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Topic subjectbreak down Tyler Perry movies for me in here
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290990, break down Tyler Perry movies for me in here
Posted by Doc Maestro, Thu Jun-14-07 03:42 AM
i just watched "daddy's little girls" today and the movie seemed kinda corny to me. its intentions are good for a movie and whatnot; had an "aw shucks" plotline, but it doesn't seem genuine. none of his flicks really do.
290991, He's an awful writer who should never be allowed near a keyboard again.
Posted by bignick, Thu Jun-14-07 03:49 AM
290996, oddly enough you were the catalyst for this post (in the bad boys 2 one)
Posted by Doc Maestro, Thu Jun-14-07 03:59 AM
i had the exact words i wanted to describe his work when i was watching the movie but i lost em.


its like "the african american experience! just add water!"
291029, But his movies are "real!"
Posted by bignick, Thu Jun-14-07 09:49 AM
Real awful.
291005, But you haven't seen his movies.
Posted by rorschach, Thu Jun-14-07 06:31 AM

"Being the bigger man is overrated." -- Huey (The Boondocks)

"But today's black leaders, I'm afraid, have become leading blacks. And don't ever confuse leading blacks with black leaders." --Dr. Julia Hare.

291026, Wrong.
Posted by bignick, Thu Jun-14-07 09:44 AM
I tried to watch the stage version and the film version of Diary. The guys writes like old people fuck.
291713, 1 out of 3.
Posted by rorschach, Sat Jun-16-07 03:26 PM

"Being the bigger man is overrated." -- Huey (The Boondocks)

"But today's black leaders, I'm afraid, have become leading blacks. And don't ever confuse leading blacks with black leaders." --Dr. Julia Hare.

291775, Does that make him suck any less hard?
Posted by bignick, Sat Jun-16-07 08:49 PM
Does that make the awful writing, obvious exposition and syrupy story lines in the trailer for Daddy's Little Girls any less heavy handed?

291908, No, but....
Posted by rorschach, Sun Jun-17-07 02:47 PM
it does make you look like a sour hater. I would say "Everyone's entitled to their opinion" but it's obvious that you really hate this dude because you make it a point to jump in every Tyler Perry thread and air your dislike of him out in full detail.

Like I said in the Daddy's Little Girls thread, Tyler Perry IS getting better at directing films. You didn't even see Daddy's Little Girls so you really can't accurately compare that film to Diary. Daddy's Little Girls is far better than his Madea movies and I still stand by the idea that melodrama does work in doses.

That TV show is another story, though...shit's horrible.

"Being the bigger man is overrated." -- Huey (The Boondocks)

"But today's black leaders, I'm afraid, have become leading blacks. And don't ever confuse leading blacks with black leaders." --Dr. Julia Hare.

291933, You clearly don't know me very well.
Posted by bignick, Sun Jun-17-07 04:55 PM
>it does make you look like a sour hater. I would say
>"Everyone's entitled to their opinion" but it's obvious that
>you really hate this dude because you make it a point to jump
>in every Tyler Perry thread and air your dislike of him out in
>full detail.

I air my dislike of everything in full detail. That's what I'm known for around here.

>Like I said in the Daddy's Little Girls thread, Tyler Perry IS
>getting better at directing films. You didn't even see
>Daddy's Little Girls so you really can't accurately compare
>that film to Diary. Daddy's Little Girls is far better than
>his Madea movies and I still stand by the idea that melodrama
>does work in doses.

Yeah. And a tiny little pile of dogshit is better than a huge pile of dogshit.
291091, Well
Posted by gmltheone, Thu Jun-14-07 12:44 PM
There are very good people and very bad people. Most times everything on both sides is exaggerated for effect. There is a crisis or two that will get resolved in the last ten minutes with a great song playing. There is a church scene for dramatic effect. The storylines all drive home the point that the good people ultimately prevail in the end.

There are some lousy storylines, and shitty dialogue. Some of it will make you scratch your head, but it will end. Thankfully.

