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Topic subjectIs anybody watching the Daily Show right now?
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436849, Is anybody watching the Daily Show right now?
Posted by cskncream, Wed Feb-25-09 11:12 PM
Jon's segment on Jindal and Baconnaise has me straight dying!
436861, wasn't that hilarious?
Posted by MME, Wed Feb-25-09 11:25 PM
i was laughing my ass off
436868, if the people at Baconnaise are watching
Posted by THRILLHOUSE, Wed Feb-25-09 11:49 PM
please do not send us any more of your product! lol, that whole segment was hilarious.
436878, I'm thinking the guy who invented Baconnaise is effin' pissed right now!
Posted by nipsey, Thu Feb-26-09 12:20 AM
It was probably some guy who came up with this idea in his kitchen one night and was trying for 15 years to find a company to take it to market. It finally gets produced ends up on store shelves and Jon Stewart freakin' ethers it on national television!
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436936, The best part about it was that his disgust was genuine
Posted by cskncream, Thu Feb-26-09 09:59 AM
>It was probably some guy who came up with this idea in his
>kitchen one night and was trying for 15 years to find a
>company to take it to market. It finally gets produced ends up
>on store shelves and Jon Stewart freakin' ethers it on
>national television!

When he said he felt like his tongue just took a sh!t, I lost it!
437056, they eat that baconaise shit in the midwest
Posted by Wordman, Thu Feb-26-09 02:45 PM
I would look at them like they were retarded - mostly because they were.
I'm glad the show's still funny post-Bush.
Did you see it last week with the dude from Amazon.com? Stewart kept accidentally clowning that guy.

"Your current frequencies of understanding outweigh that which has been given for you to understand." Saul Williams
437060, fam, he was RIPPPIN Amazon dude crazy, wasn't he??
Posted by The Rapture7, Thu Feb-26-09 02:48 PM
437128, "Free for a whole year, and only $80...THAT'S NOT FREE!"
Posted by Wordman, Thu Feb-26-09 05:48 PM
That baconaise crap is huge in Ohio.
Some weird folks in Ohio.

"Your current frequencies of understanding outweigh that which has been given for you to understand." Saul Williams
438822, he completely ripped into that Kindle
Posted by tappenzee, Thu Mar-05-09 11:06 AM
and the worst part is the CEO of Amazon didn't even do a good job of defending it!

Why wouldn't he mention the cellular internet connectivity, which is really like the only reason for paying that much for the damn thing?
438927, yeah, how do you go on a show to promote a product
Posted by Wordman, Thu Mar-05-09 05:12 PM
and come unprepared? AND you're the CEO? Glad I didn't buy any stock.

"Your current frequencies of understanding outweigh that which has been given for you to understand." Saul Williams
437061, and while you bullshittin
Posted by The Rapture7, Thu Feb-26-09 02:49 PM
437163, I've seen it out in Cali too, but at least the thought process is understandable
Posted by mrhood75, Thu Feb-26-09 07:41 PM
Chicken Fried Bacon is the same principle as chicken fried steak. Cook bacon, then deep fry it.

Bacon flavored mayo? That's some unnatural shit.
437194, maybe it's the idea of food-flavored condiments that gets me
Posted by Wordman, Thu Feb-26-09 09:46 PM
Who really needs that much pig?

"Your current frequencies of understanding outweigh that which has been given for you to understand." Saul Williams
439896, For me, it's just lazy as hell.
Posted by kurlyswirl, Mon Mar-09-09 03:32 PM
How hard is it to fry up some bacon and spread some plain mayo on some toast? Does one really need the extra chemical preservatives in baconnaise?
440180, exactly.
Posted by Wordman, Tue Mar-10-09 03:52 PM
If you're that lazy, you probably shouldn't be eating as much anyway.

