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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subject10,000 BC...I AM SO HYPED ABOUT THIS MOVIE
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Posted by theScholar3000, Sun Feb-10-08 07:04 PM
website: http://www.10000bcmovie.com/

check the preview, fam this movie better live up to
the hype.

anybody else as hyped as me, or at least have a
inkling to want to see this?

MY SHOW: www.gtownradio.com Wed 8-9pm
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349499, You may want to lower your expectations
Posted by KingMonte, Sun Feb-10-08 07:11 PM
I haven't seen it, but that "oh shit" feeling isn't there.
349502, I give this reply 2 pickles
Posted by k_orr, Sun Feb-10-08 07:29 PM
I mean it wants to be Grade A hate, the audacity of it, to supplant his feelings for the thread starter, but somehow it lacks.

2 out of 5 pickles.

Need a little more snark to become straight up sour pussed.
349504, Your charter status belies your posting ability
Posted by KingMonte, Sun Feb-10-08 07:31 PM
Posted by theScholar3000, Sun Feb-10-08 07:45 PM

MY SHOW: www.gtownradio.com Wed 8-9pm
MY MUSIC: www.myspace.com/EL3G
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349931, Now THAT'S 5 pickles
Posted by spades, Tue Feb-12-08 12:43 PM
short sweet, vicious!
349507, I got the oh shit feeling...so I'M going to see it...you do you
Posted by theScholar3000, Sun Feb-10-08 07:44 PM

MY SHOW: www.gtownradio.com Wed 8-9pm
MY MUSIC: www.myspace.com/EL3G
MY MIXTAPE:http://tinyurl.com/yp7xcg
349503, ME TOO
Posted by navajo joe, Sun Feb-10-08 07:29 PM
Roland Emmerich makes DOPE MOVIES that GET ME MAD HYPED


349509, definitly 'The Day After Tomorrow' great flick, and also
Posted by theScholar3000, Sun Feb-10-08 07:51 PM
quick bio on Roland Emmerich:

Das Spielbergle aus Sindelfingen (South German dialect for "Little
Spielberg from Sindelfingen")

(the nickname really fits him)

Mini Biography:
Emmerich began his career in his native Germany. As a youth he
pursued painting and sculpting. While enrolled in the director's
program at film school in Munich, his student film, "The Ark
Principle", went on to open the 1984 Berlin Film Festival. The
feature became a huge success and was sold to more than 20 countries.

MY SHOW: www.gtownradio.com Wed 8-9pm
MY MUSIC: www.myspace.com/EL3G
MY MIXTAPE:http://tinyurl.com/yp7xcg
Posted by navajo joe, Sun Feb-10-08 08:37 PM

I 4got about Day After tomorrow. They should make a sequel and call it 'The Day after the Day After Tomorrow' that shit would be HOT.

it'd be like the Friday After Next of Disaster movies

349741, lol, that would be dope...just to show the aftermath and errything
Posted by theScholar3000, Mon Feb-11-08 05:20 PM
and no prob on the bio...

I just hope this movie lives up to everything else he's
ever done. he's really @ the top of his game.

MY SHOW: www.gtownradio.com Wed 8-9pm
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349747, how loud do you think one of those spaceships from ID4 would be?
Posted by duD, Mon Feb-11-08 05:41 PM
I'd bet they'd make a pretty big "whoosh" sound when they flew overhead.
349842, lol
Posted by HighVoltage, Tue Feb-12-08 12:25 AM
349865, yeah they are pretty loud.
Posted by theScholar3000, Tue Feb-12-08 02:35 AM

MY SHOW: www.gtownradio.com Wed 8-9pm
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349902, mine is back II the future trillogy
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Tue Feb-12-08 10:57 AM
356886, actually that's Robert Zemeckis
Posted by Kevan, Tue Mar-11-08 09:26 AM
I'm only correcting you on this as I love Zemeckis' flicks.

Emmerich's flicks are entertaining in the theater but are mostly fluff and tend to have some sideways message in them...

aliens, global warming, american history without slaves and soon the 2012 hysteria.
350059, lol
Posted by DrNO, Tue Feb-12-08 08:26 PM
349513, I saw Godzilla when I was 13.
Posted by genius.switch, Sun Feb-10-08 08:47 PM
And at 13, I knew that mess of a movie was beneath me.

Recently seeing Roland's before-your-movie-starts preview of 10,000BC however made me pine for a more simpler time when the all-star talent of Matthew Broderick and Hank Azaria ran away from CGI creatures, all while set to Puff Daddy's raping of classic rock.

I would rather watch Crash again before attending a free screening of this Paleolithic piece of shit.

