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Topic subjectMovies that were "better than the book" (im sure its been done)
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413341, Movies that were "better than the book" (im sure its been done)
Posted by lexx3001, Tue Nov-11-08 12:51 PM
The only movie I can think of that was clearly better than the book would be "One Flew over the Cukoo's Nest". And I think it was mostly due to jack's performance.
413342, Jaws and Shawshank Redemption
Posted by stylez dainty, Tue Nov-11-08 01:01 PM
From what I hear, Godfather.
413365, Godfather was pretty equal, imo
Posted by lexx3001, Tue Nov-11-08 02:29 PM
I do agree on S.R. though
413423, The Godfather was the most honest adaption of a book...
Posted by iboycottedimdb, Tue Nov-11-08 06:34 PM
that I've ever seen...

The Sicilian.....................................

I was always mad curious if there were ever any talks to do The Fourth K

"I'm sick of followin' my dreams. I'm just gonna ask where they goin', and hook with them later." - Mitch Hedberg

"I don't think muthafuckas went to the moon either, but that's just me."-Mos
413495, Yeah, I'd love to see The Fourth K or another version of The Sicilian
Posted by SoulHonky, Wed Nov-12-08 12:06 AM
The Sicilian was a great read and the movie was horrible. Cutting out Michael Corleone didn't help any (maybe it should be a mini-series) but they could have done it a lot better even without Michael.

I still can't believe they cast Christopher Lambert as THE SICILIAN.

The 4th K has some amazing parallels to what really happened (allowing a NY tragedy so the President can declare war) but there are some issues that would have to be worked out (not a huge fan of the ending).
413515, I still scratch my head after that Lambert casting....
Posted by iboycottedimdb, Wed Nov-12-08 08:58 AM
on the Sicilian. Ugh, I can't even think about it.

I thought of The Fourth K immediately after 9/11. Yeah, the events in the book did ring a little too true to life.

Was Puzo psychic?

"I'm sick of followin' my dreams. I'm just gonna ask where they goin', and hook with them later." - Mitch Hedberg

"I don't think muthafuckas went to the moon either, but that's just me."-Mos
413434, pretty equal??!? did we read the same book? movie waay surpasses
Posted by celery77, Tue Nov-11-08 06:57 PM
that pulp piece of trash.

That's one of the few movies that unquestionably transcends the trash pulp novel that spawned it, and the studio was none too please with Coppola for it, either. They were desperate to fire his ass because he wasn't turning in the pulp popcorn flick the book was calling for on the screen.
413454, well, I liked the book for what it was.
Posted by lexx3001, Tue Nov-11-08 08:20 PM
I dunno, maybe Im wrong then. I thought it was good.
413462, exactly...had alot of soft-core porn scenes
Posted by The Analyst, Tue Nov-11-08 09:05 PM
there were tons of gratuitous explicit sex scenes in that book. For those who haven't read it, let me quote one (only 27 pages in):

"at that moment she felt his hand come up beneath her bridesmaid's gown, heard the rustle of material giving way, felt his large warm hand between her legs, ripping aside the satin panties to caress her vulva. she put her arms around his neck and hung there as he opened his trousers. then he placed both his hands beneath her bare buttocks and lifted her...she let her right hand drop from his neck and reached down to guide him. her hand closed around an enormous, blood-gorged pole of muscle. it pulsated in her hand like an animal and almost weeping with grateful ecstasy she pointed it into her own wet, turgid flesh."
413490, wow lol
Posted by BarTek, Tue Nov-11-08 11:25 PM


I am _ _ n _ _ y

413525, i just rubbed one out to that
Posted by Oak27, Wed Nov-12-08 10:27 AM
Posted by The European Miracle, Wed Nov-12-08 09:49 PM
413795, hahahahahahaha. no way.
Posted by B9, Thu Nov-13-08 11:54 AM
413467, great book great movie
Posted by ondagoodfoot, Tue Nov-11-08 09:36 PM
it doesnt have to be one or the other, the godfather was a fantastic read. Authentic and in depth with all the different families
413481, man, no lie -- you gotta read more books
Posted by celery77, Tue Nov-11-08 10:44 PM
as far as books go, the Godfather was a page-turner, no more, no less. If you read other books, no matter how much you might have personally enjoyed the Godfather by Mario Puzo, it should be painfully clear that the book is not that fantastic as a book.