"Your current frequencies of understanding outweigh that which has been given for you to understand." Saul Williams
438818, lol, i saw that
Posted by thoughtprocess, Thu Mar-05-09 10:12 AM

>Did you see it last week with the dude from Amazon.com?
>Stewart kept accidentally clowning that guy.

that reminds me of his interview w/ kelly clarkson after "from justin to kelly" came out, he just couldn't give a serious interview about this movie.
438928, what's great was that he kept trying
Posted by Wordman, Thu Mar-05-09 05:13 PM

"Your current frequencies of understanding outweigh that which has been given for you to understand." Saul Williams
438761, whoa, Stewart just ethered the shit outta CNBC
Posted by THRILLHOUSE, Wed Mar-04-09 11:09 PM
Brilliant. Man don't ever cancel going on the Daily Show or Stewart will have your ass.
438813, That was HEAT
Posted by Marauder21, Thu Mar-05-09 09:50 AM
Though Colbert might have just destroyed Glenn Beck's soul with the whole Doom Bunker thing afterwards.
438821, Yeah, that was a great hour of TV
Posted by THRILLHOUSE, Thu Mar-05-09 10:44 AM
People were concerned if daily show and colbert would still be good with Obama in power, but they have put that doubt to rest and are on f-ing fire right now.

Stewart had the line of the night though when he said something along the lines of "Fuck you. I'm not sure which one of you I rather see rot in jail"
438901, RE: Yeah, that was a great hour of TV
Posted by Numba_33, Thu Mar-05-09 03:00 PM
>People were concerned if daily show and colbert would still
>be good with Obama in power, but they have put that doubt to
>rest and are on f-ing fire right now.

To be fair, I think Colbert is going to have it easy because he can fake attack Obama with the whole pseudo-conservative angle his show has. If and when Obama screws up majorly, I think it might be a test to see how The Daily Show, Stewart and the others on the show will handle it.
438891, Stewart on CNBC + Colbert's Doom Bunker = Fantastic TV.
Posted by cskncream, Thu Mar-05-09 02:27 PM
438824, that was beautiful to watch
Posted by araQual, Thu Mar-05-09 11:10 AM
i love his truthiness.

438899, Can't believe
Posted by Numba_33, Thu Mar-05-09 02:57 PM
no one mentioned the sketch that had Pastor Manning in it. I believe it aired the week ending 2/27/09. The Usual Suspects tie in at the end of the sketch was golden.

And I know this isn't a Colbert post, but the Doom Bunker sketch he did yesterday had me in high pitched howls. Even better was that he had an ex-military dude he actually thought Colbert was a real news guy and wouldn't go along with the premise of the sketch.
438907, lol, when he said Obama was Hitler?
Posted by cskncream, Thu Mar-05-09 03:29 PM
That was definitely funny, but the Baconnaise thing had me straight doubled over. Seriously though, Hitler? What's he smokin?
438914, RE: lol, when he said Obama was Hitler?
Posted by Numba_33, Thu Mar-05-09 03:53 PM
I probably hold that sketch in high regard because I've heard about Pastor Manning a while ago.
438922, They got me with the set-up at first.
Posted by cskncream, Thu Mar-05-09 04:33 PM
Cuz they led in with the other dude that said that Obama was the anti-Christ. Then they go to Manning who starts off with "No.. no... he's not the anti-Christ." So I'm thinking that it's just going to be some generic angry banter. When he said Obama was Hitler? Done.
438918, it was really well done. it was old school daily show with some extra
Posted by rob, Thu Mar-05-09 04:03 PM
438980, My sig and avatar
Posted by Numba_33, Thu Mar-05-09 08:47 PM
are both on heightened alert status due to the vigilance of the Colbert Doom Bunker.
439115, Colbert had that mad money guy flustered
Posted by THRILLHOUSE, Fri Mar-06-09 10:30 AM
As soon as Colbert put up video of puppies and kitties in the background it was over for dude. He must really be hating life after this and Stewart calling him out earlier.
439911, that was hilarious.
Posted by thoughtprocess, Mon Mar-09-09 04:44 PM
>As soon as Colbert put up video of puppies and kitties in the
>background it was over for dude. He must really be hating life
>after this and Stewart calling him out earlier.
440067, just watched these episodes last night, the tongue line
Posted by thoughtprocess, Tue Mar-10-09 10:00 AM
had me dying.
440237, john needs 2 let the cnbc shit go.... a freakin 10 min intro 4 this???
Posted by thegodcam, Tue Mar-10-09 10:06 PM
440239, no Cramer needs to let it go because Jon is murdering him
Posted by THRILLHOUSE, Tue Mar-10-09 10:09 PM
440391, yeah, cramer's clearly hurt. shit's hilarious
Posted by Mynoriti, Wed Mar-11-09 05:08 PM
Morning Joe: "So is he just gonna cherry pick mistakes over the last eight years, every mistake..."

