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Topic subjectStringer Bell's white girl problem
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421903, Stringer Bell's white girl problem
Posted by Mynoriti, Thu Dec-18-08 03:51 PM
421906, Ali Larter?!?!?Really though??? LOL
Posted by DawgEatah, Thu Dec-18-08 04:00 PM
At least pick a white chick with some damn curves.

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http://eatmybigfat.blogspot.com (FOOD)
421911, Ha.
Posted by jonz mahone, Thu Dec-18-08 04:03 PM
421924, Beyonce vs Ali Larter
Posted by jrocc, Thu Dec-18-08 04:16 PM
...in a "who's the worse actress" fight.

that's a tough call.
421939, That's what he gets for playing those away games
Posted by nipsey, Thu Dec-18-08 04:47 PM

Gamertag: slballer

Last 7 movies I saw:

Yes Man: B
Rendition: B-
Redbelt: C-
Invasion: C+
Quantum of Solace: B
The Happening: D-
Soul Men: B
422235, haha
Posted by Mynoriti, Fri Dec-19-08 05:06 PM
424489, good one.
Posted by xbenzive, Wed Dec-31-08 09:07 PM

we pray for dollars and we work for change © Slug of Atmosphere


Quit trying to be somebody’s boss and be a leader © Brother Ali
421944, bomb
Posted by Basaglia, Thu Dec-18-08 04:53 PM
421949, Hands down the most realistic movie ever + Obama wins
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu Dec-18-08 04:58 PM

You mean there is a big movie with a black woman
and a white woman and the white woman is the
vicious vixen and the black woman sophisticated
and supportive?

Goddamn Obama won



O_E: Your Super-Ego's Favorite Poster.

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "Cosmic Slop"
421962, i see your play and all, but it's gonna bomb hideously
Posted by Basaglia, Thu Dec-18-08 05:17 PM
it LOOKS bad.

if they didn't even fuck, WHERE is the story?

writer too much of a pussy to make the protag anything but a "good guy" victim. he did a lil innocent flirting and now a crazy bitch tryna ruin his life? sure.

you got the BLACK VERSION of fatal attraction with...

no sex scenes

ali larter as the crazy white ho...as subpar a working actress as there is today

beyonce being unable to say "she was naked in your hotel room?" with the kind of diction and inflection NOT reserved for country ass black women. (GOTdamn, she'll never be able to TALK!!!)

the white female detective who sides with the white ho in the beginning, but who is sure to become hollywood colorblind and help the innocent black man and his fam in the end. i wouldn't doubt that SHE kills the bitch, because God forbid someone black does.

a fight scene that will give thousands of black folks across the nation a chance to hoot and holler in the aisles, yelling "get that white bitch!!!" "beat that white bitch ass"

it's gonna be a disaster...and i'mma be right at union station the friday it drops, smiling.

421992, Oh, my post says nothing for its quality
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu Dec-18-08 06:09 PM

Oh, no.

They didn't fuck?

It ain't realistic then.


>writer too much of a pussy to make the protag anything but a
>"good guy" victim. he did a lil innocent flirting and now a
>crazy bitch tryna ruin his life? sure.

Hmmm. I mean, you ever worked with white women, Bags?

Okay, neither of us are "good guys" but goddamn.

>no sex scenes


>ali larter as the crazy white ho...as subpar a working actress
>as there is today


>the white female detective who sides with the white ho in the
>beginning, but who is sure to become hollywood colorblind and
>help the innocent black man and his fam in the end. i wouldn't
>doubt that SHE kills the bitch, because God forbid someone
>black does.


>it's gonna be a disaster...and i'mma be right at union station
>the friday it drops, smiling.

I ain't even know niggas still watched movies over there.

I used to see movies there then suck on some titties
outside. Lots of little places to sit and suck titties
at Union Station

Give a nigga the 411 on inauguration jumpoffs too, dunny


O_E: Your Super-Ego's Favorite Poster.

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "Cosmic Slop"
422294, lol...wtf?
Posted by al_sharp, Fri Dec-19-08 09:54 PM
>I used to see movies there then suck on some titties
>outside. Lots of little places to sit and suck titties
>at Union Station

been standin in the rain for the past couple hours
no service even tho i'm standin near a couple towers
i guarantee that you're mad
but if you had
only knew
i missed the train because i stopped to buy you flowers

423551, great post
Posted by Mgmt, Sat Dec-27-08 11:44 AM
421951, Wowsers! © Inspector Gadget
Posted by Poisonous Dart, Thu Dec-18-08 05:04 PM
If I had Beyonce at home would I bump off Ali Larter? She'd have to grab my dick first (in theory). Otherwise Ali Larter can get it.

