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Topic subjectthe post-potter post: what are you reading next?
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301918, the post-potter post: what are you reading next?
Posted by unity, Mon Jul-23-07 11:40 AM
having blazed through the deathly hallows in about 9hrs, i am now left with a feeling of emptiness. i find myself searching for something to help fill the void. while there can be no true substitute for harry potter, there has to be something out there to help with the post-potter withdrawl.

so what are folks who've finished deathly hallows reading next?


*CLIMATE CRISIS: reduce your impact!*
302248, i'm switching to non-fiction
Posted by Damali, Tue Jul-24-07 08:35 AM
I'm about to begin a collection of essays by James Baldwin.


302288, I'm actually re-doing my dissertation from my HipHop Studies class.
Posted by earthqueen, Tue Jul-24-07 10:59 AM
My old professor wants me to make some inprovements on it so he can present it to his new classes this fall.

So I will be re-visiting
The Hip Hop Generation
Droppin' Science
Holla if Ya Hear Me
The Black Panther Party:Revisited
A Panther is a Black Cat
and a few others...
302370, interestingly enough
Posted by unity, Tue Jul-24-07 01:20 PM
i will be reading many of those myself in preparation for one of the classes i teach.

droppin science is starting to feel very dated to me. have you read "check the technique"?


*CLIMATE CRISIS: reduce your impact!*
302912, really what class?
Posted by earthqueen, Wed Jul-25-07 02:51 PM
droppin' science IS dated, I've heard of check the technique' haven't read it yet though. I may drop the passages I used droppin' science as a reference, it wasn't that many.

a few more books i used: Bum Rush the Page:a def poetry jam, and Black Noise. Soul on Ice, Women Culture, Politics(Angela Davis)

It was on how the Black Power Movement spawned Conscious Rap. I gotta upgrade my books though...
302947, i teach an af am studies course on hiphop culture
Posted by unity, Wed Jul-25-07 03:53 PM
>droppin' science IS dated, I've heard of check the technique'
>haven't read it yet though. I may drop the passages I used
>droppin' science as a reference, it wasn't that many.

i've been using droppin' science for years now and last fall i re-read some of the essays and was just like...eh. this is soooooo outdated. there isn't really anything (that i know of) contemporary that is comparable though. there's the book "and it don't stop" i suppose, but it's not quite comparable.

>a few more books i used: Bum Rush the Page:a def poetry jam,
>and Black Noise. Soul on Ice, Women Culture, Politics(Angela

i used to use black noise in class, but my students unanimously agreed that they hated that book. go figure. they said rose was trying to hard to be intellectual.

>It was on how the Black Power Movement spawned Conscious Rap.
>I gotta upgrade my books though...

that sounds very interesting and very much in line with a part of my course. i would love to read it some time if you don't mind sharing.


*CLIMATE CRISIS: reduce your impact!*
302975, wouldn't mind sharing at all...I hated Black Noise too!!!
Posted by earthqueen, Wed Jul-25-07 04:46 PM
But my teacher INSISTED on using it, even though we shot down a LOT of what she was saying in class..Even though she's an 'insider' it didn't come off like she lived or was in the least a Fan of the culture.

Give me until next week with the sample though, I had to stop for a few days to take this bankers class and I.need.money(my reimbursement)!

which of those yonder email addresses would work?
302293, how about books written for grown-ups?
Posted by buckshot defunct, Tue Jul-24-07 11:17 AM

302294, ^^^^I clicked to say this
Posted by janey, Tue Jul-24-07 11:18 AM
It's not like there's a dearth of book posts in this forum in which adults discuss books written by and for adults.
302315, why does the intended audience matter?
Posted by Damali, Tue Jul-24-07 11:47 AM
The reader's enjoyment is more important than who the book is written FOR. to suggest otherwise is just pure snobbisness. If you found out your favorite book was only written for the purpose of entertaining men, would that make you enjoy it any less?


302320, Damali, come on, a book written for children is by its nature
Posted by janey, Tue Jul-24-07 11:57 AM
more simplistic and less intellectually challenging than a book written for adults. If you think that's an elitist viewpoint, then hurrah for you, you can go back and read all the Dr. Seuss books and extract from them the complex and deeper meaning of hop on pop.