The movie, though?

It isn't just fanboy bullshit, the movie legitimately has a claim to the greatest movie ever made. Never in a million kazillion hojillion kukugajamabajillion fucking years would you ever say that about the book.

One of these things is not like the other. And it's the book. The book kinda sucks, but the movie is transcendent.
413496, The movie definitely elevated the book
Posted by SoulHonky, Wed Nov-12-08 12:15 AM
Puzo was a good pulp storyteller but Coppola raised that film to a higher level.

The movie that is closest to Puzo's writing style was Godfather 3 which was just kind of a silly genre movie with some completely random romances thrown in. No surprise, Coppola didn't have much passion for that one and did it because he needed the money.

It's like if someone took a Tom Clancy novel and turned it into one of the greatest movies of all time. Not knocking Clancy but his books aren't exactly looked at as great literature.
413524, FFC did the smart thing and avoided all of the Santino BM stuff...
Posted by iboycottedimdb, Wed Nov-12-08 10:13 AM
...now THAT would have made Godfather a completely different film.

"I'm sick of followin' my dreams. I'm just gonna ask where they goin', and hook with them later." - Mitch Hedberg

"I don't think muthafuckas went to the moon either, but that's just me."-Mos
413596, RE: FFC did the smart thing and avoided all of the Santino BM stuff...
Posted by sithlord, Wed Nov-12-08 04:13 PM
The book also paid waaaaayyyyy more attention to Lucy Mancini (the bridesmaid Sonny fucks at Connie's wedding) than the movie ever did. If FFC stuck to the book, Godfather III couldn't have existed...which might have been fine with some people.

Reading the book after seeing the movie gives you insights into character motivations that also makes you appreciate the movie a lot more because that stuff is always there without the book. It just seems a lot more pronounced after reading the book. Especially Michael's whole awakening in Sicily and Carlo as a sleazy ass character.

The book is actually a pretty good companion piece to the movie, if you want to take it that far.

As far as movies that were better than the book, I'm kind of surprised no one has said Fight Club yet.
413796, Santino BM = Lucy Mancini. Sorry, should have clarified...
Posted by iboycottedimdb, Thu Nov-13-08 12:01 PM
And that was a big plus.

And you're right, there would have been no III if FFC stuck to the book.

No Lucy pregnancy, therefore, no son.

But no Andy Garcia, either! So III gets a pass.

"I'm sick of followin' my dreams. I'm just gonna ask where they goin', and hook with them later." - Mitch Hedberg

"I don't think muthafuckas went to the moon either, but that's just me."-Mos
415337, Fight Club? no way...
Posted by Orfeo_Negro, Wed Nov-19-08 10:40 AM

>As far as movies that were better than the book, I'm kind of
>surprised no one has said Fight Club yet.

the movie improved upon the book in a number of ways, but it falls apart in the third act and really handles the reveal at the end in a really ham-fisted, unintentionally hilarious manner... for that alone, i can't give it to the movie.
413348, Stanley Kubricks- The Shinning
Posted by crow, Tue Nov-11-08 01:20 PM
mostly because King condemned the movie and later made his own terrible version of it.
413351, thats funny, it was gonna be my #2
Posted by lexx3001, Tue Nov-11-08 01:27 PM
J.N. does it again.
413371, ur insane - The shining was shit compared to the book
Posted by spades, Tue Nov-11-08 02:54 PM
It really wasn't even the same story. I agree the King's version sucked ass too, but his books aren't great transfers to film.
413388, It's been a while since I read the book
Posted by crow, Tue Nov-11-08 04:03 PM
I read it during my King spree where I read just him for like a year and dont remember being impressed...ill check it out agian
413373, They're both completely different animals
Posted by mrhood75, Tue Nov-11-08 02:55 PM
And both are great in their seperate mediums. Most of the stuff that made the book really creepy and scary couldn't have translated into film or would have looked awful if done at the time (even the Hedge-monsters looked ass-awful in the remake).
413392, ^^^^
Posted by Deebot, Tue Nov-11-08 04:25 PM
>And both are great in their seperate mediums. Most of the
>stuff that made the book really creepy and scary couldn't have
>translated into film or would have looked awful if done at the
>time (even the Hedge-monsters looked ass-awful in the
413416, they're both different?
Posted by natural, Tue Nov-11-08 06:12 PM
not just one?