Jon: "YES! That's what we do!
440393, These cats seem to forget that Stewart and Colbert are comedians
Posted by Orfeo_Negro, Wed Mar-11-09 05:17 PM
It's always funny when Republicans get indignant and try to hold them to journalistic standards and such
440414, i'l never forget the crossfire appearance
Posted by thoughtprocess, Wed Mar-11-09 06:52 PM
>It's always funny when Republicans get indignant and try to
>hold them to journalistic standards and such

"Stop hurting America."

"The show that leads into me is puppets making crank phone calls."

Begala wanted to get laugh but then he realized Jon was talking about him too.
440421, didnt he say somethiing like "youre just a dick wearing a bowtie!"
Posted by THRILLHOUSE, Wed Mar-11-09 07:33 PM
lol that whole segment was great, Tucker Carlson never recovered from that.
440590, he asked how old he was
Posted by Mynoriti, Thu Mar-12-09 02:29 PM
Tucker: "36"

Jon: "And you're wearing a bow tie"

>lol that whole segment was great, Tucker Carlson never
>recovered from that.

even funnier since it's the only noteworthy moment in carlson's career.
440240, I agree
Posted by Numba_33, Tue Mar-10-09 10:12 PM
He's taking himself too seriously with this mess. Then again, I am not the biggest Stewart fan.
440398, he spits HOT FIRE!
Posted by jetblack, Wed Mar-11-09 06:00 PM
440422, lolol.
Posted by The_Purple_Ninja_Turtle, Wed Mar-11-09 07:34 PM
440502, Jim Cramer on TONIGHT
Posted by Marauder21, Thu Mar-12-09 08:40 AM
440588, I look forward to this
Posted by THRILLHOUSE, Thu Mar-12-09 02:20 PM
I wonder if Jon will ease up on him a little bit or continue the ether he has been dropping the past week.
440615, He'll probably be tough but respectful
Posted by Marauder21, Thu Mar-12-09 03:39 PM
Kinda like whenever he has Bill O'Reilly on. He doesn't let him slide ever, but he backs off at appropriate times.
440641, yeah thats what I'm thinking
Posted by THRILLHOUSE, Thu Mar-12-09 06:39 PM
440648, the last time stewart went this hard on a show it was canceled n/m
Posted by Iltigo, Thu Mar-12-09 07:13 PM

It's A Boy and his name is MILES KHALIL YOUNG
440671, If Cramer backpeddled any faster...
Posted by cskncream, Thu Mar-12-09 10:09 PM
...maybe he could go back in time and avoid this situation altogether. Jon is spoon-feeding him ether.
440673, Ring the bell, RING THE FUCKING BELL © Vince McMahon
Posted by Marauder21, Thu Mar-12-09 10:16 PM
Seriously, Stewart just KO'd him.

440674, Medic!!
Posted by cskncream, Thu Mar-12-09 10:19 PM
440677, Ok... CNBC needs to just go 'head and have a yard sale for his set.
Posted by cskncream, Thu Mar-12-09 10:22 PM
He's done.
440681, ok... i take back what i said in post 32.... WOOOOOOW!!!!!
Posted by thegodcam, Thu Mar-12-09 10:25 PM
jon killed it
440686, lol told you it was Cramer that needed to let go
Posted by THRILLHOUSE, Thu Mar-12-09 10:30 PM
he didn't have a f-ing chance.
440682, I want the Jim Cramer on CNBC
Posted by Marauder21, Thu Mar-12-09 10:25 PM
to protect me from the Jim Cramer in that video.

And the whole time, Stewart didn't yell, didn't bluster, didn't get in Cramer's face. The tone of the interview was civil from the jump, but he packed more napalm than every shouting interview Bill O'Reilly has ever done.
440685, cosign!
Posted by THRILLHOUSE, Thu Mar-12-09 10:28 PM
Just masterful work by Stewart. When will people learn not to take on a motivated Jon Stewart? THEY CAN'T WIN!
440683, GAME. OVER.
Posted by THRILLHOUSE, Thu Mar-12-09 10:26 PM
at 11:27 EST on Thursday March 12, 2009, Jim Cramer's career died.