It is painful in the extreme to live with questions rather than with answers, but that is the only honorable intellectual course. (c) Norman Mailer
302403, or, you know, you could read a book to be entertained.
Posted by Invisiblist, Tue Jul-24-07 01:50 PM
Try it.
302952, RE: Damali, come on, a book written for children is by its nature
Posted by Damali, Wed Jul-25-07 04:02 PM
>more simplistic and less intellectually challenging than a
>book written for adults.

when i read Harry Potter I am not looking to be intellectually challenged. I'm looking to be entertained. Is that ok? Why does it offend your sensibilities?

If you think that's an elitist
>viewpoint, then hurrah for you, you can go back and read all
>the Dr. Seuss books and extract from them the complex and
>deeper meaning of hop on pop.

you're missing the point. If you are saying you only read books that have deeper and complex meaning and you're poo-pooing on those of us who sometimes read for entertainment, that IS elitist. you're entitled to be, of course, but a spade is still a spade.


302368, i didn't ask you all that.
Posted by unity, Tue Jul-24-07 01:17 PM
i was asking for suggestions to fill the void left for those who are fans of the harry potter series. if you yourself are not a fan, i am sad for you, but so be it. personally, as an english teacher, an avid reader and a person who has always loved a good story, i find harry potter to be engaging and uplifting in a way that reminds me of the imagination and joy that so freely flows from children and that so often gets stifled by conforming to our society's narrow definition of what it means to be "a grown up." if harry potter is just intended for children, someone might want to inform the hundreds of thousands of adults who have been reading these books from the beginning (or maybe not - we're better off in a world where adults haven't lost their sense of imagination and fantasy). if harry potter is not for adults, then just call me peter pan.


*CLIMATE CRISIS: reduce your impact!*
302377, why are you all replying to ME?
Posted by janey, Tue Jul-24-07 01:27 PM
You got some beef with ME that you don't share with the OTHERS in this thread who posted exactly the same thing?

Unity, face facts, all you ever had to do was search "books" or "reading" and you would have found a number of threads in which books are discussed and recommended.

Maybe this needs to be deleted on account of the fact that it's the thousandth Harry Potter thread and the millionth book thread.
302397, there have been as many threads referencing Chabon
Posted by rob, Tue Jul-24-07 01:41 PM
now, personally, i read Harry and quickly realized that i wasn't caught up in the apparent ecstasy tsunami of the rest of the fanbase following book 7 and moved on as soon as i realized i couldn't discuss it like other literature, but i think it's a perfectly reasonable topic, either

1) given someone who likes harry potter books, what might be a reasonable suggestion of a next read.

2) i read harry potter, this is what i'm reading.

i've been noticing a lot of people upset in ptp cause folks are reading this or watching that and regulars seem to be randomly deciding it's not worth their scroll space. it doesn't seem that serious.

302399, There is only one thread specifically devoted to Chabon's book
Posted by janey, Tue Jul-24-07 01:43 PM
Chabon has won the Pulitzer.

Now search for "Harry Potter" and see what you get.


It is painful in the extreme to live with questions rather than with answers, but that is the only honorable intellectual course. (c) Norman Mailer
302429, movies.
Posted by rob, Tue Jul-24-07 02:10 PM
more than half the posts about potter are about the movies.

chabon's been in every what are we reading now post. (no comment on his successes selling/translating his works for the screen).

and it's been more or less the same thing in every post. a good number of us have read it, but for the most part it's a private experience that we're trying to get people clicking with, but we don't really need to discuss it to enjoy the prose. the biggest (and discussed in multiple thread) topic is how we all hate "the plot against america".

i mean look at that poetry post. i absolutely adore poetry, but as far as i can tell, i only share about 5% of my experience with people here, and that's not very likely to change. my top match on librarything is very clearly another political science major from my college a year above me who shared some seminars (i don't know him very well, but i went to a small school and i'm pretty sure), and that's how a lot of us go through our literary lives.

harry potter keeps getting posts here because people enjoy discussing it. can't wait to reference it. want to know what other people think. CARE ABOUT THE CHARACTERS. millions of people across a wide variety of demographics. maybe there's something there for us to think about.
302435, I repeat, there is only one thread devoted to Chabon.
Posted by janey, Tue Jul-24-07 02:13 PM
and there are many many threads devoted to Harry Potter. I don't see the movies, either, but I presume that all of you who adore the books are in those threads as well.