421982, Stringer getting better roles than McNulty
Posted by THRILLHOUSE, Thu Dec-18-08 05:44 PM
Yeah this doesn't look good, but its better than being in Punisher 2
422456, or being stabbed by a woman in 300.
Posted by PlanetInfinite, Sat Dec-20-08 07:09 PM

422004, this is not post racial
Posted by k_orr, Thu Dec-18-08 06:47 PM
422026, Ha. That trailer just showed you the whole movie.
Posted by LeroyBumpkin, Thu Dec-18-08 07:51 PM
I'm good.
422092, Exactly.
Posted by KingMonte, Fri Dec-19-08 06:53 AM
422245, pretty much....no reason to see this now.
Posted by Bluebear, Fri Dec-19-08 05:44 PM
422342, not even for the Sasha Fierce nude scene?
Posted by jigga, Sat Dec-20-08 03:09 AM
422431, it'll be online before the movie....
Posted by Bluebear, Sat Dec-20-08 05:51 PM
and won't include that unnecessary plot.
422475, whoa whoa whoa - hole up - NUDE SCENE?
Posted by KingMonte, Sat Dec-20-08 09:10 PM
422487, I know! Looks like it ends EXACTLY how Fatal Attraction did
Posted by caramelapplebttms, Sat Dec-20-08 09:53 PM
wife vs. stalker showdown.

Hollywood, do better.
422586, you nailed it
Posted by Vizionz28, Sun Dec-21-08 05:16 PM
422033, fake and real at the same time
Posted by Torez the Judge, Thu Dec-18-08 08:00 PM
you wouldn't think a brother would cheat on beyonce for ali larter...

but yet....

yall know they do.

this movie will go balsa, btw. don't nobody wanna see all that.
422037, wives, gfs, and bitters blackwide are going to LOVE this.
Posted by woe.is.me., Thu Dec-18-08 08:26 PM
422040, so its a Tyler Perry movie in disguise?
Posted by NoShelter, Thu Dec-18-08 09:32 PM
422044, therefore, it has 'hit' written all over it.
Posted by woe.is.me., Thu Dec-18-08 10:06 PM
423401, with a silent leading 'S'.
Posted by Bulletproof, Fri Dec-26-08 03:33 PM
448148, genius reply.
Posted by MsBliss, Sat Apr-25-09 06:38 PM
422660, RE: wives, gfs, and bitters blackwide are going to LOVE this.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Dec-22-08 11:28 AM
I agree. This Movie will do very well. The Waiting to Exhale crowd will come out in droves to support this movie.

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422041, Oddly enough
Posted by Numba_33, Thu Dec-18-08 09:37 PM
it bothers me the most dude is totally clean shaven. Almost like he is emasculated or something.
422057, huh?? Donette was just lightskinded
Posted by Russel Simmons Day Job, Fri Dec-19-08 12:08 AM
plus he took care of that problem lol


This new movie looks too predictable but depending on whats it opening week competition will probably # 1 that week.
422108, it Looks really bad
Posted by Dreadmedia, Fri Dec-19-08 09:09 AM
I bet it does well
422112, he shoulda just fucked her for all his troubles
Posted by spawn2k, Fri Dec-19-08 09:53 AM
if you gonna get the headache anyway might as well get the pussy too. ali was looking good too sheeesh.
422115, She finally got out of West Canaan
Posted by Walleye, Fri Dec-19-08 10:22 AM
Good for Ali Larter. I was a temp once, and eventually found out that it's not entirely a crazy home-wrecking, fake-suicide good time. But that's something she's going to have to learn for herself, making copies, stuffing envelopes, and cleaning up the bagel spread after the Wednesday staff meeting. But the first step out of relying on your quarterback boyfriend to deliver you from a life of small town drudgery is almost always the most important one.
423781, Her biggest mistake was not breaking out the whipped cream bikini
Posted by partytime1667, Sun Dec-28-08 09:10 PM
422346, im trying to think what film this reminds me of
Posted by GumDrops, Sat Dec-20-08 05:20 AM
but im drawing a blank.

looks pretty bad though.
422351, RE: im trying to think what film this reminds me of
Posted by ILL FLOW, Sat Dec-20-08 08:50 AM
Fatal Attraction.
422455, fking swimfan.
Posted by PlanetInfinite, Sat Dec-20-08 07:08 PM

422424, Fatal Fever
Posted by taygravy, Sat Dec-20-08 05:09 PM
422450, ^HAHAHA
Posted by Orbit_Established, Sat Dec-20-08 06:47 PM



O_E: Your Super-Ego's Favorite Poster.