If that fool never would have gone on the Today show and all those other talk shows taking shots at Stewart he could have avoided all of this. And then actually agreeing to go on Daily Show was the final nail in the coffin, did he really think he had a chance vs. Jon?
440684, He just ended Cramer's career. And CNBC has a lot of changing to do.
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Mar-12-09 10:26 PM
440688, Jim = Sacrificial lamb. CNBC will probably continue as usual, but...
Posted by cskncream, Thu Mar-12-09 10:32 PM
...damn if it wasn't satisfying (if not incredibly awkward) to watch.
440687, I'ma need to see some chronological clips of this Cramer shit, joe
Posted by ZooTown74, Thu Mar-12-09 10:31 PM
Enjoy the silence.
440690, I DVR'd the replay just to watch it again.
Posted by cskncream, Thu Mar-12-09 10:34 PM
I had no idea that Stewart was gonna go in like that. And apparently, neither did Cramer.
440695, Here's the history of how the shit went down:
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Mar-12-09 10:42 PM





then tonight.
440696, Good lookin' out.
Posted by ZooTown74, Thu Mar-12-09 10:43 PM
Enjoy the silence.
440689, He ethered him and everything but honestly
Posted by woodsen2, Thu Mar-12-09 10:34 PM
He laid it on a little thick considering this guy is such a minimal part of the problem. The list of guys who deserve a lashing like that before Cramar is thousands deep.
440691, I think Stewart realized that
Posted by Marauder21, Thu Mar-12-09 10:36 PM
At the end he even said "You've unfortunately become the face of all this" or something to that effect, kinda trying to make it look like Cramer isn't the root of the problem.

Can you imagine if Santelli wouldn't have canceled though? It would have been bloody.
440693, yeah Santelli was smart to back out
Posted by THRILLHOUSE, Thu Mar-12-09 10:40 PM
cause what we saw tonight would have been tame compared to what Stewart would have done to that asshole.
440692, The difference is that Cramer started up with Stewart.
Posted by cskncream, Thu Mar-12-09 10:37 PM
He clowned CNBC as a whole and Jim Cramer decided to put his face on the situation by going on different shows and trying to retaliate. Wasn't like he got singled out for no reason.
440852, yup cramer brought this on himself.
Posted by Mynoriti, Fri Mar-13-09 08:38 PM
and he probably figured since finance is his area of expertise that stewart would be in over his head if he had to do a serious interview.
440698, the NBC networks will be in full spin control tomorrow
Posted by THRILLHOUSE, Thu Mar-12-09 10:49 PM
I'm guessing they will play the Jon didn't let him talk card or that its not fair it was on Jon's show. And then like a week later Cramer will be fired.
440715, Doubt this
Posted by woodsen2, Fri Mar-13-09 12:25 AM
> And then like a week later Cramer will be fired.

This aint Tucker Carlson. Cramer's the biggest thing at CNBC and has a huge following. He'll take a small hit but he;s not going nowhere. Bill O'Reilly's career didn't take a hit after Stewart went in on him
440733, Stewart has never gone in on O'Reilly like he did with Cramer
Posted by THRILLHOUSE, Fri Mar-13-09 05:46 AM
CNBC has just taken a huge credibility hit and they know they have to do something to gain the public's trust again. Cramer is a dead man walking now.
440850, yeah he only goes hard on o'reilly in segments
Posted by Mynoriti, Fri Mar-13-09 08:32 PM
their interviews are mainly respectful disagreements and jokes
440834, ^^^^ Crystal ball is on point.
Posted by jadedeejay, Fri Mar-13-09 05:11 PM
UPDATE: TVNewser reports, via an anonymous tipster, what Gibb's alluded to: "MSNBC producers were asked not to incorporate the Jim Cramer/Jon Stewart interview into their shows today."


A TVNewser tipster tells us MSNBC producers were asked not to incorporate the Jim Cramer/Jon Stewart interview into their shows today. In fact, the only time it came up on MSNBC was during the White House briefing, when a member of the press corps asked Press Secretary Robert Gibbs if Pres. Obama watched. Gibbs wasn't sure if the president had, but Gibbs did. "I enjoyed it thoroughly," the Press Secretary said.