"Quienes argumentan que el arte no debe propagar doctrinas, se refieren a doctrinas contrarias a las suyas" - Jorge Luis Borges
Per quanto riguarda l'identità religiosa, l'Islam continua a vedere i cristiani come fossero ancora i protagonisti medievali del Cristianesimo.
413402, Cmon. The book better.
Posted by bignick, Tue Nov-11-08 05:27 PM
The entire point of the story is that the Overlook makes this guy go insane. Jack looks unhinged the first time we see his crazy ass on screen.

413408, Yeah, that's always been my problem with the movie
Posted by mrhood75, Tue Nov-11-08 05:52 PM
In the book, the hotel is clearly evil. In the movie, the place almost seems neutral and reacts to/reflects Jack's own insanity.
413573, Kubrick did a nice job with the all times as one idea though
Posted by Deebot, Wed Nov-12-08 02:54 PM
I know alot of people get confused by the picture of Jack at the end, but there's really no reason to, especially if you've read the book.
413405, I didn't think either were very good
Posted by will_5198, Tue Nov-11-08 05:37 PM
413494, ooh man, the shinning is one of my favorite movies.
Posted by crow, Tue Nov-11-08 11:54 PM
414560, RE: Stanley Kubricks- The Shinning
Posted by Tiggerific, Mon Nov-17-08 10:20 AM
One of my favorite books of ALL TIME!!! But, I am a big King fan.

Why I love the Stanley Kubrick movie version of The Shining, I can't think about it in the same vein as the book. They may be based around the same premise, but to me, they are different stories.
413359, 21 (The book Bringing Down the House)
Posted by EmDub, Tue Nov-11-08 02:14 PM

I Love That Dirty Water...Boston Your My Home
413363, if the movie was better, the book must have SUCKED
Posted by lexx3001, Tue Nov-11-08 02:29 PM
cause I hated that movie.
413372, The Mist
Posted by spades, Tue Nov-11-08 02:55 PM
obscure short story from King with a HORRIBLE ending that was vastly improved due to the closure given from the film's ending.
413403, Cmon. The short story better.
Posted by bignick, Tue Nov-11-08 05:28 PM
Outside of Marcia Gay Harden, that movie was pretty laughable.
413841, you are not right. he is.
Posted by cheapskeight, Thu Nov-13-08 03:55 PM
415521, I never saw all the 'unintentional comedy' everyone else complained about
Posted by spades, Wed Nov-19-08 06:21 PM
I really liked the movie and thought it was one of King's better film adaptations
415532, that movie was horrible n/m
Posted by mykonsept, Wed Nov-19-08 06:47 PM
413382, Last of the Mohicans
Posted by walihorse, Tue Nov-11-08 03:37 PM
413432, no WAY! The book MURKS the film!
Posted by lexx3001, Tue Nov-11-08 06:52 PM
And besides, did you read other novels in that series? The characters are SOOOOOOOO much deeper in the book. And adventures are waaaay more exciting.
413686, the book is almost unreadable
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Wed Nov-12-08 10:07 PM
that early 1800's prose style is so dense and distracting.

>And besides, did you read other novels in that series? The
>characters are SOOOOOOOO much deeper in the book. And
>adventures are waaaay more exciting.

I dunno about the other novels, but the characters are much deeper in the movie than in the original book. especially Magua.

413816, lol i read it when i still lived in russia, they translated it.
Posted by lexx3001, Thu Nov-13-08 01:41 PM
I guess I got all the "good parts".
413435, V for Vendetta ... yup, V for Vendetta
Posted by celery77, Tue Nov-11-08 06:58 PM
book was some anarchistic bullshit with a man and a computer in love <--- fucking dumb.

