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Topic subjectWho is the least funny quasi-popular comedian?
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438845, Who is the least funny quasi-popular comedian?
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Mar-05-09 12:05 PM
I know folks'll say Dane Cook and Carlos Mencia in this post, but I think Ralphie May deserves a special mention. The "I'm just keepin it real and you're mad at me for saying it" routine is so tired.

Example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9mytOPDeeE
438846, Does Hal Sparks count?
Posted by CaptNish, Thu Mar-05-09 12:08 PM
If so, him.
438850, Larry the Cable Guy
Posted by Marauder21, Thu Mar-05-09 12:28 PM
438867, ^^^
Posted by tappenzee, Thu Mar-05-09 01:16 PM
438871, pretty much that whole tour except for Ron White.
Posted by thoughtprocess, Thu Mar-05-09 01:24 PM
438893, Cosign. Ron is good the rest are garbage
Posted by THRILLHOUSE, Thu Mar-05-09 02:32 PM
I didn't think I would like Ron because I can't stand the others, but I laughed a lot at that special that gets played on comedy central all the time
439239, No, man. You can't lump Bill Engvall in with them.
Posted by LMI, Fri Mar-06-09 03:49 PM
His show is wack, but his standup game is strong.
<=== screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeammmm......
438854, I saw Ralphie May perform...
Posted by PolarbearToenails, Thu Mar-05-09 12:40 PM
and I thought he was a pretty compelling performer, and much of his act was funny. Some if it wasn't, but the show was a lot better than Josh Blue's show, which immediately preceded it.
438863, I do think he's a good and confident performer.
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Mar-05-09 01:13 PM
But that's about all I'll give him, lol.
439996, shit was offensive to me
Posted by electricflower, Mon Mar-09-09 10:24 PM
when he said chink and did the eye gesture
438856, J.B. Smoove
Posted by hardware, Thu Mar-05-09 12:46 PM
438858, That fat white bitch, that likes black guys
Posted by EmDub, Thu Mar-05-09 12:54 PM
Can't think of the name.
438860, Lisa Lampinelli
Posted by Ceej, Thu Mar-05-09 12:57 PM
438865, She too qualifies for this post.
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Mar-05-09 01:14 PM
438910, LOL
Posted by Dr Claw, Thu Mar-05-09 03:33 PM
438862, Chelsea Handler
Posted by Ceej, Thu Mar-05-09 12:58 PM
I fuckin hate that cunt
438887, Is she a stand up?
Posted by Marauder21, Thu Mar-05-09 02:20 PM
I thought she got that show because she was some dude's wife.
438895, Apparently. She is here in cincy tomorrow
Posted by THRILLHOUSE, Thu Mar-05-09 02:35 PM
Some girl at lunch was talking about it today, I immediately rolled my eyes.
438908, I caught 2 minutes of her stand up on tv once...
Posted by DawgEatah, Thu Mar-05-09 03:29 PM
... and i still cry myself to sleep at night because of it.

http://fuck-your.blogspot.com (MUSIC)
http://eatmybigfat.blogspot.com (FOOD)
438898, i like her on her sho, but couldnt stand to see her stand up
Posted by Iltigo, Thu Mar-05-09 02:54 PM
the clips i've seen aren't very funny. i mean if i wer drunk and in the club, i might giggle, but nothing big. her jokes were forgetable.
but on her show, she kills. its her format. talk shit about celebs with her friends, go for low hanging fruit and then snark your way through an interview

she's alright.

438925, The definitive Dane Cook post...
Posted by The Analyst, Thu Mar-05-09 04:58 PM
Posted by The Rapture7, Thu Mar-05-09 07:03 PM
he just describes something he thinks is supposed to be funny, and tries to explain why it's funny in a manner that decidedly ISN'T FUNNY.

somehow, he's a good comedic ACTOR, but his stand-up is legendarily trash....
Posted by Orfeo_Negro, Thu Mar-05-09 10:21 PM
Posted by Duval Spit, Fri Mar-06-09 12:41 AM
439089, lol, i knew what u posted before even clicking
Posted by Ceej, Fri Mar-06-09 09:03 AM
The stares at the camera are great
439094, It made me feel guilty
Posted by Duval Spit, Fri Mar-06-09 09:20 AM
a) I laughed at something on MadTV
b) I laughed at something Dane Cook related.

the Family Guy shot wasn't funny to me.
439095, me neither
Posted by Ceej, Fri Mar-06-09 09:21 AM

>the Family Guy shot wasn't funny to me.
Posted by go mack, Fri Mar-06-09 01:12 PM
First time I saw him was on SNL and I thought he was funny, granted I'd never seen a full stand up from him. The cashew joke had me rolling at the time.