"The Mets had a chance last year to go to the World Series. They made it to the playoffs. They won the division. Congratulations, but last year is over."
291092, The formula's not that hard to figure out
Posted by ZooTown74, Thu Jun-14-07 12:49 PM
Present women with emotional dilemmas, such as no-good men and/or drug problems and/or money woes and/or family issues

Present the "wild and crazy" family member who has their back emotionally, ie Madea

Have the women make emotional appeals to the Lord/use the church as an emotional crutch

Have the woman stand up emotionally to her "demons," whether it be the no-good man, and/or the drug problem, and/or the money issue

As a reward present the "good man" who is God-fearing and emotionally available and, well, "good" in that false Babyface "Soon As I Get Home" way

Roll credits

Notice what the key word in all of those is?


(Roll Credits)
291099, si oui yes. emotional. tragic black women are being exploited by perry
Posted by Doc Maestro, Thu Jun-14-07 12:57 PM
he should pay.
291151, If you don't like Tyler Perry
Posted by J Fabuluz, Thu Jun-14-07 02:38 PM
as a person,then you will not like his films
291698, 1st of all: If you think his movies are...
Posted by soul4thought, Sat Jun-16-07 01:12 PM
more humorous than over-dramatized and "serious", you would be SO wrong.

"Madea's Family Reunion" had some guy slapping the -ish out of a woman. "Diary" had a woman being thrown out of her house.

I was watching like, "...so...this is supposed to be funny, right. I'm pretty sure I didn't rent Waiting To Exhale."

All of his stories are centered around the plight of the black woman done-wrong so, if you like that, his movies are right up your alley! If you like watching heartbroken, innocent and near-angelic men (one of which you will NEVER meet in your entire life) coming to their rescue, that's even better!
291723, here's a fair breakdown
Posted by Basaglia, Sat Jun-16-07 04:35 PM

DIARY OF A MAD BLACK WOMAN ($5.5 million): $50,633,099 domestic

TYLER PERRY'S MADEA'S FAMILY REUNION ($6 million budget): $63,257,940 domestic

TYLER PERRY'S DADDY'S LITTLE GIRLS ($10 million budget): $31,366,978 domestic

all that bullshit about how good of a writer he is don't matter, because ain't nobody talkin about winning oscars...we talkin about entertaining. all that extra shit is just hate. kev smith ain't the best writer either...and he don't do numbers like tyler.

tyler got his audience and he flips massive profits. nobody don't care about all that other bullshit.

291776, Yeah, if quality doesn't matter to you.
Posted by bignick, Sat Jun-16-07 08:50 PM
Which, clearly, it doesn't.

But for grown ups with brains, quality matters. So don't piss and moan like a little girl if people criticize him for being shitty.
291783, lol
Posted by queenisisdivine, Sat Jun-16-07 09:52 PM
>Which, clearly, it doesn't.
>But for grown ups with brains, quality matters. So don't piss
>and moan like a little girl if people criticize him for being

Love all, trust few, fear none


291832, look, bitchmade nigga, i don't like his movies...
Posted by Basaglia, Sun Jun-17-07 07:52 AM
that's one thing.

the second thing is you go harder at this dude than any other shitty filmmaker out there and it looks suspect.

finally, he has a large audience, comprised of real people with real lives--grown people with brains--and FOR SOME REASON they see value in his work. that's the bottomline. i ain't gotta like his stuff to accept that. i respect anyone who stays true to what they do. that's why he got a following.

while y'all niggas sitting up here tryna pen these "quirky black comedies" (and convincing yourselves the bullshit A) good B) has an audience) tyler gettin paid on tried and true southern black comedy roots....and you mad.

cry your ass off, double H.
291869, Name calling doesn't make you any less wrong you child.
Posted by bignick, Sun Jun-17-07 11:22 AM
>the second thing is you go harder at this dude than any other
>shitty filmmaker out there and it looks suspect.

Absolutely incorrect as usual. I go hard on anything that I think is crap. Tyler Perry makes movies on the level of a retarded junior high school student. He deserves any and all criticism that he gets. From me and everyone else.

>finally, he has a large audience, comprised of real people
>with real lives--grown people with brains--and FOR SOME REASON
>they see value in his work. that's the bottomline. i ain't
>gotta like his stuff to accept that. i respect anyone who
>stays true to what they do. that's why he got a following.

I accept all that stuff too. But his work is still garbage.

Two and a Half Men is the highest rated sitcom in America. It's awful.

The Devil Wears Prada made $124 million. It was awful.

Just because something makes a lot of money doesn't meat that it's worthy of respect. Everyone with a brain understands that.

