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Topic subjectWhich has more replay value: Scarface or Goodfellas?
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163000, Which has more replay value: Scarface or Goodfellas?
Posted by OldPro, Wed Dec-31-69 07:00 PM

Poll question: Which has more replay value: Scarface or Goodfellas?

Poll result (86 votes)
Scarface (9 votes)Vote
Goodfellas (77 votes)Vote


163002, Inspired by trying to watch a couple minutes of fellas last night
Posted by OldPro, Wed Mar-15-06 11:50 AM
I'll be damned if I didn't end up watching the last hour and a half

Stayed up way later than I wanted to but that movie sucks me in every time

I always have Scarface listed higher than Goodfellas on my movie list too

I'm still not sure Scarface isn't a better movie, but Fellas definitely has more replay value IMO
163006, your movie list is upside down
Posted by Mynoriti, Wed Mar-15-06 11:58 AM
>I always have Scarface listed higher than Goodfellas on my
>movie list too
163010, Goodfellas is probably my all-time favourite movie...
Posted by Jakob Hellberg, Wed Mar-15-06 12:06 PM
Don't even know how many times I watched that one. Pure perfection from start to finish...
163020, only on "opposite day"
Posted by Cork, Wed Mar-15-06 12:19 PM

>I always have Scarface listed higher than Goodfellas on my
>movie list too
163096, This is what I'm saying
Posted by OldPro, Wed Mar-15-06 03:59 PM
I think I might have had it wrong after all these years

But does replay value make something a better movie?

Not just in this case but over all
163239, Goodfellas is an anomaly though
Posted by Cork, Wed Mar-15-06 10:34 PM

>But does replay value make something a better movie?

Not necessarily, IMO. There are many films that i would say are "great" films, the scope of these films is superior to the majority of whats out ther in many ways, that I still have little to no desire to watch repeatedly.

For instance, I think AMerican Beauty and Being John Malkovich are both fantastic films. Superior, even. Yet I have watched AB about 2-1/2 times and BJM I think 1-1/2 times. I have watched Anchroman about 15. I think the former is a better film than the latter in almost all ways aside from replay value.

>Not just in this case but over all

Well, in this case I think Goodfellas has far better replay value as well as being the superior film.


the reason I stated above that Goodfellas is an anomaly is that a person could state more than a few reasons why Goodfellas is NOT A GOOD film. I know it reads like blasphemy, and dammit it is, but I think part of what make sit so great is that you don't even care abou tthe glaring inconsistencies that would mar pretty much any other film.

I've never done a scene-by-scene breakdown of Scarface vs. Goodfellas but I'd be 100% positive in saying that Scarface is technically better than Goodfells in: editing, continuity, dubbing (I'm reaching huh?), and the "traditional" movie narrative devices. I mean Martin Scorcese could have failed miserably doing the maverick shit he did with GF, and I think you get a glimpse of those things done poorly, or at least not as well, with Casino.

Wall to wall voice over? BIG no-no.
Multiple voice-overs? sheeiit...
There is no 3-act "Christopher Moltisanti arc" in the film. It can be seen as: Character is doing great with the mob, character is doing horrible with the mob.
The continuity...fuck, "continuity" doesn't exist in Goodfellas. In almost every single scene, from cut to cut, people magically switch places, move positions, have completely different expressions, go through the same expression 3-4 times over, etc. Glasses empty themselves and then fill back up.
I mean watch, just watch an pay attention to, the scene when Henry is introducing his pals at the club and bar and the camera tracks through as you hear him call out names: "Frankie The Wop, Freddie No Nose, Pete The Killer who was Sally Balls' brother...". If you pat attention you can hear Ray Liotta's voice spliced, all mished-mashedly, together from different takes. Especially when he says, "aaanndd...ya haaaadd...NICKEY EYES..." almost exictedly.