What about the anchored thread on the book, that's not satisfactory for you all?
302451, janey, i'm not even in those threads, i'm just trying to point out
Posted by rob, Tue Jul-24-07 02:20 PM
that the comic readers and harry potter lovers and wire folks WANT to share opinions about the the things that they're enjoying, and are blessed with a serial format and a wide audience that helps make it possible.

if we want to discuss pulitzers on PTP it's gonna take some book-club level work. personally, i'd love to, although i know that i'd need a lot of help framing my responses in a way that would actually end up getting replies and a push to reply to other people.

there's no reason to be mad at the potter crowd and diss dr. seuss.
302436, And you chose to up them all.
Posted by ZooTown74, Tue Jul-24-07 02:13 PM
Ice Cube tried to take over the station
His ass is in jail RIGHT NOW...
302443, to save others from the apparent difficulty of doing a search, yes
Posted by janey, Tue Jul-24-07 02:15 PM
I think my point is well taken if one merely glances at the front page.

oh fuck off @ your edit

whatever, zootown, you want to accuse me of being IMMATURE for promoting threads? Dude you're the one who DELETES anything that reeks of duplication. Whatever.
302449, Janey, you know good and damn well all those posts aren't related
Posted by ZooTown74, Tue Jul-24-07 02:18 PM
Seriously? Stop it
Ice Cube tried to take over the station
His ass is in jail RIGHT NOW...
302454, I must be misinformed, then, because "Deathly Hallows"
Posted by janey, Tue Jul-24-07 02:20 PM
seems to appear in four thread titles.

But they're not related.

Oh, oops, my error.
302458, Yeah, you're not looking too hot right now
Posted by ZooTown74, Tue Jul-24-07 02:23 PM
And now you're playing semantic games

I'ma ask you again to stop

We get it, you don't like Harry Potter books

Please move on to another topic
Ice Cube tried to take over the station
His ass is in jail RIGHT NOW...
302461, It's quite elementary really
Posted by JungleSouljah, Tue Jul-24-07 02:24 PM
Thread #1 was for crazy shit that happened while you were getting your copy. Or how angry you were that you didn't have a copy. Or how the book was ruining your life.

Thread #2 is the discussion thread because you can't drop spoilers in the "I just picked it up" thread.

Thread #3 (this thread) is for what to do book-wise after having finished Harry Potter. It's not really applicable to post #1 or #2, especially with the mad speculation happening in post #2.

I don't know about a 4th thread. I'm angry that I can't see it and that I'm not posting in it.

And more *hugs* for you. Remember: hugs... not drugs.
302413, actually, it was intended for you and
Posted by unity, Tue Jul-24-07 02:02 PM
generally for anyone who was co-signing. i could copy and paste and re-post in another place in this thread if it would make you feel more comfortable though.

regardless of it's placement, my response was in part directed at you. there is however, no "beef".

and no, i could not have searched the boards for another post that was specifically asking for books for people who are fans of, and have just finished reading the last harry potter book. i do not have a shortage of books to read in the general sense. i am looking for some specific suggestions from some specific people.

hopefully, we can get off the subject of whether or not people think "adults" are the intended audience for harry potter and move on to a discussion amongst harry potter fans of what we might like to read now.

perhaps then, what should be deleted are all the replies that are not on the subject of the original post?


*CLIMATE CRISIS: reduce your impact!*
302426, Whoomp. There it is.
Posted by Invisiblist, Tue Jul-24-07 02:09 PM

>perhaps then, what should be deleted are all the replies that
>are not on the subject of the original post?
302431, what's interesting, invisiblist, is your passion for Rowling & HP
Posted by janey, Tue Jul-24-07 02:11 PM
I did a quick search for threads about Harry Potter, and I saw that you flooded a thread by UncleClimax asking about the ten best novelists currently active, by replying to everyone saying that Rowling and Harry Potter were better than anything else suggested.

Uh, whoomp, there it is?

302452, No, what's interesting is how irreparable the damage
Posted by Invisiblist, Tue Jul-24-07 02:20 PM
to your funny bone is.