>while y'all niggas sitting up here tryna pen these "quirky
>black comedies" (and convincing yourselves the bullshit A)
>good B) has an audience) tyler gettin paid on tried and true
>southern black comedy roots....and you mad.

Replace quirky with good, and you might actually have something. Films are art and it's absolutely valid to address them based on their artistic merit. For some reason, you have the asinine habit of forgetting all of that whenever something was created by a black person.

His work is garbage. I'm talking about it. And YOU are mad.
291930, you mad and he paid
Posted by Basaglia, Sun Jun-17-07 04:45 PM
291932, Not angry, Bags. Just critical.
Posted by bignick, Sun Jun-17-07 04:52 PM
He's awful. I'm pointing it out. And you're mad.
291938, look, man, it's your opinion...good luck with your hate
Posted by Basaglia, Sun Jun-17-07 05:11 PM
all i know is you've chosen a bad target to hate on, as he gonna keep doing numbers (unlike tarantino).

i have hated on the dude myself, but his awful writing is putting a lotta black folk in the game to work. in the grand scheme of things, i gotta give him a pass, based on that.

291939, It's not hate. It's dislike for his work.
Posted by bignick, Sun Jun-17-07 05:13 PM
And dislike for people who think he's above criticism just because he's black.

291946, obviously, i don't think he's above criticism, having ripped him.
Posted by Basaglia, Sun Jun-17-07 05:35 PM
and i've been just as critical of his *audience* as i have his work.

BUT, in my opinion, it is in the best interest of black folk that he continue to be successful. simply put, he gets niggas work.

so, i have taken a vow of silence on his awful movies. i ain't got shit to about say about his flicks anymore. well, nothing negative. i've seen them all and rated them "bad" to "shitty."

you know what, man? do your thing. i ain't gonna be put in the position of defending a nigga whose artistic talents i think are poor at best. i think he's an important and welcome figure in black entertainment, from an economic standpoint. his material just sucks.
292134, so basically... you agree with bignick but you just HAD to be contrary?
Posted by Orfeo_Negro, Mon Jun-18-07 09:05 AM
>so, i have taken a vow of silence on his awful movies. i ain't
>got shit to about say about his flicks anymore. well, nothing
>negative. i've seen them all and rated them "bad" to "shitty."
>you know what, man? do your thing. i ain't gonna be put in the
>position of defending a nigga whose artistic talents i think
>are poor at best. i think he's an important and welcome figure
>in black entertainment, from an economic standpoint. his
>material just sucks.
292365, i wasn't being contrary...i correctly stated that nick goes extra at tyler
Posted by Basaglia, Mon Jun-18-07 08:26 PM

there are plenty of shitty filmmakers out here, but for some odd reason nick and a few other dudes SEEM to save their best hate for tyler perry and other black filmmakers, holding them to some artistic standard they chose not to hold others...and why? because people like kev smith don't flip 40 and 50 million dollar profits?

if perry ain't make money, he would not get hated on because no one would care.
292508, You didn't correctly state anything.
Posted by bignick, Tue Jun-19-07 11:26 AM
I'm critical of anything that I think is garbage, including Kevin Smith. Guess who was the person in the Clerks 2 thread saying that it was a hot pile of garbage? I was.

292511, the difference between your criticism of perry and smith...
Posted by Basaglia, Tue Jun-19-07 11:36 AM
is the same difference as bill simmons' criticism of isiah and every other GM he think is shitty....it lacks the same vitriol and frequency.

292529, You're still wrong. I ripped Clerks 2 & Crash as much as any TP movie.
Posted by bignick, Tue Jun-19-07 12:34 PM
It's just that you see my Perry criticism because you rush into any post about black movies ready to attack anyone who says something negative.
292577, by the numbers, i ain't wrong
Posted by Basaglia, Tue Jun-19-07 02:05 PM
you've hated more on perry than anyone or anything
293453, No. You're wrong.
Posted by bignick, Thu Jun-21-07 05:07 PM
Being critical of things is what I'm known for on this very board.
293520, you've hated on perry more than anyone or anything else
Posted by Basaglia, Thu Jun-21-07 08:21 PM
by sheer post volume. tyler's numbers don't lie and neither do yours.
293521, Nope. Stll wrong.
Posted by bignick, Thu Jun-21-07 08:22 PM
293528, it's true this week, is true this month and it's true for this year so far
Posted by Basaglia, Thu Jun-21-07 08:40 PM
you have hated on him more than anyone else in the entertainment industry.

even mencia. damn.

maybe you can find some other obvious "uncool" underdog to hate on so you can surpass your perry numbers.

