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Topic subjectThe Bourne Trilogy is underrated
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429755, The Bourne Trilogy is underrated
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Mon Jan-26-09 11:54 AM
one of the few times where all of the films got better each time

Ultimatum was incredible(late pass i just saw it yesterday)
the fight scene with the morrocan assasin was nuts

but thats all

Shits better than a LOT of trilogies

what say you?
429757, Underrated? Really?
Posted by ZooTown74, Mon Jan-26-09 12:11 PM
Your battleship has sunk
I wish Grandma could see us...
429760, DTS
Posted by Orbit_Established, Mon Jan-26-09 12:16 PM

429781, they're not bad but dont have any replay value cept for the 1st one
Posted by jigga, Mon Jan-26-09 01:30 PM
429871, ditto
Posted by Big Chief Rumbletummy, Mon Jan-26-09 06:41 PM
429790, RE: The Bourne Trilogy is underrated
Posted by Arch Stanton, Mon Jan-26-09 02:08 PM
Besides the fact that the movies are both critically acclaimed and hugely popular...
429813, I'v never heard a bad thing about it. Everyone thinks they're great
Posted by icecold21, Mon Jan-26-09 03:39 PM
So how in what way is it underrated?
429814, RE: The Bourne Trilogy is underrated
Posted by las raises, Mon Jan-26-09 03:46 PM
i love these films especially 2nd and 3rd
429873, The opposite.
Posted by Frank Longo, Mon Jan-26-09 06:45 PM
429881, I guess I have no idea what underrated means
Posted by BigWorm, Mon Jan-26-09 07:16 PM
429884, When you consider the following some trilogies have, I can see it.
Posted by stylez dainty, Mon Jan-26-09 07:21 PM
Even though all of the Bourne movies have gotten good reviews and box office, it doesn't have the larger than life following that you get with Star Wars, LOTR or hell, even Godfather. Not saying it should have those followings, though.
429893, Jesus H. Christ.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Mon Jan-26-09 07:44 PM
>Even though all of the Bourne movies have gotten good reviews
>and box office, it doesn't have the larger than life following
>that you get with Star Wars, LOTR or hell, even Godfather. Not
>saying it should have those followings, though.

You just named the highest grossing trilogy ever, the biggest
book-based trilogy ever, and the perhaps the best dramatic
trilogy ever.

No films, ever, should be compared to those 3 trilogies,
and for good reason.

And not to mention the fact that the last of the Bourne
movies just came out.

In the end, Bourne an action/spy trilogy, and a damn good

But let's not be stupid fam.

Its not underrated at all. If anything, its overrated.

I liked the Bourne trilogy a lot, then went back
and watched some old James Bond movies, and didn't
enjoy them substantially less than I did the Bourne

They're still great, but not timeless classics, at all.


O_E: Your Super-Ego's Favorite Poster.

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

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429916, Cosign
Posted by SoulHonky, Mon Jan-26-09 09:20 PM
If someone thinks that Bourne is underrated because it's not considered one of the three best trilogies ever, they are overrating the Bourne series.
430049, lol. this reply made no sense whatsoever.
Posted by will_5198, Tue Jan-27-09 12:28 PM
429891, please give us your definition of "underrated"
Posted by The European Miracle, Mon Jan-26-09 07:43 PM
429906, RE: It has gotten some of the best reviews
Posted by maternalbliss, Mon Jan-26-09 08:46 PM
The last one IMO was a bit of a letdown. I would give it a B maybe a B-. The first two were top notch action thrillers, A+
429914, Spinoff: Bourne hates Bond.
Posted by SoulHonky, Mon Jan-26-09 09:14 PM
Didn't think this deserved its own post but...

"They could never make a James Bond movie like any of the Bourne films,'' Damon says scornfully. "Because Bond is an imperialist, misogynist sociopath who goes around bedding women and swilling martinis and killing people. He's repulsive."
430052, I thought that's what made him so cool
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Tue Jan-27-09 12:34 PM
>Bourne films,'' Damon says scornfully. "Because Bond is an
>imperialist, misogynist sociopath who goes around bedding
>women and swilling martinis and killing people. He's
429925, its so underrated they are making a 4th one!
Posted by THRILLHOUSE, Mon Jan-26-09 10:11 PM
US box office numbers for the Bourne Movies:

Identity: 121 mil
Supremacy: 176 mil
Ultimatum: 227 mil

Rotten Tomato scores for the Bourne Movies:

Identity: 83%
Supremacy: 81%
Ultimatum: 94%

God, I wish these snobby movie critics and the movie going public would stop over looking the Bourne movies!