Anyway...the movie would be called "sloppy" or "amateur" if it were any other movie. No...its Goodfellas. It's the best film of the past 50 years and I think part of its charm, of what makes it have such replay, is that it is so sloppy. That it has such personality.
163369, yeah that's what's great about it
Posted by Mynoriti, Thu Mar-16-06 11:56 AM
the film making style fits the content so well

Marty saying fuck the rules by telling a story about a lifestyle that says fuck the rules, where the guys living it aren't even following the rules of said lifestyle

499804, Listen to this poster here
Posted by Big Chief Rumbletummy, Wed Jan-27-10 10:34 PM

He is a very smart man
163009, I've never not been in the mood for Goodfellas.
Posted by Bridgetown, Wed Mar-15-06 12:06 PM
I always watch it straight through, from wherever I catch it.

163014, Goodfellas
Posted by jetblack, Wed Mar-15-06 12:11 PM
163016, if Scarface comes is on I'll watch a few minutes then flip
Posted by Mynoriti, Wed Mar-15-06 12:13 PM
if Goodfellas is on I'm leaving it there. always.
163097, RE: if Scarface comes is on I'll watch a few minutes then flip
Posted by OldPro, Wed Mar-15-06 04:00 PM
>if Goodfellas is on I'm leaving it there. always.

163022, i think it disrespect ful 2 pit Goodfellas against Scarface
Posted by thegodcam, Wed Mar-15-06 12:26 PM
like Goodfellas is SUPERIOR on all points
163029, RE: Which has more replay value: Scarface or Goodfellas?
Posted by The Commish, Wed Mar-15-06 12:46 PM
Goodfellas is one of the movies i can watch anytime any place and ive only watched the Scarface 20th Anniversary once.
163044, spam vs filet mignon
Posted by tappenzee, Wed Mar-15-06 01:34 PM
163098, RE: spam vs filet mignon
Posted by OldPro, Wed Mar-15-06 04:01 PM
this is over the top

no way scarface is spam
163105, it's a Big Mac at best
Posted by Mynoriti, Wed Mar-15-06 04:19 PM
163354, It's a very well made steak at Sizzler.
Posted by Bridgetown, Thu Mar-16-06 10:43 AM
People dismiss it outright, and it is pulp... I admit, but there are some very good performances, and some classic scenes. IMO.

I've always had a soft spot for the "so say goodnight to the bad guy..." scene.

You gotta love that line: "I always tell the truth... even when I lie."

163416, but to compare it to Goodfellas? c'mon
Posted by tappenzee, Thu Mar-16-06 01:35 PM
Okay, so it's a Sizzler steak... that would make Goodfellas like some rare endangered species meat you can only get if you have connects with the 33rd degree Masons or some shit

I actually enjoy Scarface for what it is--maybe I shoulda called it Oscar Mayer bologna
163418, RE: but to compare it to Goodfellas? c'mon
Posted by Bridgetown, Thu Mar-16-06 01:38 PM
>I actually enjoy Scarface for what it is--maybe I shoulda
>called it Oscar Mayer bologna

You're talking to a veggie, dude... I have no point of reference.

163422, a veggie?! Doppelganger.... I'm baffled
Posted by tappenzee, Thu Mar-16-06 01:46 PM
163089, I own both of them.
Posted by Ryan M, Wed Mar-15-06 03:37 PM
Scarface still has the plastic on it though.
163092, Goodfellas
Posted by Polyphemus, Wed Mar-15-06 03:49 PM
One of my favorite movies. Scarface is entertaining but I only watch it if nothing else is on.
163093, as far back as i can remember
Posted by shockzilla, Wed Mar-15-06 03:50 PM
i've always preferred 'goodfellas'
163165, ^^^ slept on response ^^^
Posted by DonVito, Wed Mar-15-06 05:52 PM
i laughed
163470, yeah, "Rags to Riches" popped in my head
Posted by tappenzee, Thu Mar-16-06 04:08 PM
second I read that haha
163099, Would any of u change your vote if we were talkin Godfather 1or 2?
Posted by OldPro, Wed Mar-15-06 04:02 PM
just curious
163101, I Wouldn't, Cause Face It - Scarface Isn't That Good.....
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Wed Mar-15-06 04:11 PM
I mean, it's not a bad movie.

To me it's a just an intriguing gangsta movie with a striking performance by Al Pacino.

It's had a huge impact pop-culture wise and especially hip-hop wise. I think that's fooled people into thinkin' it's one of the best gangster epics ever made, worthy of being mentioned with the Goodfellas and Godfather's of cinema- but it's not.