Really, why would anyone be interested in it?

The cast includes some guy whose previous credits were Teenage Bobby from Third Watch and an Ashlee Simpson movie, a girl whose biggest break thus far has been playing Xander Berkeley's daughter in Poison Ivy II (two, man, two), and a Kiwi who only ever gets "ethnic" roles as Tic-Tic.

Producer Michael Wimer has an ounce more respectability, as he was credited on the documentary Capturing the Friedmans. Unfortunately, for him, his credit was simply a "special thanks."

Oh, and the motherfucking composer shares a writing credit.

Really, that sounds good? Instead of paying ten dollars to see it, just imagine the Discovery Channel ripped of all its ingenuity and left to tell a story that's likely older than 10,000 BC.
349743, damn...people don't watch movies to just watch movies anymore
Posted by theScholar3000, Mon Feb-11-08 05:22 PM
you looking @ past production credits, and movie roles.
the trailer has me siced fam...i'll post the bootleg download
just for you tho, cause deep down inside you want to see
if it sucks as much as you hope it does.

MY SHOW: www.gtownradio.com Wed 8-9pm
MY MUSIC: www.myspace.com/EL3G
MY MIXTAPE:http://tinyurl.com/yp7xcg
356624, more like people don't wait until the movie's out to judge it
Posted by justin_scott, Mon Mar-10-08 12:55 PM
how stupid is that? if it doesn't grab you, that's fine, but save all the "this is gonna suck because...." until you've seen it.
349841, well done
Posted by xangeluvr, Tue Feb-12-08 12:25 AM
this is actually one of my favorite replies ever and i have a feeling that i had a better time in the 20 seconds it took to read your intelligent and humorous reply than i would watching the craptacular mess that this post is about.

10,000 BC looks like crap and i also have yet to enjoy any one of the director's movies.
349833, jurassic park meets the mummy meets lord of the rings
Posted by absence, Mon Feb-11-08 11:44 PM
no thanks.
349839, More like Apocalypto meets 300 meets my apathy
Posted by SoulHonky, Tue Feb-12-08 12:16 AM
349932, Zing!
Posted by spades, Tue Feb-12-08 12:46 PM
Wow this GD level snark! You really don't get to see this often on PTP
349836, actually
Posted by aolhater, Mon Feb-11-08 11:58 PM
it looks like apocolypto with white people....same plot line.....they even have the large cat ...smh....i'll wait for hbo on this one

349844, I'm saying. WTF?? The trailer seemed like an identical plot
Posted by calminvasion, Tue Feb-12-08 12:48 AM
with just a shit-load more CHEESE
349840, I think it's time to retire "from the director of Independence Day..."
Posted by will_5198, Tue Feb-12-08 12:23 AM
after a decade
349843, it should read "...director of Universal Soldier."
Posted by xangeluvr, Tue Feb-12-08 12:29 AM
or maybe "from the director of Stargate" because those are the only movies of his even worth watching. of course its been a while so maybe they haven't aged well.
349903, I've always said there should be, at most, a ten year window
Posted by SoulHonky, Tue Feb-12-08 11:06 AM
And after ten years, you can't be "the director of" anymore. It's like with DePalma. He isn't the director of Untouchable and Carlito's Way, he's the director of the Black Dahlia, Mission to Mars, Snake Eyes and Femme Fatale.
349866, i guess i stand alone on this...i wasn't going to theatre to see it
Posted by theScholar3000, Tue Feb-12-08 02:40 AM
i was going to download it when it leaked.
after i watch it i'll critique.

ya'll some crabby mofo's man, even more so than
GD folk. i just think your snark is much more
creative, ingeniuous. so i don't really get
into the back and forth.

PTP keeps me logged on...

MY SHOW: www.gtownradio.com Wed 8-9pm
MY MUSIC: www.myspace.com/EL3G
MY MIXTAPE:http://tinyurl.com/yp7xcg
349873, sorry dude but this really does stink of feces
Posted by Nopayne, Tue Feb-12-08 03:49 AM
This one isn't even download worthy imo

349995, do i get a pass if i was 'drunk' when i saw the trailer?
Posted by theScholar3000, Tue Feb-12-08 03:43 PM

MY SHOW: www.gtownradio.com Wed 8-9pm
MY MUSIC: www.myspace.com/EL3G
MY MIXTAPE:http://tinyurl.com/yp7xcg
349875, if it were rated R and subtitled....
Posted by ECheeba, Tue Feb-12-08 04:18 AM
349906, Have fun.
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Tue Feb-12-08 11:20 AM
...like dude is gonna roll up on a whole civilization of coloreds that is clearly more advanced and bring the shit down?