(snark aside, I do agree with you that the Bourne movies are good and got better as they went on and I will be there opening night whenever #4 comes out)
429944, End of post.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Tue Jan-27-09 12:43 AM



O_E: Your Super-Ego's Favorite Poster.

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "Cosmic Slop"
429946, lmao! and people bring up Rotten Tomatoes as a credible source
Posted by will_5198, Tue Jan-27-09 12:46 AM
>Rotten Tomato scores for the Bourne Movies:
>Ultimatum: 94%
429952, This year basically killed Rotten Tomatoes
Posted by SoulHonky, Tue Jan-27-09 01:11 AM
So many shit movies like Indy 4 were getting solid to great reviews.
430026, you're right; its apostles have died down
Posted by will_5198, Tue Jan-27-09 11:18 AM
429976, Ultimatum got an 85 on metacritic if you prefer that
Posted by THRILLHOUSE, Tue Jan-27-09 06:51 AM
the point is the critics liked the Bourne movies and its silly to infer that the series is "underrated"
430025, oh I agree with your point
Posted by will_5198, Tue Jan-27-09 11:17 AM
I'm just saying, people used to say "well, RT gave it a ___ -- and they mean more than your dumbass opinion"

94 percent to Bourne Ultimatum! bwahahah!
429950, you are right
Posted by navajo joe, Tue Jan-27-09 01:01 AM
if i use 'right' as you used 'underrated'
429997, I meant that its not mentioned around here that much
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Tue Jan-27-09 10:14 AM
Or just when people speak of franchises in general


my bad
430002, There's a reason tho
Posted by BigReg, Tue Jan-27-09 10:29 AM
Name a memorable character in the Bourne movies? Anyone solidly remember any of the plots? The action, stunts, pacing(imho) are all perfectly done. The scripts tho...they were all just average.

430072, ^^^Nailed it
Posted by jigga, Tue Jan-27-09 01:18 PM
>Name a memorable character in the Bourne movies? Anyone
>solidly remember any of the plots? The action, stunts,
>pacing(imho) are all perfectly done. The scripts tho...they
>were all just average.

Pretty much. It was the same thing happening over & over again in every movie. Good chase flick & Damon showed he's got the chops to be a good action actor but other than that it's nothing memorable.
430023, Am I the only one who thinks they are all the same movie?
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Tue Jan-27-09 11:15 AM
The only difference I can tell is that "this one has him floating in the water, this one he meets the girl, this one the girl DIES...this one.."

Every movie (and I like them...I just can't see the "MOVE OVER BOND!"-references) is him starting at point A...he finds out a nugget of info, and goes to point-B, kicking ass along the way.

He makes it to "evil, old white guy # 43" at the end, and finds out some OTHER little nugget to set up the next installment.
430074, Nope. I was just thinking/typing the same thing.
Posted by jigga, Tue Jan-27-09 01:21 PM
>The only difference I can tell is that "this one has him
>floating in the water, this one he meets the girl, this one
>the girl DIES...this one.."
>Every movie (and I like them...I just can't see the "MOVE OVER
>BOND!"-references) is him starting at point A...he finds out a
>nugget of info, and goes to point-B, kicking ass along the
>He makes it to "evil, old white guy # 43" at the end, and
>finds out some OTHER little nugget to set up the next

They're good popcorn flicks & that about it.
430042, Best American-made Filipino Martial Arts movie ever!!!!!!!
Posted by DawgEatah, Tue Jan-27-09 12:17 PM

It's true though.

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430076, Would've been better if they killed Stiles in the 1st one & Clive lived
Posted by jigga, Tue Jan-27-09 01:22 PM
They really dropped the ball on that one
430131, the movies consist of a series of pointless conversations...
Posted by bfnh, Tue Jan-27-09 03:15 PM
...you have to wait to finish before you get back to bourne kicking someone's ass w/a common household object. occasionally, bourne drives, too.

before they put out the trilogy on blue ray, dvd, psp, ipod - i'd rather them place all the fight scenes from the 3 on 1 disk.
i'd buy that.

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01.21.09 - lames in the same frames.