It's above-average, but in terms of being in pantheon of greatest gangster movies made, on a good day it barely slips in, but most days, it's on the outside looking in.

And just a note set/costume design-wise, it's aged horribly.


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163109, Yeah this is it's biggest problem
Posted by OldPro, Wed Mar-15-06 04:23 PM
"And just a note set/costume design-wise, it's aged horribly"

But I think that's off set somewhat by Al Pacino

I still think the performance by Al Pacino >>>>> any in Goodfells
163363, Again...only on "opposite day"
Posted by Cork, Thu Mar-16-06 11:25 AM

>I still think the performance by Al Pacino >>>>> any in

The top 5 in Goodfellas, Pesci Deniro Liotta Bracco Sorvino, surpass Pacino's overzealousness. There isn't one weak performance among them and they all played their roles to perfection.
499801, Al Pacino had the worst Cuban accent in the history the world
Posted by likwit_crew, Wed Jan-27-10 10:06 PM
no hyperbole.
163119, it works as a comedy
Posted by Mynoriti, Wed Mar-15-06 04:29 PM
or a fantasy/action film that highlights 80s excess

but some people actually take it seriously. and that's just sad
163102, not if you're talking about replay value
Posted by Mynoriti, Wed Mar-15-06 04:13 PM
Godfather II to me is the best movie ever made, but the GF movies are more of a time investment. I almost look at watching them as a special occasion

edit: wait, are you talking about in place of Goodfellas, or Scarface?
163113, in place of Scarface
Posted by OldPro, Wed Mar-15-06 04:25 PM
And I agree with what you said

Godfather 1 & 2 are the better films

But I'd much rather watch Goodfellas
163135, RE: Would any of u change your vote if we were talkin Godfather 1or 2?
Posted by Kungset, Wed Mar-15-06 05:05 PM
depends if we're talking about replay value like it gets better every time you watch it, or that you watch it often
163108, Scarface shouldn't be played much less "replayed"
Posted by Rockscissorspaper, Wed Mar-15-06 04:22 PM
that shit is garbage.
499795, Agreed.
Posted by Burt_Harbinson, Wed Jan-27-10 09:22 PM
163122, scarface is on, but you WATCH goodfellas
Posted by loopdigga, Wed Mar-15-06 04:36 PM
If I got a grip of niggas up in the spot you put SCARFACE on a you can play cards, drink, talk whatever it's on the TV
for those to wanna watch and clown on it.

GOODFELLAS you watch. It aint background viewing and you can catch a bad one trying to change to channel to catch a score or watch a video.

I have own VHS & DVD versions of GOODFELLAS and yet still will stop watch it when it pops up on HBO. Hell I once sat and watched the 3hour LIFETIME version on a slow Sunday afternoon.
163127, ^^^^^ my brother from another mother
Posted by thegodcam, Wed Mar-15-06 04:48 PM
>If I got a grip of niggas up in the spot you put SCARFACE on
>a you can play cards, drink, talk whatever it's on the TV
>for those to wanna watch and clown on it.
>GOODFELLAS you watch. It aint background viewing and you can
>catch a bad one trying to change to channel to catch a score
>or watch a video.
>I have own VHS & DVD versions of GOODFELLAS and yet still will
>stop watch it when it pops up on HBO. Hell I once sat and
>watched the 3hour LIFETIME version on a slow Sunday
163167, ever see the TV version of Casino?
Posted by Mynoriti, Wed Mar-15-06 05:53 PM
they had a bad Pesci impressionist do the tv edits "Charlie M? You dumb moron! you made me pop youre freaking eye out of your head!"
163142, The margin of victory here is very reassuring
Posted by KingKahn, Wed Mar-15-06 05:17 PM
163153, Hey. Scarface voters. REVEAL YOURSELVES.
Posted by Ryan M, Wed Mar-15-06 05:32 PM
499666, that would be me.
Posted by Duval Spit, Wed Jan-27-10 02:54 AM
163191, I always fall asleep watching Scarface
Posted by SammyJankis, Wed Mar-15-06 07:05 PM
i bought it trying to get down with the whole craze but that movie is borining as fuck
163300, This poll & comparison isn't fair to Scarface
Posted by CMcMurtry, Thu Mar-16-06 02:08 AM
It's like comparing a Quizno's sandwich to a steak. The Quiznos tastes good, but the steak is on a whole nother level.