No Thanks.

R.I.P. Sean Taylor, 1983-2007


"There's a fine line between persistence and foolishness..."

"To Each His Reach"
-George Clinton
349918, My first thought was...
Posted by Brother_Afron, Tue Feb-12-08 12:11 PM
"My NOI peoples are gonna be pissed."

349933, not NOI but the whole chosen white boy shit is played
Posted by spades, Tue Feb-12-08 12:47 PM
why is it in a sea full of brothers we need to wait for he chosen white boy to save us.

Come the fuck on!
355982, RE: not NOI but the whole chosen white boy shit is played
Posted by The Wordsmith, Fri Mar-07-08 05:52 PM
>why is it in a sea full of brothers we need to wait for he
>chosen white boy to save us.
>Come the fuck on!

Haha, movies with that type of plot are called "Superwhiteman" movies by my uncle. I agree with you man, it's just rediculous.

Avatar: You got SERVED!!!

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Uncle Wordy's Advice: shut up!
355984, I didn't see Pathfinder for that same reason
Posted by spades, Fri Mar-07-08 05:58 PM
caught it on cable and it was actually pretty good and not quite on that superwhite man shit like I thought.
356065, 6000 years ago <<< 10000 years ago = FAIL!!!
Posted by Allah, Sat Mar-08-08 10:48 AM
356641, 10,000 B.C. = 12,008 years ago = FAIL!!!
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Mon Mar-10-08 01:53 PM
358645, haha
Posted by zavidovici, Tue Mar-18-08 10:23 PM
349923, Who knew that cavemen were so ruggedly handsome
Posted by ErnestLee, Tue Feb-12-08 12:22 PM
With access to Mach 4 razors? And that eyeliner and mascara were invented BEFORE the wheel. Cant wait to get my history on.
350019, They must have had access to great hair care products
Posted by Marauder21, Tue Feb-12-08 04:37 PM
356563, The wheel sucks!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Ceej, Mon Mar-10-08 10:55 AM
349997, I love the way this post turned out... Bravo
Posted by theScholar3000, Tue Feb-12-08 03:44 PM

MY SHOW: www.gtownradio.com Wed 8-9pm
MY MUSIC: www.myspace.com/EL3G
MY MIXTAPE:http://tinyurl.com/yp7xcg
350048, Camilla Belle could get it
Posted by jigga, Tue Feb-12-08 06:55 PM
355899, Currently sitting at 8% on rotten tomators & the reviews are hilarious
Posted by jigga, Fri Mar-07-08 01:39 PM

I might need to sneak into this for a good chuckle
356082, ^gets it^
Posted by theScholar3000, Sat Mar-08-08 01:23 PM

MY SHOW:www.gtownradio.com Wed 8-10 EST
MY MUSIC:www.myspace.com/EL3G
MY MIXTAPE:http://tinyurl.com/yp7xcg
MY LAST.FM:http://www.last.fm/user/OkizooCrew/
355936, I'm really sorry it took me a month to check this post
Posted by JungleSouljah, Fri Mar-07-08 03:26 PM
There's some epic GD level sex post snark in here. Fantastic. We should organize a PTP outing to see this film.
355950, I was probably the MOST hype about this movie with the 1st trailer
Posted by MANHOODLUM, Fri Mar-07-08 04:07 PM
I thought it'd be real historic, showing, albeit a little exagerrated, the way things were; cultures, people, migrations, etc...

but made into an action movie.

Now when I look further into the set...it just keeps showing that same fuckin huge cat.

*huge cat about to jump the guy*

*flash to birds-eye view of ancient building*

*snarling cat now facing guy on the cliff*

*caveman running towards you in slow motion...screaming*

*big cat snarling into the camera*

It's like, DAMN...is that the ONLY fuckin scene in the movie? That fuckin sabertooth???
355986, that sabretooth tiger has one hell of an agent
Posted by buckshot defunct, Fri Mar-07-08 06:00 PM

355990, Hard to argue after the cameo in The Other Boelyn Girl.
Posted by stylez dainty, Fri Mar-07-08 06:24 PM
356000, You know he started in Tyler Perry Films.
Posted by spades, Fri Mar-07-08 06:54 PM
Basaglia will tell you...
356001, 'Why Did I Marry a Sabre-Toothed Tiger?' was pretty good actually
Posted by buckshot defunct, Fri Mar-07-08 06:58 PM
Better than 'Madea Goes to the Cenozoic Era', anyway.
356083, but not as good as diary of a mad black mastodon
Posted by spades, Sat Mar-08-08 01:26 PM
Posted by Allah, Sat Mar-08-08 10:43 AM


I'm MAD FURIOUS GODS, EARTHS, doggies. canines, MAD!!!!!!