Replies in that thread included:

Harry Potter-san >>>> Kazuo Ishiguro
Rowling >>> anyone with the last name Kennedy EVER
Rowling >>> My DICK >>> Crichton

Gimme a break, here. Outside of Crichton I've read none of the authors in that thread. Maybe I will one day.
302305, don't be party poopers n/m
Posted by 2nd2Nun, Tue Jul-24-07 11:34 AM
302306, hehehe
Posted by Warp and Woof, Tue Jul-24-07 11:34 AM
I'm glad you said it. I'm scared of sounding like a book snob (a title I'd have trouble defending since I haven't been reading much the last couple of years).
302373, you read comics
Posted by bshelly, Tue Jul-24-07 01:23 PM
302379, comics aren't just for kids anymore (C) DC
Posted by shockzilla, Tue Jul-24-07 01:31 PM
302389, exactly! LOTS of adults read comics.
Posted by buckshot defunct, Tue Jul-24-07 01:38 PM
Retarded death row inmates for example.
302386, It is a book written for grown ups
Posted by JungleSouljah, Tue Jul-24-07 01:36 PM
Especially this last one. But you folks don't want to hear that. Which is fine, because we don't want to hear that it's not.

Let's all agree to disagree.

On a happier note, I think I may start this Chris Moore novel I bought for my fiancee. Either that or Me Talk Pretty Someday.
302400, I was just fucking around
Posted by buckshot defunct, Tue Jul-24-07 01:46 PM
The intended irony is that the last "book" I read took 5 minutes to complete and was full of drawings of men in tights punching each other in the face. But I guess I shouldn't have assumed everybody here knew my reading habits.

Anyway, all this bickering is fun.
302401, oh thanks a fuck of a lot
Posted by janey, Tue Jul-24-07 01:48 PM

yeah, ya whiner, back off now in case the hate gets directed at you, lol
302450, *hugs for janey*
Posted by JungleSouljah, Tue Jul-24-07 02:19 PM
it'll be ok. give it another week or so and everyone will have read harry and realized there's not much else to discuss except for the minor loose ends and the gaps. which is just speculation anyway.
302402, nah, it's clearly a children's book that just happened to click
Posted by rob, Tue Jul-24-07 01:48 PM
with an author and adults that were wanted to get in deep with the characters for a few thousand pages.

there's nothing wrong with loving something like that, but it is what it is. on one level, it's a mistake to disregard it's broad messages and little joys just because it's aimed for children, but, all the same, no one should be thinking TOO DEEPLY on the significance of han shooting first or hedwig getting got.
302445, Who's talking about the significance?
Posted by JungleSouljah, Tue Jul-24-07 02:16 PM
Hedwig getting got just completed the raping of Harry's "protectors". Especially since she was never gonna kill off any of Harry's close friends Ron, Hermoine, Ginny, Neville, or Luna.

But honestly I think they dropped Hedwig because she was gonna weigh them down. It's bad enough she had to invent the Mary Poppins carpetbag so that they could carry all of that stuff with them as it is. And I think putting a live animal in the carpetbag would have been disaster.
302460, ^why i don't read potter threads.
Posted by rob, Tue Jul-24-07 02:24 PM
302462, 'Twas a joke
Posted by JungleSouljah, Tue Jul-24-07 02:25 PM
302422, am I the only person who could give a fuck about Harry Potter?
Posted by jasonprague, Tue Jul-24-07 02:07 PM

302430, how many people are on OKP?
Posted by Invisiblist, Tue Jul-24-07 02:10 PM
How many of them are in the Harry Potter posts?

Take the first number
subtract the second from it.

There's your answer.

But you're not a dummy, you knew you could do that.

So what was the point of the question?
302439, ok, Janey, you're well-read, so certainly you'll see the irony
Posted by Invisiblist, Tue Jul-24-07 02:14 PM
in you upping every Potter post as a very immature reaction to people attacking you for comparing their reading habits to that of a child.
302440, I recommend Dostoevsky
Posted by TurkeylegJenkins, Tue Jul-24-07 02:14 PM
Step your game up.


You can't sleep on us forever: http://www.myspace.com/regeneratedheadpiece
302448, i'm an english professor.
Posted by unity, Tue Jul-24-07 02:18 PM
been there done that.
game over.