291777, RE: break down Tyler Perry movies for me in here
Posted by Vaiops2wega, Sat Jun-16-07 08:59 PM
I heard he's doing a remake of Stepin Fetchit
291844, i'll break it down, but i know yall don't wait it...
Posted by Torez, Sun Jun-17-07 09:36 AM
what you really want is to
sideways hate on dude

at least bignick has the
balls to just say 'dude
is wack' and call it a day...

1.) he makes movies that distill
the mainstream, southern black
family experience down to a
digestable, feel good form...

2.) he markets his movies to
black institutions that he
knows contain his audience
(i.e., the black church, a
spot i suspect most of PTP
is alienated from or doesn't
mess with)

3.) he is able to tap into
the emotional fears/aspirations
of REGULAR black people, you
know, the blue collar, everyday
forty and fifty year old folks
that go to work, go to church,
etc etc etc etc <--- ie, mugs most of ptp don't fool with

^^ the breakdown ^^^
291881, "DEEZE NIGGAZ AIN'T REAL, DAWG!" <--Torez, you're smarter than this.
Posted by ZooTown74, Sun Jun-17-07 12:34 PM
Much smarter


(Roll Credits)
291925, :::: rolls eyes :::
Posted by Torez, Sun Jun-17-07 04:05 PM
nobody said all that...

all the points i made
were specific to the
APPEAL of tp...obviously,
you can fit in that and
still not like dude's
work (i do), but i'm
just expaining from a
business model standpoint
why his product sales...

yall hit dog whenever
dude's name comes up, yo.
291980, ^^ Painting with broad brush strokes
Posted by ZooTown74, Sun Jun-17-07 07:31 PM
>all the points i made
>were specific to the
>APPEAL of tp...

Uh, haven't we all been talking about his appeal? I broke down his formula from a writing standpoint. Was it meant to be read as flowery praise for his style? No, it wasn't, but who said it had to be? It works for him. He found a niche and struck gold with it. Good for him.

I repeat, good for him.

>yall hit dog whenever
>dude's name comes up, yo.

No, not really. With all due respect, this is the kind of bullshit that leads to that "Man, them PTP niggas is snobs" shit over in GD. And for better or worse, "hit dog" or not, I'm going to come to the defense of the people here whenever that shit crops up, cause it ain't the truth. If it has to be labeled as "taking this shit too seriously," then so be it.

Nick has been very vocal about his dislike for TP's films. Does he not have the right to express that as many times as he likes without being called a "hit dog" and any other absurd shit? And others here have complimented TP REPEATEDLY about his ability to tap into a niche market and get that bread, despite the fact that they believe that his work isn't that good.

Liking dude's work and respecting his hustle don't have to be mutually exclusive, and we've pointed that out ad nauseam. But nonetheless, it all ends up as "them PTP snob niggas hate Tyler Perry," which is far from the case.


(Roll Credits)
291934, ^^^Harlequin film snob^^^
Posted by bignick, Sun Jun-17-07 05:02 PM
You typed this while watching the Criterion Collection edition of Grey Gardens!!!!
291971, *sips latte*
Posted by ZooTown74, Sun Jun-17-07 07:07 PM


(Roll Credits)
291972, I can't hear you over the new Paul McCartney album.
Posted by bignick, Sun Jun-17-07 07:11 PM
291987, *downloads Paul McCartney album onto the hip new iPhone*
Posted by ZooTown74, Sun Jun-17-07 07:41 PM
I'm so hip


(Roll Credits)
291969, i like this reply
Posted by bayoubyyou, Sun Jun-17-07 07:02 PM
291874, my question is...
Posted by lengtsai, Sun Jun-17-07 12:01 PM
who the hell keeps finanicing his movies???? whoever it is should burn in hell!
291895, he does...
Posted by kayru99, Sun Jun-17-07 01:48 PM
i mean, buddy is paid as shit, offa his PLAYS.

The movies are just extra cake.

