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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectMon Mothma might be the most interesting character in the show…
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746573, Mon Mothma might be the most interesting character in the show…
Posted by soulfunk, Sun Nov-13-22 07:36 AM
>can't wait to see when Mon Mothma will come to that same realization.

This will be really interesting to see. Because in this episode she was essentially questioned on how far she’s willing to go for the rebellion. Her response seems like a solid “no” but she was called out that she was thinking about it.

She may be the most interesting character to me because she’s the one who we KNOW will live on well beyond this show, all the way into the sequel trilogy era where she retired after establishing the New Republic. She’s been written about in that era and I’m pretty sure that her husband and daughter aren’t mentioned at all. So at some point she’s gonna lose her family, but how? I initially thought they’d both leave her because they were more on the Imperial sympathizer side. But what if it’s the proposal from this episode that ultimately drives a wedge between her and her daughter? Even worse, what if her husband is actually in on it? Davo Sculdun mentioned that Perrin had been to see him multiple times. I got vibes from that interaction that Perrin may have been visiting a brothel or something like that owned by Mon Mothma, and that she was well aware of it. We also heard Perrin when talking to Val and his antiquated views on marriage. So what if it’s really him who wants to get their daughter betrothed quickly, but he knows he needs to have Mon Mothma be behind it because his daughter would hate that. So maybe he convinced Davo to bring it up, knowing she’d think about it. So when the daughter finds out her mom set up the meeting that’s the nail in the coffin for their relationship.

Before this series Mon Mothma has always been portrayed as above the fray. In Rogue One we know that she viewed Saw’s group of rebels as too extreme. She ordered the team to bring Gallen Erso back to them, while that one dude under her ordered Cassian to kill Erso during the mission. She wouldn’t give the order to the fleet to go to Scariff and attack without the backing of the Alliance Council, but she smiled when Admiral Raddus took the fleet there anyways. So she’s benefiting from the more grimy side of the rebellion while publicly staying “clean”. What if in ROTJ she was actually somewhat behind the “many Bothans” dying to get her the intel on Death Star 2? Because she knew she was sacrificing them on their mission? I think in this show we’ll see her transition to being very similar to Luthen in having a clean public image while being ruthless behind the scenes for the rebel struggle.

Back to Luthen’s speech - I wonder how much he was lying to Lonni. We the audience already KNOW he lied about Aldani, saying that his group wasn’t involved in the heist. Makes sense that he wouldn’t want someone on the inside knowing the specifics of what they are doing. BUT what if he was also lying in his response to the intel he’d received about Kreeger’s mission, and he’s not actually going to sacrifice 50 rebels just to keep Lonni safe. From Luthen’s perspective - he may have already gotten all he’s gonna get from Lonni as a mole, since Lonni wants out. He can’t risk the empire finding out Lonni is a mole. But what if instead of sacrificing those 50 rebels he orders a hit on Lonni? It makes logical sense. We’ve already seen a rebel hit put out on Cassian because they don’t want loose ends out there. What’s worse from a moral standpoint? Allowing 50 rebels to walk into a trap knowing they’ll likely die, or ordering a hit on one rebel who you’ve spent YEARS investing in and getting into such a high position in the ISB?