On Cramer's network, CNBC, the subject has only come up twice today, including when master marketer/CNBC personality Donny Deutsch brought it up briefly around 1pm on "Power Lunch." "I'm a huge Jon Stewart fan," said Deutsch, "He does what he does he does his job. But I'm also a huge Jim Cramer fan. He sticks up for the little guy, he cares, he puts his neck out, and I respect that. I respect both those guys."

Cramer appeared on his regular "Stop Trading" segment during "Street Signs." But the Daily Show did not come up. With anchor Erin Burnett in Washington, the discussion was about banking policy and the Federal Reserve, ending with Cramer saying, "Ben Bernanke's got the magic." (A far cry from Cramer's "Wake-Up" call to Bernanke in August '07.)

Insiders tell TVNewser Cramer will talk about Stewart tonight on "Mad Money" (6pmET & 11pmET).

<--- Progress.

440701, Television Gold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Raised under Reagan, Thu Mar-12-09 11:01 PM
440732, Stewart had Cramer fighting back tears the whole interview! LOL
Posted by jadedeejay, Fri Mar-13-09 05:31 AM

<--- Progress.

440750, RE: Stewart had Cramer fighting back tears the whole interview! LOL
Posted by jalen05, Fri Mar-13-09 09:39 AM
I still think Kramer wont be gone, but hes definitely going to take a hit. also, really don't think there's a ton of overlap between people that watch Stewart and Kramer so not too many devoted Kramer watchers are going to just stop tuning in.
440830, It's hard to say at this point.
Posted by jadedeejay, Fri Mar-13-09 05:01 PM
>I still think Kramer wont be gone, but hes definitely going
>to take a hit. also, really don't think there's a ton of
>overlap between people that watch Stewart and Kramer so not
>too many devoted Kramer watchers are going to just stop tuning

I read somewhere that Mad Money's Nielsen ratings are actually DOWN since this whole exchange started. Meanwhile Daily Show's ratings, along with activity on Comedy Central's website, have skyrocketed.

Stewart's singlehandedly ending careers, shun! He's like the 50 Cent of fake news hosts. LOL

The sad thing is, I think Cramer is really just the patsy in this that got caught in the line of fire. However satisfying it may have been to watch, I can't help but think that all that ether that Stewart was spittin' at Cramer was really just pent up frustration and bitterness that was intended for that Santelli dude and the CNBC establishment in general.

Cramer just happened to be the one CNBC rep that was ballsy (STUPID) enough to actually go on the Daily Show and take his beating like a man.

In the aftermath, whether Mad Money gets canceled or not, at the very least Jon Stewart has successfully called into question CNBC's entire credibility as a network. It'll be interesting to see how or if they change their format in any way as a result of this smackdown.

<--- Progress.

440773, he's right about everything though
Posted by thoughtprocess, Fri Mar-13-09 10:40 AM
and if you're going to sell yourself as a trustworthy commentator then you have to remove the entertainment part of it at some point.

and i love when he gets serious with people like that, cause with his sarcasm alone he destroys people, but when he sits down and has an honest discussion, even when saying he doesn't know much about the subject, he still destroys these people. you almost wish he'd become a real journalist just so someone who holds that title would be doing their job.
440839, Anyone know if Cramer said anything on his show today?
Posted by ZooTown74, Fri Mar-13-09 05:26 PM
I forgot he was on so I missed the first 1/2 hour, and he's not talking about it right now
Enjoy the silence.
441589, RE: Anyone know if Cramer said anything on his show today?
Posted by grooverobber, Wed Mar-18-09 01:02 PM
I don't think he mentioned it at all on Monday's show... Referenced it once last night, but it was more a joke about himself. I don't think he's going to touch it again unless absolutely necessary, which is the sorta classy thing to do but also he kinda killed it so there's nothing left to talk about really.
440849, HOLY FUCK
Posted by Mynoriti, Fri Mar-13-09 08:30 PM
the crossfire thing was nothing compared to this. i've never seen stewart murder someone face to face like that.

for all the pompous, dismissive "he's just a comedian" / "out of context!" shit he popped all week, cramer was practically bent over that whole interview.
441587, In other news: CNBC still refuses to drop it.
Posted by thoughtprocess, Wed Mar-18-09 12:54 PM
I actually think you could make a good argument for CNBC/business and news networks not being responsible for anything, they're just not making it because they're too defensive. It's pretty clear that he didn't really LISTEN to what Jon Stewart had to say because anyone that did would know he only suggested they played a ROLE in what happened. They also wouldn't defend themselves by simply attacking Jon Stewart. I don't think Stewart is necessarily free from criticism, but he DID essentially give them a platform to defend themselves and Cramer failed to do so.

sidenote: who saw Tucker this past weekend on CNN? lol.