*CLIMATE CRISIS: reduce your impact!*
302455, i give you more credit if you were a Russian professor
Posted by JungleSouljah, Tue Jul-24-07 02:21 PM
i kid. i just like the sudden contrarian nature of this thread.
302457, Where do you teach?
Posted by TurkeylegJenkins, Tue Jul-24-07 02:21 PM


You can't sleep on us forever: http://www.myspace.com/regeneratedheadpiece
302456, ^^worst bookstore owner/librarian EVER.
Posted by Invisiblist, Tue Jul-24-07 02:21 PM
A good book does not necessarily make a good suggestion.

Fuck is wrong with some of you people?
Posted by unity, Tue Jul-24-07 02:23 PM
kindly remove yourselves from my post.

all this bickering is more childish than a game of 2-on-2 quidditch in the weasley's garden.


*CLIMATE CRISIS: reduce your impact!*
302463, That's it, I'm locking this.
Posted by ZooTown74, Tue Jul-24-07 02:26 PM
unity and others, please move your discussion to the anchored post

And anyone who doesn't like Harry Potter-related discussion is strongly encouraged to stay out of said posts

It's really not that fucking hard
Ice Cube tried to take over the station
His ass is in jail RIGHT NOW...
302616, I say we give it one more chance... it's on a different subject.
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue Jul-24-07 09:05 PM
And if I deleted a post every time hate got out of control, I'd spend a lot of time deleting, lol.

Haters-- please just let the lovers be.

Lovers-- please just let the haters be.
302619, Alright.
Posted by ZooTown74, Tue Jul-24-07 09:07 PM
Ice Cube tried to take over the station
His ass is in jail RIGHT NOW...
302805, thanks to you both.
Posted by unity, Wed Jul-25-07 12:06 PM


*CLIMATE CRISIS: reduce your impact!*
302641, So, I once heard this "His Dark Materials" series was alright
Posted by Whiteout, Tue Jul-24-07 10:11 PM
kind of in the same passion as the latter potter books: children's books with a darker twist...

I've never read anything of it myself... but they're making a movie too, I think, so the whole thing must have some air in it.
302806, is this what you mean?
Posted by unity, Wed Jul-25-07 12:09 PM

i had never heard of this before. interesting.


*CLIMATE CRISIS: reduce your impact!*
302892, yeah, that's it...
Posted by Whiteout, Wed Jul-25-07 02:19 PM
It came on my radar a couple of years ago, being mentioned in the same phrase as Rowling.

I didn't know it was only a trilogy tho. I've been reading a lot of those lately, so maybe I'll try this out next.
302685, 'choose your own adventure' books are pretty good.
Posted by shockzilla, Wed Jul-25-07 02:45 AM
302688, cold but goddamn funny
Posted by jasonprague, Wed Jul-25-07 03:00 AM

302881, LOL
Posted by kurlyswirl, Wed Jul-25-07 01:56 PM
I used to love those...when I was 10.


kurly's Super-Duper Awesome DVD Collection:
302895, Robert Jordan : Wheel of Time
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Wed Jul-25-07 02:28 PM

one of the best fantasy series i say
302907, I made it to book 7 or 8
Posted by Whiteout, Wed Jul-25-07 02:47 PM
at which point it seemed to take a serious loss in momentum as far as my interest was concerned... and the books were long, and they just keep coming...
302978, they get involved and a little drawn out
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Wed Jul-25-07 04:53 PM
but i was so hooked by then it was too late.

i would suggest trying the remaining books if you liked the series because some of the later ones answer alot of questions and well the last book comes out next year *hopefully*
302948, i think someone recommended these to me awhile back.
Posted by unity, Wed Jul-25-07 03:55 PM
not sure why i never picked them up. may have to revisit.


*CLIMATE CRISIS: reduce your impact!*
302979, be prepared
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Wed Jul-25-07 04:54 PM
its currently on its 11th book and its no joke. the 12th and supposedly last one is due out the end of next year but Jordan has some crazy blood disease that could seriously threaten his life.
302985, Goodnight Moon, The Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham
Posted by mcdeezjawns, Wed Jul-25-07 05:09 PM
and other things written for small children