I checked out his routine tho and now understand why he's so hated.
439200, I got duped by his ten or so minutes
Posted by The Rapture7, Fri Mar-06-09 01:45 PM
of screen time in Waiting
439267, thats the kind of stuff he should do though
Posted by Duval Spit, Fri Mar-06-09 04:40 PM
he should be a character actor.

there is no reason he can't be the new jack black.

stand up though?
439211, RE: The definitive Dane Cook post...
Posted by deacon, Fri Mar-06-09 02:46 PM
He'd be my answer. Cook is just not funny to me.
439232, Eff that, Dude is (or at least was) hilarious
Posted by bski, Fri Mar-06-09 03:38 PM
When 'Retaliation' came out I was in hysterics. He got a bit stale and his fanbase is a bit scary but dude is legit.

439320, ^^^^^^
Posted by dunk, Fri Mar-06-09 06:40 PM
after Retaliation he got lame but before that he was hilarious. i don't give a damn what anyone says.
439114, That's the first I've ever seen/heard of Ralphie May
Posted by McDeezNuts, Fri Mar-06-09 10:28 AM
But I can say he's much better/funnier than Dane Cook.

Dane Cook is probably the best combination of least funny / most popular there is.

There are other guys who are less funny, but they're also less popular - Dane Cook is notable for becoming pretty famous despite being painfully unfunny.
439186, RE: Who is the least funny quasi-popular comedian?
Posted by go mack, Fri Mar-06-09 01:15 PM
I watched some of the Last Comic Standing he was on. Didn't he lose to the asian guy that was even less funny? What happened to that guy?
Posted by Ceej, Fri Mar-06-09 03:19 PM
439235, Oh my God--Seriously that guy sucks.
Posted by bski, Fri Mar-06-09 03:42 PM

439306, Did you know that people associate asia with martial arts?
Posted by thoughtprocess, Fri Mar-06-09 05:59 PM
the best part was when the other comics were looking at his notes where he rates the laughter of each joke and they were like "where are these laughs? they don't exist."

only season of that show i even half-paid attention to.
439826, Son--and all the impressions of his mother???!
Posted by bski, Mon Mar-09-09 11:32 AM
>the best part was when the other comics were looking at his
>notes where he rates the laughter of each joke and they were
>like "where are these laughs? they don't exist."
>only season of that show i even half-paid attention to.

LOL-I didn't catch that. He was painful to watch.

439237, Kathy Griffin. Carrot Top and Gallagher are givens.
Posted by LMI, Fri Mar-06-09 03:48 PM
But this woman REALLY annoys me. I hate her voice, her persistent camel toe, and her overly-plasticized grill.

She's trying to become Joan Rivers.
<=== screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeammmm......
439859, somehow, i've always liked Carrot Tops' stand up routine
Posted by justin_scott, Mon Mar-09-09 01:04 PM
his props always made me laugh
439238, This guy
Posted by bski, Fri Mar-06-09 03:49 PM

439608, The brilliant & quirky Dimitri Martin
Posted by kevgalaxy, Sun Mar-08-09 01:13 PM
439886, FOH
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Mon Mar-09-09 02:13 PM
439611, Michael Richards?
Posted by zuma1986, Sun Mar-08-09 01:23 PM
Is Craig Furgerson considered somewhat popular? I mean he has his own show that has lasted a few years.
439818, I've never seen Ferguson do stand up, but he's a good
Posted by Marauder21, Mon Mar-09-09 11:18 AM
late night host. He doesn't always do traditional monologues, but he's good.
439829, Jeneane Garafalo?
Posted by Wrongthink, Mon Mar-09-09 11:34 AM
439835, Katt Williams of 2008,Carlos Menstealia, Larry The Cable Guy,
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Mon Mar-09-09 11:48 AM
440007, Laura Silverman
Posted by shygurl, Tue Mar-10-09 12:13 AM
She's terrible.
440011, RE: Laura Silverman
Posted by mcdeezjawns, Tue Mar-10-09 12:36 AM
>She's terrible.