293539, Why wouldn't a studio finance his movies? They make a shitload of $
Posted by CMcMurtry, Thu Jun-21-07 09:35 PM
And for a small company like Lion's Gate, those are huge profits. And allows them to fund all those arthouse movies no one goes to see.
291890, My tongue bleeds whenever he has a new project. . .
Posted by kurlyswirl, Sun Jun-17-07 01:33 PM
From biting it when a couple of my black female friends start talking about how great his movies are.


kurly's Super-Duper Awesome DVD Collection:
Posted by ZooTown74, Sun Jun-17-07 01:49 PM
You missed the memo, we're supposed to support his stuff (financially and/or critically) no matter what, lest we be labeled as "suspect" by non-PTPers

Nevermind that we've acknowledged and respected the fact that he's a helluva success story, just not one that some of us feel "obligated" to support


(Roll Credits)
291903, as bad as i want these movies to be
Posted by Iltigo, Sun Jun-17-07 02:12 PM
i enjoyed medea's family reunion

i know how trite the stroy was, and how melodramaticevery last moment and confrontation was...

but in the end...i enjoyed it.
return to your home citizens

madagascar titties- (c) phontiggalo the rap jiggalo

I would never, ever hit a woman....but i'll beat a bitch (c) wifey

291907, Dude who was talking about his "appeal" is right.
Posted by ActWon, Sun Jun-17-07 02:44 PM
I don't HAVE to like ANYTHING that fool does, but many people eat his material up. From what I've seen of him, he has good intentions, but what actually comes out is pretty lame. Say what you will 'bout Spike, Perry's the R.Kelly of Black Cinema.
291926, perfect analogy...
Posted by Torez, Sun Jun-17-07 04:06 PM
>>Perry's the R.Kelly of Black Cinema.<<<

dude has perfected a kind of
feel-good, almost burlesque style
of black cinema and markets it
DIRECTLY to the audience that
likes it.

if mugs wanna judge his audience,
that's on him, but the post title
asked for an explanation of his
appeal, i thought...

http://blog.myspace.com/mtorez <--- recent exploits

art by PENCILISM (ye'en ready!)
291966, RE: perfect analogy...
Posted by spawn2k, Sun Jun-17-07 06:54 PM
>>>Perry's the R.Kelly of Black Cinema.<<<

did perry piss on a young boy?
292242, No, but he did shit on the art of screenwriting.
Posted by bignick, Mon Jun-18-07 02:01 PM

>did perry piss on a young boy?
292351, RE: No, but he did shit on the art of screenwriting.
Posted by Rockscissorspaper, Mon Jun-18-07 07:44 PM

292121, only movie he made that was good was Fam.Reunion
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Mon Jun-18-07 08:24 AM
rest of that shit is awful
292255, RE: break down Tyler Perry movies for me in here
Posted by jane eyre, Mon Jun-18-07 02:25 PM
if there's any redeeming value in the typical perry storyline it's that they are instructive. the audience gets to see someone making a choice to do the right thing. good and bad are clearly identified in perry world. there's usually a moral to the story, too. plus, the stories lightly pepper in the art of moral reasoning. the bonus is that it comes across without being too preachy or holier than thou.

but do the ends justify the means? i don't think so. i was never under the impression that the plays and movies were meant to be good, but only presentable. i think they're meant to be put on stage to entertain and instruct. and they do. however, i've often felt that the writing is so bad that it makes everything else irrelevant. the writing (and acting) discredits the perry-world experience, which is unfortunate.

in my mind, perry consistently cranks out mediocrity. why in the world can't he invest some money towards developing his "artistic" skills? that's the kind of giving back to the community that i want to see-- not whether or not he employs yet another mediocre actor who can sing, not whether or not he opens the door for another mediocre writer.
292476, Tyler Perry makes films for black women with idealistic views on relationships...
Posted by da_illest_one, Tue Jun-19-07 09:12 AM
All three of his films were surrounding a love story, the man involved is always perfect in any way. Shemar Moore, Boris Kudjoe and Idris Elba were all blue collar workers with a heart of gold and near the end the woman gets a brain and decides to deal with the dude who in real life wouldn't get play from the women that support the film. Its a Sesame Street lesson for grown black women and Madea is Big Bird.
292528, mmm. maybe.
Posted by jane eyre, Tue Jun-19-07 12:32 PM
there's an element of fantasy-make-believe in the madea series. the audience has to make a leap into madea world in order for things to be plausible. certain rules (ex: attractive men) are in play when it comes to madea world and as a viewer, you either accept them or you don't. obviously, madea world isn't real life. you've pointed out a few reasons why it's not reality. i think everyone understands that it's not real life, even if only on a subconscious level. i don't think that the fantastic elements of the stories make the instructive value of them idealistic.