By Paul Thomasch
March 18, 2009

NEW YORK (Reuters) - NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker fired back at comedian Jon Stewart on Wednesday, saying it was "unfair" and "absurd" for the funnyman to criticize CNBC and question its coverage of financial news.
Related coverage

* (03/13/09) Stewart, Cramer square off over market meltdown

"Everybody wants to find a scapegoat. That's human nature," Zucker said during a keynote address at a media industry conference. "But to suggest that the business media or CNBC was responsible for what is going on now is absurd."

"Just because someone who mocks authority says something doesn't make it so," Zucker said, describing the comedian's comments as "completely out of line."

Zucker's comments are the latest salvo in a war of words with Stewart, who hosts the mock news program "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" on the Comedy Central cable television network owned by Viacom Inc.

Stewart has blasted CNBC's reporting of the financial market meltdown, saying the channel was too cozy with corporate chiefs and key government officials.

The comedian has lobbed particularly harsh criticism at CNBC commentator Jim Cramer, and last week invited him for an appearance on the comedy show, where he hammered the guest for his coverage of Wall Street.

"Listen, you knew what the banks were doing, yet were touting it for months and months," Stewart said during his March 12 show. "The entire network was. Now to pretend that this was some sort of crazy, once-in-a-lifetime tsunami that nobody could have seen coming is disingenuous at best and criminal at worst."


Zucker, speaking at the McGraw-Hill Media Summit in New York on Wednesday, said that CNBC's reporters and commentators had done a "terrific" job and the network remained a "go-to" place for financial news.

"It's unfair to CNBC and to the business media in general," Zucker said. "I don't think you can blame what happened here on the business media."

The CEO of NBC Universal, which also owns the NBC broadcast network, cable channels like Bravo and USA, theme parks and a film studio, among other businesses, said the public was tired of hearing the media blamed for its coverage of financial news.

"Frankly, I already think you're seeing a backlash," he said.

Zucker also noted that the financial crisis has bolstered CNBC's audience ratings, and said he expected viewers to stick with the cable network even if the economy remains mired in recession.

"When there is a lot of red on the screen, historically people don't want to watch that," he said. "That is absolutely not the case this time. I don't think this is like those other times."

General Electric Co holds an 80 percent stake in NBC Universal, while France's Vivendi owns the other 20 percent.

(Reporting by Paul Thomasch; Editing by Brian Moss)
© Copyright 2009 Reuters. Reuters content is the intellectual property of Reuters or its third-party content providers. Any copying, republication, or redistribution of Reuters content, including by caching, framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters.
441588, I saw that
Posted by Marauder21, Wed Mar-18-09 12:58 PM

>sidenote: who saw Tucker this past weekend on CNN? lol.

What these people fail to understand is nobody is saying CNBC killed all the munnies. Just that their coverage of the people who did is awful.
441591, pretty much
Posted by thoughtprocess, Wed Mar-18-09 01:11 PM
>>sidenote: who saw Tucker this past weekend on CNN? lol.
>What these people fail to understand is nobody is saying CNBC
>killed all the munnies. Just that their coverage of the people
>who did is awful.

this is especially dumb cause most of the time cramer was AGREEING with stewart and you could tell by his embarrassment he wanted to agree with him even more.

and once again, people want to apply the same standards to comedians as they do legitimate news media. a comedian like that IS usually trying to make a point but they're still a comedian, their number one priority is to make people laugh.

i think it makes them angry too that the viewers of the daily show and other political humor are more well-informed than those of the 24-hour news networks. whether that's BECAUSE of those shows doesn't even matter, it still makes them angry.
441599, Cramer vs. Stewart, free for Xbox Live Gold members
Posted by JFrost1117, Wed Mar-18-09 02:06 PM