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "Cosmic Slop"
422578, haha
Posted by GumDrops, Sun Dec-21-08 03:51 PM
thats what i was gonna say - jungle fever meets fatal attraction.
422553, RE: Stringer Bell's white girl problem
Posted by buttafinga, Sun Dec-21-08 09:49 AM
did they have to show the whole movie tho?
422595, post jack: there should be a Wire fan fiction site nm
Posted by Binlahab, Sun Dec-21-08 07:14 PM

Inside my mind looks like Denzel's back in Glory - Dave Chappelle
423560, That would be all kinds of awful
Posted by Marauder21, Sat Dec-27-08 12:25 PM
422608, So i'll assume this was posted in GD already
Posted by Wordup, Sun Dec-21-08 09:32 PM
i'm sure its 200 posts deep full with hate of Beyonce's acting

and rightfully so

422960, This should be marketed as a black women's horror movie
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Tue Dec-23-08 01:25 PM
I might go to the Magic Johnson theatre
to see it just for the random black women in the crowd's

they showed the beginning middle and the end
i hate long ass previews showing the whole movie and shit

LOL @ Bey looking JUST like damn Tina
423708, RE: This should be marketed as a black women's horror movie
Posted by jigga, Sun Dec-28-08 01:41 AM
>I might go to the Magic Johnson theatre
>to see it just for the random black women in the crowd's

I need to see a youtube video of that.
423526, ali larter characters be (tryna or successfully) fuck errbody
Posted by Doc Maestro, Sat Dec-27-08 02:49 AM
423635, If you were Jay-Z and you had your pick of any girl from Heroes . . .
Posted by Marauder21, Sat Dec-27-08 05:23 PM
would Ali Larter even be in your top 3?

This is a bit unbelievable.
423713, Fast forward to 3:30 for my response to this film
Posted by DVS, Sun Dec-28-08 05:06 AM

Bluto is channeling my inner child right now.
423796, Beyonce....no.
Posted by DolledUp, Mon Dec-29-08 12:32 AM

"THAT'S DOPE".......
424499, Problem?
Posted by Stringer Bell, Thu Jan-01-09 12:32 AM
*dunks tea-bag into cup in absentminded yet vaguely menacing fashion*

I remember the last time somebody told me there was a problem it was Bodie, speaking of Marlo...

But you know, I gotta put my big ass snout on somebody and have it not look all weird like it did on Donnette.

*reverts to British accent*

So basically you cunts can bloody chill!

*drains cup with pinky defiantly raised*
448115, anyone??? anyone??
Posted by Ceej, Sat Apr-25-09 02:14 PM
448156, Working title for this: "Oh No She Didn't!" They should've kept it
Posted by icecold21, Sat Apr-25-09 08:03 PM
448319, thats all I kept hearing in the theater.... the...
Posted by KnowOne, Mon Apr-27-09 07:34 AM
color commentary of the crowd was more entertaining than the movie. LOL
448509, ^ it has to be way more entertaining in a full theater
Posted by osu_no_1, Tue Apr-28-09 06:15 AM
there was a lot of unintentional comedy.


and the big payoff at the end - i just knew the table and chandelier would play a role.
448194, #1 movie this week with $26 million
Posted by Melanism, Sun Apr-26-09 07:05 AM

"Fuck yo couch, nigga!" - Tom Cruise

448198, couldn't have gone any other way
Posted by Villain, Sun Apr-26-09 08:57 AM
448233, HAH! (c) Chris Matthews
Posted by Mynoriti, Sun Apr-26-09 02:08 PM
448844, The Yonce has a lot of fans...
Posted by Shelly, Wed Apr-29-09 05:39 PM
and they'll be the only ones paying to see this shit. I'll wait until it comes on broadcast tv, shit looks like a hot mess, even with the love of my life Idris Elba in it. I was torn, Idris, Yonce acting, Idris, Yonce acting, her bad acting is keeping me from going to see it.

Shit happens