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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subject(Dune book lover): Denis did it again
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=742450&mesg_id=750129
750129, (Dune book lover): Denis did it again
Posted by will_5198, Mon Mar-04-24 11:24 PM
as much as the first book is one of my favorite reads ever, Herbert skips plenty of details when it comes the actual action. he builds up suspense, context, then hits you with the outcome.

that's where Villeneuve comes in. the whole sequence where Paul first rides a worm is better than anyone could have ever imagined it. the raids against Harkonnen in the desert were more vivid than any in the book. the battle of Arrakeen is what readers dreamed to see on the page, full-blown in all its glory instead of hastily summarized. Paul and Feyd's fight was more chilling and suspenseful on screen, and what I will from now on reference when reading that scene.

even smaller moments, such as drowning a maker and drawing out the water of life -- Villeneuve did it better than the book! I've read those chapters a bunch of times and the movie made it more real to me than what I envisioned.

this is Dune, by a Dune lover and for Dune lovers, on the big screen.