Movie took the good, distilled it into a general parable about rebellion against authority. Tightened up the loose ends and excised the embarrassing man-machine love plot which is sadly central in the book.
413453, yup...unless......
Posted by lexx3001, Tue Nov-11-08 08:18 PM
...this might not be fair...but Count of Monte Cristo inspired V for..the comic thats spawned the movie. v for vendetta the movie might be better than the comic but both are inferior to The Count by far, imo
413473, they shoulda kept "Vicious Cabaret", but outside of that
Posted by The European Miracle, Tue Nov-11-08 09:44 PM
I agree.
413489, Nah dukes, the movie turned V into a soft, rhyming nancy-boy
Posted by mrhood75, Tue Nov-11-08 11:19 PM
The original graphic novel was far from perfect, but V was a bad-ass, as opposed to a candy-ass.
413508, You got it a little backwards.
Posted by The European Miracle, Wed Nov-12-08 07:44 AM
a) he was alliterating, not rhyming
b) V spent a whole chapter singing a song he wrote about the drama in his life in the book. I'm gonna go with that as much gayer than anything in the movie.
c) in general, it's much more obvious to me that V is gay in the book than in the movie. I didn't even really get that impression when I saw the movie...then I read the book.
413584, RE: V for Vendetta ... yup, V for Vendetta
Posted by Brother_Afron, Wed Nov-12-08 03:37 PM
>book was some anarchistic bullshit with a man and a computer
>in love <--- fucking dumb.

You may want to read that one over.
413459, Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue Nov-11-08 08:47 PM
Hate me now (c) Nas
413464, cmon. not even close.
Posted by will_5198, Tue Nov-11-08 09:30 PM
did you read the books after?
413492, 3 movies, 8 endings.
Posted by bignick, Tue Nov-11-08 11:42 PM
413688, same thing in the books.
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Wed Nov-12-08 10:12 PM
413475, was Fern Gully a book by any chance? n/m
Posted by dgonsh, Tue Nov-11-08 10:05 PM
413486, The Color Purple.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Nov-11-08 11:11 PM
413516, !!!!!!!!
Posted by iboycottedimdb, Wed Nov-12-08 08:58 AM

"I'm sick of followin' my dreams. I'm just gonna ask where they goin', and hook with them later." - Mitch Hedberg

"I don't think muthafuckas went to the moon either, but that's just me."-Mos
413556, that was a difficult movie to adapt but i wouldn't say it's better
Posted by jasonprague, Wed Nov-12-08 01:32 PM

413678, I'm reading it for the first time now
Posted by The European Miracle, Wed Nov-12-08 09:47 PM
and I can't see how the movie would even come close.
413832, No. Far too sanitized as far as the lesbianism is concerned.
Posted by Nukkapedia, Thu Nov-13-08 02:45 PM
413497, Hitchcock owns this post
Posted by SoulHonky, Wed Nov-12-08 12:20 AM
A lot of his movies are based on novels and have basically eclipsed the books completely.

Psycho, Rear Window (short story), To Catch A Thief, etc.
413833, Psycho was going to be my contribution.
Posted by Nukkapedia, Thu Nov-13-08 02:46 PM
413527, Out of Sight
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Wed Nov-12-08 10:42 AM
I say this and I really loved the book.

R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
413567, Carrie
Posted by Damali, Wed Nov-12-08 02:30 PM

413642, The Ten Commandments.
Posted by andrewX, Wed Nov-12-08 06:34 PM

the revolution will not be inboxed.
413690, LOL
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Wed Nov-12-08 10:13 PM
413654, casino royale
Posted by gluvnast, Wed Nov-12-08 07:29 PM
413675, "Children of Men"
Posted by disco dj, Wed Nov-12-08 09:44 PM
the movie? *liked it*

the book? *Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz's*

415314, cosign... but
Posted by MfDash, Wed Nov-19-08 08:57 AM
the book was interesting for its religious overtures... i love the whole idea of the younger generations going nuts and the idea of society going "Lord of the Flies"
413793, High Fidelity
Posted by Mageddon, Thu Nov-13-08 11:51 AM
413845, hell no
Posted by dunk, Thu Nov-13-08 04:04 PM
idk man. i read the book before i saw the movie and wished i didn't cause it paled in comparison in some ways. The movie was good but the book is much better
415338, FUCK no.
Posted by Orfeo_Negro, Wed Nov-19-08 10:41 AM
414590, aka The Godfather post...
Posted by Bridgetown, Mon Nov-17-08 12:12 PM
...from what I've heard, anyway. But from reading some of the prose of Puzo's book, a lot of it seems like little more than pulp.

Coppola turned that pulp into visual poetry.