Goodfellas is one of the greatest movies of all-time. If your top five list from the 90's doesn't have it, I immediately think you're a bit of a moron. Scarface is just an enjoyable flick that, though flawed, I like a lot.

Plus, asking this question here is just silly. PTP is known for it's Scarface hating, and I still maintain that most of that is reactionary, to the whole "Scarface is the best film of all-time" mentality that has come from contemporary hip hop.
499803, Did you not see reply #10?
Posted by Big Chief Rumbletummy, Wed Jan-27-10 10:33 PM
>It's like comparing a Quizno's sandwich to a steak. The
>Quiznos tastes good, but the steak is on a whole nother

This was already covered in depth.
163348, Goodfellas = GOAT mob movie
Posted by McDeezNuts, Thu Mar-16-06 10:08 AM
Scarface is very entertaining the first few times you see it, but is not a "good" movie.
163357, As great as it is, Godfather I and II are better.
Posted by MadDagoNH, Thu Mar-16-06 11:03 AM
And I love Goodfellas.

But the first two GFs are remarkable. The only thing that I dislike in both movies is Brando's mangled pronunciation of "consigliere." The g is supposed to be silent.

For what its worth, my favorite spoof on Mob stuff was the GoodFeathers on Anamaniacs.

RIP Puck
There'll never be anyone else quite like Kirby Puckett.
499687, Uh. FOH
Posted by Orbit_Established, Wed Jan-27-10 10:15 AM

I'll take 'Goodfellas' over both.


O_E: Your Super-Ego's Favorite Poster.

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "Cosmic Slop"
163390, hmm. with scarface u can look for macbeth references and rap samples
Posted by The Damaja, Thu Mar-16-06 12:33 PM
i don't really use the term 'replay value' for anything except computer games
499657, bwahahahaha @ looking for rap samples
Posted by Amritsar, Wed Jan-27-10 01:07 AM
i be doing that shit too
163391, RE: Which has more replay value: Scarface or Goodfellas?
Posted by The_R.L., Thu Mar-16-06 12:35 PM
I love Scarface...don't get me wrong, but Goodfellas is just classic material.

I've been watching Scarface before all these Hip Hop niggas jumped on the bandwagon and made it a fad to love Al Paciono (shit...there's some ignorant niggas I've met who think Al Pacino is really Cuban..LMAO)

But Goodfellas man...I've watched that movie countless times.

I go with Goodfellas and Scarface just a bit below it. But both are classics nonetheless.
163538, I hear you on the bandwagon Scarface fans
Posted by OldPro, Thu Mar-16-06 07:54 PM
I saw that shit the second weekend it dropped

Seeing it on the big screen during it's time was some crazy shit
I know that has a lot to do with how I still view it
163595, Scarface.
Posted by Indie Visual, Fri Mar-17-06 12:01 AM
499630, henry hill as a teenager >>>> tony montana
Posted by thegodcam, Tue Jan-26-10 10:06 PM
499636, Scarface is good for watching a couple scenes on Youtube.
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue Jan-26-10 10:40 PM
Goodfellas is good the entire way through.

Is there anything as fun to watch while high as, "Look at that pelican! Flyyyy pelican!"? No. But it's a much much better movie.
499637, More Replay Value: 'Empire Strikes Back' or 'Battlefield Earth?'
Posted by Orbit_Established, Tue Jan-26-10 10:43 PM

499645, Yeah..... I like foods like Lobster. and Skittles.
Posted by Cold Truth, Tue Jan-26-10 11:03 PM
those two are equal in my eyes.
499665, after having seen Scarface in theatres...
Posted by Duval Spit, Wed Jan-27-10 02:53 AM

All day.

No question.


499767, RE: Which has more replay value: Scarface or Goodfellas?
Posted by Tiggerific, Wed Jan-27-10 06:34 PM

I own Goodfellas, but like others have said, I will sit down and watch it on Lifetime before watching Scarface on Cinemax.