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
448014, I'm happy when Michael wins
Posted by THRILLHOUSE, Fri Apr-24-09 02:35 PM
I was expecting him to screw up then he went in there with fire about how is Wallace gonna explain to the stockholders why they lost their top clients and how he will just keep on making new paper companies, I was just like yeah, get em Michael! Maybe not one of the most hilarious eps, but extremely well written.
448019, he's so silly that you tend to forget he's always brillant
Posted by Ray_Snill, Fri Apr-24-09 03:03 PM
when they show him actually conducting business with clients.

daddy's girl ... coolest kid ever!

448021, one of the most satisfying eps of this show...
Posted by avionix, Fri Apr-24-09 03:26 PM
448027, Yup
Posted by Cnilla, Fri Apr-24-09 03:58 PM
448048, I want Steve Carell to direct more episodes.
Posted by Frank Longo, Fri Apr-24-09 06:20 PM
448050, lmao.....why did Stringer tell Stanley to pay attention?
Posted by acedro, Fri Apr-24-09 06:46 PM
he straight singled out the black dude....lol

best episode ever.
448078, wow, some of you can/will turn anything into racism
Posted by dgonsh, Sat Apr-25-09 01:49 AM
he singled Stanley out cause in the meeting a couple eps ago he caught stanley doing the crossword like he always does, not giving a fuck.
448087, RE: wow, some of you can/will turn anything into racism
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Sat Apr-25-09 08:33 AM
naw dude. There was definitely a racial dynamic to it.

"See he's organized, and he's on the ball. Never miss a day of school,and he's a underdog. Wanna learn more and more, cuz his mama taught him good. He's about to change the face of yo ghetto neighborhood." (c) Badu
448089, I was kidding......
Posted by acedro, Sat Apr-25-09 08:40 AM
see the lol.....?
448090, ^ wow, auto-defensive white guy
Posted by will_5198, Sat Apr-25-09 09:05 AM
448121, in this case...i concede. *shrugs shoulders* n/m
Posted by dgonsh, Sat Apr-25-09 03:15 PM
448149, does stanley ever pay attention?
Posted by constant, Sat Apr-25-09 07:13 PM
the crosswords, "did I stutter?!", the look on his face. C'mon Stanley doesn't pay attention because he's black and knows what's up about Dunder Mifflin.
<== you wish you had an insignia

Graphic Artist/Illustrator
448088, Best Office Story Arc Ever
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Sat Apr-25-09 08:36 AM
Revealed new deminsions (sp) of all the characters involved. Michael Scott negotiating & landing that big client were the highlights of the eps.
"See he's organized, and he's on the ball. Never miss a day of school,and he's a underdog. Wanna learn more and more, cuz his mama taught him good. He's about to change the face of yo ghetto neighborhood." (c) Badu
448099, i loved it loved it
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sat Apr-25-09 11:13 AM
- two times

when that dude looks at dwight in the conference room and is like "you are insane"

jim is like "is he a good apiarist"

dwight "well of course like i would have a bad apiarist"

oh shit all kinds of win in this episode.

ryan : " i never went to thailand, i went to ft lauderdale"

michael : " how was it"

ryan : "it was amazing"

448107, i don't care if ryan murdered his entire family
Posted by rob, Sat Apr-25-09 12:07 PM
he is like a son to me

lol. killin it on every front.
448110, so is jim becoming michael
Posted by rob, Sat Apr-25-09 12:14 PM
or has jim always been michael inside?
448122, ...continue...n/m
Posted by dgonsh, Sat Apr-25-09 03:16 PM
448147, I forgot what season it was, but they touched on that.
Posted by disco dj, Sat Apr-25-09 06:02 PM
I think it was the Birthday episode.

Jim and Michael were sitting and talking, and Jim said something to the effect of how he didn't plan on being a Salesman at Dunder-Mifflin for the rest of his life.

Michael responded: "I said the same thing."

So basically, they're laying the foundation for Jim to eventually become like Michael, whether he likes it or not. I'm pretty sure that'll happen years down the road off camera, but yeah.

448152, best line ever is from Pam
Posted by constant, Sat Apr-25-09 07:15 PM
"You don't blame the kid. You blame the 30 yr old that hopped in the passenger seat and said drive. You can do it."
<== you wish you had an insignia

Graphic Artist/Illustrator
448162, Best episode of the season.
Posted by ZooTown74, Sat Apr-25-09 09:19 PM
And the Parks and Recreation that came before it wasn't bad, either, fuckers.
He is stupid
But he KNOWS that he is stupid
And that almost makes him smart
Let's listen
448165, to be fair, it DID have it's moments.
Posted by disco dj, Sat Apr-25-09 09:56 PM
>And the Parks and Recreation that came before it wasn't bad,
>either, fuckers.

It earned another week or two from me.