>All three of his films were surrounding a love story, the man
>involved is always perfect in any way.

i wouldn't go that far. i'd say that the men in the romantic roles aren't perfect in every way, but in the ways that count. they apparently have an interest in treating women with respect.

instructive: recognize the bad. recognize the good.
instructive: bad "acts" this way. good "acts" this way.
instructive: people can choose bad or good.
instructive: are you choosing bad or good?
instructive: choose good.

the goodness of the male characters has nothing to do with their looks and everything to do with their actions. the bad male characters aren't exactly ugly, either. the attractive male phenomena is part of what happens in madea world. it's a device...but it's also another chance to instruct: appearances can be deceiving so it's important to be able to recognize good and bad.

grant it, maybe there are some women who may come away from the films believing that there's a connection between a guy's ability to show goodness with their money and looks. maybe the stories encourage shallow mating preferences and unreasonable amounts of wish-fulfillment and lots of trouble for the guy who ends up dating a black woman with such silly ideas filling her head. maybe. but there doesn't seem to be anything in the films to suggest that women should focus their energies on finding a man who's hot or rich/hot and rich. in fact, some of the women in the stories who use the "sexy w/ a bank account" screening method end up being quite unhappy.

at any rate, i don't think it's an idealistic viewpoint that women should protect themselves and learn how to choose mates who demonstrate good qualities. is the lesson presented in a hokey, corny, manner? yes.

>Shemar Moore, Boris
>Kudjoe and Idris Elba were all blue collar workers with a
>heart of gold and near the end the woman gets a brain and
>decides to deal with the dude who in real life wouldn't get
>play from the women that support the film.

then maybe people aren't getting the moral of the story!

but then again, maybe it's the second rate presentation that makes the moral of the story un-seeable and easily misunderstood.

>Its a Sesame Street
>lesson for grown black women and Madea is Big Bird.

the simplicity/transparency of the story lines don't bother me. children don't always get solid moral instruction and they grow up to become adults who make decisions without the benefit of it. simplicity is a very effective way to build up people's confidence with the basics. what bothers me is that the storylines are developed in a way that makes any kind of message seem trite.

292582, ...A well-thought and logical post?
Posted by ActWon, Tue Jun-19-07 02:17 PM

>there's an element of fantasy-make-believe in the madea
>series. the audience has to make a leap into madea world in
>order for things to be plausible. certain rules (ex:
>attractive men) are in play when it comes to madea world and
>as a viewer, you either accept them or you don't. obviously,
>madea world isn't real life. you've pointed out a few reasons
>why it's not reality. i think everyone understands that it's
>not real life, even if only on a subconscious level. i don't
>think that the fantastic elements of the stories make the
>instructive value of them idealistic.
>>All three of his films were surrounding a love story, the
>>involved is always perfect in any way.
>i wouldn't go that far. i'd say that the men in the romantic
>roles aren't perfect in every way, but in the ways that count.
>they apparently have an interest in treating women with
>instructive: recognize the bad. recognize the good.
>instructive: bad "acts" this way. good "acts" this way.
>instructive: people can choose bad or good.
>instructive: are you choosing bad or good?
>instructive: choose good.
>the goodness of the male characters has nothing to do with
>their looks and everything to do with their actions. the bad
>male characters aren't exactly ugly, either. the attractive
>male phenomena is part of what happens in madea world. it's a
>device...but it's also another chance to instruct: appearances
>can be deceiving so it's important to be able to recognize
>good and bad.
>grant it, maybe there are some women who may come away from
>the films believing that there's a connection between a guy's
>ability to show goodness with their money and looks. maybe the
>stories encourage shallow mating preferences and unreasonable
>amounts of wish-fulfillment and lots of trouble for the guy
>who ends up dating a black woman with such silly ideas filling
>her head. maybe. but there doesn't seem to be anything in the
>films to suggest that women should focus their energies on
>finding a man who's hot or rich/hot and rich. in fact, some of
>the women in the stories who use the "sexy w/ a bank account"
>screening method end up being quite unhappy.
>at any rate, i don't think it's an idealistic viewpoint that
>women should protect themselves and learn how to choose mates
>who demonstrate good qualities. is the lesson presented in a
>hokey, corny, manner? yes.
>>Shemar Moore, Boris
>>Kudjoe and Idris Elba were all blue collar workers with a
>>heart of gold and near the end the woman gets a brain and
>>decides to deal with the dude who in real life wouldn't get
>>play from the women that support the film.
>then maybe people aren't getting the moral of the story!
>but then again, maybe it's the second rate presentation that
>makes the moral of the story un-seeable and easily
>>Its a Sesame Street
>>lesson for grown black women and Madea is Big Bird.
>the simplicity/transparency of the story lines don't bother
>me. children don't always get solid moral instruction and they
>grow up to become adults who make decisions without the
>benefit of it. simplicity is a very effective way to build up
>people's confidence with the basics. what bothers me is that
>the storylines are developed in a way that makes any kind of
>message seem trite.
293438, eh.
Posted by jane eyre, Thu Jun-21-07 04:25 PM
to clarify. yes, there's a message in the movies. no, i don't think that automatically makes the movies good or watchable, or somehow kosher because he's helping the black community. as long as he continues to indulge in wishy washy artistic standards (film, playwriting, direction, etc) i think the issue of values will ironically be the thing that works against him. he indulges in mediocrity and ignorance in ways that assign a positive value to them. when that happens, to me, he might as well have not taken the time to write a message into his movies in the first place, no matter how well meaning he is. it muddies things up when mom says marry a good guy but you see her having a hard time being a part of a functioning marriage.