10,000 BC

How did some half original and grafted folx walk they happy ass from
himalaya caucus mountains, down to the Hpy Nile River in a couple of
few weeks, to chase a pink toe, after being interrupted from hunting
mastodons. Because of course, grafted folx exists in 10,000 BC

Only to walk they happy ass through 4 different climates in a week or two
caves and hillsides, plains, tropical rain forest, and desert, to run
down some sail river boats on their way to ship off Bantu Ashanti Swazi
Zulus and Caucuses and Half Caucuses to THE GREAT PYRAMIDS
of "10,000 BC" in a society with almost all Original People but run by
some old decrepit tale wrinkly bitter pasty gay long finger nail having
TIME. I mean, what in the entire MUDDA FOCK???

How is there mastodons with full as fur in hot ass desert nile (which really is
a grass plains and NOT NO FOCKING DESERT YET) just chillin, pulling
up blocks onto DA MRW (PYRAMIDS), you know the shit that PEOPLE
(not no focking aliens, slaves or monsters) built only 4500 years ago?
Ok I know they took a whole lot of "cues" from Finger Prints of the Gods
Orion Mystery Sirius Mystery Message of the Sphinx writing
Robert BauFAIL/Graham HanKOOK Robert TempILLegitimate/John Anthony PEST
(Robert Bauval, Graham Hancock, Robert Temple, John Anthony West)
I know these old black people built they own stuff denying,
aliens helped us advocating, KNEW grows is lazy supportin' quacks
jizzed on they self because of this movie.

Of course an advanced civilization in antiquity that has been fabricated
had to be run by some evil nutcase halitosis having honkified fairy dude
with a bunch of hindu booty kissing quivering hobbit ass indians taking it
in the rear, for his "priest class".

MAAAAAAAAAAAN there was so many inaccuracies preposterousities
twisteries and tricknowlegies in this joint on all sorts of anthropological, biological,
zoological, archeological, astronomical, nautical, geographical, mechanical,
and common sensical levels, I was simply LIVID!!!! LIVID I TELL YOU, LIVID!!!.

I really would have been upset if I had actually paid to see the movie (wink)
How is the Jason Momoa/Ronon Dex moutain dwellers the only people in the
movie with "dreadlocks"????!!!! An they ALL HAVE THEM. Where is the black
people in the movie with dreadlocks TOO?????!!!!!!!!!!!! How they have
sheepish Mastodons, "friendly" big ass teeth having saber tooth tigers and killer
ostrich DODO BIRDS all in almost the same habitat????!!! WTF???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(peep the sig)
356567, Ok, now who saw it.
Posted by spades, Mon Mar-10-08 10:58 AM
356962, i did... :0(
Posted by theScholar3000, Tue Mar-11-08 03:09 PM
read Allah's review...i agree shit sucked.

MY SHOW:www.gtownradio.com Wed 8-10 EST
MY MUSIC:www.myspace.com/EL3G
MY MIXTAPE:http://tinyurl.com/yp7xcg
MY LAST.FM:http://www.last.fm/user/OkizooCrew/
Posted by deacon, Mon Mar-10-08 04:21 PM
The movie was very average to me. It was historically inaccurate, and very cheesy. However, the action was cool. Rent this or wait for it to come on cable.
358658, who keeps upping this shit? can we archive and kim already?
Posted by theScholar3000, Wed Mar-19-08 12:32 AM

MY SHOW:www.gtownradio.com Wed 8-10 EST
MY MUSIC:www.myspace.com/EL3G
MY MIXTAPE:http://tinyurl.com/yp7xcg
MY LAST.FM:http://www.last.fm/user/OkizooCrew/
358735, why are folx upset
Posted by Odyssee, Wed Mar-19-08 12:13 PM
why on earth would you go into this thinking it would be accurate?

i enjoyed it. but then again i dont go to fictional movies looking for a history lesson.

the fact that the lead was relatively clean from the commercial should told yall something. c'mon it's just a movie. something to keep your intrest for a couple of hours. no big deal.
358790, people don't watch movies just to watch movies anymore
Posted by theScholar3000, Wed Mar-19-08 03:03 PM
i think it's just the blaten lack of historical context
in this one that's causing the uproar.

i feel you tho

MY SHOW:www.gtownradio.com Wed 8-10 EST
MY MUSIC:www.myspace.com/EL3G
MY MIXTAPE:http://tinyurl.com/yp7xcg
358820, that and the fact that this looks utterly unwatchable n/m
Posted by Nopayne, Wed Mar-19-08 04:31 PM

get that picture out of your sig