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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectThe prison storyline ALONE has enough depth to be it's own
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=744690&mesg_id=746473
746473, The prison storyline ALONE has enough depth to be it's own
Posted by soulfunk, Thu Oct-27-22 10:37 AM
show. It was essentially Squid Game plus Black Mirror.

And it was still only like half of this episode - with all of the cuts to everything else going on with Cyril, Deedra, Luthen, Saw, Mothma, Bix, Cassian's mom, etc...

Also, the way this show thoughtfully sets everything up is crazy. I mentioned above how much time they spent showing Cassian's intake into the prison. Showing all kinds of seemingly mundane aspects. Everything in this show is so deliberate I had to rewatch. I think they are setting up how Cassian will be able to get out. He obviously won't stay his entire 6 year sentence since this is all 5 ears before Rogue One.

During his intake they spent a TON of time on the fact that the guards were one man short. Then that guy shows up late, because he was helping another group who were one man short. In those same shots you could see guards getting ready by putting on their boots which protect them from the floor. I think the operation is very tightly run in a where every guard needs is needed to properly manage the inmates. Due to the Empire's increasingly throwing everyone in prison and upping the sentences, I think the guards will soon be overmatched. Might even have a guard defect and help some prisoners escape by giving them boots and not having enough boots for the guards. Maybe one of the guards will be disgruntled after a fellow guard gets punished or something.

The Mon Mothma subplot is so interesting to me, specifically with her family situation. First they showed us that her husband doesn't see eye to eye with her. Then in the next episode we meet her daughter who is more on her dad's side. Later we meet her old childhood friend. Then in this episode we start to see some jealousy from her husband about that friendship, along with hearing how they got married young at 15 in a likely arranged marriage. Even the daughter showed some suspicions, talking about how dude was there all the time now...this show is so patient in developing subplots that you can have an idea where it's going without really knowing where they are going at all...

>That prison was just, wow.