if he's going to push the values front, i wish he'd take the time to consider whether or not value (of the artistic variety) is something that can be seen in the nuts and bolts creation of his material. the perry phenonmenon could very well lead someone to think that they should be applauded for a similar kind of creative effort.
292584, ...A well-thought and logical post?
Posted by ActWon, Tue Jun-19-07 02:18 PM

>there's an element of fantasy-make-believe in the madea
>series. the audience has to make a leap into madea world in
>order for things to be plausible. certain rules (ex:
>attractive men) are in play when it comes to madea world and
>as a viewer, you either accept them or you don't. obviously,
>madea world isn't real life. you've pointed out a few reasons
>why it's not reality. i think everyone understands that it's
>not real life, even if only on a subconscious level. i don't
>think that the fantastic elements of the stories make the
>instructive value of them idealistic.
>i wouldn't go that far. i'd say that the men in the romantic
>roles aren't perfect in every way, but in the ways that count.
>they apparently have an interest in treating women with
>instructive: recognize the bad. recognize the good.
>instructive: bad "acts" this way. good "acts" this way.
>instructive: people can choose bad or good.
>instructive: are you choosing bad or good?
>instructive: choose good.
>the goodness of the male characters has nothing to do with
>their looks and everything to do with their actions. the bad
>male characters aren't exactly ugly, either. the attractive
>male phenomena is part of what happens in madea world. it's a
>device...but it's also another chance to instruct: appearances
>can be deceiving so it's important to be able to recognize
>good and bad.
>grant it, maybe there are some women who may come away from
>the films believing that there's a connection between a guy's
>ability to show goodness with their money and looks. maybe the
>stories encourage shallow mating preferences and unreasonable
>amounts of wish-fulfillment and lots of trouble for the guy
>who ends up dating a black woman with such silly ideas filling
>her head. maybe. but there doesn't seem to be anything in the
>films to suggest that women should focus their energies on
>finding a man who's hot or rich/hot and rich. in fact, some of
>the women in the stories who use the "sexy w/ a bank account"
>screening method end up being quite unhappy.
>at any rate, i don't think it's an idealistic viewpoint that
>women should protect themselves and learn how to choose mates
>who demonstrate good qualities. is the lesson presented in a
>hokey, corny, manner? yes.
>then maybe people aren't getting the moral of the story!
>the simplicity/transparency of the story lines don't bother
>me. children don't always get solid moral instruction and they
>grow up to become adults who make decisions without the
>benefit of it. simplicity is a very effective way to build up
>people's confidence with the basics. what bothers me is that
>the storylines are developed in a way that makes any kind of
>message seem trite.